The Cochran journal. (Cochran, Bleckley County, Ga.) 19??-current, December 11, 1913, Image 7

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CHRISTMAS GREETINGS! ONCE again the happiest and most welcome of all our holidays draws near. With the complinents of the season to all our readers, we ask you the question of the hour—WHAT ABOUT CHRISTMAS ? The children are asking it with wondering and hopeful expectations of what Santa Claus is likely to bring them. The older people are asking it, not so much in speculation legarding the remembrances that Christmas will bring to them, but rather as an inquiry as to how they are to provide suitable and satisfactory presents for relatives and friends without too heavy a drain upon their time and purse. May we help you to solve the problem and put you in the way of doing your Christmas shopping with pleasure, satisfaction and economy? Our Holiday Stock, this season, embraces high priced presents, low priced presents, useful, ornamental, or pretty; remember we have the best of the kind—and all kinds. We are offering a stock that will meet the wants of everybody. We offer the advantage of selection that can only be found in a very extensive showing of first-class Holiday Goods. New novelties are everywhere, and the latest and best of everything is the predominating feature of our display for the Christmas season of 1913. We take the liberty of making a suggestion regarding the best time to do your Christmas shopping, and earnestly urge you to do it AT ONCE. 1 here is much to lose and nothing to gain by waiting. Come early while the pick is the choicest, avoid the crowd and make your selections at leisure and in comfort, from a full and complete assortment. We extend a cordial invitation to all to come in and see our brilliant array of Holiday Goods, without feeling that the slightest obligation to purchase is incurred. Hoping to see every reader at our store at an early date, and wishing one and all a very Merry Christmas, we remain, Respectfully yours, L. B. KENNINGTON Local Items W. L. Moore visited Atlanta Fri day. Mrs. Lonnie Kimberly visited Cochran, last week. J. A. Faucett, of Macon, visited Cochran, last Wednesday. F. B. Asbell, of Hawkinsville, was in the city, Wednesday. Miss Nan Dunham, of Macon, is vissting Cochran, this week. Mrs. R. W. Dykes, of Hawkins ville, spent Friday in Cochran. Miss Martha Towler has returned home from a visit to Rhine, Ga. Joe Reeves, Savannah, visited home folks near Cochran, Friday. Mrs. Lana Poole, of Hawkins ville, visited in the city this week. John Bates, of Empire, transact ed business in Cochran, Thursday. E. S. Livingston, of Hawkins ville, was in the city, Mohday on business. Watts Morgan of Macon sp-nt Sunday with his sister, Mrs. H. F. Bullard. Herbert L. Wiggs, of Atlanta, made a business trip to Cochran, Wednesday- Mrs. M. A. Coleman is visiting her son, Mr. Emmett Coleman, of Barnesville, Ga. Mrs. E. P. Collins has returned from Baxley, where she has been visiting relatives. J. H. Mullis, Sr., returned from Atlanta, Saturday, where he pur chased a Hupmobile. Prof. Robert L. Walker of Macon spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Walker. Mrs. H. E. Carpenter and child ren visited the formers sister, Mrs. J. C. Urquhart, this week. Mr. Grady Richardson, of Hawk insville, has accepted a position as salesman for T. A. Willis,'Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Baker, of Manchester, Ga., visited Mr. and Mrs. U. H. Patrick, last week. Miss Nellie Sanders, of Travers ville, spent Saturday night and Sun day with Mias Maggie Anderson. Mrs. W. H. Peacock has return ed home after a very pleasant visit with relatives at Des Moines, lowa. Something over 11,000 bales of cotton have already been received at the warehouses here this season. Another fine baby girl was born in Cochran, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Sheppard are the happy parents. STRAYED —One Israr hog, large black spots, unmarked. Weight about 125 pounds. Return for re ward to J. R. Taylor. Supt. Green, of the Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Co., arrived in the city last week with a force of men to make some repairs on the telephone system. W. B. C. Towler has contracted to erected several buildings at Rhine, Ga., and is now engaged in the work. He spent Sunday with his family in Cochran. Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Whipple have moved to the Harvard resi dence on Beech street. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Gillebeau will board with Mrs. Manning. Mr. J. G. NeSmith, one of Bleckley county’s enterprising farm ers has a cow with twin calves. They are both heifers. They are small but well formed. They were born Dec. Ist. Wynne & Willis have disolved partnership by mutual consent. Mr. Willis having purchased the interest of Mr. Wynne, the latter has accepted a position as salesman for J. J. Taylor. A full attendance is desired at the call meeting of the Woman’s Missionary Society on Dec. 15. There will be an election of officers for the ensuing year and other im portant business to discuss. THE COCHRAN JOURNAL, COCHRAN, GEORGIA. Miss Sallie McGowin and mother, of Island ton, S. C., are visiting the latter’s daughter, Mrs. W. J. Yarn. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Harvard of Thomasville, spent the week end with their daughter, Mrs R. L. Whipple. Saturday Dec. 13th, is work day for the Cochran Baptist Sunday School for the orphans of the Ha pesvilles. Parents are requested to remind their children to set aside one day to earn money for this pur pose. Col. J. M. Bleckley has returned home from Clayton, Rabun County, Ga., where he was called on ac count of the serious illness of his mother. We are glad to note he left her very much improved. A Few Reasons Why You Should Buy Your Christmas Goods At The Jewelry Store. 1. When a person receives a gift with “Jewelry Store*’ ’ on the box, it means quality. 2. Because everybody knows the Jewelry Store is and has always been recognized as a gift store. 3. Because jewelry can be appre ciated by everybody. 4. Because the jeweler is always on the lookout for new and appro priate gifts. 5. Because it is the jeweler’s business to keep up with the new things for Xmas. 6. Because everything in the Jewelry Store, from a 25c sterling silver thimble to a $500.00 diamond is guaranteed. 7. Because you can buy high class goods suitable for the whole family, from baby to grandma, at the Jewelry Store in Cochran, as cheap as you can inferior goods else where. Christmas Presents for the Whole Family at Moderate Prices It matters little whether you want to spend merely one dollar or two or several dollars. We are well prepared to satisfy your require ments, and those people who appre ciate the value of a dollar would do themselves a great injustice to con sider the buying of Christmas, gifts without first seeing what we have to offer. We buy our goods direct from the manufacturer and by doing this can sell for less. J. M. Wynne & Son JEWELRY STORE COCHRAN, -:- GEORGIA T. S. Jones Elected Mayor Of Jeffersonville Jeffersonville, Dec. 5. —ln the election for mayor and council, Wednesday, Dr. T. S. Tones defeat ed his opponent, Mr. J. J. Wall, for the office of mayor by a majori ty of 18 votes. Dr. Jones has been mayor for the past two years and has given satis faction as to service. The following councilmen were elected: W. H. McCrary, E. J. Griffin, J. C. Shannon, Jr., J. H. Balcom and W. M. Whitehurst. Here is what the official count showed at the close of the election: For mayor: T. S. Jones, 42; J. J. Wall, 24. For councilmen: W. H. McCrary, 59: W. M. Whitehurst, 39; A. F. Martin, Jr., 31; J. I. White, 31; E. J. Griffin, 44; J. C. Shannon, Jr., 54; J. H. Balcom, 40; W. J. Gallemore, 29. Toys and Christmas Goods A select line of Toys and Christmas Goods for Christmas shoppers, at a Reasonable Prices* Come early and see my stock before you buy* Full stock fresh Fancy and Staple Groceries* Close Prices - Quick Delivery When you want it quick phone No* 29 We always pay special attention to prompt service B. J. WYNNE Christmas Coming! Don’t forget when you go to get your Christmas Deli cacies, such as Fruits, Nuts, Candy, Cake Ingredients and ready prepared Pre serves, Etc., Phone one--Five--0 LINTON WYNNE Cleanliness, Fairness and Promptness. TRY THE COCHRAN JOURNAL FOR FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING