Newspaper Page Text
Col. w. p. ward of Jacksonville is in
Miss sallie sweat of wsycross is vis
iting the city,
Mr. Gaines Ellis of Garrant, called
on the Breeze Monday.
Beautiful White Chip hats.
Misses Douglas.
Master Sidney Lott is now employ
ed by the Breeze at one of its cases.
Bacon 8c lb at Relihan & Cos.
Capt. Foster of Hawkinsvillc was
in town this week with a drove of tine
Java Coffee 5 lbs. .f 1,00 at Relihan & Co’s.
The editors and printers of the Breeze
are nearly all sick this week and hence
the paper is a day late.
Bud Vickers discovered a man steal
ing his potatoes a few nights ago, but
before he got liis gun the thief ran
New style Belle Crown hats at the
Misses Douglas. "
It is a crime to stab a man in the
back, and just a little better to insin
uate falsely against his honesty in his
IS lbs. sugar for ifl,oo at Relihan & Cos.
B. Peterson has choice chufa seed
for sale at $2. a bushel.
“Crazy Joe"’ was in town Tuesday,
and went away on the 2 o’clock train
Mr. F. F. Hammond lias paid his
license and will soon have in oppera
tion a butcher shop in Douglas.
Messrs Joe Daughtery, and Oscar Ru
dolph, our post office clerks, are two
of the most clever and accommodating
men in Coffee county.
2f 2 lb bar soap for 10c at Relihan & Cos.
The friends of Mrs Ezilpha Garret
of Gellispe Cos. Tex. will regret ot
learn of death on rcb. Ist. She is a
sister of Mr. Jiles
Messrs. Gray A Gatclicl of Leliaton
and B. B. Gray A Bro. of Pine Bloom
have consolidated their business, and
the two firms henceforth will be run
under one management.
I lb Rcse Leaf Baking Powders 10c at
Itelihan A Cos,
Messrs. C. M. Caldwell and Jim
Morris of Hazlehurst called on the
Breeze this week. Mr.Caldwell is high
ly endorsed as a piano tuner.
Lace Straw Hats, all shapes.
Misses Douglas.
Th3 Misses Douglas announce the
time of their Spring Opening in this
issue, net the ladies note that they
have just received their spring goods,
so that they may go in time and se
lect their Easter hats before they have
been picked over.
When you come to Douglas, be
careful lest you forget and hitch your
horse to a tree or fence and be lined.
There are plenty of racks behind the
court house and now ones have just
been built in front of it, so that this
new city law may not be offended.
3lb can tomatoes 10c at Reliban A Cos.
B. Peterson can save you $5. m a
harrow. Dont buy until you see him.
Rev. J. 8. Lewis read the rules of the
church Sunday morning and his com
ments were very forceful. The man
who will read the Methodist church
rules and apply them to himself will
not miss a crown far.
Eibons all styles and colors.
Misses Douglas,
We call attention to the ad of H
M. Miller & Son of Brfhiswick. They
are large furniture and harness dealers
there, and are prepared to fill orders
by mail. They are perfectly reliable
and handle a fine class of goods.
3 lbs. Early Bird tobacco ft at Relihan’s.
Mr. Knight General agent for L. &
B. S. H. for this N teir'.tory appointed
as local agent at Douglas M .ss Maud
Briggs a young lady of rare musical
accomplishments. • This charming
young lady has already sold and de
livered Miss Sallie Thompson a mag
nificent organ. Mr. Knight is to be
congratulated upon securing the ser
vices of this talented young lady as
agent. However he must bear in
mind that she is strictly local and un
der no circumstances is to be taken
the aotfotAS mm.
Miss Mattie Latimere is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Jno. McLean.
Pastor Lewis held a church conference
on Saturday last. Mr. D. Knight was
elected church secretary for the year
96. Six members were dropped for vio
lating the church rules.
Mr. McLelland and wife of Garrant
spent Sunday in our neighborhood.
Mr. John McLean made a business
trip to Hazlehurst Friday.
Mr. Williams of Hazlehurst paid our
neighborhood a \ftsit this week.
We had the pleasure of being in
Hazlehurst one day this week. She is
verily on a boom. One thing
above all others is needful there, and
that is a bank of fifty or seventyiive
thousand dollars capital. Wake up
Hazlehurst, or the “Yankees” will
beat you to the “tank.”
Will give you a long marriage notice
little later in the spring. “Gray Eyes.”
''IVT "3B
Everything is lively at Kirkland.
Miss Maßell Anderson and Miss Ger
trade Haddock are the guest of iViss
Kate Kirkland this week. Messrs W.
H. Love and W. M. Kirkland of Tifton
were in town Sunday.
Quarterly meeting convened at this
place Saturday and Sunday and was
well attended.
Mr. M. Kirkland went to Savanah
last week on business.
Mr. A. A. Bailey of Leliaton visited
Kirkland Sunday P. M. Come again
Arn (you wont be noticed.)
Miss Lizzie Kirkland has returned
home after spending a week with her
sister Mrs. Ben Summerlin at Willa
Mr. Richmond Grilliu of Millwood
was in town Sunday.
Miss Edna Lasseter is spending
few days with M 133 Arabella Fussell.
Mr. Lacy Nelson and Mr. Homer
Bailey were in town Sunday.
There is some talk of a leap year
party oeing given in Kirkland this
week. Of course we girls believe in
our rights. K.
l 1 cat'no n,
We note with pleasure the efforts
of our worthy towsman Mr. J. W.
Prince in behalf of our church which
L very much in need of repair. The
citizens of Pearson should come to his
rescue and not allow him to pul! alone
iu such a worthy oause.
Mrs. X. C. Greer retimed home
Tuesday from Brunswick where she
has been visitmg her daughter Mrs.
W. E. Futch,
Quite a number of our citizens e.t
tende quarterly meeting Sunday which
was held at Kirkland. Bro Stubbs our
Presiding Elder, preached a fine ser
The Bicylcle craze has caught
our town and it is amusi ig practice
for all lookers on to see Prof. Du
vall Mr. Hucks and others striking the
ground in high places only.
Mrs. Wilkins who lias been visiting
her sister Mrs. Jeff Kirkland returned
'o her homo in Dawson last Sunday.
An attractive sign painter Ins vis
ited our towii this week and hand
somely adorned the show windows of
the ever enterprising meivhts Messrs.
A. P. Hucks and J. W. Prince.
We regret to note the illness of Dr.
J. A, Pugh who has just returned
from a visit to Florid . May.
Everything quiet at this place.
Mr. A. A. Bailey visited Kirkland
Sunday and reports everything on a
boom ..t that place.
Mr. foe Delaughtor has gone to St
Louis on a pleasure trip.
Mr: B. F. Summerlin of Wil'.acoo
cliee was on our streets to-day.
Mr. O. G tchel is up again. We
are glad to see Lina out
Mr. Charles Gray of Wayeros-, was
up to see his brother Geo. W. Gray
■Sunday. Lynn.
Unto All Men and All Tilings Give Dae Gotiu.ljration.
11. E. EaMance.
Mle Statuary
Mantels, Grates, Tiling,
Iron Fencing and tine
memorial ware.
gIP" Write for designs and
prices. R. E. LaMaxce,
Brunswick, Ga.
i•/! mips Mill.
The young people of our village
meet with more encouragement as we
leani that on last Sunday Mr. George
Woods and Miss Lucie Whittle were
united in the holy bonds of matrimony,
The occasion took place at the Bride’s
mother’s. t
We learn with regret that Mr. John
Russ, employe of Tatum & Holland,
will leave us and move to wilsouvill
March 1.
preaching at New Hope church sec
ond Sunday in March, we trust that
Rev. C. w. Infinger will he with us
and that a large crow willd bo present.
Mr. Hatfield will soon move his mill
up near the Colony,
Mr. LiileyLuke, a clever gentleman
from Lax, was on our streets Saturday,
The girls are alwgs glad to see you,
sir, not to speak of the rest of us.
Farmers may subtract a tew inches
from tl-e length of their faces, as
oats are not killed as badly by the
freeze as was expected.
“It’s a boy” says Mr. Brown on •being
asked what sex. Boh.
Prof. J. M. Hartly returned from
Hazlehurst last Friday with his assis
tant, Miss Ella Vining. We have sev
eral reasons to think Professors school
will prosper. One is because he has a
nice young lady to assist him.
Pof. J. M. Harly and Mr. T. J.
Young visited Fitzjerald this week.
They state wonderful things about the
pine woods.
Mr. Jule Boyd was in town Sunday
for the first time in three months.
We can account for this visit, so come
again Jule.
E. B. Moore returned from Savan
nah last week with a sample case
calling himself a traveling man for
the firm of Messrs. Hunter, Pierce
Beaty. Mr. Moore makes a lino
and looking drummer.
Mrs. W. It. Googe lc f t for Abbeville
last week where she will spend some
time visiting friends.
Miss Lol l Boyd is in town this week
visiting relatives and friends. Fan.
The f Mowing resolutions were offer
ed adopted, and ordered printed at the
last general school meeting at the court
Resolve, that we the citizens of Doug
las do heartily commend the generous
spirit and praiseworthy offer of Messrs.
Pete;sou and Buck to build with their
own funds a creditable school building
for the while citizens of Douglas ‘o
be rented by the town council or ihe
aforesaid white citizens at a small per
cent on the investment until
council or die citizens in and around
Douglas may see fit to purchase tiie
same at original cost.
Resolve further that we pray the
city council or certain free holders
of the town to Hold a meeting
at once and contract with Peterson
and Buck for the rent of said build
ing for the nominal per cent agreed
upon in order that these gentlemen
may have assurance that said building
v.ll be rented after it is complete.
Bo it further res dyed. t*'at v.e ar ■
und:r grateful obligations, to these
gentlemen for this public spirit they
manifest in the upbuilding of our
and in she general good of us all.
it ■
fry V V.S -■
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The Leader by making the lowest
hid captured the contract
for printing the council proceed
ings this week —Douglas Leader,
One whole column a for dollar! That
will pay for the ink.
Dried Peaches Apples and Prunes
at Kirkland A Cos. Kirkland Ga.
Read the Relihan A Cos. Ad. They
are the new firm that has recently
come to Douglas, and they arc offer
ing goods remarkably cheat). When
you are in town call and look at their
store opposite the court house. It is
a marvel of neatness.
Seed Irish potatoes 25c pk at Kirk
land A Cos. Kirkland Ga,
Parly Romo potatoes 30e. pk at RolilianV,
ISoartljiif/ I fount.
Charges one dollar per day or 25c is.
per meal. Horses will he taken care
of for 50cts per day or 2£ets a feed.
We solicit a share of your potrunage.
Mrs. Penelope Denton,
Douglas, Ga. Proprietress.
Pablishera' Nolicc,
Some of the patrons of the Breeze
who are behind with their accounts
are laboring under the impression
that said accounts arc payable to the
old management. The undersigned
wishes to say to all that such is - not
the case—that all accounts due the
Breeze arc duethe new management.
u \kker A Greek.
Corn and hay at A. P. Ducks,
Pearson, Ga.
The oldest and moit reliable
Music House
IN the south.” 1
gtirviamm and Organs at lowest
|*i ices and op Easiest Terms.
Nothing but Best Grades
Branch Hon e,
J R Knight, Mngr•
. ® o * e^ o American
. . S'*
trade kark*,
po. —• DEsicm patskts.
For Information and free Handbook v. r to to
Oldest bureau for securing patent* Id t* merlea.
Every natent taken oat by us 13 brought before
the public by a notice given free oi' charge la the
Zarrewt circulation of any scientific paner fn the
wof 4. splendidly illustrated. No ljjtelligcnt
mar should bo without it. Weekly, ft.'f ,(>{) a
year; SIJiO$ I JiO six months. Address, MUN'V & CO.,
VvkxusuuiS, o(ii Broadway, New York City, j
1896 NEW YEAR 1896
Our Business ™' : ,>AST YEAK
Low Prices, of Course.
IN Up WW Opcmal (he New Year with Prices cut
tho cmv ’ iuulU our ai,n 10 S ivo onr
Customers more Bargains and Better
Bargains than ever.
We want your trad®2
We must, have ill
Wishing our Friends siaid Fusto
4l,Bi’*s a Happy and Prosperous
1 ear, ek, Promising to give
jJ iEA a T MO N I i ¥ mm
—— mi
iloughis, - OVor^/a:
New Year,
oHe* PRICES, ti
111 mi Mew Firm.
Ve have opened up a fill l and well selected line of
Overman Building,
Con. istiag of Cuiim-d Goods, Flour, Rice, Coffee, Sugar. Grits,
Lard, Butter, Pork Sausage, Cabbage. Turnips, Apples, To
baeeo, Cigais, SqulT, Fresh Fish, Candies, Crackers and any
thing usually found in a
First |1 Class || Grocery.
When ui n< 1 dof anything in our line give u- a call. We will
always lr at you right, an .1 it shall always he our aim to give
you the iip 1 goods for the least money.
t. j. :m;wm & cc.
Overman Building,
Douglas, ( Georgia.