Newspaper Page Text
Tree drouth ami the Hint Lock.
A correspondent r. the Chicago luter
O'-eau sars: I see it stated that the
growth of a young tree never gets any
higher from tlie ground, hut I think I
can cite two positive facts to the con
1. Some person put a circular tlat stone
about two and a half inches broad and
one »nd a half inches thick, fcqiering to a
round edge, between forty or fifty years
ago, into the crotch of an apple tree, and
when it wa.jmt there the top of the stone
was about level with the crotch of the
fere, and uovr on one side or edge of the
stone the wood is tire or six inches higher
than the stone, and on the other siele id
the stone sev.-n or eight inches higher.
Forty-six or forty-seven years ago
tty brother hung about six inches of a
deer s horn in the crotch of a beech tree,
and the trio wa* cut down Inst winter,
aud the born wa* iml*edded in solid
wood which had united eight or nine
iuehe* above the horn, so it anothei
horn had 1 ecu hnng in the same place it
would have hung eight or nine inches
above the first.
A few words in regard to the flow of
sap in the maple tree:
When a maple tree is out into to get
the sap, in order to make sugar, the sap
will flow up and down until the war!-!
weather will stop the flow. The flow may
be checked in the upper part of the tree
first, because it will he effe cted by the
heat first. After the sap has done flow¬
ing in the spring there will bo no per¬
ceptible flow up or down until the tree is
frozen again. The leaves of the tree
don’t put out until after the sap has done
flowing perceptibly.
Xuw a little in regard to the old flint
lock. When 1 was a boy I used to play
with a flint and jack-knife, with which I
produced sparks, the largest of which
would tall perhaps two feet from tie Hint.
Now if those sparks had been caused
by burning gas, I think they would have
gone up instead of down. Our theory
for the sparks going down, is the flint
pares oft’ small 1 (article* of steel, which
are heated by frictiim. Now if the at Unis¬
phere of the earth and sun are so dense
as to cause such a tremendous repri s-ive
force the moon having to pass through the
atmospliere of one or the other would be
retarded in its motion. As far as wo are
able to observe, the earth’s atmosphere
has a tendency to retard the motion of
anything passing through it.
It is asserted by M. Emile de Lave
leye the so-called that the precious world’s available metals is supply rapidly of
diminishing, and, while it may not soon
become exhausted, the time cannot Ire
far hence when it must become inade¬
quate to meet all demands iqx>u it. It
can be tilled hardly be hoped discoveries that the lack can
tonded by new for any ex
period, as the quantities existing
at the earth’s surface can at best be but
very limited, although vast masses prob
ably exist in the inaccessible interior of
the globe. It is computed 1 that the world
is live times as heavy I as an « qnnl . vol- ,
*mc of water, while the rocks of the
earth’s surface only average two anil
one-half times the weight of water. It
follows flour this that tho still molten
center must contain a great amount of
very unit, heavy the specific substances. gravity, With water as
a or compara¬
tive weight of gold is about bc-ing 13, plati¬
num 21, arid iridiuui Wh£h 22, silver but
10 and iron K. ihe globe was in a
liquid state these metals would have had
a tendency and to gravitate toward density the cen¬
ter, those of extern" now
found by us owe their appearance near
the surface to volcanic agencies. Tho
great bulk must yet remain uoar the
Amid Hie Josllng Crowd.
One of the strangest things in walk
ing through look a crowded people city is the ab
struct somo have. Their
bo.lies may be hurrying along, but their
minds are either sound asleep or gone a
wandering, they pay not the slightest
regard to auy one or anything, and
only escape being run over by the law
that well apparently drunkards protects incapables
as as and children,
Others again carry on audible eonversa
tiou. gesticulate, smile or laugh, ami are
as oblivious of the fact that they are iu
walking a public tlioronghfare sleep. as There if they were
in their are num¬
berless Miss Elites in the world who
have not even tho excuse of a “cause
on the brain,” aud xvho jostle and are
jostled in a crowd without auy apparent
recognition of the spectacle they pre
Ben t.
The French Itepuhlle.
France is the most prosperous country
of Europe. largo and the Its peopie agricultural industries
are are industrious
aud economical. The debt is owned at
home and the people don’t want it paid,
because they believe more firmly tn their
own Government than m outside pow¬
ers. The French republic will lie j>er
manent. The death of the I’rinco Im¬
perial was a great blow to the Bouapart
ist faction, but the three monarchical
parties together republic. a re not formidable
against the The Republican
pu-ty can hardly Ire defeated unless by
serious divisions among tho leaders,
which are not to be feared. The days
of coup d’etats in France are past.
There have been no serious disturbances
of late years. The Government is
strong and conservative. — Ex,-Minis¬
ter Noyct.
A Place Where Nobody ToueUes Any¬
A gentleman, who had beon allured by
the announcement of the a “ quiet country
hotel,” came down morning after his
arrival and made complaint that his
lx*.ts had li-'en outside the door all night
and until 8 o'clock that morning and
“nobody had touched them.” Tim
landlord, who, in Ills shirt-sleeves, wae
ripped back m a emur and picking hia
^ with a jack-knife, beamingly re
“Lnw bie.scr yemight . . . have le.t ...
ye, yer
purse out there ail night; nobotty would
have t-eche<l it. Honeat critters daowu
here, I tell ye.”
OriDTVAEILt we know from whEt COTlito
ni- try pe .pie come, by the language they
• bit in the case of the swearer, it is
different. ll‘uses tii e language c< the
country ri> winon he is going.
A dbcooist in New Richmond, 0., Mr. E. J.
C m, a rites ns the following : “ 1 oonsidar
I,-. Itail’a Coayh Syrap one of to* very beat
thi I. - ruade. I use it a.together in my own
fa;_ .y and can therefor* n&iucsud it.”
“ WlI ; L ?<** B 1 *** insert this obitnary
notice ! asked an < Id gentleman of a
Binghamton editor. “ I make bold to
ask it lieeansedee- asedhad a (treat nvinr
Ills death. TAimra /deg ram.
r.r actual merit the famous aumtance
(;» i. ,.w , OJ. t has »teaihlv . j i won lta war
untd 1 . is tieooy the national reunslr for
rheumatism. Lawyer*. physician*.
el>rgvmeo - all use it .—(iunHitati (O )
fktily Etu/mrer.
At nr. Nationa’ Industrial Exhiliiflon
iu was exhibited an • loc!rival
voting apparatus, designed by Signor
Koueeiii, a lueiulier of tiie Italian Par¬
liament. The idea is simply us fol'ows :
Each member of the house hits it, front
of him a metal plate Wariughis name,
iue plate t* furnished wttli tlire* netal
buttons, markc.1 respectfully, " Ave,”
“No" and “Abstain.” This pill tern in
connection with « central liriuti ie R an- 1
* l i n l ,riu t> iu time , 1 ... „ separate
colnuiim tlic ye ts, ms s aud ala tamers,
according as the members depress their
respective buttons. A fourth column
niarks the al>*ente«a. At the moment of
rocordiug each vote, a number corves
ponding with the nnmlier of the
appears, so that the total mar lie seen
at a glance. By Utis system, metuhc.s
can vote and keep their seat*. » great
savmg of time being tints alf.vtdl.
The Pittsburg S„nd„ ; , Isath c quotes:
“ Mr. Murtin Knrg. Silver Creek, Minn.,
eiu*ed n Oil- badly wotuuled liorue with St.
A Nice Place to Live In.
The little Ucrman city of Khngberg,
jii L nver Fmcouin, hut uot only impi>ses no
municipal annual dividend tax, every the voter city i\ ccives
au from treas¬
ury fii. of a Mini rauging city from celebrated $^2.50 to
Last year the the
Sedan anniversary bv giving every eiti
sen 50 cents, .with 50 cents extra to ev
ery soldier of the war with Fmnee.
Iht. Pi kiicm's ‘‘tiohif-n Medfcal Diu’overi’’’
has l»een ho thoroughly estalilislied in puidn'
favor th t were it not for the forgetfnluei* of
people tion it would not In* mfossary to call atten¬
to its power to cure consumpt ion, which is
scrofula of the lungs,and other blood ditieade*.
ts 41 liver erupborisj, complaint. lilotuh * t-, piuijiles, ulcers, aud
The British custom of locking the
doors of railway carriage* has been de¬
fended on the ground that the safety of
tire passenget* was thereby iusu'red.
This might l»e regarded as a wise pre¬
caution in the far West of America,
where the eccentric train robber is in
the habit of offering to trade a wild
flight into the uncertain realms of eter¬
nity for a refusal on the of the pas¬
senger to endow him with all the loose
change he happens to have not left at
home, but in staid old England the cus
tom teems to be a useless and really
dangerous one. Four railway com
pauies iu Scotland and three in England
have abandoned it.
~ —~ - Z.
l'«»W „ u tMiicn Yol©.
Were women allowedto vote, mervonein the
land ntio has umx! Dr. fierce’s “Favorite Pre
scriptiou” woald vote it to be an unfailing
remedy for the diseases peculiar to her sex.
Ooi-YRnatT laws are so inexorable iu
Great Britain that no one can sing any
selection from a compnser’* works without
paying royalty. Even the organ-grind¬
ers and are subject Offenbach to the law. The heirs
assigns of demand royal¬
ty from those who sing nny of the tunes
ot the great composer until 19,(0.
"bnl Fb.fik'inn* Nay.
H 4 !C Lka:,dho, Cal. ? January «, 1877.
Pn. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N.Y.: Dear Sir—
f have uinpioyud your 44 Plcaaant Purgativo
Pellet#’ m my p/uctiee for the laat four yearn.
I now use no other alterative or cathartic medi
cincs in ;>il i:brook) dorangeuieiitK of tho atom
aeh, liver, and bowels. I know of nothing that
equals them. J. A. Miller, M. D.
Population and Area of Cities.
The annexed table shows the area n
acres and population, eight by the census of
1880, of the chief cities of thecoun
t A rea in A fir**. Population
Npw Y<<rk.. ... .2li,401 J ,’20f>,577
Phi suiB'.i.hSa. ....H’aS03 *40,980
otoia'i!'.'. _____ _____22,797 f.GG/89
n-wio-l........ 50i;,. r »U
_____ 4.41G ;w.2,.'»:r»
c-’oeinnau..... .... 40.lH.KI :i50.*i22
..uciaco’. . .. .!5.;>G)) 2.**r>,708
b...j j .... 2*1,
Warner* s Safe Kidney and Liver Cure.
She Col Her Money's Worth.
A Scotch maid servant informed her
mistress thatshewisbed to marry, where*
upon five the pound old lady mialo her a present of
a note toward housekeeping.
senled Shortly afterward the gii'l calle.lun.1 pre
her husbiuid, who was old. hleur
claimed eyed and the lame. mistress, "Why, “is this Betty,” the ex
you’ve imploringly, got?” “’Deed, mem,” said Betty,
“what can one expect for
five pounds?”—//«///» Miller.
Mason & Hamlin Organ Company.
At the great Italian Industrial Exhibi¬
tion just closing in Milan, Italy, the
highest awards for musical instrument*,
a silver medal and diploma, were taken
by au American manufacturer, the Ma¬
son aud Hamlin Organ Company, whose
cabinet organs were judged to tie so
superior that they were the only reed
organs of auy manufacture, European or
American, which were awarded a medal.
It is a great honor to these makers, that
their ir. Italy itself, the very home of nmsic,
organs should receive such dis
tinctiou. They excited much interest
order among musicians, and were by special
by repeatedly Carlo exhibited distinguished to the royal
court Ducci, the
artist of Rome.
Thb Courier-Journal says that a
Russian word coming through the telfv
j phone 1 Breaks all the furniture in the
j. Mrfh , he ~Scr ptai^TamTl 1 _ an. *40. :
, , .... „
nran, makt* the lollo im offer: T»»thep<*r-
80n will first t II m which is the long
■ est vers , which the sh- rt*s% iin4 which
the mid«iie verse of the Oh! Testament, e
will give $20 in gold. To the person who
•* ill first nam th* book and division in t 1 e
bible in which onenrs e^ery letrer of the
Hebrew alphabet, e wi;: give f2 in g Id.
Tb^se premium* to be Awarded on ihe 18th
ty-five centw, no Mara -. for which they will
receive inin a copy the of the'Reporter of Jan. 19th
eont- eer-e -t answers and n me*
and po<Coffi.-e address of partiea ivine
them, to whom wil. he awarde<! the r <-mi_
I tun*. Audrey, TrireUSHEKS or Rkpobtrr,
Holly Springs Misai'eippi. e. p,««*» , Vegetable Compeaad
care. eft Tenia,'. corepUiriU. Tba foliowing >•
<b * M>rt »* teetimouiale which Mr*. Kukhan.
r * c *?’ 6 * * b »“< te** 1 troubled with female
of the time not tbl® to lnvb my b*4. Mtut
“•«» l*™ri»a» Vw. tried bV
to no iviil. 1 cm now well, and work
at iny tr.d*. draamkin*. | <u enrol I.t
tekmg si bottleei.l Mrs. Pinkham’t T^-eUble
Cewanoand. Mr*. L. T.Dosaaics, corner Pina
h' jnton etrvete, s*»ni«'tt. Mau.
The entire Bible lias been translated
intl) . <he ! of the
» D k"age New Hebrides
gveup of islands in Pamfto ocean,
A urukBY tiiat will uu h-v«»sfu!jy relieve fe
rafiie ’'eakjjeM* piuuor fill t** be |K>p»il»r with
women, mil when a niwitori«Mii< aiix ; t? i*
placrj on ihe market it Biflrti with » rvjiriy
n*lr. tuMin^ the liuMi reliable of Ihia c!aek i«
i.vdia E. Pfnkliam’. Veg.ut.i* Comp mod,
wi.iob s- caai*ait,il to cure « 1 I . . f fi
mat* wcakn*-*. 'i'fai. prepiivtioo iifait takiug
the place of »!lo«heriiu a «urc atal n'eabl*
'* endorsed by druegiata a*-! <>tb
• !. wrnt ioTor i| hai Is-ni uitr-Kiuci-d.
Sc- adveitiscment in ao-iiier
The only to :
.. way enjoy even
a sem
, f* 1 * w,)rl ‘ f
? Jo “,^ r "« bt “ “ nd
>«« *•»"»*» to Oud.
T «r b.ylif *t h.ij.cj atnl inter..«t of the •: cn
^'JL^ liable uf^^bvdte
our_reader, 1.. lhukluun to Vcacub!* the remai Cempam efficacy iu that
a t all
urnT* ,f °“ <ril ‘ rb •«— * nB “ * u
A woman’s house js the exponent of
her character. For they aro tlainty, or
tlcrly, refined; or uatidy, unrest fa j, in
harmonious, just as she is.
Ay i, weauiv women are strengthened by the use
of LyJii K. Finkham's Vegt table Compound.
Thr total expenditure upon industrial
schools in Kngiaml amounts to $1,580,
000. There are now about 15, IKK) of
these schools,
Fori two yj-ars J a giepf sufferer from
Kidney Compi iut 1 *. 1 was mmt»l»i to attend to
my lnisiiu>K, ami vnw comfortable only when
h’t»g at times Iving ut so great uia
tr*ss tiiat I is mid rest iu liber night n«nr day. I
bad several doctors, bnl received no ln-nefit
fr«»iik any. I tiied alxmt all the medicines ad¬
vertised for Kidney Complaints, but experi
«uee<l i\<» relief, flaring heard of the worj<lcr
fnl ell sets of Mrs. Pinkiism's Vegetable Com
p imui in 1 omnia Complaints, and knowing that
if was advertised as a remedy for Kidney Com
pip.intii, l tried it and lx*gan to improve before
the tirst bottle wjm taken. I Conti aesi the iim
of tlie Compound, and in less than throe months
I was pm foetly noil, and have not been troubled
since. \ consider it the greatest remedy for
Kidney Complaint* ever vet disoorered. j. F.
ffowAttii, No. M Park St root, Lynn, Mass.
It is a popular fallacy that leeche* aud
mosquitoes hike oniv the had or impure
blood from the Isnly. They take just
what they cau get, whether' good, bad
or indifferent.
Tiffi pkTHiCAl ills trlilcli are peculiar (o tvomen
are Heulom mentioned, either in convciHatiou or
ihiou^ r lj the j'Hvs, through fttlmi modeety, an<l
^ret the perci ntago of these tliHeaeea are on the
increase. ThougHnds of women to-dft\ clieriali
grateful remetnbrauee of tho Vt getnbJo Com
ponna wtiicb ih prepared t»y Mrn. Lydia E. Pink
hRio of this city. We learn that more of thi«
preparation i* sold in thia citv than in Hold of
ROY other medicine; and all the «r<#ri<| ahauhl
know of its curative efTei’tn. See advej*ti»e
im-nt m another colnmu .—Lynn Transcript.
It is a pertinent and timely remark of
tho fSmi Francisco merchant that wo
should laugh at the French if they neg¬
lected the languages and English, of their and neighbors, taught
the Germans
their children Turkish and Syriac; yet
we, as a people, neglect 42,000,(MX) the Spanish in¬
language, Hu- tongue ol
habitants of the American continent,
our close neighbors ami future business
customers, to a vast, extent.
“ 6,wl f «> r nolliorn.**
The most imporintr information ever
nuldished for those who would pass with
little pain through kh« great trial of moth
erhood, midwifery bv Dr. fttnuhack Wilson, specialist
in mid chronic diseases, At aula,
<I,i. Sen) stamp fur i. copy. nddr.mine as
at'"Vc and writing his full name. “DU
cases of Men” tu In. had in tl.e same way.
Ter magnitude of the cattle interest
in Colorado may l>« inferred from tho
fact that according to a late being estimate fed in
there are 1,000,000 cattle
the valleys of that State, and as yet the
business is iu its infancy.
On TIili’O’ l)ayv Tr'iil.
The Voltaic Belt (To., MarHball, Mich., Trill
wnd their Electro-Volt do Belt« and other
Electric Appliancea on trial for thirty davn to
any Loat w-rnon Vitality, afflicted kindred willi Nervotw Debility,
and troublen, guaiantei -
trig complete reatorfltionof vigor and manhood,
Addi'ctm an above without delay.
I*. 8.- So risk is incurred, as thirty days’
trial i» alluwed.
Font barrels of water of tin Great
Salt lake will leave, after evaporation,
nearly a barrel of salt.
1)0 not give np,—hundreds ‘.hat hare But¬
tered tot years from kidney diseases havo
bsen cured hy Kiduey-Wort.
Fboiubes hold men faster than bene¬
fits ; hope is a cable ami gratitude a
lui|M»i iani I* llw Fubilr u well m th«
MftHi’Al 1‘rorVftalon.
JlcdVt .Huriiol nf IImUH , referring to Consumption,
mnkrti t b'i folioielag imja/rtant *ta/4-?ii<>nf
“ Coitaumptitm uwttAll; begino with a alight, d.-T tvugh
in the luorning, then, on g^ng to bM, getting more nr.d
morn frequent, ffifh more anti more phlegm, innrpoeii.g
dobililj, th!iin*9M'>r floah, abort«n»se t*f br^aDi, »nd quick
ueM of priJim. Jn futul amt 0 its mrerage courno in about
two year*: hence Ihe .raj>ortenr-i. of arrest ing ihe <li*<-Ksm
al ae marly a *tag‘- M anti the for,nor rAtioa*]
mettna employed for ihi« purpoee the greater Ihm
chance of succcm. The disease in owing to an Irrttalioo
commencing In the throat and extending to the Jang*, *0
that their action « Interfered with, and the blood doea not
receive guflicient oxygen to purify it. The moot marked
elgn of Ring disease « emaciation; and the most y^oei*
tire indication of returning fe-ah h jn inert a*e in weight/*
So apeak* HalVt Journol of Health, and we may add
that in desperate COM*, and, in fact, in all care* of 0>n
sumption, or troubles of the throat and lunge, jmrmd.afe
relic/ may be obtair»ed and a peraMnent <ure effer by
the o*<- r/f1n. Win. JlaH’s Ilftlfam f>ir the I.nngs, a n>e*i>.
cine known for more than thirty-fivo year* a* an unfailing
rem<^ly for conghg, cold*, hronchitM and all pulmonary
and poet oral diM^se*. That •!>« woret ca-<-* rf f oncmr, p.
tion hare been cnr*<l by the. One of Hall’a Lnham
bft’ii atiewited to by the thoneendfl who have u**«l it, or
have been oo^niske.r. of its wonderfol remedial efficacy
SYRUj sssrff;.
From the 10th of October. f881, to
the let Water of July, JJb»2, genuine Rock
Spring will be supplied u
urniers by Ei!i« * Co., of Hailey Springs,
Ala., at the following rates:
Ten gallon* in anti-corrx-,; re can #5.00
Same can refilled at.... ..... 4.00 j
Five gallons in anti-corrosive can.. 3.25 j
Same can refilled at...... ..... 2.00
Nine gallon* in glass bottles...... 7.00
Reasonable freight and express rate*
are given by a!’ railroads. Thi* water
has t«een known for nearly titty years
its a sure cure f.»r Dvsnepsia, a sure cure
for disease* „f !he Kidney an.) Bladder,
a sure cure for all curable cases «i
Drop»y, Bones a sure cure for Scrofulous cases
of the or 8kin. and a certain de¬
stroyer of the terrible thirst for intoxi
eating drink that overcomes so many
worthy resolutions. Deprive a drunk¬
ard of hi* dram for three days and
meanwhile give him plenty of Rock
Spring Water, and he won’t warn the
whisky. Don’t you think it’s worth
trying ? If you do, drop a postal to
Ellis A Co. 1c will cost only a cent
Texas liss more counties to hear fr on
(ban auy State in the Union after an
Fon dys^rpnii, iudiffe»tk>n, del>ility depreocton of
•pint** and general in their various
fortno, •*»)*> a*« a preventiv*» a^aimd fever and
ague and other intermittent fevers the Ferr«»
pHoarHORATKo EuxirotCaijraya Uauk. made
by CaBwell, Hazard A- Co., New York, and aold
by all drng£ : st#, u the timt tonic ; and for f>a
tienta recovering from fever or ut her Nickneah
it had no equal.
»>< •>■!*. Rourtaox.
rats, eats, mice, ants, flies, insist a, cleared out
bj M Bou*h on Rat•.* , 15c.. druRguta.
lOAHVA < 4I<IIOI1< mu K
tn th# Bl'ST .-Af.VK for I’nl*, firui*M, Sor*»*«, t'frer*,
S»tt R’lieuiu, TViter, lTi 4 j>|>« «1 llni>d«, e|jin*!»in»,
find** I hind* of^kin F.ruptioiin, !'.<ehici n*»-1 I'iin* h*^.
CiH HFXRT’S OARhOUe SALVE, nt! nwi* am
ci'Unlt rfvitH. Pri.*e Siivjt*.
irn. uHibvs s owm.vni n Rvtti kn
Nth© W-st r* »n*-lv f*ir t>y*|*©|i-n, Riliounti «*■>**, Xtntnrin,
1 lli'l of lb© Wood, |i •Im x*, I.ivor
Skin, mi c.
m-RVn-S rM.ATtTtn “VI'FP <Miro- n’l aff. , !ion4«l tli©
BOumhmih uu "thrun*'of th" 11 «•••.i and t!»ti*al.
PR. MOTT'S LIYKR I'H.I.S »t« tU« b4*t Catbartk
c^r'v^c: BAL m SAM
& f I
i w
(fhia Ettfr»tD| roprtsMU iha Lui ga Id • hMUky •uu.)
Por I mUfha. llrAin bifia a ,.f »»/
0 tll«r afl«-c(b>naof Uu- |.| %<„*», *. •fur.*l*
nurivn xI«h 1 in i uHaily lr* tuii < »1 I i:uiiij.*et ui,.
It api>r*.acl «■ ao naar aiprritbilhat •* Ninatv-flva ” |>«t
■triclly f^nt, ar#» eoinntiad porunineatiy cured, «h»tv th«« di’i i*et:.iu* at*
wrth. TJmir )• no novLaimcai 01 vlbmi it.
ta lo oMrui the young or oj
J. N. HARRIS & CO., Proprietors,
UNdimAii, o.
iw Y.
‘wmfk. 8 W
On® of tb® natole Fleatarrs
Of life, a proparly cooked meal, affords little or no pree
sr.t enjoyment, and much sukeeqaeot torture to a con¬
firmed dyspeptie. Bat whea akrwale iadlgeetlrm ia com.
flatted with Hoatetter** Stomach Btttere, the food Is eaten
with reliah, acid most tmperUu.t of all. Is saalmilated by
and nourishea the system. Dsa this grand tonic and eo: -
restive also to remedy WBStipatlen, bHieosneea, eheuroa
ti»m, fever and sgoe.
Far sale toy all Druggfeu and Dealer#
Jm.. \ hoi BEATTY'HFIANOFORTRS pi«n»*f<nte*j’otii -Majrnfrtcenl
tiley preacots; square grand very
bandie.ine round corners. ru§ewoo«l case s three unisons.
Beatty’* matchless iron frames. st<a>l,leK>k. cover, Imxes,
F222 75 to 1297 1 O 1 catalogue prices, f-nco to t lots.;;
Mttisfaction guaranteed or money refunded, alter one
year's logue prj* use; <•' (jrrlabf g.V>rto|ijiS>;hnirHlar«lptarioff,rP-sof rianofortra. f Vlt to fffcV,, rt»c cma uui
Verio* air ihoiisandit testify; write for mtniuigith list of t/*s
Umouiels. Ii« iut)b < rii)in«.r OR42ANH. cathedral,
church, < i tpel, parJor ,#30 upward. •> weii <.;ne,
free carnage meets pej-At nxers; Illustrated l atAi-v oe (lmii
dayedlriotij DANIEL frr‘<* If. BEATTY* Address or Wa cal’ ur»,n Jtvn
* > m
r~s m
o’ irtensififY ____, _ _—---- -EC*
Ol] IJ
BV on*’ Pw*e n htb HP Hri |
i* t. J .»;riet#)y Ut*- r»A»* Hu Hoed Mew b*
8!v >/). and w - ohanya In
ru*lr* S’ et-ic i& tbree ■ ou' kb pervn*.
ini! 'eke cue f !) ey ^ r'tlit frorv 1 to nrj*. .*
r'«t<-r**«l t<» bod r *a. f n. If mrli e thin* ■ - \>c t y .*
Sold ' jvtr - % her*e 9 .- **-at bv euaL i f iL Bee*®®. to m * ■%
f. #. JOtr ifS 4c CO.. JBe-e
f®FSR>r»y H < U *T} sjrirrjsrffihi' kj,_________
JUNG men .
loi>, uftfres* r.i.nn *a too*., imwan, w.
Wraliier Signal OlFin*. j
»«* i Tendril .» f. * nrnl
L ' .tilt a w*:». « T ininMtue
• -'» to the I iiiut) s*ta i*> Signal Ol»
fJ. mih! by |Lt«* tou»r iu.tu v.j»s
rinmu tht'bnuli:iij i>' i«'u!i£eib<ni- t
! *11 »ii' for nkaronn; atut ib-iendntu^ .
th« vi.ii >U' t‘itkium mil i <vj»t!il* , ’*r*
:ml tin l‘»‘iutliM tti iifl- | \
niK.jmifr |«- l*» Mr.
T. llk» UM>of t^*' Im t eriu^t iu re 1
■ vi
' SMC u^*o tin Mr.T. t niitlitr anxM«u.'iy uu t«* iiM|tiirv«l sjr.iv sirUa if h»* | *
nice in^nJiitie to .-if tlu ivpi:t)t« r iit
hayin'aiul UarvcNt time ’ lli> ius|>4«
Ui dioKhe act* *t»uUr < >r u iud in* ..suivr
rvukotl thts e.' urvsskm: *'Wotiklu't
ruo lu* ihe ruA*i to iv.n t:.f tviu*! •
YUtU.” Tin* { i r v*.«m
**ne too many f i T. a-lvn • -i. l.V wik
in# qiknlr i t the * a- if he
«» r.* iitfe-riy iun»|.iuv I an*i funk*
rnj«t of wora^iaiil: - Frit-i.vl.tlkl vuu
wt-r have the r. um.iiixT’ The
abruptness of I be tiut^lon siiTpris*«t
th vT, who jv pin-ti, "So-novi r.’*
•• HIuU*-- EvhU’titly lecnlketinK ;
| hitii'teir, itr. T.btopjfdoii Ih -d
"iij ■« »*t: trf I the only tl»v.,ltwre»m* v» um»wl b» know, r k, for .""l if
i this tmp (por.ninK to the kir->me!<T)
MiuiWNiiie coiMi v>;s’*l «• ’ ba<lfr« bully atlu-r afoiv
it's t \» !>.* a imp for
people with n inmit s; tliev eoubi
i Its; ,k iteverv tin.e ( p my ir. eounirv
when folks has it they u«e Jatow
<>ii. Mi’ ir'sn ja>«<rmi mvj ffH'Mt <uri»
!i rvunmlis- i: « the Up| thirjr in tin*
fiiiht every tiim ” With tlmiiLs f« r
ihe unoi't t lH inf-inuntittn, the ofli
t ial polite’)* tununl Mr. 1»f.tlviue
over to *he U'-ht r to show him t * the
: Ph L-ul r. 1 n'itd !“* : MkI A^K No.
Walnut str»ot. Philad. lphia, IHi .
it v\ ism rite'*: veryK-tdly. l hn-l iiilh.irmaioiy Jm.t.e f. »lu ui;ie um.i
it ^ . nv dto have tiikx ii Iw«M with t'iC
«*« tcrmiiution «»:v ami tin m >rn*
im; 1 obtained tie •'•T. J imisthi I
i! e«'fild n«'f t*ut U ) f<d.l <h»tt it to ihe
tbs.r. t wa for en in-tanf. I uvml it
il ut evenin'! for the .'hv. time.n :id t»;<
m*\t jiDTiiing t.*v tl.. MTutnl lililC,
thcl nft* tt*o« d pul my f«>ol#le\vji
f■•rsR>vev:d niinnu v. <■ » I’d* buwdav
8 6 T^TSl 'ilM hdb'tvhty 1 eon Id Tn* M’.tnd sd>.y n|» and walk walk
{} V < u Kh p>. •
‘ '..‘j M'tm l l*ont holdiVs i»i\ romi'Biid to the tvt; bainst« I «b>Hl» r«. *hdM BOW
« il’fg v on
A „ L.’ * ^ ' 'Cle and u bait, find J am jdii.u*! free
ui pain) lUsawoiidi tutmedieiiie.
If yon are
la the Inqoirj—Which Is the
best Liniment for Man and
Beast '—this is the answer, at¬
tested by two generations: the
MENT. The reason is sim¬
ple. It penetrates every sore,
wonnd, or lameness, to the
very bono, and drives out all
Inflammatory and morbid mat¬
ter. J t “ goes to the root ” of
the trouble, uud never fails to
core iu double <iuick time.
#7 4>A w °“' 42/ * l ** ( |^*F •••ilf '*'*“"*■ WKln. C'raiiy M *
25 < ll»...,«»ll. IIKinTMlN* 10* AHIIK. la r.ifor.lwi 10*.; »
; HI,. .
?°" l’ 1 "’"'-. !«*.( a i
UIIGUUU mm U mo Tm ™ 1882 y ILLUSIRAIK) m/ujazine
100 Pages EDltnaiDiBfini a Homii n 200 a Yun let
$ 1.50 ptr Aunum Post paid.
< lui riiiins ll<>niikii<*«*», lltmturou* SkHi-b
<**- I^IM' Nlwripn. I inti-la a ui ' «!•'<* illit’i'*
!»• Nnn an«l fatiMf. IIIiiwli •»-«’«! Tit,.
«lr, .Iu««-Ill|e u«||<o, V iiimm
vr »•«•**»«* »*I»K4*. Iiidli*' OMppumnu.
ILmu, ki-t-im m lb‘|i>ii liHi ni, I’i.ihIv Dltik.
irHlkon*. rti*. all formt. M Jt
West Comoieto a>ul Popular Serial
and Oldea. in tho Gount. y,
( iflit»M!ril«»for miy jmbiu 1111 1 vnu It 1 v*t *,* 1,1
I Ore-iil* lo thn f.'iMi •A'liVSV^ uf f bf* '■?(
n*c» tvi-il I, ff.IT 1
m/tti y M’3! *» IV
nisli f.. ' ■■ ">■ *- - ..............•••>- ••
101 1 In Dip p y« ar.
»«' \ t. notice 1 ak . (-11 of so..... ......
I'l i'Kiilf b,v nil Vrii«fl<Mi(>i-t hi i.’m- n
iriDfti.N A rAT It r,
a;{ NL, •»«*! »r». Vlut*
^ __ _
(fc « mm vn-mn\ ll<> s waShu -»o •«
•n ar' .cif •• 1 . 0 | •ain<.l<* 1 rm
9 Aiidn *ln .
r aw w llr .. 1111 . 1 ., Ir©!f Mich
4 «<* KB • H T9 % NTKI> N»r U« »•« and ImUB h*, ,
£\. '*•* FloliHiAi Both at id FrlCM r«d ic«d.‘$3
w*k M^tioiiixl Fubi*akli,f Oa., |*btlkd«l(>hm, IV.
WATCHES CatkUfr** A W«ti«aa fr»«. Vt.,ri$tahHfch.f*«. 444trM. m»n4ar«
Uwa. Tern iMAadtA •Qtft
i-L»rr AO*., fotilaud , A.' *,
- ~
JBiouMttrmra t>u a mi the- ret «m -1 V
Va 7 # / | | ■ |Wm. Mnii « Df/*#*r BHOUUt,,. iui’itoita iira/vm*ion, unin, Haiti I t iiiiih' of IVonfra ij. HIttl n* lljn /tori r*U ■ I B K
OENlLk. V MIlW/ hmi #V' vrt-H,A ri.f
doneomn t
iThv iron Tonic in n
M ||rrcnnrntion tojr/etr of Iron. of Prru- Pro- muMm
|p/tafe«, I tdan llarh, trtitl
I a*nt»*itt t tit
«Hfh /he Itutftiblr
I 1 A romatiem. It wrrei*
every loafe *>nrp one inhere
t<* in » teremmary.
Oen’l A^ U. Scull. Hunl I't.iileil pii)«»
• Fur TViini kw r, Alabama, 1lei>rgn,
Ag.'i.U wanted in every county
Liberal dineouiil* ven. Write («r .iewrip
tive eirlulars nml i>rie<:
JMHb ' ' tH* Mr 'p wy. An ecm iftiuit-t Knim
pr a rid tb*
a% !&-* 'mZfiZYSi ^ u,Mrri tear 'Irntf *■««£&!
prt nor.. ' -- •
x -rir—dr^ UNI,—I
£. - r
H to'* * « *b!n*t <«» pul or srf*t>* ■*(>** »iee**T Uri-out AT «*tir ass of ihs ohbat woslo’s nssnstAi
for son Bits 1 it.u be'i ih* cnly kmattcan orgens f« which Lav* b*»n ftmud woi’.by of aueh Ui«o*!n*!iij bi*T* ill
_ .. ,«fl
N')6« ritl (•BVAYttC PHALTi'JAl.i.T in. -AAM.B IMPb'iTSMBriT* kmbnt* Jn In tb*i* tb*if iirgAiia ffTpati* Jr, In ibe i Ijc |.a*T » *.« Nluilim -§
»« '* to* tirmt inir&i’tui ' ii <4 t i* iu»<h.menf hi tham, t ham. and > *■! fr
mar,at t t> * *. 4 K 1 \.«, L CaPAOI ^^7% ^ iw»n imitfi v**at« *(«/•*; ara now i>ff.»rli>g T.*X MUTT. ohu*»i •' t ■
... ~ m
IV ...
8$. LYDU E. FlNKH&i, OF LVW, M2SL,
% i
£ ;■
^ ^ m
^ £
*SJ > c
H ®> X
jg 4>
«* M
€1 Br £
£» >5
^ i
ct> E
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A ^ *'>’KjttSmk *
p ^
0 S? A /tA'* A
c 5 2
J/ f CD fjr' _, n . S
/ *
J J* f uA £*, »
LYDIA m * mm E. PINK.MAWI A am* A S
— VEGETABLE ________ COMPOulIDi ____- r » mn
f»rMfl tfc«ue P«!rf*» •H>' i tVtelkvfMVft
4tcum . fDttri t,H w ‘ n '^ fonn ™
i?tlato,«lJ t.wI»nUtflil'tfd.ltilUi«i<i»tit'» Md ITpw*
tioa, *Wl!n|r ami IHpbr.mieitb.. «nothe
Spinal WeakiteoB, and l* paHieularly adapted to tU
Change of life.
n will dfrwtw »»«l ♦•On.irr from th« ntoTvmlm
veroo.hun.omIkrrI*rhrrltMl wry rm*«t 1 >y ty I ts
It remerrsfaintncmi, flMtnlew'j. •t^twyaall era«fa0
fcrarimulanfw, ivx* n Jiwran»*&»>••»*»
It torvs in ^fUifc, fitwli* iM’«, Nervo.t* IVo^frAtia^
Ofncral DcUlity, Kksjp.'cfw**^, I>e|»r.‘«aon and I*m41
That TM’.lujr ofh»itB|f«wii,sMMb| i«ln,
•iid TMU'kH- h*. la ftlWH).«|wrtmuM'i»tlj runid by ttn
It will M all Uns'M wild tinder nil r in uti*inne*w © tin
banm-ny wilb th«la»oitluitrovrrn tho feumkinymem.
For tb«> curflof Kuliv j Cau j laintg it v.Uior «« Uiui
Compound in w«surirfi’ i*« d.
I.YI>I A K. riNkllAMU vi uktaulf com
POUNDi* i>*»*po*v«l nt nu<t 3CK» WYslero A<rau*> w
i.ynn, Mmoh. rrloofL 81* Uittleiifor |f*. *»ontbymMk
mvlft ©f |*rk-©. $t *«w bw b'rr.thr*. M»r. rmk>M
fr©^y*11 Mtrmof Inquiry. HrmI tor pu mpi*
let. Addrix* a* eh«»ve. KUntiom tht* l\n»r.
No family alionld U» wltlHi'it, 1.YDIA W. ilNmiAlfl
LIV11K PILLS. Th»y r.nrn euuidipaUon, biiH mi—^
•xmI torpidity of tfieifror. IU, oet/t* jier box.
a# h*U I l»v all i>ruim«irtM. • ua
KiNDS, i. ; :un pipl, fittings br*ss
GOVERNORS, *c. Send to. Prit«s
isl. W. M UILUNGHAW A 10..
43 Main Street. LtlUISVlLLfc. KY
PRICE N, $20.
. Tt»4 T Blugxr Mewing Marklw* *»
lit* best over inadn —*«wa fan, *»**•
•**y. very handaomo, vital. B i'nW^
*l'ii|d»-, eimvenleul n»d p.*w ertna.
IfaiTtmUM © u Went awjrwbvir «•
fAl b 4,oee,oeo days trial. uu* #%\) if 0
«f hw»mi t.i«*
■-•Ji ba*a twei. m>I«|. Aafc ft>» eircuUr.- x;w4
rt«% TYiccsmu.m rrvOmonUla. i#w prb < * %«. Unf.a, (*a
to tr? oa. do overy yea», oud (l mb va
f- » »♦*( f (I* to $d0 aavrd la Iniiu ibrM, (tut shim
otu. »'.* when ........ a uu*. I a Ken tug W*. birr M*
*•»« «« iMki*-.* b*u i t(» M Uu . Cl’kliJ A v ar«. HA
GUNS Or* CH voivorw at Wm «oo Catalugno Wart a, fr*. CIO *>>»»**>., Addroo^ r%.
fl*000 Agemt, UiitnfcH for tf*ff© off
ll tii* full fj’e'orv nt bin noblft St 111 . |'VM|| tf*» irfl*
• nil tltM'nrttlv •*‘iM»tmll«b Hiut/tcnl ibtMminl,
fi.nri tvl oIi»*v)ul* •>. rl«!. Tin b- jii i'l»t coo nf yntu Iff© <%
uu.m y. Be ill* ui " «'*f «*t; | ...ty " tiiiiei'-.'iin, ?).>**
iw lltv tudy mii> '•‘••'lit; ►‘U'l Glllv Hint trtfi ■! llti nt pm
Me. 1 Vi *1 iTvHbii Til poiliuita Fuix i* naa
L« Ak*hIn. ulili fr***-.
A Mi* .• ’ Al *b eiiiti.MHia* 0 0 ., A t l.i.M‘l.. Utfe.
$5 to $20 rwxzi* mo-.*.
Fac-Simifes of U. S. Treasury
• ■ >ai llu” nf nine mart Irmutlona «f flmM
f «>«*«iiv, aiuf iiiii* of Faijonat BanN Miftn, in i« a i,
• •I varioiia driK'ininnlinnn. An * rare anil in«l ulan*
I'M'ana nt <l*»i*flirii/ •i.iint»i'f«lt nionay Ili«y u *• it.
h>. J. A Ni VW, 2117 Ortnnwich Rlranl, Now V«,f k Hty.
Pipspif^r*. l ^n l*m ; vein ^ J Hi. .u n , $ y 1 ? .
c77 J t I I r.« Vl«k«ir/,AUKUI|(M law* lr *(“ *ta
Ono Dollar
* *
_UMFAOO LI Illicit, < Aior4 K «e, EU f
\f * Hill V4d$’*i fnadt without fml. A• Irft• - - Tor nt
a* 1 *■ 1 I 1 .I*, « . • I mv tun,). |Ininn A<-< • , I l'.
iris, ,1 iy|, I'.uflalsi, K. V.
I i.' ia’ llr.mi., Atlantik, tin... ...Poriy-nlfti’ hi.
CTS six CiaflB**. g^g»aaig;jag NteiiI».N {^
" 1 UtviMFwt K U u4 L jg.
|NT]f)0HATK U.« IIAlIt •», vkai* itvfi't h« a.ix.t I(f. I. ‘'k9*
f Tit iWfTMl ft rws.,.. 4 taco •art -I.W,h I.m NIVt.K f I NT NT
AIIJfD. $*»<i riNI.Y Mil Of NT 8 t« In J - it ON IK
UI, Baa UH#, Nt* Mm M**mb <4 *U UaMatWun