The Cochran journal. (Cochran, Bleckley County, Ga.) 19??-current, December 11, 1913, Image 8

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WHY MY MONEY SHOULD BE INSURED! Because My peace of mind from the assurance that my money is INSURED, no matter what happens to the Bank, is of greatest importance to me. Rpmnsp I cannot keep a burglar from stealing my money, nor can I prevent its loss by fire if it should be in my house and it should burn; BUT I CAN GET MY MONEY INSURED BY THIS BANK. Because The loss of my hard earned money from any cause might work an ineparable hardship upon those dependent upon me. "WORKING CAPITAL." Because The wise or successful man of to-day has done away with the old saying: "I will trust to luck,” he foretells his own “luck," and wisdom prompts me to put my money in an INSURED BANK. MONEY MUST BE INSERED. Because He w h° l°°k s not “BEFORE" finds himself “BEHIND." Because It I s a guarantee that my "working capital" will not be abruptly impaired, nor my sav ings blotted out on account of my money NO Y being insured. MY MONEY MUST BE INSURED! Because THIS BANK—offers this insurance 1 REE OF COST TO ME. Because Wisdom is my best asset—wisdom suggests protection and insurance of deposits guaran tees protection. The Cashier will be glad to take this insurance feature up with YOU and explain the same fully, showing you the evidence of the insurance. We will he glad to have you come in to see us at any time. Let us make your change for you, and show you any other courtesy we can. CITIZENS BANK, COCHRAN, GEORGIA J. A. Fisher, President; J. S. Helms, V. President; Glover M. Burney, Cashier; U. H. Patrick, Ass’t Cashier Innoculation Demons tration For Cholera Last Tuesday afternoon at the monument corner, l>r. Allen K. Fogle, Assistant Static Vetinarian, delivered n lecture on the cattle tick and inooeulation for hog chol era. He also gave a practical dern onstation of innoculation of several shoats that were brought to the city for this purpose by Hr. ,1. lb Pea cock. l)r. Fogle stated that lie thought at least 95 per cent of the hogs that were properly innoeulated with good fresh serum would he immune from cholera. This se sum is not a cure for cholera. It is only a preventive' There is no cure for it. This serum can he secured only from the State Vetinarian, Dr. l’cter F. Bahnsen, Capitol Building, Atlanta, (la. The cost is 1 cents per C. C. (which is *4 of a teaspoonful). It is administered in the following doses with a hypodermic syringe: 25 to fit) lb. hog 10 to 20 C. C. 50 to 100 lh. hog 20 to 30 C. C. 100 to 200 lh. hog 30 to 15 C. C. 200 to 3(H) lh. hog 45 to 00 C. C. When the cholera is present the larger doses are lequired. When cholera is not present the smaller doses can he administered. It will be seen from the above table that the cost of innoculatian will average 35 to 45 cents per head. This is a very small cost when it is consider ed that it will render a herd of hogs practically immune from cholera. Symptoms of hog cholera; eyes red, watery and mattery, dark purple or red sp>ts on skin, wabble when they walk, constipation and diar rhoea. Dr. Fogle also gave an in teresting talk on the cattle tick. He said it was first discovered in Ohio in 1888 and has since been spread all over the United States. The federal government has sue ceeded in eradicating the tick from an area about four times the size of (ieorgia. The State government in cooperation*with the federal gover ment has eliminated it from four teen or fifteen counties in (leorgia and the State Vetinarian stands ready to cooperate with Bleckley County farmers, lie will give you any information you desire and furnish you bulletins. The state will also send a man to show you just how to build a dip ping vat and his services are given free. Cattle tick fever is a germ disease and it is transmitted by the cattle tick in the same maunvi that mala ria is transmitted by the mosquito. In a county where there is no stock law the cattle tick is more prevalent and spreads nime rapidly. Symptoms of cattle tick fever; less of appetite, fever, temperature 10(1 to 107, trembling in the muscles. Remedy; spray with CoopersTix ol dip every fourteen days, begin ning in the early spring and con tinue until fall. This remedy has been approved by the 1 ni .>d States government and can he purel sed at J. lb Peacock Co. A solution of arsenic compound, soda, pine tar and water has also been recom mended by the government. The following prominent planters of Bleckley County will soon build vats on their plantations for dip ping cattle: Dr. J. lb Peaeoek, J. lb A \\ . 11. Peacock, F. D. Wim berly and son and Dr. T. D. Wal ker. Now since lbeckley County farm ers are taking decided steps to pre vent hog cholera and to eradicate the cattle tick it will he absolutely necessary to have a cold storage plant for the abundance of meat that is certain to be raised in this county. A plant could be erected for a comparative small amount the cooperative plan, li \w dd soon pay for itself. It is estimated that only about TH*! COCHRAN JOURNAL. COCHRAN, GEORGIA. 25 per cent of the pigs that are horn are saved and converted into good sound meat that will withstand the variable seasons. A large per cent die from disease and a large portion spoils after the animal is slaughtcr i"' L Bleekley County is certainly in debted to Dr. J. lb Peacock for the abiding interest he takes in the agricultural welfare of the county and the public spirit he constantly manifests not only in encouraging words but in practical demonsta tion. He keeps touch with the host and most scientific methods and puts them into practice on his own farm thereby giving his neighbors the benefit of his exeriments. Little Girl Struck And Killed By Train Tot Playing Beside Rails. Walks In Front of Speeding Engine Near Empire, Ga. Eastman, Dec. 8. —The little 2]j year old daughter of Mr, and Mrs. and Mrs, Holmes, who resides one and a half miles from Empire, in this county, was killed Saturday afternoon about one o'clock, by Southern passenger train No. lt>, while she was playing on the rail road with another little girl about her age. The train was’immediately stop ped and the little child taken on and carried to Empire, where she died within five minutes. The en gineer stated that the two children were playing beside the track and just before his train reached the spot, the little girl killed went on t u* track too late for him to stop. Pile body was not mangled, as the pih * hit her on the head and knocked her from the track. ANTIOCH RAMBLINCS Miss ltosa Barlow Wei t to Coclt ran shopping, Thursday. Mr. Carlton Jones was in our midst, Sunday afternoon. Niss llallie Dcfot; is visiting rela tives in Danville, this week. Misses \ei i a and Nora NeSniith spent Friday in Cochran shopping. Mr. and Mrs Hob Bollinger went [to Cochran shopping, Friday after inoon. Our farmers throughout this I sect ion an* about all through i i I gathering. Mr. and Mrs. Quitman Tripp : spent Saturday, night with Mr. Dave Tripp, at Empire. Misses Myrtle Bozeman and Bes sie Williams, of Danville, spent W ednesday with Miss Young. Me-'- 1.. 11. and M. 11. Jones and Nance Young spent several days in Macon, on business last week. Mr. and Mrs. Author NeSniith spent Sunday, with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Xe- Smith. Mess.s. Vance anu Linder Young and Miletus Jones-were'seen slowly wending their way towards Twiggs, Sunday afternoon. Misses Julia Young and Belle 1 Bozeman spent a short while with Misses W illie Mae Forehand and Thelma Chambers, Saturday after noon. Misses Nora and Julia Young ! had as their guests Sunday, Misses Pauline, Belle and Mrytle Bozeman and Ruby Pett’s, Messrs. Jones, Bnzeman, Boothe, Mullis and Smith. “Jack and Jill.” Effects of Love. Man’s second childhood begins when j woman gets hold o£ him.— J. M. Ban* i tie. Don’t fail to come to our Closing Out Sale! We are now selling everything in our Ten Cent Store depart ment at and below cost. Enamel Ware, Crockery Ware, Tin Ware, Glass Ware, Aluminum Ware, Buckets, Churns must go in this sale. Special bargains in Shoes and Underwear. Everything strictly cash—nothing charged. /. L. Floyd & Co. Cochran Fruit & Candy Co. COCHRAN, QEORGIA See our specials for every Saturday. Buy your fruit and candy from us in any quantity at wholesale prices. All kinds of Fancy Fruits, Fancy and Flome-Made Candies, Ice Cream, Cold Drinks, Toilet Articles, Cigars, Tobacco. High-class Picture Show every night. Program Changed every day.