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Mb* tlrakUsH
—BY T. «. PENN.—
Subscription Rates— In Advance.
One Year. ----- fl ©
8:x Months. ----- g
Three Month, - - - - - %
Entered at the Tostofliee at Gray Ga
»a second class mail matter..
I’ostoffice orders, drafts, etc., should be
made payable to T. R. Tens.
States for advertising made known on
■application, *'
Communications for md1vid»iaH>ene!V!,or
of « personal character, charged for the
game as advertisements.
Marriage and obituary notices, not ex
seeding one square, inserted without charge
—over one square will be dunged for same
as adyertisemente.
Correspondents -expressed alone them are responsible through
opinions by
Sfrs. E. (i. HARDEMAN, Local Editress.
Now is the time to plant your
Christmas advertksomin«s.
Congress is in session again and
promises to be a lively one.
- ^
Col. John T. Glenn has been ro
*oii tiy elected Mayor of Atlanta.
The Legislature will send a com
mittee next week to inspect the
Lunatic Asylum at Milledgovillo.
The propriety of annexing Cana
da to the united States bus become
a national is-ue, and w ill probably
be considered during the piesent
session of Congress.
Read tne new advertisement of
Clarence H. Cubbedge in to-days
issue. Hie stock of goods has been
selected with care, and are offered
gu-ieee to suit the times. Give him
a .call when you visit the Central
Mr. Juo W Adams sold two fox
hounds to a gentleman in Washing
ton county, who writes back noth
ing in the shape of a fox can out
speed them—that their dogs are as
nothing compared with the Putnam
Another ifiysterious murder has
oecured in Newton County in which
Mr. W. G. Jon-s was the unfortu
nate victim. He w; s found dead
in the .woods near his home, eight
miles west of Covington, a few days
#go, with several bullet holes in his
head. As yet the affair is a myste
ry and no clue to the murderer has
been found.
The Covington and Macon rail
road is about completed to Athens,
and we learn a schedule for the run
ning of regular trains into the clas
sic city-will be arranged in a few
days. Perhaps the work on the ex
tension to Covington will then be
commenced. We are anxiously await
ing the return of Capt. E. C. Macb
en to our city, to arrange for the work
Lot him .come along.—Covington
At Washington, D. C. the chap
lain, for Congress; in his opening
prayer offered the following peti
t : on in behalf of President elect
Harrison; “Amidst the perplexi
ties by which he is beset under the
solemn sense of the respmsftility
of his great trust, grant him the
sense of thy presence, and comfort
and guard his person from all peril
and danger; perserve him in perfect
health of body and of mind; vouch
safe him light aud cheer; and be
thou the strength of his heart and
his portion forever."
Mr. Israel F. Brown, brother of
the late Judge E. E. Brown, is vis
iting his nieces and nephew, at the
Edgerfon Hotel. Mr. Brown was
a citizens of Macon as far back as
1825-26, and was living in Clinton,
Jones county, when LaFa. ette
male his memorable visit through
Georgia. He was superintendent
of the first cotton ein manufactory
in Georgia, which was located at
Clinton. He is now over 80 years
of age, and is the inventor of the
famous Brown gin factory, at New
London Conn., the largest shop of
that description in the country. His
gins are used throughout every cot
ton state. The health of the
enterprising and venerable gentle
man is remarkab’y good, and bis
energy and activity are wonderful.
Judge R. T. Ross visited Mac-on
Mr. Robt. Vf Smith died at his
home near Plentitudo last Tlunvday.
Miss May Stewart is spending the
week with little friends In Clinton.
Mrs. Park and little grand daugh
ter, of Haddocks, are visiting Mrs.
Frank, Robert and Gordon Har
deman spent Thanksgiving and
Sunday at home.
Mr. and Mrs. G us Bragg are quite
proud over a new boy who ! as been
with them for the last few days.
Messrs. Holmes Johnson and
Cater Etheridge, of Macon, tame
out as fur Afi Gray hunting on the
Mr. Jtilo Wynne, of Ala., and Miss
Mattie Horne, of Jones county, were
married by Rev. J. JR. King, on Sun
day last.
Mrs. M. A. Phillips is spending
this w'fck with Haddoc-k lriends,
during Rev. Phillips absence at
Miss Genie ‘Adcock, of Rome, Ga..
is visiting the Misses Stripling and
with Miss Minnie was in towu to see
us Wednesday
Mrs. J. C. Powell who died last
week in Macon was formerly Miss
Libbio VanBuren of Griswoldville
and. was a lovely lady.
Judge J. C. Barron has begun the
work of remodelling and improving
the Kingman house, preparatory to
moving into the same.
Messrs. Henry Bonner, James
Slocumb and Thomas Morris visited
Rev. M. A. Phillips prior to bis de
parture for Conference.
Tuesday was sale day. Some
lands were sold but little other
property Sold. A sale of some slock
was postponed until Thursday.
Mr. Joe Wilburn, with Coleman,
Ray & Co., Macon, camo out for a
hunt Thanksgivir g day, carried
hack quite a string of birds and en
the day finely.
Who’ll be the generous friend to
send the Headligiii- a Christmas
gobbler? Our Thanksgiving “tur
key” was a home raised chick n of
the Plymouth rock species.
Flora Jones, convicted last term
of Jones court and sen tenced for one
year in Penitentiary, nas been par
doned by the Governor and left for
home Saturday full of rejoicing.
A little bird whispers that our
Clinton and Gray lads and lassies
are “hatching up” great plans for a
genera! jollification on the nights of
Dec. 24th and 25tb. We hear they
intend to “paint the old town red.”
The young gentlemen of Clinton
and Gray who attended the party at
Mr. R. D. Lesters at Haddocks are
oud in their expressions of the de
Iightfnl time enjoyed by them.
They pronounce the supper as one
“par excellence.”
Glad to bear that our genial and
versatile young friend, Ed Coleman,
of Haddocks, is up after a severe
spell of sickness. The Clinton girls
are anxious ho should be completely
restored to accustomed liveliness by
the Christmas holidays.
Remember Mr. Ellis, ofEllis & Co.,
3Iacon, has just returned from the
market, where he bought»n immense
stock at low prices. Tb# holder of
Ticket No. 1,099 will please call for
the Music Box. Be sure when you
Jones county folks go down to call
on Ellis & Co., new Dannenberg
Wo are sorry to learn that Mrs.
Dr. Thos. Gibson, mother of Drs
Will and Obie, is still quite ill at
her homo in the lower part of the
county. Dr. Walker, of Macon,
visited her Monday. She lias been
suffering for several weeks with
typhoid fever. We hope she will
soon recover for Bhe is a most ex
cellent lady.
Monday was regular county court
day and the town was lull ofpeople.
The court bouse presented a regular
Superior couit day appearance.
Judge Blackwell of Jasper county
court presided for Judge Barron
during Monday and returned to
Monticeilo that P. M. Court was
continued until noon on Tuesday.
Judge Richard Johnson was also in
attendance and argued several
We will publish the n* v schedule
j next week.
Rev. Sam Jours will visit Cal
R“T in the 1st of January.
The cry is “hard times." and it is
always so just about the time lor
paying city, state and county taxes.
President Cleve and has declined
lo visit the Augusta Exposition
owing to a pressure of business that
requires his steady attention. •
Mr. E. b. Steadman, tha popular
Editor of the Lithonia New Era, was
married last week to Miss
Maggie Clark, a charming young
lady of Covington.
Sending kiss as by phonograph
has it advantages, too. The man
who eats cloves because he likes
themeau no w travel faster without
stumbling over a divorce.
It is un lerstoQ 1 that over a mil
lion dollars cash has been offered by
a large railroad system for tho Cov
ington and Macon real, and the
same was refused.—Macon News.
The poop'e generally are poor
and poverty is no disgrace But
if' poverty comes by waste, by neg
ligence by idleness, by extrava
gance, then poverty is a righteous
We are in receipt of a letter from
Superintendent McEvoy stating
that a new schedule will lie placed
on the O, & M. R. R. next Monday
the 10th inst, when the trains will
run into Athens. Hurrah for the
C. & M.
In front, of Ellis & C o.’s store on
Cherry streot. is tho figure of a ne
gro thumming a banjo. It is life
like and attracts almost as much is
the policeman who keeps up » con
stant tapping on the window of
Goodwyn & Small’s drug store next
door.—Macon Telegraph.
A lady of int'lligoDco, told us a
few days ago that it was very hard
for young men to marry now on
the small salaries they get, and if
women compote with them for bus
iness places, she could not soo much
chance for any girls to get married
uuless they were daughters of rich
Angus Elgin Orr has drawn
school statistics on Georgia, and
shows that “she is the banner
state of illiteracy, peerless in parsi
mony.’’ In the ratio of taxes for
school purposes, no other stato
ranks so low as Georgia. Kansas
gives four times as much, Virginia
and Colorado three times, and even
Utah doubles this empire state of
the South.
Every lady wants to know what
to wear anil how to make it.
Godey’s Lady’s Book tells all that,
and much more. The December
number is peculiarly rich, both with
illustrations and literary matter;
fashions, stories, poetry, shopping
hints, and all that a refined and
practical lady wants to know. Ev
ery lady ought to be a subscriber
Only $2 a year, with a variety of
premiums and other inducements.
Address, “Godey’s Lady’s Book,”
Philadelphia, Pa.
Mr. VV. \V. Jones and lady of this
county, were in the city shoppiug
last Wednesday. We might not
have noticed this fact had it not
been that Mr. J. related to us lhat
wonderful collard story. It was
cut and cooked a lew days since at
his house, and was of huge dimen
sions, enough to last the family two
days and then leave a hamper bas
ket full for the cow. It was a col
lard from Collardtown, and if you
don’t believe it ask Mr. Jones.—
Madison Advertiser.
The following complimentary
notice of James II. Blount, Jr.
son of our higuiy esteemed Con
gressman, appears in the Macon
Evening News
Mr. Jim Blount, the verv talen
ed son of Congressman James H.
Blount, was admitted to-day to the
practice of law in Bibb Superior
Court. He was given a most rigid
and thorough examination, which
he stood most excellently’, showing
him to have been a close, faithful
and aJJe stndent. The friends of
the young gentleman predict for
him a brilliant and enviable
The beauty and ehi-aLy of the
district, supplemented with several
from abroad, were ritriit regally en
tertained by Mr. and Mrs. Dolph
Lester, last Wednesday night. It
is conceded by all who were present
that it was a very recherche affair,
and indeed wanted for nothing to
make it * tlie occasion” of the sea
son. It goes without raving that
Mrs. L, a hostess is par excellence,
with all that that implies. It is to
be regretted that space will not per
mit us to individualize, for seldom
has there been such a bouquet of
fair ones that embellishment could
not adorn.
Miss Johnston, of Atlanta, is the
guest lor a lew weeks of the Misses
While. When together they bring
to mind the Three Graces.
The accomplished Miss Florrie
Ousley, of Thomas county, is making
a visit to her sister, Mrs. Rhode
Many and sincere are tho regrets
expressed at tho dosing ol the
scuool presided over by Miss Nor
man" Her abilities were fully ap
preciated by the many patrons, as
shown in the advancement of the
Miss Ola Lamar, ol Macon, is with
Miss Hattie Mouglion for a week.
Miss Annie Clark has her charm
ing cousin Miss Candler, with her
fora brief season.
It will be a pleasure to the many
friends of Marshall Norman to know
that m lieu of merchandising, lie
will remain at his old post. May
bis relinquishment be very, very far
Under tlie guise of Rheumatics,
Ed Coleman indulged a week oi so
in dolcefar niente.
One of the “set” who loved not
wisely, but too well, arid who has
beon on the ragged edge for some
time, is again proclaiming himself
the preferred. Go it B. my young
friend, these little episodes aro es
sential to the vagaries of life and
Thanksgiving day was very gen
erally observed by the merchants
and others. All of tlie stores
by agreement, thereby
tho employees to have a day
Some hunted game, mostly,
er, ’twasahunt for turkey dinner.
Money To Lend
Jones County
- |AT|
W m . B . BIRCH,
Loans Negotiated
On Farms & Town Property
63 Cherry St. Macon Ga
Trunks, Satchels. Pocket
Books, and Fancy Leather
Macon Trunk Factory,
J. Van & Co. 4103rd St. Macon Ga
HOB!. 1 ■ lillillliW,
Practices in Ocmulgee Circuit
Office in Court House.
■ ; (o):
Office up stairs over Dr Dozier’s
Drug store
[ME Bit SB Ol H
Correct and Latest Styles.
Send us your orders and come to see us when in Macon.
Goods sent C. Q. D. unless city reference is given.
—15—3 m. 557 CHERRY ST.
T*r t—t—(O')—t—t
Koop always on hand a good stock and guarantee to
give satisfaction to all their patrons.
368 2nd Street, Qa.
t F. PRICE, 1111 , mi Si.
Tie does strictly a
And will get highest market price forootton.
In Spring at low rate of interest.—N-n-9-20-8m.
Clarence H. Cubbedge.'
General House Furnisher.
Dealer In
(Jrockery, Glassware, Tinware, Cutleryp
Excelsior and Capitola Cook
Stoves and Ranges. /
Dec Ctli—3m.
For Nineteen Years Past
Wc have conducted Cotton Factorage at onr Warehouse, corner of
Second and Poplar Streets, Macon, Ga., and now at the opening of another
season, once more offer our services to planters and shippers of cotton,
pledging close personal attention to the interests of our patrons.
Grateful toold friends and dosiringto make new ones, we are yours truly
Oct20tf. Campbell & Jones.
W. B. & O. G. SPARKS,
Commission Merchants
We have every facility for Handling and storing Cotton »t the lowest
rates of commission. Prompt personal attention paid to parties shipping
us their cotton. Storage Free. Money loaned to planters at the lowest
ate* of interest—10—II—lm.
W. B. & 0. G. SPARKS, MACON, GA.