Newspaper Page Text
Sunday is Easter.
See Levy's store when you go to Way cress.
Draw on your straw hut and spring
Levy's big store in Waycioss is the place
to buy good goods cheap.
Monroe Mayer of Brunswick Gro
cery Cos was in town this week
' Levy's Way cross store for the Cheapest,
and best goods
The spring made a "hot” play the
first of the week but now it is about to
Joe Daughtry and others went a
“striking” anti killed a fine chance of
Go to Waycross on April 11th and hear
Speaker Crisp and Hon. Hoke Smith, he
sure and buy your goods from 13. H. Levy
Bro. A Cos.
Bring in your announcements can
didates, and let us see who you are.
O tly three dollars.
Col. Will Spence of Fitzgerald was
in town this week. He says Fitz. is
still a moving onward.
Judge C. A ward. Jr., seems to be
in the lead for senator. Dr. wilcox
is in th', race. —Waycross Herald.
Mr. E. Burkett of l'iekren district
attended court last week and paid
the Breeze a” pleasant" call whi'e in
Joe Lott of Brumswick spent two
days in Douguis last .vork. Joe is one
of Brunswick’s" staunchest ? citizens
and Coffee is proud to own him as one
of her sons
The Peterson House, Kept by “Benu
gy” Peterson and his accomplished
wife, is one of the best and most com
fortable places in WTregrass Georgia.
The beds are clean and comfortable
and the fare is excellent—Waycrns?
For the past iiiiriv days flic post o'--
fiee at Douglas handled Refunds
of mail. Clerks Daughter)' and Ru
dolph inform us tha„ 'hi •• is the great
est amount ever handled before in onp
month. Tim signs of the times point
to our steady growth.
Mr. J. B. Leonard, an architect and
builder of Brunswick, lias bean in
Douglas tro da vs this week looking
after the contract for the school build
ing, Mr. Leonard built the finest
residence in Brunswick and it is said
to contain the most excellent work
manship o" any house in South Ge >r
We call attention to the ad of Levy
Bros, of Waycrosr. This firm has hous
es established in several towns and cit
ies/bf south Ge -rgia and in every one
tii® - carry a large and choice stock in
thfir line. Mi - . King, the affable man
ager of their Waycross house says he
expects to give the Coffee people who
attend the sneaking next week special
aattention and invites them particu
larly to call on him.
I 3 lr Hips Mil’.
Spring lias opened up in fall bloom
and we hear the commanding voice of
“go on, gee, haw,” by the farmers in
every direction which will give the
people a clear idea of what is going on.
Five deaths in this neighborhood ii
the last few weeks. One on last
Wednesday night a son of Pink Corn
bass died after a few c ays of illness.
Many'others sick.
We can hear an occasional hurrah
for Jeff Wilcox’now. How will it be
later on? The-people scc.n to be de
lighted to knew of his being out as a
candidate. Bob.
McDonald's Mill.
Wc expect to have Gur new church
ready for services first Sunday in May.
and it - 's expected to be christened by
a marriage in which our rail road
agent will figure conspicuously.
It is a question in dispute between
Supt. Lott and Dr. Thigpen whether
a jug is a gnat and a quarter of I,ref
a campbsl or vice ver.-a. McDonald ard Ben Dyer alter
nate nightly in watching MeCulley’s
Frank Sweat is now taking quite
an interest in <nr schooL His atten
tions are growing in frequency and
fervor. What's the matter with
Rev. C. W. Infinger Dead.
Tuesday eveninti at half past seven
o’clock, the Rev. 0. W. In finger, Ro
tary Public, Ex-officio Justice of the
Peace, deputy Ordinary of the county,
member of the City Council
and a good man all round, died
while sitting on the door-steps of Cos!.
Geo. It. Briggs. Mr. Infinger left
home a little past seven in company
with his daughter and some other
go to Col. Briggs’ to practice
sangljtt' the district Sunday school
coniiWiaii which meets here next
Friday. Just before he reached the
house lie told his. daughter that lie had
a pain in his breast and stomach and
wished that he were back home. As
soon as he reached Col. Briggs’ he sat
down on the steps and the girls went
on in the house, not thinking lie was
seriously unwell. In a few minutes
lie was heard to cough and some one
went out to see if h>. needed atten
tion and found him in a critical con
dition. Dr. Terrell was quickly sum
moned and on arrival found the. pa
tient gasping for kreatli. He admin
istered emetics and caused him to
vomit, but. his lungs and stomach
were too strongly congested and in a
few minutes ho expired, with full
consciousness of his own condition
up to the very minute he passed a
Rev. Chas, Wesley liifmger was
bora in South Carolina and moved to
Georgia, Ware county, when he was
fifteen years old. lie married Mrs.
Thompson and from that union six
children, four girls and two boys, have
bceti born, all of which are living. Six
years ago lie moved to Douglas and
since that time he has thoroughly
identified himself with the church
and county affairs and the people in
general. Before became to the coun
ty lie taught school a. long while and
was a ,man oT fair education, sev
enteen years ago the Methodist church
granted-!:;;-:? lie a localtie!: r
and he ha- since filled that pi ice wi h
credit to the church. Since he moved
to Coffee county he has been a useful
man in m;;' y ways and bis place will
be hard to fid. H. was bold in the
highest esteem by everybody and
those who knew him host loved him,
for lie was truly a good man. Dining
our s jrmrn in Douglafe we had be
come mirli attached to him and we
sorrow (hat lie has gone away, but
of him wo can say, “Blessed are the
dead who die in the Lord.”
ITr was forty years old. Has been
troubled with indigestion four years,
more than usual lately, and
the immediate cause of his death was
congestion of the lungs and stomach.
lie was buried at the Douglas cem
etery Wednesday at 2 o’clock and hn
funeral will be preadied hero Sunday
the 12th.
We xteud his bereaved family our
proloundrst sympathy.
Fear son.
Pearson lias been quiet this week,
the farmers are taking advantage of
:he beautiful weather, and planting
their crops.
Mrs. T. 8. Kirkland is quite ill at
her homo with measles.
Our town is in a roar of laughter. Dr.
Lob Dodge has arrived. Ilis concerts
are free to alb
Mrs. Ilolzemlorf and sou Sam spoil!
Sunday and Monday in Dupont visit
ing Mr. -lemons, a brother of Mrs.
Mr. Harris of Cuthbcrt was in town
yesterday. Ho says tnat the fruit in
that county was ,i hurt by the cold
■ nan: We hope that may more can
report the same.
Mr. Ilood our worthy superinten
'hint was unable to attend Sobb.ith
school last Sunday or account of sore
eyes. We hope ‘ Uncle Hood'.-:’’ eyt s
will be well real soon and lie wont
have to wear those “blue eyes” any
Xoii e.
The members and Brethren of D ur_-
las. L !ge No. 3 4 F. & A. M. are re
qu sied to meet at the Lodge IL-E
Tues lay eveni yg Apr. 7at 7 oVI > k
important bnsko-s. Yidling Breth
ren cordially invi ed.
W. F. Si),la u. P -t Master.
The United .vah - mints are coin
ing 1,500,001. silver dollars a month.
Unto All Men and All Things G-iva Due Consideration.
2§. IF LaMimce.
Hurl Statuary
Soinnta. Etc.
Mantels, Grates, Tiling,
Iron Fencing and line
memorial ware.
Write for designs and
prices. R. F. LaMance,
Brunswick, Ga.
&&&#} M (Ay O
The Largest Stock of gg&Srs,
Iu any One Store in South Georgia—and PRICES LOWER than small
houses can nflord. We are Headquarters for everything in a
OW ti.l..
I ; - 'S® a oeciailir Lov sssst
H- Hoads Will Beil Tickets to Waycross at Half Price,
opoalvor Ciisp and Hon. 11 .ke Smith will speak here that day.
.B. i i. LEIV Y" EROS. & CO.
I hereby announce myself as candi
date for Ordinary of Coffee county,
subject to the Democratic primary.
W. R. Googe.
Mislead in
In the presentments of the grand
ju.y, tlie recommendation to pay me
S9B 38 for extra services is incorrect,
and misleading to the people, and it is
due myself that a correction be made.
The grand jury or the county by
their recommendation, did not pay me
$98.35 for extra services. Only $28.00
were for extra services and tlie rest j
$70.38, was for the fee bill allowed by
law. This fee bill was as follows: 13
road orders at 50c. each, $7,50; 70
county orders at 50c. each, $18.00:
Recording 13(590 words, 120,50 ; Rail
road fare $1,30; 3 bridge bonds at sl.
each $3. making a total of $70,30
Now this much of the $98.38 is not
for extra novice at all, but a legitimate
fee bill which the grand jury has no
right to change. The remainder of
S2B is the insignificant stun they al
lowed me and my horse and buggy
for 28 days of.extra time 1 spent in
looking after the county matters. I
only charged two dnllarsa a day for
this service, the amount they voted
themselves in the grand jury room,
and they cut that down to half, mak
ing me with my horse and buggy do
•erviecs for the li'ggardly sum of $1 a
(j n v.
1 write this in justice to myself be
fore the people. Jno. Vickers.
jJecli it s.e.
After much solicitation by my
,;iend ; from all ovcr the c unity, lah
lowed my name to be ultd as a candi
date for Kepre- f, nt.itive of the county :
but after further consideration of the
■natter 1 ind ray busim s will
not. permit me to make the race and
L, justice to myself and to the county,
Hud 1 respectful I ' y ,u "line, thanking
my : r: nds for the h >nor they tb night
mo worth)' to bear. Jeff Kirkland -
The "hief want in life is somebody
vho shall make us do the best we can.
—Emerson -
■>,. .j V'yr*-
.! ii non lire menf.
1 hereby announce myself a candi
date for the Senate from the sth sen
atorial district, subject to the action of
the democratic primary, and ask the
suppoit of the people. Jeff Wilcox.
After solicitations from many friends
in different parts of the county, I have
decided to become a candidate for the
Senate irom the sth senatorial district,
subject to the action of the democratic
primary, and ask the support of the
C. A. Ward, Jr.
I hereby offer myself as a candidate
for the office of county surveyor of Cof
fee county, subject tlie primary of the
Populist party and respectfully ask the
Support of my friends.
Rev. Thorpe Bailey.
Many of my friends have requested
that j allow my name to go before the
primary a- candidate for Senator of the
3th senatorial district, but my Coffee
county friends have urged that f again
make the race for Ordinary and I feel it
my duty to yield to the latter, and I
hereby offer myself a candidate for Or
ddiary of Coffee county, subject to the
Demo ratio primary and respectfully
solicit toe support of the people.
John Vickers.
Georg*- - ! Goip... -.anility-. Will to* sold
ln t'ovc hr: coio r house door in Douglas
■■aid (■■ a:;:ly a f pub'.i : ou*-crv tollui high
■ : bid lor for cash on the first Tuesday
hi April between tlie legal hours of sate.
iiie follow;, i ■ (net or p ireet ofland to wit:
all of lot o' :■)::•! no. JKi otje handred and
thr ,- e in ihe ad:. Irks of Coffee county.
. aid pro pic (i*d on and to !,'• old as
ihe proper!y of W, !!. Tarrant unde: - und
~y vi-■ t lifa aed from the oi!y
hi r'of - ', i in: h. favor of M. \V.
.i li: , :■ -ok: ■ iid W. It. Ta rratit.
tin March 11 - . 1 j lstiy. W, M Tanner Hier
'['a .:: .:,••m R may concern: thelet
fng of thebnd e across Seventeen mile
i- eek a' the Indian ford will be let to
i ~ to e-t b;dd‘-r before the courthouse
and ,or in G e t ,wn of Douglas Oil the first
da ■ in April next at 2 oclock p. m.
Termr :,,,d .• •# •ei.'ie.a'ions made known
J:,: day of MB Mg. 1 oven under my
1, .pd 9ud o ,i": !
ib. March i-5, 5 >J‘i. Jno. Vickers, Ord.
Spring and Summer
Wle^DuX 1 !'! ***** ,lOVOIti6S inI ' AWES I>RESS OOPS. Our lino of Prints,
silk ‘ v ',lv,M ’ I ropou . s ’ xunsv °ding,Batiste, Dotted. Swiss, mIU M ull
silk, velvets Ac. is just. Beautiful.
beat V “ M I:iiYTHLN(i 1N the NOTION LINE. WE havea.
Wo have the largest stock of STRAW IIATS in Coffee county
Ami they are pretty and Cheap.
' lilt
Ifl,oooilffi-Gll^]jll3 M Kill *(Trscl:S''”
Make up our Bto :k o! Slues and Slippers. We can save you 5-)o. :i.thesl. in shots.
Don’t Monkey With Higii Prices,op Dyadmite. They wili “Bust” You.
i\ I. HAVE Cl T PRICES IN..HALVES. Calico 4G, 3, (i, fi’J cts.jyd.
Checks o, (i, etb. yd. Sheeting 5. ti, (>G cts yd. Rants cloth 12,H, 13, 20 els. yd.
Corse els 30 h, 7 out. lace let. yd. and up. Embroidery Jet. yd. and up.
Ladies siK b Its ■ i as. Gents Ica'hor h *lt..s R)ets, ft Window shades "ids. mice
euitains loots. Stiaw matting JOcts, yd. Hemp carpet loot. yd. 24 envelopes
del. 21 sheets paper Gets. IOi) flsli hooks lOct i. 8110 ES: Oxford Ties for
luulies Tods, an t :f1,00,.a 1 g0 id congress •: me $1,23, Oil Grain plain shoo worth
SL,SO our priee ,f 1,00. Liuhes Dongola 11 :ttou slioe only,oo.
CLOT I'liKtit.
Suits f 1,(30 $3 00 SO,OO $7,0) 00 $!),()0. ''jj
We Lead.
What Follows iteßb.WaSrlfc
lii. _
\\ 0 can save you money in this lino. Flour $4,73 15 and. diets, sack, meat
7 ' |i - t. lb, L-ird Sets. It), 201l> rice if 1, UJlIi sugar sl, <l!l> coffee sl, 4oz. r miff Kkj.
Tobaec, i2)o. a , 4 feet Flora Loo Tobacco 2icts. Candy lOcts. lh.
- Georgia:
i >ou<las X r4M?e vy (Siore. U' C-w
T. J. DAVIS & CO. Pfojr's.
We are (idling Groceries at prices that can’t be boat in Coffee oouny
Everything new and fresh . We guarantee good weight, best quality,
and the largest quantity for the lea. t money.
Best family flour, $4,73 bbl., (Dot.
suck. IBtb granulated sugar SL! it), best
Coffee .. 1,20i1, riot:'. 1,501 b grits .1, oats
)()et. bushel, corn 70et. bushel, Early
Rose seed patat ,os 30ct pk. turnips
Wet. bushel, meat 7.h,-li,, hams lOct it,,
pork sausage U)et, to, pure lard Betil>,
beam 12ct qt,., herring 23et. box, sar
tiu , act box, oysters 'Jet. can, tomatoes
;wo can for 13ct., mountain Jgilt edge
\vk abe iiK ut'tji; arteus for anything in the grocery lin
T. J-. DAVIS and CO-
butter SOct.tb, cheese 15ct. It, lemon
cakes lOct.Uj, soda cakes Bct. lb. stick
candy 9et. lb, choice nuts>, raisins
12ot. ft, apple butter and jeldos Bct. Ib,
oranges 2> ct. doz., apples 15ct. dos.
1 (:i< ; can, salmon 15ct. can,
i jnacekrel 15ct. can, long bar co-coa soap
I Oct., water buckets 12ct. Fresh fish
| and cabbage at lowest market prices.g