Newspaper Page Text
- v Mr. J. 8. Bailey and Supt. Lott
%le Douglas a pop call Tuesday,
p ß( jg ett aQ( j Holton of Baxley
of Mcßae attended City
this week.
Full line of crackers, grits and meal
Mftt D J Dillon’s, Brunswick, Ga.
j§f*PVs.are in favor of Joe Bennett for
ot the Brunswick eir-
K rafiAis able, high minded and
horses, rice hour
‘t'Cf'i ri 'vV" s, Bruns'k
u -tarts :u> cni.-r
--1: - uUI Ja ith io it.
l “v |Lt any town would
HRHBtton seed meal for fertilizing, also
cows, at Dillon’s, Brunswick, Ga.
Mrs. M. Kirkland and her charming
daughter Miss Kate from Kirkland,
visited at the Peterson house Monday
and Tuesday.
11-4 yds. of Red Warrior tobacco for
25 cts. at Kirkland & Co’s. Kirkland, Ga.
Hon. Jno. W. Bennette of Jesup
was in Douglas Monday and Tuesday.
His genial spirit and affable manner
.made him many friends here.
Tom Davis lost a plain gold ring.
He will reward any-body who should
find it, to return it to him. Tom says
there are some initials in it but he
wont tell.
* Corn, hay, oats and bran, cotton
seed hulls, at D. J. Dillon’s, Brunswick.
Can you longer doubt that Turner
the grandest democrat from the
IMioutli grandest statesman in
tigress from any section.—Herald.
Six balls of thread for Sets, at Kirk
|H&nd& Co’s , Kirkland, Ga.
B Ed Lambright’s Adown the Bar and
Fickle Lover would in themselves
him as a true poet.
balmoral shoes for SI,OO at
A Go’s. Kirkland Ga.
Coffee county, will soon
the leading towns of South
e-h growing rapidly.—Bi.n-k-
K V € ‘; .id Kirkland A Co.’s
Bp* - , of rotids
BHBfc'JL Justice In
\m i ion:
nra^^rrflßmig. I HL
Nlie Telfair Enterprise is a bright
Send to D. J. Dillon, Brunswick,
for your rust proof seed oats—now is
the time to plant.
Fitzgerald has a woman barber. It
is pertinent to ask ir she is married
and whether or not her husband is
associated with her in the business.
It is said that Dr. Nansen, a scien
tist and navigator of Norway has dis
covered the North pole, and that it is
situated on a chain of mountains.
The recent improvements in the
Brunswick Times-Advertiser is very
marked and his editorial on “Plant
and The Brotherhood” was strong,and
marks Bro. Wrench as a fearless friend
of labor.
The Atlanta Journal says that the
“bosses” of Philadelphia have not only
been voting dead men in that city but
names of cats and dogs are now found
on the register to help roll up a repub
lican majority.
Atlanta.—Judge Richard H. Clark,
for fifty years a leader of the Georgia
bar died in his room at the Markham
in Atlau‘a. He arose from his bed,
pressed the electric bell and then fell
dead. Judge Clark was 72 years old.
Everybody that goes to Florida will
be interested in the book of Bill Arp,
the noted Southern humorist, “leisure
hours in Florida.” Charmingly writ
ten. Write B. W. Wrenn, P. T. M.
Plant System, Savannah, Ga.
Col. Jacob E. Dart, United States
consul to Gaudeloupe, will return to
Brunswick in April ou leave of ab
seuse, for a visit to relatives.—B. K.
T-A. Col. Dart is an uncle of our
City Ccurt Judge.
The lamented Dr. J. 0. A. Clark
had a remarkable memory. He knew
the New Testament in Greek from be
ginning to end, and it is said if every
copy of that book extant should have
been destroyed he could have restored
it from memory.
A public school system has been in
augurated at Abbeville and the town
has contracted for a .$5 000 school
building for the whites and a $2,000
building for the colored people. Ver
ily it is the only way, and we con
gratulate the plucky little town.
The Macon News says: “ The hal
cyon alluded to by the poets is the
bird called the kingfisher. It was be
lieved by the ancients tl at while the
female br oded over the eggs, the sea
and the weather remained calm and
unruffled ; hence the expression “hal
cyon days.”— x.
Japanese government has just
||Mmd orders fur 18,000 watches, not
jEEjßLmurc than $2.50 each. They
among the offi
w,i” distinguish! and t-lu -m
--win and an- to tak
'' medal- m-ual!y
' national bus
S Bk
SI v
8k V* , ~, , ,ie
Unto All Men and All Things Give Due Consideration
R. E. LalMnnce.
ft* Statuary
Moments. Etc.
Mantels, Grates, Tiling,
Iron Fencing and fine
memorial ware,
tr Write for designs and
prices. R. E. LaMance,
Brunswick, Ga.
Welch's Statement.
Conductor Welch says that the par
ty he shot at Willacoochee last week
with his associates was stealing
a ride on the rear ot
his train. He discovered them and
compelled them to pay their fare.
When the train reached Williacoochee
they got off and began to curse him.
He leaned over the railing to see who
it was cursing when he discovered
what he supposed to be a pistol point
ed at his head. He drew his revolver
and fired at the one he thought was
about to shoot him and young Moore
caught the bullet in his leg.
By me on the road from Broxton
to Garrant a small memorandum hook
containing matter of importance to
me but of no value to others. Any
one finding the same will confer a fa
vor by returning it to me.
Rev. J. S. Lewis.
Willacoochee, Ga. Feb. 18, 189 G.
Editor Breeze:
Prof. McGown of Van Wort, 0., a
young man of brilliant intellect, and
a teacher of great experience and un
surpassed success, and whose manly
and moral example is such as to make
him a pattern for all with whom he may
associate, is coming south to cast his
lot with the southern educators. He
will open school at this place the first
Monday in March. We hope that the
peop’e of this place will avail them
selves of this opportunity of' sending
their children to such a teacher.
In the debate on the money questiou
last week in the house, Mr. Turner
was chosen from the entire congress to
close the argument for sound ntonoy.
Mr. Crisp had just preceded him in
favor of froe silver. The arguments of
the latter were completely annihilated,
and as the free silverites arose to in
timid ite Turner in his speech,he swept
them off their feet one by one and
sent them to their seats with the
house and galleries laughing at them.
Those who think that that he is in his
dotage should take warning lest they
fall under his massive strength.
We respectfully suggest to Editor
LGreer of Douglas that there are plenty
in Blackshear that will do to
KM., and we also suggest that as
year ,ie will have to say
BBBk' to of the winsome
—Bi.i'-kpeat H
,l bK-k.
J-, i o!ii- i s all-i til.-
"' '--"‘‘i I:r,:
' petal-..
In a shi'-t waist factory in Troy,
N. Y., where 350 women were working
a boy carelessly threw a lighted match
in a pile of waste and soon the building
was in flames. Many women lost
their lives in the flames and others by
jumping from the windows.
Col. John Candler has been ap
pointed Judge of the Stone Mountain
circuit to succeed Judge Richard 11.
Clarke deceased.
Mr. J. M. Erskine is in town repre
senting the Hall Safe and Lock Cos.
of Cincinnati. He is an affable and
enteresting gentleman, and says nice
things about Douglas. One half of
the wealth of the United States is lock
ed up in the safes made by the com
pany he represents. No business is
complete without a Hall safe.
Boarding House.
Charges one dollar pc" day or 25cts.
per meal. Horses will be taken cure
of for 50cts per day or 2Ects a feed.
We solicit a share of your potronage.
Mrs. Penelope Denton,
Douglas, Ga, Proprietress.
Publishers' Notice,
Some of the patrons of the Breeze
who are behind with their accounts
are laboring under the impression
that said accoun's are payable to the
j old management. The undersigned
j wishes to say to all that such is not
j the case—that all accounts due the
Breeze are due the new management.
• Respectfully,
p arker & Greer.
lee Parker,
Corn and hay at A. P. Hucks,
Pearson, Ga.
The oldest and most reliable
Music House
t*T Pianos and Organs at lowest
prices and ou Easiest Terms.
Nothing but Best Grades
Branch House,
J R Knight, Mngr-
!, t
l i Solentiflo American
Agency for^*
ffHfffiWKf ’rfri" 1 ii ii iii
TRADE marks,
right*, •*<*-
• V*.s&N.*’™£?sS ! ' I '•'-■ 1"r .i V r!t to
•■■ y . ; p - v 1 K|? -
--- ,■? "*V r V. .iTHk *
f . .t - Bk
~ IS "V .? . o <
1896 NEW YEAR 1896
■>* ’ TUbh ga<3 41-% 4P% <r* DURING THE PAST YEAR
Low Prices, of Course.
OP ene d flic Now Year with Price.-'cut
t 0 lho coro ’ and il our aim 10 ® ivo
Customers more Bargains and Bettor
Bargains than ever.
We want your trade I
We must have it!
Wishing our Friends and Custo
mers a Happy and Prosperous
Year, dk.- Promising to give
them the OOS
— mu
Douglas, - CV corgi a:
New Year,
i| New PRICES, 11
B New Firm.
Ve have opened up a full and well selected line of
# surxx* . - .
Overman Building,
Consistiag of Canned Goods, Flour, Rice, Coffee, Sugar, Grits,
Lard, Butter, Pork Sausage, Cabbage. Turnips, Apple.-. To
baeco, Cigars, Snuff, Fresh Fish, Candies, Crackers and any
thing usually found in a
First || Class || Grocery.
When in need of anything in ou line give us a call. We will
always lreat you right, atri it sl ab always be our aim to give
you the most goods for the- least money.
T. J. DAVIS & oe.
Overman Building ?
Douglas, Cieor<>;l.,