Newspaper Page Text
fif.w I'i' ; l ( /i
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ARIcNmW:) • Agnes I freeman,
tors 3n 1 J'ntlisher'.
Kb >A '< . Inly . i
Organ of County.
editor up til Cnnidi
HjlßAd a bundle of lies about
ounly and tin pro; ~<■
ill ( mux i 1 ion with t lie I:: n1 -
dead negn, 'e ar 1 ui;g
and I he
e! \
■PT;, Dooly enmity j o
and night - in a week.
Wilhelmina, when in
_.<i, .ith insists on knowing the con
tents of every document she signs.
In case of doubt she summons an
expert to explain the matter to her.
Herein she follows the example of
Queen Victoria, who always acted
on this principle, though ■’”> bud
to sign an average of two ... ~.
documents a day.—Eastrn in Times-
Whitfield county is the only
(county in Georgia named after a
preacher. There is a Jones county,
but it’s not named after Sam. Geo.
Whitfield’s is familiar to the read
ers of the history of our state, and
his life work, the Bethesda Orphan
House, near Savannah, is his mon
ument. —Cordele News.
It seems that Sam isn’t “in it”
so to speak, at all, these days.
On to Broxton-
The first three car loads of new
iron has been received for the Wad
ley & Mt. Vernon railroad, and the
work of putting it down will be
pushed rapidly. The forces are
now putting down ties and it is
supposed more iron will be here by
the time this on hand is put down.
We hope so any way. We are anx
ious to have a road so that our
Broxton friends may come to see us
rft,cn and we can go out among
tfjem, help them cuss and discuss
politics, enroll their names as sub
scribers and find out about their
needs in the job printing line.
Then again, we have a promise out
to go fishing with Torn Young, the
postmaster, as soon as the road
reaches the river. Then, again, we
need and want a line over to Val
dosta, because those people want to
trade with us, and we are just as
anxious as they are.
Something About Fowls.
The Introduction of Aslatlc-breJ
fowls into the United States had great
influence for good among our Ameri
can fowls. The Shanghai, or original
Cochin, brought increased size and bet
ter ogg production and their use r.s
a cross upon the. common barnyard
fowls, created a desire for more and
better.poultry. Tho promiscuous nett
ing of these new and highly esteemed
fowls laid the foundation for all of
our so-called American breeds. Is ,
The Brahma was the first br#*d
credited to us as an American promo
tion, anad though classed asin
atic fowl, they are thu^SHßiificf
The l’i> h i;,i M y ' X
, K. ’■ • H
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H'■ ’ B
Program for Teacher s Institute, Sat
urday Aue. 2nd
r. Opening Exercises—By Prof.
J. W. Hendricks.
2. An Address of Welcome—By
Col. W. C. Lankford.
3. Response upon the pard of the
teachers—By C. W. Roberts.
4. Reading—How to break up
“sing-song” reading—By Louis
Smith and 11. D. Knowls.
5. How to organize and support
reading circles—G. C. Tharpe.
6. Penmanship—J. W. Popped.
7. Spelling—Primary By Miss
Daisy Poole. *
8. Spelling—Diacritical mark
ings, etc—By R. A. Sowtll.
9. School yard decd/ht ion—By
Miss Beulah Clyatt.
10. History, all grades — 11. A.
11. School Discipline—'o be dis
cussed by Prof. J. W. Hendricks
and Miss Belle Praetor.
12. Relation between tfljjL- County
School Commissionerandffiis teach-
TV f. M. Tanner. J
you doijjg in I ly
giene anu j iij ,-.i dogy in school
—To be discussed by the various
Abbie Meeks,
E. R. PojpKi.i.,
O. W. Dowd,
\ Program Qoinmittee.
Disolution Notice.
GEORGIA-—Coffee County.
The firm ofiQ’Steeti & Gajndler has
this day disoWlJil by mutual consent,
Mark A. Candy .r retiring. “The busi
ness will be Continued by I.aAiO’Bteen
at the same place, and he ajksthe peo
ple of Coffee county for -£continua
tion of their support, and promise to
give them f aithful and efficient service.
This July 9th 1902. y
Willie Crawley, of Waycross,
who lived in Douglas as, long as
We would allow him, lias Been men
tioned prominently, and endorsed
by the Waycross lawyers fdr Court
reporter. We do not know whether
Mr. A. D. Gale, of Brunswick will
be an applicant or not. Lt’he is he
will he a strong man, lias a splen
did record and will he endorsed by
many lawyers.
If A Man Lie To You.
And say some other salve, ointment,
lotion, oil or alleged healer is ;>s good
as Bncklen’s Arnica Salve, tell him
thirty years of marvelous cares of
Piles, Burns, ltoils, Corns, Felons,
Ulcers, Cuts, Scalds, Bruises and Skin
Eruptions prove it’s the best and
cheapest. 25c*at Sibbett Drug po.
Two hundred dollars profit per
acre is not a had showing foAfann
ing in the south. Such rich Jesuits
have been obtained in North Car
olina, and Georgia soil is evetunore
fertile.—Cordele News. >
Yes, brother, Georgiy beats' them
all. ;
Need i lore Help.
Often the over-t axed organs of dHges
tion cry out for help by DyspejSia’s
pains, Nausea, 1> laziness, Headaßies;
liver cemiplaxin', bowel disorders.
-Such Mumbles call for prompt jt4- of
E>. Ring's New Life Pills. Theytafe
'gentle thorough and guarantees U>
cure. 25e at Sibbett Drue Cos. - 1 v
John Greer jof the Wayclws
Journal, lias found another maV’s
nest lie says Mr. Estill mac* a
big mistake when he claimed fia.t
Coffee county eras the larges* in
the state, because Decatur coiity
■deserves that distintxt.'Aa yind.liat
really Coffee county was ndi'\i|lich
any how. Well, John, that V. al
right, Mr. Estill’s mind’s eye via
on the people and the' newspa)pe s
when he said “Georgia’s biggest!.” 1
The Weekly Press Conventjion
met at Quitman last Tuesday. iYe
intended to go, stuped, had jack
ets. but our train failed to
with the train to (Quitman atl Way
cross, therefore when we tytok up
were down at the Atlantic; ‘ Beach.
The last time we saw John Hall,
Sr,, and John Hall Jr.,) they were
pulling oars for Cuba, it he former
to buy his supply of cigars, the lat
ter to catch a parrot.
In your blood ? Physicians call
it Halarial Germ, it cao be seen
changing red blood yellow under
microscope. It works day and
nirffit. First', it turns your com
plexion yellow. Chilly, aching
sensations down your
backbone You feel weak* and
will stop the trouble now. It
enters the blood at once and
drives out the Vt'low poison.
If neglected and when Chills,
Fevers, Night-Sweats and a gen
eral break-dowireome later on,
Roberts’ Tonic will cure you
then—but why wait ? Prevent
future sickness. The manufac
turers know ail about this yel
low poison and have perfected
Roberts’ Tonic to drive it out,
nourish your s> stem,'restore
appetfte. purify the blood, pre
vent nd cure Chilis, Fevers and
Malaria. It has cured thous
ands—lt will cure you. or your
money bfek. This is fair. Try
it Prictt, 25 cents , u
1 xi . J 0... Co.
Do not confuse our proposition
jto send the Breeze until January,
1903, for 25 cents W'ith any clubbing
arrangement. The Breeze does not
want subscribers if it cannot get
them on its own merit.
The Dublin Cliantaqua was a
grand, booming success. So are
Dublin and her newspaper.
To Cure a Cold in one Hay
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the monej
if it fails to cure. li. W. Grove’s sig
nature is on each box. 25c.
The gubernatorial campaingn is'
over, the debris and smoke of battle
cleared away, with all reasonable
men. The growling of the others
does not amount to anything.
Stops the Cough and Works oil the Cold.
Eaxativc Bromo Quinine Tablets cure
a cold in one day. No cure, No Pay.
Price, 25 cents.
In the nomination for governor
the Breeze made the best fight it
could for Estill. The other fellow
whipped, we are in that’ camp to
stay and no man is able to put us
The Best Prescription for Malaria
Chills and Ee'ver is a bottle of Grove’s
Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply Iron
and Quine in a tasteless form. No
Cure, No Pay. Price 50c.
You Know What You are Taking
When you take Grove’s Tasteless Chill
Toriic because the formula is plainly
printed on every bottle showing that
it m simply Iron and Quinine in a
tasteless form. No Cure, No Pay. 50c.
“To the victors belong the
spoils,” or appointments, is an old
campaign slogan. In thecampaign
we didn’t loan or borrow, hut gat e
the best, in the shop and don’t ask
Sam Jones says that the lion and,
lamb may lie down together, hut a
rhinoceros, a tiger and a monkey
never will, lie relers to Watter
son, Cleveland and Bryan. —Cor-
dele News.
A north Georgia exchange says
that when .Mr. Terrell was nomi
nated a few days ago, that govern
or Candler sent telegram of con
gratulation, closing with “and may
the Lord have mercy upon you.”
When Mr. Terrell was in Doug
las sometime before the primary he
said we would vote for Estill in
June, and for him ('Terrell) in
October. From the lights before
us he seems to have been a witch
for guessing.
Vacation Days.
Vacation time is here and the child
ren are fairly living out of doors.
There could be no healthier place for
them. You need only to guard against
the accidents incidental to most open
air sports. No remedy equals DeWitt’s
Witch Hazel Salve for quickly stop
ping pain or removing danger of
serious consequences. For cuts,
scalds and wounds. “I used DeWitt’s
Witch Hazel Salve for sores cuts and
bruises,” says L- B. Johnson, Swift,
Tex, “It is tiie best remedy on the
market,” Sure cure for piles and skin
diseases. Beware of counterfieits.
Sibbe't Drug Cos., Douglas, Ga, I. W.
Moorman, Ambrose, Ga. Dr. Parker,
Nichols, Ga.
Some 42,800 newspapers are
published in the world. The l nited
States comes first, and is far in ad
vance of all other countries, with
19,760 papers. Great Britain ranks
next, with 6,050. In Russia there
are only 743 newspapers, or one to
170,000 people. The Petit Journal,
of Paris, lias a deaily circulation of
1,000,000. The paper which has
the smallest circulation is the Im
perial Review, published for the
sole benefit of the Emperor of
Austria.—Eastman Times-Journal.
I A really healthy woman has lit- j
tie pain or discomfort at the I
menstrua] poxiotl. No woman I
needs to have any. Wine of
Cardui will quickly relieve those
smarting menstrual pains and
the dragging head, back and
side aches caused by falling of
the womb and irregular menses.
has brought permanent relief to
1,000,000 women who suffered
o*ery mouth. It makes the men
strual organs strong and healthy.
It is the provision made by Na
ture to give women relief from
the terrible aches and pains which
blight so many homes.
T Okebswood, Li., Oct. H. 1900.
I nave been very sick for some time.
I was taken with a severe pain in iuv
side and could not get any relief untie
I tried a bottle of Wine of Cardui. He -
J °l* f“d ‘aken ail of it I was relieved
! Q a y duty to say that you have a
wonderful medicine. •■>
Mss. M. A. Yount, I
address, jririnv snap- I
TheL*a: .VdTisory ITeparrram.l
liutißjiooea Mealccue Cos., Cfc&a&cooss^ Teon. I
Don’t Fail To Try This.
Whenever an honest trial is given to
Electric Bitters for any trouble it is
recommended for a permanent cure
will surely be effected. It never fails
to tone the stomach, regulate the kid
neys and bowels, stimulate the liver,
invigorate the nerves and purify the.
blood. It’s a wonderful tonic for run
down systems. Electric Bitters posi
tively cures Kidney and Liver Trou
bles, Stomach Disorders, Nervousness,
Sleeplessness, Rheumatism, Neural
gia, and expels Malaria. Satisfaction
guaranteed by Sibbett Drug Cos. Only
50 cents.
Some of the Terrell organs are
talking about a second term for Mr.
Terrell this soon. The Breeze be
lieves he will deserve it.
Acts Immediately.
Colds are sometimes more trouble
some in summer than in winter, it’s so
hard to keep from adding to them
while cooling off after exercise. One
Minute Cough Cure cures at once.
Absolutely safe. Acts immediately.
Sure cure for coughs, colds, croup,
throat and lung troubles. Sibbett
Drug Cos., Douglas, Ga. I. W. Moor
man, Ambrose, Ga. Dr. Parker, Nich
ols, Ga.
Pope Leo seems to have gotten
eternal lifp without dying. Latest
reports sdy lie is “in excellent
health.—Macon News.
. Mother Always Keeps it Handy.
“My mother suffered a long time
f rom’distressing pains and general ill
health due primarily to indigestion,”
says L. W. Spalding, Verona, Mo.
“Two years ago 1 got her to try Kodol.
She grew better at once and now, at
the age of seventy-six, eats anything
she wants, remarking that she fears
no bad effects as she lias her bottle of
Kodol handy.” Don’t waste time
doctoring symptoms. Go after the
cause. If your stomach is sound your
health will be good. Kodol rests the
stomach and strengthens the body by
digesting your food. It is nature’s
j’Hvn topic. Sibbett Drug Cos.. Douglas,
'ey I. W. Moorman, Ambrose, Ga.
; jjSwl ’arker, Nichols, Ga.
The Blackshear Times lias a hand
some new press, is printed at home
and the editor boards at the same
place, when the lady-Byrd will lei
Women and Jewels-
Jewels, candy, flowers, man—that is
the order of a woman’s preferences.
Jewels form a magnet of mighty power
to the average woman. Even that
greatest of all jewels, health, is often
ruined in the strenuous efforts to make
or save the money to purchase them.
If a woman will risk her health to get
a coveted gem, then let her fortify her
self against the iusiduous conse
quences of coughs, colds and bronchial
afiVi tions by' the regular use of Dr.
Boschee’s German Syrup. It will
promptly arrest consumption in its
early stag ;s and heal the affected
lungs and bronchial tubes and drive
the dread disease from the system. It
is not a cure-all, but it is a certain cure
for coughs, colds and all bronchial
troubles. You can get this reliable
remedy at. Sibbett Drug Cos. Get
Green’s Special Almanac.
In the convention recently Mr.
Terrell, after the first ballot, was
nominated by acclamation. An
Estill man moved to’ make the
nomination unanimous.
Poisoning the System.
It is through the bowels that the
body is cleansed of impurities. Con
stipation keeps these poisons in the
system, causing headache, dulness and
melancholia at first, then unsightly
eruptions and finally serious illness
unless a remedy is applied. DeWitt’s
Little Early' Risers prevent this trou
ble by stimulating the liver and pro
mote easy, healthy action of the
bowels. These little piils do not act
violently but by strengthening the
bowels enable them to perform their
own work. Never gripe or distress.
Sibbett Drug Cos., Douglas, Ga. I. W.
Moorman, Ambrose, Ga. Dr. Parker,
Nichols, Ga.
The most extraordinary
jTy 5 / r , J Bargains ever offered.
. Jq For the next Thirty
days { will let Summer Shoes
Ai ‘ / -srissr- .and Slippers go at next to
Nothing Prices.
Lett, if you want your size,* calf early-
It's a pleasure to show goods. Come and look
around, you are under no obligation to buy.
Ladies’ Julia Marlowe Ox. ?2..Vi. row
Men's \ ici Kid Oxfords, 5i. 75
o * “ DongoJa oxfords $2.00, now $1.38.
now 41.00. Children's slippers, 65c, f.IOO, SI.BO.
, .... 000, ,-*c.jis-1.23
Men's Vici Kid Ox. j s2.qo now l adies’ fine Dongola shoes, worth
*. wL ' $3.50. now s2.',is. j
'* '< * Ladies' Doncola shoes worth $2.50./
.. . . - 1 _ , .. now si.its. I
Men s !j3' oo -'3-b° shoes >2.50 1 i\„ ; a .4,worth $2.00.1
f now $1.38. j
‘ ' r-./y. * T.auies’ Dongola shoes worth $1.25J
■' now be. j
iis©E store* i
Opposite Office. '
Saves A Woman's Life.
To have given would have meant
death for Mrs. Eois Cragg, of Dorches
ter, Mass. For years she had endured
untold misery from a severe lung trou
ble and obstinate cough. “Often,”
she writes, “I could scarcely breathe
and sometimes could not speak. All
doctors and remedies failed till I used
Dr. King’s New Discovery for Con
sumption and was completely cured.”
Sufferers form Coughs, Cold's, Throat
and Lung Trouble need this grand
remedy, for it never disappoints. Cure
is guaranteed by' Sibbett Drug Cos.
Price 50c and SI.OO. Trial bottles free.
Maxy Mac Lane declares there’s
no sttjph thing as romantic love.
She probable wouldn’t know a mar
riage proposition if she met it in
the road.—Rome Tribune .
Brain-Food Nonsense-
Another ridiculous food fad has been
branded by the most competent author
ities. They have dispelled the silly
notion that one kind of food is needed
for brain, another for muscles, and
still another for bones. A correct diet
will not only- nourish a particular part
of the body', but it will sustain every
cither part. Yet, however good y r our
food may be, its nutriment is destroy'-
ed by indigestion or dyspepsia. You
must prepare for their appearance or
prevent their coming by taking regu
lar doses of Green’s August Flower,
the favorite medicine of the healthy
millions. A few doses aids digestion,
stimulates the liver to healthy action,
purifies the blood, and makes you feel
buoyant and vigorous. You can get
this reliable remedy at. Sibbett Drug
Cos. Get Green’s Special Almanac.
TiftoYi is to have a SIO,OOO school
building to be erected in the near
future. Mr. 11. 11. Tift donates
University of
Georgia. . .
102nd Session. September 18. 1902.
Academic Department,
Law Department,
fiuricultiiral Department.
No tuition to residents of
state except in Law School. In
Agriculture, Short Winter
Course, One Year Course, and
Full Course. Dormitory room
free; Excellent board in Den
mark Hall SB.OO per month.
Write for handbook and cat
alogue to
WALTER S. HILL, Chancellor,
Athens, da.
We have failed to receive the last
two numbers of Mr. Guerry’s Geor
gian. We think the Breeze is go
ing to him regularly and we rise
to inquire if he is going to play
“hookey on iis,” or has he boy
cotted us.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
This preparation contains all of the
digestants and digests all kinds 0.-
food. It gives instant relief and nevei
fails to cure. It allows you to eat all
the food you want. Tho most sensitivs
stomachs can take it. By its use many
thousands of dyspeptics have been
cured after everything else failed. Is
unequalled for the stomach. Child
ren with weak stomachs thrive on it.
Cures ail stomach troubles
Prepared only by E. O. DeWitt & 00., Chicago
The sl. bottle contains 2V4 times the 50c. size.
To All Concerned.
GEORGIA—Coffee County.
Notice is given to the heirs of Lucy
Ciay, late of said county deceased, to
meet at Ordinary’s office for settle
ment and distribution of estate 011
Monday in August 1902. Parties
having claims against said estate are
notified also to be present, with claims
made out. Those indebted to said
estate are also requested to come for
ward and settle same. This July 7th
DENNIS CLAY, Administrator.
Application for Leave to Sell.
GEORGIA —Coffee County'.
Whereas Mary' M. Ward, administra
trix, estate of G. S. Ward, applies to
me for leave to sell the following pro
perty with dower encumbrance to-witF
489 acres of lot of land No. 323 in the
6th district of said county, also 22
acres of lot of land No. 15, in the first
district of said county. These are,
therefore, to admonish all concerned
to show cause, if they can, why' said
leave should not be granted at next
term of this court to be held on the
first Monday in August 1902. This
July 7th, 1902.
Guardian's Sale.
GEORGIA—Coffee County'.
Under and by virtue of an order of
Hon. Jos. W. Bennett, Judge of the
Superior Court of said county granted
in Chambers at Brunswick. 3a., on
June 28th, 1902, the undersigned, D
W. Gaskin, as Guardian of Randall
J. Daniels, Eliza J. Daniels, John
Leavens, Jr., and Tabitha Leavens,
minors, will sell before the courthouse
door in Douglas, Ga., said county', on
■ lie first -Tuesday in August, 1902, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the
highest bidder for cash, all the right,
title and interest owned and held by
the above named minor wards in -kliL*
hinds belonging to the estate of Jo'S a
Carver, deceased, late of said count*]
as follows, to-wit: Four-fifths of aill
■(divided one-nir,th interest in that!
certain real estate lying and being irJ
the sixth district of Coffee County!
Georgia, and more 'uily described a|
follows: Seven iiuridred and tliirtß
five (735) acres, more or less, of lots ol
land numbers lU4 and 105 and beinaj
:U1 said lots of land except 150 ac*;|m
more or less, 011 the western side BI
aid lots owned by Henry Vickers a” —
60 acres, more or less, on the western
side of said lots owned by William
Vickers and 35 acres, more or less, oil
the eastern side of said lots owned byl
hartley Vickers. Said interests of]
said minors in said property being
-old for the purpose of reinvestment 1
as prayed for in the application of tber
undersigned as Guardian, and upon
which the order of said Hon. Jos. W.
Bennett, Judge as aforesaid is based.
This July' 3rd, 1902.
Guardian of Randall J. Daniels,
Eliza J. Daniels, John Leavens, Jr.,
and Tabitha Leavens.
Citation. j
GEORG I A--Coffee County'. I
Mrs. Elizebeth J. Uinson, GuardianJ
for W. F. Hinson, ha:, applied to m<r
for a discharge from Her guardianship,
of said W. F. Hinson, this is there
tore to notify all persons concerned,
to file their objections if any they havej
on or before the First Monday in Sep
tember next, else she will be discharg
ed from her guardianship as prayed
for. Witness my official signature.
This 7th day' of July 1902.
Sheriff Sale.
GEORGIA—Coffee County. “
Will be sold before the court house
door in Douglas, Ga., on the Ist Tues
day in August 1902. The following]
described property to-wit: One half]
undivided interest*of 140 acres of lot!
of land number 99 in the 7th District!
of Coffee County bounded as follows
on the north by lands of James Mc-
Donald, on the east by lands of Jim
Lynn on the South by lauds of J. B.
Moncrief on the West by lands of Cassie
Thomas and Paul F. Palicaer. Said
land levied on as the property off
Corneleirs Bell, to satisfy an execution!
issued from the City Court of Douglasf
in favor of Dr. Jos. N. Isler. Lev;/
made by me the 3rd dav of July lUO2.
Application for Letters of Guardianship.
GEORGIA—Coffee County.
John Tanner has applied to me for
letters of guardianship of the minor
heirs of Hester Tanner, late of said
county, deceased. These ore there
fore, to give notice to all concerned to
show cause, if they can, why said let
ters should not be granted at next term
of this court to be held on the fi; >t
Monday in August 1902. This Julv
Bth, 1902.
Application Letters Administration.
GEORGIA—-Coffee County.
Mrs. Nancy C. Smith has applied to
me for letters of administration upon
the estate of J. A. Smith, late of
county deceased, and these are to
notify all concerned to show cause, if.
they can, why said letters of adminis
tration should not be granted, at next
term of the court of Ordinary to be
held on the first Monday in August
1902. This July 7th, 1902.
Administrator’s Sale.
GEORGIA—Coffee County.
Agreeable to an order of the Cottr j
of Ordinary of said county. Will b4|)
sold before the court house door on theft
first Tuesday in August next betwee/’l
the legal hours of'sale to the higheiJ
bidder for cash, all the saw mill tim J
ber on lots of lands Nos. 222 and 203 it*
6th District of said county, sold fiSciMß
property of C. A. Ward. Sr., deaiKsedH
Administrators Sale.
GEORGIA —Coffee County.
Agreeable to an order of
°- Ordinary of Coffee Count^MK^
- -a,
c. a. w.