Newspaper Page Text
ha a. DeiTirwn t
Ed. Young i Co., Editors & Prop's.
Sigghft iar Copy, (three uic»i>tiis,) . • . 50
Advertising rales liberal. BOOK
an id JOB PHLSIISO a siiwiaitj - . Priors
to suit the times.
IN A lit V VIK.
We wish to call the attention of our
subscribers again to the fact that our
terms are strictly cash in advance. Tile
paper costs us nearly a dollar and a half
a year, and we think is well worth the
price asked. Those who do not pay up In
advance will not receive the paper. Those
in arrears we again call on to square up.
tRAirnmilVIUiB ____________ _ _
Open at TrOi> a. m., Close ai 6:00 r. m.
Opcn from »:30 till 8 a. m., and from
IgW till 2.
Augusta, 6 a., November IS—- p. rn.
t.,„, t- ........ ,,.
; I..;.i
10: Low .Middling, 10^' • Middling. IP,' ■
Sa^kKwT""' t.xoiHl Middling, U«; Uooil Ordinary
1 '
Days. Receipts. Sales
Saturday, Monday, tmi.t ago
1 HI 814
Tuesday* Wednesday, 1600 1107
l.'Tl 1310
Thursday, 16H4 1157
Total, 6,V»al> D,'M4
VOK i; OF TUI . I’lU.'S.
Itelng opinions on Various Subjects Ux
jircsed Lj the Papers ct the Cuuntrj.
lAvgwt* Eoming
It is unfortunate that Mrs. Abraham
lanculn i poverty has to be paraded in the
newspapers. while stt« has a son who is a
Cabinet Minister.
The Bert m Many XVays.
\ihjttnorj* n ... As'Ao.| _ .
1 lie CBAwi'oltpvii.i.i: DEMOCRATComes
out this Week with a beautiful heading,
Tlie Democrat is now not only the best
looking, bnt- one of the best county ’ week
lies within our knowledge.
Ka*y to Get liich.
f Atlanta Constitution. ]
The graveyard insurance business has
taken a fresh start in Pennsylvania. All
that an enterprising young man in that
State has to do to get rich is to insure all
Ids decrepid and tottering relatives, and
then fold his arms and wait for them to
Ctuiritable to Itonapartc,
[Aiiffvtf'i Evening JVeirs.]
(Jen. Wm. Tecnmsuh Sherman docs not
regard himself as tl.e greatest , , soldier ... ,. the
world has ever known. He is too modest
fer that. He only puts himself as the
second greatest, so as to glye Napoleon
Bonaparte a show.
High-Toned lulu cation.
I Atlanta Constitution.]
The science of foot ball is now taught
Mi • , v l, „ , anil liiinami. uui „a,i
institutions ar# keeping up "itn the
racket pretty well, and in the. course ot a
few months they will be able te advertise
variety show attachments.
Fashionable Worship.
[^Linenean Advorate.
The brother who inclined his head in
prayer when he took his seat in church
was stared at as an innovator. The oth¬
er brother who turned at once to his next
neighbor and began to talk about the
crops was not stared at all ; he was fol
lowing the fashion of the times.
A Funny old I.ot ol Star-Gazers.
[ Atlanta Constitution. ]
When there is any talk about surplus
revenue, the republican leaders stick their
tongues in their cheeks and look steadily
into the firmament. It is a right funny
sight to sec seven or eight hundred states¬
men looking simultaneously at the firma.
ment. There is no doubt, however, that
they know what to do with the surplus
Not Altogether h i’ic-Nic.
[Atlanta Sunday OazcUi. ]
Newspapermen don’t go into business
places and say : “See here, 1 don’t like
the way you arrange your show window
and I’m going to have it fixed.” Not as
all. But other men are continually corn -
ing into newspaper offices wttli very simi
Jar complaints. Isn’t it about time that
people looked upon a newspaper as a bus
iness operation.
A Compliment to the “Profesh’."
[Atlanta Sunday Phonograph. ]
Sol Smith Russell tells the following
storv of his entertainer: At a smell
Ohio town, where he had given a per¬
formance some years ago, lie met at the
co, intent ey <« tin . >m nan, and jimI
ly said : Say, mister, be nt you the fel
fer wot ft gin the show up to Smoot’s Hall
fast, , . night. . „„ Ye>, ,, replied , Russell, „ ,, i
did give an entertainment at Smoot’s Hall
last night.” “YVell, I thought you was
the chap. 1 want to tell you ’bout a bov
of mine ; you ought to have linn to travel
with von * he’s iurt the feller for your
show j he’s the ,1 (lest fool I ever saw : ’
Where the Scarcity Is.
[Dcs Moines (la.) Register.] '
A man went into a bank to borrow some
money. He askcl if they could let him
have a thousand dollars for a short time,
“Oh, yes,” was the reply, “one thousand,
or two thousand, if you want it." Thr
rate* of interest was
silent for few nil’
™ V !v ni en
wasatwou fy „ to J(>
not tiMi * i come in-iv aw ] find vrui
Mxiou* t® ieud me alt the money 1 want,
No scarcity of greenback-* here. But i>e
fore you lend it you require collaterals.
Now, that's just what 1 haven't got and
can't obtain, and have c.m« to the ...n
< .... lusion taat ... ...... it i.n t a M.ircity . of green
backs the country is suffering frot.i, but
a scarcity of collaterals.
“A t$aut>l*(or i'lilft iaiiti, l »u
Dry, parched, son* throat, pm-tim*
bronchial and asthmati- attac
and del'iiitaljsl state of the system aiith *
.Snayiie's dangerous -. luptoi . s’ ■ • -rue Wild * ■»> • n
The Compound tirst (lost >.yrap i f < her
cough aud gives reii.f, and the
imr worst properties. sor* An lungs yield to its heal
occasional ilos.. of
‘>w;vym’>v i’UU ” should taken to k»a’p
the bowels tree, rhey are excellent ltd
toipid liver and bilious complaints.
Annual Prize Drill.
...................... "'a
•»•'»“ i.»lteM the first annua I I
ofthe Vmerieus Light Infantry Vmeri
cu<. (fa. The invitation i - a I.:.;.,:--;.: .
.......vr.....*«....... b ^ Ut, f* llV ' V W t tllat
’’ « r '‘ ' l P«^
° l,us,n '‘ ss *‘* hare ns fr,,m t,, ‘‘ !’ leasurc
"t attending. We notice on one of the
dommittees a familiar name that of Lieu
tenant Owen B. Burnett with whom we
have spent man/'pleasant hours and hope
to spend many more. The Light Infan¬
try is comparatively a new company, but
with such officers as Owen it is bound to
he very popular especially amongst the
ladies. Our best wishes are v. iththeiu.
Vlcmtoa im'cin vlru pSicumUvTjs^fu'l u-t ^ 0 !’ ,HA ' ! ‘
ToN,i Invigeuator
in advanced stages of Consumption.
Weakness, Dyspepsia, and ail Nervou'
In );regmiiii women it bos
foist was reieete'd ' I Van eee'u'i.'''"!""^^ "of'digel
eonveiiient, lion.” jialatable and ensy
Utko (Remember the name,C olde.n’s—
no other.) Of druggists.
- —— * — -
Savannah Weekly News.
The publisher of that well-known
joiunal, the Savannah Weekly Nows,
proposes to give to all new tmkserihevs
who send in their naines( with the price
of the |m|ier for oneveaf, s'd.O!),) be
fore the 1st of Jhniiary, I MR-2, and all
subwsribers who renew before that date,
hi a| W O, *o of the u> novels novels nf of the, ti„.
1!*!$.:. ",■’»»«?,.’News .“Tr X’ 11:1 Library," s :llv .free ’ft of
Southeen authors and , are printed in
handsome quato form, is excellent, style
I auu on gooa paper. The AV r Pekly News
J the is a best mammoth paper, and ranks wit Ii
I jouenals in the \ ijioji. Tl:e
, premium offei* also extends to that ahU*
•••Bricomwl imirn*. thF Mftftliern Par
els hum’s Monthly.!,ml any one of the m.v
will be Kent free to those who Kt ,li¬
; r a ihe to the Monthly for a, _b!
diess, J. 11. Kstill, .Savannah, Go.
Get Out I tool's.
| The close eonlini'Mient of a!! factory
: work, gives the ojierarives pallid faces,
poor appetite, languid, miserable feel
iugs, poor bhiixl, inactive liver.bidneys
anil urinary troubles, and all the i>!iysi
; c j !1()S and medicine in the world cannot
help them unless they get out of doors
or use Hop Bitters, the purest and best
remedy, especially for such cases, hav
iug abundance of health, sunshine and
rosy cheeks in them. They cost hut a
trifle. See another column—Christian
A l>iKtlna;uished VUitfir.
Most of oar people Wednesday night did
not know that (Jratffordyiile had a ilislhi
gut shed man pass through here. But. we
.1:., wiam nil w,n,.. , „,.,„,i,. ’ ’ ' "eieslum- ... ,
' ' ft
l>eiing serenely in . their can,-lies the Post
master-Cfeneral of ihe United States
! •al through. It is true he was in a sleeping
car and had no idea that he was so near
| our thriving city—lmt Mr. .fames came
j through just the same, lie was indilfcr-
1 cut. as to Crawfonlville and < Tuwtordville,
|-» | have ..................... no doubt had the general known,
when the tram stopped, that this was
1 Orawtoi'dvilJc—a grand place—Im would
have aroused him from his slumbers, come
i on the platform aud made a soul-stirring
speech to an imaginary audience that
would have woke the sleeping canine:; and
hull-frogs. We would have bail the
switched off and have given him a
Siam! ovation on Thursday, lie tv,min
then have made another oration in which
he would have complimented us on the
gigantic strides of progress made by our
| prosperous city since his last visit and that
[ he was glad to see the spirit of the “new
: South” as exemplified by the people
I Taliaferro county. The crowd would have
hurrahed ami the Democrat would have
nUfl! •[•, ,. fnin
rn\y for a moment, and the great portimis
ed.and tint lightning re port* t of th*f Dumt
CKAT mourns a startling local. “ ’TNvns
PV evervnus. ertbiis”
Almost Youug A-aiii '
My niotlier , was aflicted a long , time
.. Aoimition ...j” <,» iiie wnoic B -A. y tcun tMn . .
headache, peruous jjrostration.ana was
almost helpless. JNo pJjj-SlCJitljS Ol
medicines did her any good. Three
months ago she began to use Hop Bit
ters. with such good effect that she
smns ami feels young again, although
over 70 years oi l. \Ve think, there is
no other medicine fit to use in tin* fum
fly.”—A ladj in Providence, R. I.—
Yb LUb mUc. ILL A *. Lo&& .*1,
rf w ae
hours before a •4 and the ju] * ers
were issued h so he telegraphic
counts were jm >11 v* ires at
The example had wo rid u
grant if no; U i
fordviile »e is u > cgiaph All
authentic at com.ts of the execution were
sent bv a messenger in private convey
anee to Barnet;. six miles distant, and the
lir> ‘ 1 <U * “P?* 1 the wire#tiietc was
transmnu d a> tli *• -New Voik Associated
-.ur. .• .. t. m . a -,-in...ui
The .-!>• . . d <! were sent to the
Am:e-’a < re;,, the Savaunah
ina New*, the Atlanta Constitution and
M ,,,T a'ul Messenger, lu
Jl.g i Whicll Im'SliSi
..«?;■ ;t, stiL i II d
Wt: iiiitf pupoJ S td
p, . ft- tii\ mg mil iU.d accorntc
t Xe tort Cl
a, 1 Fvenbu* Telegram nr- . than
Ighiniar it ut?i Asfci taifiii whetfe tile
gauown was i ih 1 nuiif. •? ml usMiriiig
u it aw Uiai m> loprkvt* was in Sight ,
thc>c rnitcrj rising panel-s—^Ufipirvid Ifun
inforimal—i-ain.- om U ;. ti.r.’c o'clock iu tht*
afternoon with tiiamiiaetureil anouiiis of
the hanging, worked up by the wood-pulp
; editors in these oil!,v,<. Tii'< ■ acei>niit.r,uf
sre»R» , w.“«3ss;
,,.lir,,.,. II;. e~r- livening in fork eiabiuli. . a IHT
umr- w.iv than iv ........... <>t *
“Ah, bleak how well November,'’ do 1 icmeiubcr—it was
in the when l caught
I he Cold that was wearing uie surely and
swiftly away ; hut I heard of l>r Bull's
Cough Syrup ; took it, and am as well as
Din uki.iiiTT» ,n.
Trial ot < aides .1. CultCau, tile Aims
..'11 Si ill's ill tile ( Hurt IP ..l.^ tliell
I'.en packed with 11 ople. anxious to
l'«ar tbn trial. The following is a brief
»nuimary .of citclt day's proceedings.
' Mai. Seovllle. sister, introduced. J»r
scrilied queer actions of brother, far
bi ‘ eli »» 1«78. Objections, were l abed
hy counsel for prosecution. Leo. P.
lhii roughs, Chicago, Instilled ho saw
(ruilean iu DS7S Thought him ct i/y —
, j Live iu the proceeding—iluitean
broke out :,“i dt.sire to tell all the
crank ne\v.s]sihcr men that 1 appear
| hern an. my own counsel.” No attuu
Lon was paid lo him.- John W.
can lestitied to insane, things done.
; (iujteau took the stand. Said he was
not feeling r....i:..........ii well, B'ns i ................... impatient, to ...... he
. ex.tmincii.' No! king w.-m B.iined from
him- His letters ;to Ills famtlv in 187K
were read. read. They They fchowed showed strong strong vel.ig- y< iig
, ious feeling, lie dentnmeed in tneiii
the Oueidu ennimuniu mid his father
for not helping him out.-A reporter
h;nl a eonyerMatioii wiUi hhn. JL 1 said
'm» knew as kihih as he was put on the
sland tie wiiuM < ■ Ik. . Then i..
lll „, 1( |, n ,am’’th ,l ......... '
y, kds \ V.
Prisoner took the stand. lie said his
life had burnt wived four tiniiM, auil he
ladieved ii was the Lord that dill, lie
| thought led lit* was necessary to the Uni
• v >lat« « he Was very Ida plieiinm.x.
. is'
saying ; Jail'd no fool.' lie
said that when people understood that
another wm had henn averted, they
would thank him and say “Uuilean.
the patriot," instead of ‘‘Cuilesii, the
T . 1 J Xl . 11 ,' . 1 '.'! "i"! i'. '-'i .' A !■' ."AA .. 1
, L "Ai,,AA A'i!u ' ni! 1 ,, AA,A, !. A
! ” ^, u w ; “ " i i
rr u 1 ie "y „ It v Sred e "buy i X ,
he pi -
i toi z 1 auo the «j J)eity .. . would ii.t take of c
him. In his opinion the doctors killed
‘ the President.
The season’s entertainments have iv a
imt.ihly free from annoyance hy coughing.
Dr. Bull’s Omglr Syrup ilu,:s this. Pi k-u
-S bottle. '
cents a
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral L a really re
markable and liuie-lnnioied im dicine L
is the best, remedy known for all disi 11 SI'S
of the throat »ml lungs.
iTi.'kiiii* imifiiti.,'. «w»
Bull’s Cough %rnp. 27 cents a bottle.
"W* B Jf. ft ft”'
., w ™ -f,
ft tv S». ti I ^ ./•
PHYSICIAN ; : Aft-. AN 9
THE Gf.r.X/i' 7 ff, r. OiCAL
J*° JORWjS ?' 1 LIVER.
t-lu '
x t-. '. . . . , '
Sau.u' :; ;;
ci memory, - . ..iv.y K rie«
b'so: i>is-ainew>.
fc Ittttersi ... - ■ the
eyes, v < • ■>. * esti.«»
hen at .
StPW .; J . '. ' LOFUD.
tutT’S PILV " ymi i..ia,uedt»
«-< fe<-im K ..■* ir. »,iw *,*w.
in it<• .mm .so . r. lu
......; « .ft
S**M*ln ar»* brb
'"<* tr . n xt., a. r.
1 in a r Ti AJUOfWJIJf '< ' I'iir.PFPd tr, f, Ol/*. Y
BfcAUK by tv rtt.AfVu - - n» ion qi Hits Xj v k. It
lrof‘».rm a * • CH fri I cx-d if. : - Tf‘
60M by Lnift.ij Of *•[.{. f ■; r• u ffcre’tt tfi ft.
Office, 39 Murray St- New York.
# c !>r. Ti ■ M wM'.U/ > *?. i ■ > -i so<’t>n :tni A
Uefs! ii r -*'M ut, ■ -j I ft,’.- oo t-jrpllmtfon.J
T -AX.--
me s
M iin, on or b >.-= 1
v> by So
i and ami otlioi ri sig
nature. This Xovember 2lsl 1S8L
Ordinary T. (\
Administrator’* Sale.
\\* * f ILL it.staiit, iie sold on Monday the l-_>lh
at the residence of !i ti
'rv ,,V N;< M-en-; dvci-iised (,i all the d!. i
t , r . u Said .1,
■ cs, tnifh <‘a
iu C.AUiimg impiaments,
at id ft cdtifg gin geurii.g, and
ti'i U'H’d.
oiitinqu tmui day to day uu
;; i'lriliS i ash.
I'his lb- .-tnher 1st, 18"l.
John J. Kknt,
inis’.rator of Harry Stephens.
App>’.iftt,;i for i^tteisoi' A.lmiiiisiia
tii’ii, IV Bonis Non.
LUO!, ;).-, Tau.U'E»i;< Cur rr.
■ • Las, tic,, go o. u i\ III
c.l to me S>r letters of
urn; Minis Non on t!
Lite (,! iii'orge liixou late of said eoilli
tv deceased. ,
Tla-se are < Itoreiote ' to eite » n <l .»,*
„„„,,,i, .,„ , u . ..... , , , Viy' V’
■irt-t Holiday v
"•'V siid in Jauuavy next IsSi,
leDeis ahotild Hot be granted.
<>’(•• n under my hand and nlllcial
Signal me, this ll,*eein l ‘>er 1st. SSSl, A. Bbazi.kv.
Ordiiuti Y, 'I'. C.
ileLl Id
Acimin-s-rator's Silo.
LLOLLtA Tai.i.ui not ot ntv.
J yY virtue oi an order from the ILm
tifol'ro g Lj aide < 'ou.: ol Ordin.m, ol fal
emiaty. will he sold liefom the
; limRr.'t Co;i;i door, ip said ti-mnly. «n
w'ej’ii ruesday in Deri iulier next, h,
'• j t lie lawftill hours of sale, tint fol
lowii .• property to wit.; Onctiaet
of lau| it: in aid county reek. lying Adjoining on the vv.d a s
Jojm lain! . • 1
.Vbiohini llhmles, I.stale, of Ma
' hair d oiher., eoutainiug one, lam
j <li'»il ■ said I ; i\ty land even sold ae.m , (|(..N nmie
or . aa the properly ,
°f T • iv <Lltliigloii. ihicoiuii'd for I: ,e
| l«eiij gi oi liu- i editor,ami L a s ay la\V
ot said de -eased.
| Xovember ft ft'! Terms c.i ,h.
.1 1 ' 11 X t\. PLI.l NcTOX, _ Adui'r
of T.4L ElUXUTcN , Dee'll
GLOJUHA i:uito Cm x i v.
a I " ) Y virtue of an order from the ( hunt
.1 of Oioimuy of Wilkef eouiite.
(ieikfgia. Will lie sold on the lirst Tin s
! • • .o'er ,i.) A l >.. P d . et
tin eoiu t-liuiiee dooi m the county of
Taliaferro (he and slate of Georgia, be
f ween legal sale Injuns, The li'aei
; «*f land in said comity ol Taliaferro,
1 eloiiging dereaseil, to, the Hsliite of Alarm .1.
i Raiuldlpll 1} ilig upon the yy.i
tern of Little river, iiaidius and lteeilv
creeks, ami hoimih ii hy anil adjoinii •;
sa id. J*ir tie river nm| Jlunlens creek -and
hinds of John p. Mme. John Brook .
| L. A. .Moore, George AVriglit, Jtwph
Lr.ioi-s ami land formerly belonging to
I tale of iosepus Hillman ami comoiilv
known as the I'ickleil place and others,
.and ! containing hy estimation twenty
seven hnndml acres more or lesssiiiil
; bind willbo subdivided into four on live
spentlo toads or puree It*. Iftieii of ail
i : s "hdivided tradsor parcels Tfll! .dn.sofihft Im old
g i„.
! uii tin*, **** flay oi ^^1 All pfiaoiH Wlio
^^Xlvl'km , , S4 r , v . , mui-Xu , , ,
, ilnhe ,
: so by calling upon Mr. Geo. ('. Louche
who lives at the main Mtlllcimml on
s,iid original tract htijds of land, and lie will
show’them said as "well ;is ti|e
,,i a t of each said subdivision of the
name. Said land all well improved, 1ms
i a bulge amount of valuable limbi i'. us
W'eB tm low groumis upon it. Tl.e terms
•S.':& JfJTCKSijSrtSXtli ,
, ini , ;lU | of min
money. The iv................ ..darning
title iidfil l«(ivli!i..n miHic*' is fully paid.
but will give eqee.ute pureliaser boiui
for titles with the usual conditions in
BtUite.* D. W. Dr^i5o.-E. AdrninfHtni
tor with will annexed of Maria •). Han
dohth estate.
Fund t'j
* -;Utttc<3 Alinatitattl ButitieM
For I :: * ircuAir.
}K.f>!. i/fablithcd twantu utfu a
Juiisr M( Nfiir \V right y H >' tv Ro-iL*
!"'/ Wfl<iTFri r\i - l - ; r".pi< > • •a*- lij.
iunrifTtit . I nRt.tC.Uj,,... l ioer-iiconimi««ton
t ., „.....,
K. 15AWlOH!>% II I Aw A.
I>cak*r in Fine
Wines, Liquors. Cigar; «n*J Tolwcco
A fill! line of
.S '- ton, LoL *• ' U • .. (ftji'D
And other (.'jmxiihI
f'rn' Fu KtP. J K'DpoTilv H ^ fh*
of Uo'pj %nd jiftjfH /you
] .<
Tit v 12 } 4
r lores"'on J gjjx®
. » ©iiw.ii ...
. All who Farnic^rM^rlii-r*, IP; .me?r S! n7irfrchwTiu3|5
(NX., arc t d xt by \.* : k or w Y«|r, and all win <
■ Bjv. i'L K, ■. L‘y?pcj ,x Rheuci^ttaai,
?i.x,or jinvtToraisd :: J, p* , you can
fc ' rd cured bv 11-ino
>'*ft"' away with (Jowsu; P|A|ton,
1'at'i Hnd J’arkerY 1
.< iingnr :r nd the
‘IU* * IIe tU!i & Sf ri’u.ft'fi Beatortr you (Yin,
►and f.Yt superior to Bit! rrs and ether Tonics, it
I uj> tao system, but never intoxicate'.. act.
Jt .. kK.ii;.iiis ,i s • t, j... n t.
'.-.'A n. i f .
x I'M iu. • Testimonials mid
Large Sales j . • ve priees of Pian
os and tU'gaim, fur saun 1 tmtke nod '
style. ;ii*v front t^)J to 1 jut cent. l‘S
at ' i’lie Music 1 louse of Hie South”
than ;' '.vilere.
( . U. H BlN'sOX .v CO.
wwc.- v-., ■’BfWfi
. ,
r* ( )
i j. f. a i
|,. .... < , , V1 mill (he h<
, ,iu n ( i. i -n,.! T’<.tle. at ” Cii
yi h m ,... t!,e,’’ enable (.!
,, t a ». t >:;e>! hnpeiio
Piano- a ml < * " in . at 1c , pi in; than i
aid by small dealers.
T. M. 11. 0. T JL ■
(-.<>, BOBlN’SdN ,v CO sell r
as, Arkansas, Loui'iarm, ^Hn —
Ahibam..!, f'loiiibt, and hi every Sonlli
orn SI uie noilii of Ceorgia Augusta
can justly el a lo have “The Music
House of tin Soiitlt,*'
E ."■4 a a M.
b, ,/^ A a.
\Sk j-"' -< ft
\m^t tiff . asamdte:
T" out •■ 1 n thirl ■ ..........ut, i’iano-i -ased s -
pur,dim ing "upei ior and • n gans
Musical re. ;n nmei,Is,Sheet Mu iie.Mu a'
j,. r,„.; best llali.m N,, mg
" ’ ' ' ' ' : """ ° f
Tuuiilft Mini *.'•{) ’Pi,:..
By 1 . T A V Id tit, l.iie onl. antlmi
..i d Turn 1 of tlie jMio ic o 1 - • of thi'
puUi, Augiwta, (Li.
ti. O. RO! LIN BOM A CO.
( hit.27.Ml .j'ft.
J r i* SCI l NI’ll DT'tl 1-, )
oi Fine Wine*
Havmali Cigars,
W V ‘ -'irr- " rfr
lb! HI!) , ‘J’)It Brifp.l , Nff 1 '"',
1 VI 1! ST! /,
■ ii I, 4 Ti J
(hjaLS* *.1 .
Hcr/'rcsisiim T *1 lone i for I’t *•
. K': !!'<*r»,
VA-ftA dtSork i DU n DTl
jiliH t. L i • P BU.'lft "-ft
i" ", 4iu*
(fill" (<>.’- n, an*
X ,1 i,:» ti ;», b, ft -
{ ji ft ( r* h*i*J
iL > <•>.<) ior ‘ •)■>!! zl/jJ t t«U4.
if * *• < tt. 7.
i v xu-.'i ..Co., i,wo Arch sc, etiU’*, r».
KflVI'BD I'lki Tl>! V Hl.% I'S I
IHuslrati'd. l hl'HiM’ (. Hliii 1 '?<' - f . N I! o-*
*iglil. IlOl jM. A S ';S SVsW IMLTOIM
BIBU-ft ' A ■/nf .mull'd, A. d. H
MA N ft' ro., 1'liiliuL;.
Ti >’.T<fP UK- \TTV : tS '.TIA':
11 ■ ■/. \T - hi
I i . S' draku, OfMg -r Stiilinp.ra, ], i, Man- and
i &-W % 11: '/the b / ?t modi
• p-&S A‘JSk ' • '
% ■ ” i. i* of S- ” w.'tr-rf powr-»S
Vlntx'p** f ' A'" S%-<, ■ TSWr A 'AV- V * r r i ' ' " f ' ,l, A
d :*-r
wi^L .* ■> 'far *" 7 !>« KuMdiht If«• a 11 h • t r< iiftfd. ->trf h
X-'AH'. ' • ft Lurui ' ftp .ti:,ra,
rarker s •*'■■■■ Lung I-fver iricya,
v r . * % < ...
Vlv-V 1-wMl »w. 1 • «<! To o, il
W- If ’’ r*’ U.r 1 - ■ 1 U>. rrv- r. TSCS*-,. ii '/ 1 -
ymtidni toA- > toj vny (>,. »jhetrmt i, N. Y
'-0% au& V IMF*. Lav tel :• .ag DoU&r 4
Pv Uoi-rJrw.Lc?
-.-at- -*» * -O
Li i f f JL I > I’ll.I
4 v jk m
T ii/ r* 30 tV TED.)
»llv i*!il A*»4 1 e»
(>*i« 1*1 >1 1» | | i|)iC ,
One I Ml i» a |>o»e»
Those I* l!s are ;tn id Mute cun’ tor
all Bilious ami atiarial affectioas.—
l’het giappl* \\ tilt disease at its fuuu
t i and root it out of the pa
ul’.s system at once, t hey fortify the
body ’ D ........ all tortus of sad*
d. a utt u 1 uud ei hteiuicrt, mut enable
to * ,■ danger «f
tot* d Ono rial of DR.
• i* SLW UV i ll PILLS
tiiO n ‘t* Syrian of pains and
•• t lid . ^ *ub-5 find solidsJiew
no! a .f. tinu)rr;n the
' n b i x mi st Kb luV tjn-Jiei&o at
v .r near t iht .’gist, and Lake nooth
lb*. dork's New Liver
■ >!■' s id the Ividueys. Ke¬
lt ’on oi Urine. l»r. llaydock’s New
, ivev FtlW are > |«^rf«ct cure. *)ho Pill
-..itisK the most skeptical.
■ V 1'li teases. Nervous I’ros
Wea• Idq In) J,a.NSil lllje,
. and sick Headache.
In . ll.iido k'l Xetv Liver Pills will bw
ton ml an efiVetual reinedy.
rin v arc ( niversal in I heir effect*,
and a i Urc can almost always be guar¬
ani et-it.
'•’•ai h*\ i i! I'.i'iititius twenty Pills. One
I’ill is a dose.
t r s':ilc In all Diuggista,
(MUTK)N. None are so genuine
mile Pm -i ’ mil lire of .1 LLKN II AY'
(M H K siu roMids eaeli vial of Pills.—
b l‘i .a .Smeir.(A -i/id. If your
"in" • ■ dm . i., 11 |, rep ( hem. we will
mail them free to any address on re
eeipt, of “o cents. ' ials tor £1.00,
II V V! OX I * [ IT 1>KLA Y.
Haydock L Co.,
m !*; 01 stiwt. New York.
April H, \S1. j-y.
A mNiavi.
v, '..ft ’ ' l.l lIIP tli *1 WuHiaA, UI4M K,
\ 1 r
ii ••if- » VDfln
' Ji ■ ’ -SS:
4“ 'i-ilH’rtl &(fviMur ’* • " ID« *»•» pr
Ii ‘bu*. *h*
'•••*' I**#
1 ' .,* •*• ;•
* k.. / , I • MUM
-Wl>, .-••• >•! 1 »«||
ft fci n is ! 1 • u* •’ ■ * ft M. nth *t. % nt
• -
M 'M F.U I I IlK.ll Or—
Torn!) v llcaditoiips, Etc.
Tj m dm) I’J.'.Utimtas ftiroisbed.
Scpt.g, lgin. L
I UR \ M,
• j 'H ; poor :i■, 'veil a ; tile rich, the old at
j iveil ax (||n yining, the wife, ns IVel
. ine l.ti Dn■ I. the young maiden as welt
as 1 Im \ *>uti” man, 1 im g rl a» w*b a, the
*•>. 1 ■ ! • .m II earn a few dollars
in lion,.-1 "inployDe'iit, as to sit around
If" lion ."pi wait l**r others in earn it
l" lli'in. We **»n give >•..*, employ incut,
Li- eie 10 doling your spare home
• Ini'" ling, er in your own nelghhor
h" el, i.lnoag volii il e nds Hllil .IcqliU'OtarT
!: "ill" no! i :i;i lor enqiloynient,
e -I pail vnliifilde Information lo
mi ft*".' of eo.,1 It will end, yon only
• 1 'it' a |n- .i i cal l' to write fyr our
,.10 , a; ii 1. uni in Hu.' means ut 'mi a 00011 many dollars.
.'•■ negh 1 ti,:- iippiirionpy. You
to iii v*' .t a !.iri: ■ ..mi of mon
' .id 1 on . 1 ii ■ of losing it. Yon
ill tie an easy
matt r to make from ym to s-moa week,
♦•ut, bjuf-itu* I i".i.m.tli'.", In si: ■ siraightforward and indtipend
and ! An end to lliis matter
■ oi. i..r te. u- ■ MON BY IN IT lor all
■ ■ o 1 i".'e 1 Hi a We will Mirprisn
0 and "on will wonder why you never
wrote lo a - before. VfK Msftr 7 ) FULL 1‘\ R
Tli:rij.\Jls EHFK Address * M’K’OCO.,
id,'< kBYF.
■ rXamc tMs papar.) .Mariok, Ohio
( (Id.NAbD JlOL'sI.
(i, /i it *.'e* a eow-oretCF,
fin ’ ' J jaded Triiveh-rs. Deoil .ample rooiaa
I ;• :niw r' htl
A. D. ( I,INA RL), Proprietor.
ft "y t MM Work.wArruuU’itiiptidSlBml
AL , tL ~k P ii hi
■ .' A DtjfcJ»d th»L '■witeni t« #*v«nr
!»«»,< M ljtlm
zf if lro . l'r*iMirvJiftr>n hound
!>#*’' I omFKiwiiptrL in
v'A p: ‘(D Y rench w.unlin,
* ' - Ljil Kiit,;'/K)M<.'’'mt*iri*h«*ir»|fuI
Htupl «vprr ay ink’d, 12« pfd»cnA>
1 ■ ' . pco-fi (Ipiy ii .55 HHUt by
u ; ii! i tAMrirt***f*cen*»t
jlmjw mr, t Dow.Addr'tm 1 rWxKh-ilwi- W. H PAR
ft'ntof ‘itllhr/ir i r.
■>,/. f' J n'jtFftHm
\ J butts’ mm.
■ V n nnlina.
’ ■..'■el}'
■ ■ " <lt. Afittf trwt*
(Mi nm >
, 4 1, t: ftL'C" * 1 • -* *'il«l • «i !• It htSr iMfHhA irrm.P
ft "j ' ' ... ft- i Lr-bfdJ
*4 , . A ' if