Newspaper Page Text
The I >ein<icrat.
ia.WJlu HUi, * 1 it..
Jnhu >1 iba C*r>rr*'«jw>ii4t*»t i Editor,
tATLT VV, DE< EMT-EU it. 1-1.
Entered at the P«*,t Offi....... Crawfunl
rj?S». G». , as tsecund Ciass Matter.
We hope that all who are in arrears for
The DmoruT will promptly pay what
thay owe. We give our readers, with bo
additional charge, a pa;*et double it* form
•raise with far more than double the
amouat o , rca mg ma er. ' . fc ,
make It a live, progressive journal. All
we ask on the part at mbrcrilwr* lathe
r ,.» w ^,.o^r—..
Cm plain,*
Some of our sub Titiers e;,mpia.ii that
they do not regularly receive their papers,
Whenever this occurs It would oblige «*
greatly if they would inform us of the
fact. We wish to tix the blame where it
l'H.vdi, pm i.osoriiv.
imh> at a col ............. >inv \ H.*
T"r. : ‘V : ' ■: a,
[HkloriiU Uvrrttpondimee Bmotrat.]
WAYNr.sinm<>, «»A., Xnv. I'ltli. 1 !.
—The local affair* o! one roinmunity
are la general ef little interest tooth
ere. unless there tuw social or business
ties to unite them
There we things, however, which
have a eommoii interest for all com
luunitiea. The history of one place is
at times fruitful in lessons to others,
and Waynesboro is a striking ilhmtra
tion. A few years ago it was ail limn
ble village with a few scattered stores
and dwellings. To-day it is |iro«|«*i'
ous and pr gressive. filled willi liniid
aome residences anil blocks of brick
stores. a. Several * causes . ___ may Have . con
spired to effect this result, inern i.
one fact, however, which nil sdmit.
This magical change is due m the
main to the energy and cut er prise of
on* man. This man is Hon. Win. A.
Wilkins, atone time a leading lawyer
of this circuit. He gave up the practice
ntid settled hero, embarking in inercan
tile pursuits. A groat file swept over
the place and lafi a mass of rums, Uis
energies were then bent to the w ,rk of
building it up, and the blacUmsI
waste grew into a Iiri dsouie town.
His own store occupies a largo block
Hint is divided into several sections
where different kinds of inereliamlise
an. an aolil mild, tt* lie ts ts now now iMitiuing tut Udine • .1 brick wick
hotel. Ills income IS estimnta at
»2.\(Ktt s year. -Some Wen of the Unsi
ness nf tin* place may bo gained from
the statement that 1 1,00(1 hales of cot¬
ton were received lit re during Hit* last
As 1 have said other causes limy
have .... led to Its prttspenty, .. and , other .. .
men of energy and business ability tnay
have aided In building It up, hut it is
none the lees true that one man was the
I'iokkkr or ire pkookiss.
Its career is a striking illustration of
the influence for good which olio man
can exercise upon a community. iSucli
men not only enrich themselves, but
confer a last nig Patient upon those
around them. It will be a lucky day
for Crawfoidvtlle when she can boast
of , more . inut ........ ot m , this ...... *
A liAttKKH WOTt'BK. 1
T* duDit , tin* .. .
upon pingrcsn __ n
prosy>*nms town. From this picture I
turn to the cheerlesa cotitriist 111
near vicinity. 1 ^ un« unis when lluike
was on* of the richest counttes ot tho
State. With th« advantage of a line
soil it still retain* iu many tjuartora
some vestige of its former prosjierity.
It la not to tat denied, however, that
the great body of Oiv people an* grew
lug poorer. Why is It? The fault is
their own. They are the victims of «
syrtem which is mining the farmers
tit every ptllt of the state, lhe Cledit
system and the prevailing methods of
tamung.ue the trut ■
wot* \ fur hiut wav the mtMCiiunt
makes his ndi .UH'r>. sell*, go,sis at fifty
or » hundred portent, beyoml tlm c;isi»
price, and takes it Hen on the
coming crop. Itis bad enough when
the neeessai ii* <*< life Jttv bought in
this way. Bui Urn tendency is to go
further. When a noun Is able to buy
all he wants *>ti credit, he is often
tempted to buy more than he wants,
and to fall into careless expenditure.
So it tuts belli wax *. People buy inure
nml pay higher pn td are out of
ynKket two or Urn. times the amount
which would olbet wise In* up t. 1 p
on Die eoloied people the effect is espc
ciallv luid, if 1 tun to aeeep* the ae
count* of parties who have talked w th
me on the subject.. Saitl one geutle
man to me, •‘"•ante time age every dar
key in my neighborhood "ho eoii.'d ;
credit. U'light a horse and top buggy.
•J'hc merchants gave them all l. y
wunlwl. »*h 1 they ran things on a
heavy scan*. They udlimd to walk,
except at their jdeasiiie. Die fanners
were unable to hire steady help. \
Knl crop followed, the H«ts were iu
most ca c> worthless, the darkies Were
left in want, and the inerelianU ; >j
Ireavv amounts. A darkey Who came
to VCayuesiK'ro with u bale of . it! n.
some liavs ago was soon MiiT.mnded !*>
a rtmvii of merchants against mul lawyers.
-vitlr s.veu judgments it. A
detiionili ring state of tilings van
not tie pictured.
WHKX WILL 111 K < tt VNt.n i •*'!!'?
It may come l" degm*. but the dr
; redemption is ,1 smut. Sum* w
ii, \n change. 5 < * - after years " i.
■ •, ,1 J* ..f ‘*)l!!*'d times”
w ill Wilt lime, tneii . linmei; win "
in tH YUty victims, of the satue iro-
anil thought *. nait
*»c V", iii Uh-IM iDIMlIlt Mnit J*fHt
w Hi wit
g. I shat
u ill t ha litre tj
ieatfedI> t rn Ik and
there !•* to Im* ft Mind 5 bre*
the U.ii'i-, of < i, ■ '
neighljors are still i rwig
shoulders, grows neb and independent.
In a former wane of the Democrat I
instanced a case in this county. Too
much-advertised Fanner Jones, of
J roup, rnent roned also on foirner oiea
shins. is a striking example
The conclusion is inevitable.
is a cash system, home raised provis
ions, and the abandonment of the
cotton” method .-f farming.
ftT;E r E.r rS St Sj*i
Pass to another. The business at this
term of the Superior Court, as wed as
at every court 1 have elsewhere auen
d d this fall, gives force, to the slab -
tnetit that the country now suffer*
from an
Court ^ijwtied the first of last week, is
still in session, and juries have been
suminoneil for another week hix per¬
sons were indicted for homicide by t he
! Grand lesser Jury, besides several others fur
offences. Most of these have
’ Uen dia|>osed of already through
eftorta or Judge Snead, the able and
Judge of the Augusta circuit
r.i ficac y or
erj,^ but 'a'm-eiuiiig ' iuereasij V ot
the morbid a com-s; ondlng growth of
taste fornewspaper descrop
turns of the horrible details. The wii
ter who can dish up an abundance 0 f
murders and hangings for the public
palate in blood-curdling style, has, in
comnion hanging parlance,a bonanza. Take the
of Sang Armor. It was telc
(fraplied to a number of leading j.iurnal
throughout tlw country, but some eu
terprising newspapers ill New York, to
get ahead of their ram temporaries,came
out Friday afternoon
n oim' tiii i .ra (nos with a i ri.t,
lill'TloN OK THU 1IAM.1M
/!, 's is a lair impleof tins kind of cn
trrprisr, and an evidence of the taste
s it . Tl , ese . ..... ..... va .
ned con.-aleiubly imm the iiFsocisted
pic , dispatches Having oh mud a
hisiory of the crime ami the trial, tin
enterprising reporter filled out the
hanging from his own prolific brain,
mid launched the unfortunate Sang in
to eternity in llm most approve. 1 fasli
ion. At any rate this terrible epidemic
is a K ,„ Ml thing lor the scmational
ucwspaisir man, to whom the consuls
tion icinains that it is not one of those
ill-wmd.s that Wows nobodv good,
j. m. o
Tin* organ rolled its notes from (In*
K r nvling dbipc-on to the gentle ftiite
' ' H.-.-oiii|«a Hied by
,, .. e ,. u i. tii»i «■..««!.- n. .
., , i. nr, u,,., j, ,,i a.
ti„. «..,iderfii!. \ ■ i It. i:,i ,t . i U
Tlic lu-raorratamlttie tv ari'ciuinri'lippoi'.
Tlie iirrtntim Vli/wi r nS tlicamli says i
When our tntervlew with Judg..* Pottle
..ut. it u.i ..dd t„ u-., *'U can not
i.c an-won I 1'llB I Ml ,'KoHriVJI.l,l
Hkmoi hit has tmhllsln ii tin- hiP-mcw
and attempted a reply, and we arc , :«
sure nmv, that it can not In* answered, mi- |
Icns inisrcprcsciitation ami von trad ic tion I
laiiafcrro quarrel, tlint the Di mochat |
must sett le at timin'. Tin* aftidiivit, of Jeff I
can Adams be settled is also n only Taliaferro by tin* quarrel 1’l.MOeR t Evat r's | \
The \
"»ll ecm.tltlleney ntlldnvit Of Me- I
*'."7 iV.’T J! 1 •■epmg witli the eour-e j
the Ilf mim n it lei etufoia*. and Unit i*. i
th« effort to s»t a pv oner uIhivo law and
'in* Judge thereof which is on the pi m
nlplw of putting a man above his iiiahor
s'lumot I)!* \oU latt’d bv any iMMuiiHuii
ty ,»t civil i> ■ pie.
f if f|purse we did not suppose the Clipper i
vvi.uid cotilV* to heing whip:>ed. H it I. i
the editor of the I'/ip/itr net as fairly as
we have dime. In our las! -ink wishing
to give one side a hearing without the
«*'»«*’ puldislu-’. the interview with
••mlg* 1‘ottle inatUiit on to t'.e* i : U
Mi V*-- • g. The ( ■ gi«- to \V.:>n
p. ..pi,- Tin y hav tea*! Judg Pottle's
• n cv. 1., t them have the her .-id*
.joj\ ;; nd !. 1 . 1 1;. in judge fee tte-ni
\y n< ,, uvo
, , tie*:, hearing he*
1 5 ! ’
" H»' ' ': :s as fat: -whideJ, and
impart int as we thiuk it is, iu just!.- t
M: V«»tinv, it sliouftt euMisfi, in lull, hi
reply ioUv u*.\ek made on m l> tne
r • ndJndgo Pottle rids would be
; i .usii. •.
For the delicatVutiil complicated dif
, t'icuUte.s!hit to the t. male ;,sti
tiitioti, Lydia li Fitikhuca’s Vegelaldo
( Vnn|*uiB4 is the sovereign remedy. It
a :ll - the eatiM*, and r wlueesias; oig
j Send to Mrs Lydia E, Fin;.
halo, 2 t:i Western .1 venue, Lv ti,
< ,* ,.. u
— Latest advtees bring ns tho
t:!.it •• that 1! ... Aiex.i ’ . II. > 10 -
|.|, tt i who lias t een quite ill is tuuc.i
uved. lie b .s d Iks ; v
ami will v -* t.fv tar ; a.
a,g T Coa-ress V a,day.
There is more strength restoring ;n a *■• ;.t ■ ■ >■( F..... t ;'s
i, , r Tei.i, than iu a bushel > t mail
.. t - ,*. ga. u of u ,. \s an ape.:
! ;. . ; and kidmw conn!,
i -v. .eg 7:;e ,t. ami inv; As
ae.A tt » w>: lei ft,! ti.vrg.vnmt for iirtid
,m;<! ln>dy. s, e etlier eoluron.
- W-doesiiav night the iTU'vfoid
vilio TtW'Spiau Society gave a pleasant
ciite*. t.iitmieti* at ti e Aeadeinyr }iai.‘.
It was for the puvji » of puroliasine
tiesv sis-nery. A huge crowd "as it,
.it tendance. Tile >nne ehtb will j'ro
,!h.h* IV.n l'tySor's four acts soccty
at- lv of "Ticket-'.’f-leave Meu," on
tile 1 7tb.
lAKTlllJU. i'fir. 5 *i*p,ss»i»fw
. i X } iCfes I' Vb’tii asic*.
w rsfe. 11a I E-,!'Ct>llg KIT Xt'JCIt. I am vwpai t
off trie Ik g. 1, • *.>1 kks, Hats and Au
tion*/that have ever been seen ’n Mi l ! 1 Georgia, . u bear in mind that I
have always a f ;i eupph ot Grorerh :j band.
ssr ©joiMng
Is the nobbiest that has ever been seen South of Mason and Dixon's Line.
Suits f r tin* Rich and tin Poor.
</nr p-j. 00 suits will surpi is*-* you. call tuid see it. And a goo ■ r
87.50, .
at that has heretofore soid at Times are h inf nr, a. intern, to
cut prices t can astonish y.u *- B ? ' rud sot ,<• 5 / ;*■ one
IB need of clothing will do •’
well ■J ve ns a S’2 , , an
re showing Goods, and tbtni
Truth is strue'er than ftetibti. Mv pride is with the Ladies, and I arn pre
pared to tiring to their faces. when they behold our grand stock of Dress
Goods. Elegant .hack * 'ashrnere at the lowest Cgurefi and ? iie prettiest line pf
Worsted Plaids at A>c., -oc., all the go tins scasoti, also, a hue assortment
of H ack Alauaea at Isdtom prices.
Look! XjooIs. !!
A full stock of the prettiest^prints ever seen in Crawfordville. We can
suit the most fastidious taste, the very liest prints at 7c., per yard.
,, Havmp . paid , s|iecial attention to this feature of tmsinsss, and also, lie
asssssssstsfs my
jssr^iKtt its „;:njTE ■*«*
Co s itinKe l*i»ilitdi li»hi.t. Every pair warranted to give satisfaction.
< >u.'slock of Hats is complete, and we can give yi u a good at from 50c
to - ' ’some of the nobbiest ITats m stiff and felt you ever saw, look at them,
Owing to sp«.-i-■ w« cannot •ucntiou the other Articles, but, will say that any
"lie *'“I m sniall ncj-d pro.its of gnwls is my m motto. my !.ue, will do well to give rot a call, as quick sales,
'%v.\x Arrival of Furniture
AU. \" / | r lU I' O AND 7TT) BROAD STREET.
Me arc now jirepared to show the public the finest and best selected stock in
Walnut and Ebony ; Wain.a On .ing Cases aud French 1 tress Sets, Dinning
\\ I Lthrart Furiitinre. Ac. Our pii^ks arc within the reach of everybody,
i id guarantee . ii* go hIs to give pert et satisfactiou. Give us a call before
purchasing elsewhere.
Agents for National Win* M tUresi.
0 3;-'. ftlHUiX. WM. M. .TOKPAM.
^4 nUmmf g‘ tv. vxnvw ifttm khcin r- % >2: JCRSABI
^LTJLgTTJLOtei, ■ a GtOj.
imoros c-m ahd see cottoh bloom era.
A. O. ALU VY & CO.
( loth toi\s 9
.)7 •) IVadifm* st., Atlanta, 7 Ga
Style and J]lfi>aiice
(lothia” BM and Hats.
' Rkumatism Ueuxoiava, Pain in the Itaek and Side.
There ts nothing more painful than these diseases: hut me pam can he removed ami the
disease cure.1 by use f PKRRY DAVIS' !>A1X
This rvraedy is its. a cheap Bemiin* or IVtroteum product ttiat must he kepi away from do
fire i*r heal to avoid danger or rxploelon, nor is it an untried experiment Ihat may
more PAIS harm KU.I.KU than go*'d. has been in mt for f'rtv years, and the universal test.mcny
eer.=- use
Am at: tf l!»* - i.J.- IT XKVKK FAILS, purely tt not vegetable only erects remedy, a permanent is safe cine in
but h reUcv.*s pain atuioai iusioataueeusty. Being a it
tha The hands of the ef most inexperienced. ' she f PAIS KILT.ER would fill votnmes. The following ..
nNW't cures use think:
extracts from letters reoe.vcJ show a hat those who have tried it
® d *^hISi? r sY?.',' i*Sf : ;F.U \Lr
to -- which
naevt «oa to the fani Kmuca. Hvodihr
Charles PosreU write3 ffsa tic Sailors’
Bone. Loudon:
•iu\' t bill oc* u aJibeUst of ibeee years --imKh. wtihu. e si*
.vl* 1 : . x - ms Ui»- s*: 1 a<* *. k ; - *r»
at We*4»ic?»t 1 u H->; .-4 cm' K t|> ai,\ and c - v- m
A. >v air trifel yotar |’ us illkb, cm*
mt* mm Nti3t<* nM. t ham :v«v..KXi m
iu acd alii uv« kiM u> iaiiow my Ur .4
AU dmggisis ---up Tais Ua is «n low that i: is within the reach of all.
*'M i. wiii mo e ju a> urn. - -'**•• '*•**• « bou
PERRY DAVIS it SON, Proprietors, Providence, tt. I.
G ' n -: W!tlyorta icca°^K'rrM l hrm^ra min
v'tyk C -oe.t your tans tunmoi.
_ E-io.ksays.
1 ""^k'^AU^ ; ^SS foiriieuma,:5n! ’
. : Kiti-K f r thirty years,
: - es:
pjL'T ' ' A' ""-'77 ' Lhua
the i«fc« laeoicuse I caaKet
*- “
result is in .,,, y is very sea a. .eun.-ud to : .ue
fcnr.wds , to tiv-s and tens. W it ar- e p -oj I.j todo? \\" * are they to get
their winter clothing, shoes, flannels, linseys, - Men' t• < out the biti*.
'V/. ! w;i - ~ JJU -">£;>.* on til ;n \x .* 7 t jo i there nr 9 lief
iibAIi :
Tins voice proclaims relief (at least partial) to the people. C. A. Davis &
ti.>- . ' Site, o'i'eenesi'oro, Ga., who have large capital and long experience in mercan
brought aopreciating the scarcity of money and the position of the people, have
prices down so low that jieople for forty miles all around Greenesboro
hi '-’iiiing in crowds to avail themselves of the great advantages offered in
liuivtiH'i - from their extensive stock. With thorough knowledge of the market
am. perSv.ui'1 presence in the great trade centres, we have bought our goods far
lower many; then in pricing them w# have inula the figures lower than
ns.iial, to accord with the :.iu-e. r' In tuese paragraphs we want to invite
toe * ; O pie Sm • -tadvau
u p* »*ti conns at ouefe to st *3 us. Xnilv,
C. A. Davis & Co., Greenesboro, Ga.
Is . v far f ; most extensive in this part «f Georgia. We have from 25 to 50
dificrent departni-uis. in every one of which the wateword is LOW PRICES !
ciinie, from doll hat ido tliimble to a sewing m»
a hat to a French pattern bonnet, from infant hosiery to a
s overcoat, from a yard of prints to 5 I bales domestics, from a pound of
com-e to oO.tiOO lbs meat, from a \ oginia Stogie to 100 boxes tobacco—every¬
thing .or Hie inner and outer man h to be found at the store of C. A. Davis &
Co., Greenesboro, Ga.
ss: "*"** .muS
It is not always best to quote prices until the customer roaches tho counter
Once at our counters, you will be satiislied that nice goods at low prices makes
things lively and pav |»eopie for going even along ways to get what they will
ia\e to pay much nioie for at home. A visit to Greenesboro will be very pleas¬
ant to many readers of Thu Dicmoci;at, and cannot fail to be profitable to those
who teel the need of very low prices to enable them to stem the current of these
very hard times. Awaiting your visits, to show you what we can do for you
Most truly, ’
<'. A. DAVIS A CO.
Greenesboro’, Ga
REID- & HR 113
Dm DO O’C fists and Apothecaries,
Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumeries, Soaps ) Cigars, Etc.
Also Dealers in
SPiEMO-oy G-roceries.
A call solicited, and you will be pleased with our goods and prices. We
keep only the BEST GOODS.
Will keep constantly on hand it full line of the FINEST BRANDS of
In connection with his other business. sep2 3 m
V, RIc liards <k Bi»o *5
Ma. * lucky members ol a POWERFUL DltV GOODS SYNDICATE. All opp
•sition must stand aside when our prices take possession of the minds of th» psap
September, October, November mul December, LSSl will ring oyer this
And every human heing for one thousand miles around will
advertising to their friends the unheard of bargains to be had at
rids thing will last through the whole season and NO MISTAKE. The largest FAC
TORIES and DRY GOODS RINGS of the WORLD have given us control oE ’
ami we s*. d distribute in four months
In Calicoes, Jeans, Cassitnores,, Bleached and Brown Cottons, Colored Silks
Black Silks. Satins. (•T>«iks. shawl . !’ Skirts, Fancy Dress Goods, Gent’s
Shirts, Hosiery and millions of Notions and Fancy Goods at prices that will
and allow competitors plenty of time to rest.
Tirras must go our way.
We The who!.* trade shall hear the Philadelphia news. Everybody Baltimore, must know forthwith our success.
have New York, Boston. and besides
On Black Silks amt at! lam'"! -1 <'mods known in this part of the country. To snra
up we I »a r. ins and this country shall have
uvt r ktin vi! t<> t: o tnult*. > ’ ’ * '■ ‘ti -s from any market and we will do bet " el
WIKiLfcXALK BUY F! > \<>TE Tills.
V. RICHARDS & BRO.. Augusta, Ga.,
• - . : it**: 7 sent w • *i • l and EXPRESS FREIGHT PAID
on orders of and ever. *
all j i ' I,' la XTkS AVANTKI) t-i ply sup¬ the
immense demand for tne on.y
'' Lif^of'President Llit 01 rR>mt*Ill GaTtleld b TiOlti,
lust pn bashed. It is a thrilling struggle story
Of how he row by herculean Especially fullr from
obscurity to fsaie. Coufifct gard
m*. Auempuai hU Cabinet aY:,- w tV! til Coukiiu ",
, Mien. . Mir
gieal Treatment, IVeuUar Critical Conili
tkm, etc. Ably written : embellished
with steel portrait of Garfield, etc. Low
pr . Bv tar tfu* fastest « book out.
citvalars' free. Uberal tenjis. Outfit
Address at once HUBBARD BROS.,
V boot ot rare originality, entiled
Practical Life.
The great problem solved. The j n di
virtual caret ally considered from the age
' r ■ Ho ,• ..wtunty, Love. in regard
' -' <>*• >..<'iety. Alar
’ Hi w Ijivad-Faters
: a f e . 1 Luad-W inners The volume
j abounds 1 m sinking te ®** thoughts common-. rare >is informa- ( *. Full
P" ,
Lt p.a .e-—earn o,.-» a gem
Asent- wanted everywhere. end for
'ntular. full description terms, &e., to
J. C. McCcrdv & Co., Ph'tla... Pa.
l R !'-9