The Cochran journal. (Cochran, Bleckley County, Ga.) 19??-current, December 18, 1913, Image 11

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HELLO PEOPLE HELLO HAVE YOU ATTENDED THE CLEAN SWEEP SALE Last Call! Sale Closes Saturday, December 27 1 0:00 P. M. H.ue }ou counted your needs? It is emphatically the trade triumph in the history of Georgia. Tlie values given in this sale arc of such magnitude as lni\e ne\ei befoie been proftered the people of Cochran and adjacent territory, and are such as you are not likely to see again in years to come. < Jet, your share, this stupendous sale of seasonable merchandise of tin* better and best kind ha* created a ferment of excitement in this section, and lias given a buying stimulent to the tiade that will not be equalled in many a year to follow. 'This sale has given cumulative and convincing evidence that while our prices are beyond compe tition, the lowest e\ei known, the merchandise offered by this store is of the highest quality. It’s no use to prolong the story, the goods are here, and if you be lie\e in economy if the saving of dollars appeals to your better judgment, you’ll take advantage of this opportunity. Such tremendous selling as that of the past few days has left us with many hundreds of remnants, odds-and-ends, broken lines and short lengths, a few of this and a little of that, thousands of little things. MEN'S FURNISHINGS Men’s Handkerchiefs, hemstitched linen, white; full size, all 10c ft value. Clean Sweep Sale Price yfl Men’s Hose, double heel and toe, black, tan and other colors; always have sold 2 for 25c. Qp Clean Sweep Sale Price wls Men’s Wash Ties, Four-in-lland and string, latest designs; _ values as high as 25c. On Clean Sweep Sale Price Uu Men’s 23-Strand Suspenders; full length and leather straps, _ 25c value. Clean Sweep Sale Qn Price UU Men’s Work Shirts, blue chambray, full size and best quality; 50c value. Clean Sweep Sale Q<J_ I’bce- L OC Seriven’s imitation elastic seam Drawers, best made in the market, 60c value. Clean Sweep OH#* Sale Price UUu Men’s Dress Shirts, all latest pat terns, not one out of style, regular 60c Vi due. Clean Sweep Sale Price - Men’s sanitary fleeced lined Under wear, Shirts and Drawers, full weight and all sizes; regu- _ _ lar 50c value. Clean Sweep lip Men’s pure silk Hose, same as you always pay 35c, in all colors n Clean Sweep Sale Price.l Here is a lot of Dress Shirts. Not what we tell you, but value and quality talk for themselves. Such as we have always sold fur . - SI.OO. Clean Sweep Sale A 1 p Price “ I U MEN’S SHOES We handle nothing hut the hest grade of Shoes, such as Standard Shoe Company, and a number of other well known brands, and every pair must and will be sold below actual cost. Men’s work and dress Shoes of high quality calf skin and gunmetal Shoes and Oxfords, 82 value QQn Clean Sweep Sale Price UvV Men’s single and double soled pat ent leather, vici kid, enamel, gun metal and calf skin, both Oxfords and Shoes, 82.50 values.rt*< QQ Clean Sweep Sale Price ft | 1 0J| • MEN’S HATS One big lot of Men’s Nice Dress Hats, new colors and shades; val ues up to 81-00. Clean QQp Sweep Sale Price Owu Our regular 81.50 Hats, Clean Sweep Sale Price Q / CHILDREN’S HOSE Hose, the same 10c values ftP Clean sweep sale price .UQ Hose, 15c values. Clean HQ Clean sweep sale price B Ull Hose, the same 20c values. | 1 Clean sweep sale price B | | A Square Deal One Price, The Lowest, All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. Opportunity Knocks on the Door but Once, Take Advantage of this One. All. J. TAYLOR’S STORE COCHRAN, GEORGIA SPECIALS—ALL NEXT WEEK! For the benefit of those who could not get their share of the specials the opening day, we have a new supply of Ginghams, Calicoes and Domestics, of which we are going to sell at the prices quoted below : SPECIAL MINUTE SALES Will take place each day at various times of this sale: We quote only a few of them: Between 0:30 and 10:00 o’clock we will sell 10 yards of 10c Bleaching for _ _ Only 10 yards to a customer Q Between 10:00 and 10:30 o’clock we will sell 10 yards hest dress and apron _ _ Ginghams for C Between the hours of 11 :00 and 11:30 we will sell Simpson’s and American _ _ Print Calico, 10 yards for 23^ Between the hours of 1:00 and 1:30 we will put on sale live spools of . _ Thread, Coats and others, 5 spools for. | [|C Between the hours of 2:00 and 2:30, Sheeting 36-inches wide, actual _ _ 9c quality, 10 yards for C Between the hours of 3:00 and 3:30 we will sell Amoskeag Flannel, _ _ our regular 10c value, 10 yards for &§> | C And many others too numerous to mention. SUITS The se If same 8-8 Suits now in such popular demand for business wear, suits that always sell here at 88. Clean Sweep Sale & J Jft Buchanan Cheviot Suits; like you have always bought here at SIO.OO. The same handsome patterns and black. Clean Sweep (PC Sale Price PANTS Men’s Pants, Wellington National, perfect lit, also mercerized in as sorted stripes and colors, $1.50 values. Clean Sweep Sale HA- Price OtlC Men’s fancy blue and silk Tweeds, latest cuts; peg top and all are well made $2 and $2.25 values. Clean Sweep Oft Sale Price ]J) | a |JO BOY’S PANTS Here! Mothers, don’t miss this. A pair of All-Wool Boy’s Pants, 50c value; as long as they last. Q clean sweep sale price I Q Boy’s Scotch Woo] and English Worsteds and serges; all our 75c values, clean sweep sale QQ price BOY’S SUITS Your choice of any suit as high as 2 (X), latest style in blacks and as sorted colors, clean sweep Qfl sale price Bov’s serge suits, such as you have paid and are paying 4.00 and 5.00, clean sweep sale 4 QH price ft | Read the sign before you enter the door. J. J. TAYLOR, co g h eorgia THE COCHRAN JOURNAL, COCHRAN, GEORGIA NOTIONS Pins, 5c value lc Pearl Button, 5e value, dozen lc Safety Pins, 5c value, dozen 2c Cotton, hest brand, 5c value spool 2c Talcum Powder, 15c value 4c 'Booth Brush, 15c value 4c Toilet Soap, 15c per box value tic Hair Brushes, 25c values 8c Steel Shears, 25c values 8c LADIES’ SKIRTS White, Blue and Drab color Skirts, Linen and well made, our regular $1.50 values. Clean Sweep PQ _ Sale Price QOU Now here is where we shout to the ladies to take advantage of this liberal offer. All our $2.00 and $2.50 Skirts, mostly white and some linen color. Oflrt Clean sweep sale price Handsomely made Voile Trimmed Skirts. We sell them at $3.00, hut they must go now t A at clean sweep sale price ft | Custom made Skirts, well tailored Voile and Panama Cloth Serge oi Cashmere; value $3.50 and $4.00. Clean sweep sale P 1 ft Q price f I .JjQ SHEETING BY YARDS 9- Unbleached Sheeting our regular 25c quality. Clean Sweep 4 Tg% Sale Price 111. 10- Unbleached Sheeting, our reg ular 30e quality Clean Sweeps A> sale price | UMBRELLAS A Gloiia Silk Umbrella well worth $1 Clean Sweep Sale 3QC LADIES’ FURNISHINGS Ladies’ Fancy Embroidered Hand kerchiefs, white linen, regu- _ _ lar 10c value, clean sweep IIQ sale price .U L Ladies' Hose, black or tan, l>csl quality, 15c value; clean fjj £ sweep sale price | IJtL Ladies’ Black Satin Belts and white wash Belts, also a few leather ones, all 25c values, clean sweep sale price II y Ladies’ Hose Supporters, 25c 4 *1 values, clean sweep price I I Ladies’ fleece lined ribbed Under wear, sanitary Vests and Drawers, 35c values, clean sweep sale 1 Q price . | Q Ladies’ Flannel Underskirts, always sold for 75c, clean sweep QO sale price .Jl) LADIES’ WHITE GOODS Corset Covers, either lace or cm broidery, silk, ribbon, latest style; 250 values, clean sweep <“J _ sale price I I ■_ Drawers, umbrella flounce and latest designs, hest cambric, 50c 4 Q _ values, clean sweep sale I Ql. Gown with needle work and latest embroidery, a 75c value. Q “1 n Clean sweep sale price Jj Il_ Here we have a beautiful embroid ered Petticoat, double flounce; 81.00 values, clean sweep AA sale price J\JC Ladies’ Chemises, with embroidery, full size and width; as long as they last —they have always sold for 50 cents. Clean sweep A 4 „ sale price / I R Hear Me! Believe Me! See Me—l have wonder ful things to show you. LADIES’ SHOES Ladies, you no doubt know that our line of Shoes excels any line in Cochran or the entire stateuf Geor gia, and when we tell you that we are forced to sell this stock at prices that will astonish you. Lot No. I—Here1 —Here we have a full as sortment of shoes and low cuts that cannot he heat and have always sold for 82; while they last, rt“l clean sweep sale price H J Ladies’ Black Enamel or Russian Galt and Yiei Kid, best known brands, 82.50 values, 1 f| clean sweep sale price ft I I H LADIES’ SWEATERS Ladies’ Sweaters, white or cardinal, regular SI.OO values, clean QQ sweep sale price J j Ladies’ All Wool Sweater Coats, extra length, regular 83 1 A A value, clean sweep price ft g SHEETS AND PILLOW CASES Pillow Cases, full size and good quality; same as has always been told for 20c. Clean Sweep Sale Price JJQ Extra size Pillow Cases 36x45 reg ular 25c value. Clean sweeps A . Sale Price | /Q In this particular lot wo have a well made sheet, 72x90 regular 60e value. Clean Sweep Sale AT. Price j/C I I*t<; we have a well made and seamless Sheet, as has always been sold for 81. Clean Sweep 4QO Sale Price l|Qy TABLE LINEN Now is the time to buy Table Lin en, a (it) in. width of Linen Dam ask handsomely designed, regular 60c value. Clean Sweep AI _ Sale Price Z4C All 1,00 values and designs that, have never been shown he- J Q fore, clean sweep sale price, tin OVERALLS Your choice of any 75c Overalls during this public sale. Qfl clean sweep sale price JJI BED SPREADS, BLANKETS Full bleached Marseilles patterns, extra large, hemmed ready for use 81 value. Clean Sweep jJA. Sale Price DOC Double Blankets, special size and quality, colored bonier, jQ- Clean Sweep Sale Price Anl| COMFORTS Kull size Comforts while they are here we will sell our $1.75 Com fort.-, for, Clean Sweep Sale fi"!*. Price 0/C TOWELS Good Face 'Bowels, Clean Q _ Sweep Sale Price Jl_ Large Bleached Face Towels, such as have always sold for 15c “i _ Clean Sweep Sale Price 11_ We Pay Railroad Fare on all Purchasers of Thnty-five Miles Around on Purchases of S2O or Over.