Newspaper Page Text
— Wiii. I ’« id :« fa 4 in A tin nra.
— Mr. I*. 1*. Vcaz i* la At. u .
-(*!♦ f iltf'ilfn ia in AUtii's
— f«r tin? ni/lihifjt hat g*» t» * V: *r».
-i». K BN w* ijt up to Atiuiit* Tiiiu*
— Mr* B >11 Hillman I!
- Mr. tin Uriil A Rvid iia.P t r#
thp, best .UifW of ‘'ati’i
gixul* nut* uitd toy*. Cull <»n ilti-m
—John Hokli-n, o( Aligns’.< m !
•round the Gate City
—Dry Gnud* hi *nd>»« windy. C.
—Mins Mann in i|i*‘tii*’ing
tin* Cnttun show
—Mi ssis lii hi A- Iieid Itnv* put
till H*'*t n^M-k Ilf faiN-V runi.i fUrUtiu.
guild* Iiute afl'l t' < ail on 11
—Turn Aiken* i* lit-fieidim; On- hn* inn
in Atlant*.
—Clothing '■ Clothing 1 Clothing’ The
nobbiest suits In Uu foundtills side Atu.
nr Augusta, at Meer>'«
—Miss** Katin ami .Mam
went up Thursday night to tiv Kipt-otton
—Messrs. K*ud A fh M have Jsi t i f*l r 1
the best .stork of fanny esniin *. < ItrisUti
goods, nut* and toy? ait on them
—Mr. Tboaaas Aikm* has moved ,n u
Crawfurdville from hi* farm.
—A handsome line nt lamp*. va ami
fanny crockery of dl kinds at laid A
—Mr. Hal Flyut 1ms movptl 1*1 Car to
IlMi JitortJ fornwi ty octapu*d Ua Ui . il. ^
—Hr. E. K. Boot to Iiuh lomoM'ii t#» ii»
h (nwr formerly d V»y Mr. Join
—A t»aiidi»‘am* Hut* <»f lrrm}* va
Lkikt v cnx’ktry of all kind# at Hi it!
—Miss F.iU'lle Hidden wlio i* iltem . 11<4
tll« Kemiile College »t Covi" -pen! H
few ilnv- this rveel in < t'.vtold , j!I«
—Childs' wlalwr he! . it mi! up. 7 U*
winter bate Ji> awl as n at* un Mm
winter :.«!,» i'\ So ami •*> rente p. .it ( A
Dari* A Co's . Creeinhoro, * ■
- Mr* 11 I. Hancock. fniuseiS - f 'In.,
rounty, lately a n sfdryt ot \
]'♦*.! .it hi*r brotluT-Di-)a\> Mr. Com
nbont **ix mil## fr«»M < ' -vr!r i
last Mund.ry nenning.
--A handsome line of Lnips. v; "• and
fancy eroekeiv of all kinds uf 1,'eid A
— llul Flynt and J A. J Melkou ;li
want up Tliuraday niyht to lie- 1 til)
•Imiw in Mlanta
—The true theory explaining tliegicai
tuali te C. A. liavi * A r o’» ‘ f.rn nxl uro,
» fan ilealiug and veiy low juu*».
—Master Julian lUehanl* went up the
other day U> inspect the In oute - and wuu
dura of the '’tilg town."
—1 duties flwtka and dolman- from the
auction rinnu, Udi«i' very walklug ctiMtp, Cioal.s J aelo'ts from and
• 1.50 up.
ulnt«r«tix at C. A Davis >V Co *., tireen*
—MIshch Watty Puttln ami Kunie sntith,
of Wnnent4>n, jmssed through ( raw final
vllle Tuenduy on tln'ir way to At! nit t.
l.**rn how to rsiujunr lh;-' 'li»nl time*,
by smiling llie •tiiiuuin'Ciuuu’ ' A
li»vi» A < o., of i.ici iislmro, 1
-Mr* Isaac Taylor is on 1 . visit to
friends ut the Mate < ‘apltul.
A hamlKome line of limpe. vases and
fancy crockery of all kinds ut lleid
Mi b hn K Holden, of Hie Anuuabi
liost-fdUcc. Is on :i visit to bis falin r, Mi.
W K Holden.
--A targe stock #»f fnrnduic and h <n .*
k»#pin* goods, vgiy cheap, (‘ A, DavistV
—A new well In being bored on kfr M
T, Gorham * lot.
Ueuvlthc ndtmtisement of (’. A. Davis
A Co., «»t Gfeelub««ro, Go
Mrs. .1 \V DaVTAcott nnd her young
son. Muster Haul Dairacott, arc on a \ >it
to Mr*, d NV ibilueke. Atlanl»
,\ hUHlIwilllil lilll’ "f I ’ll) • \.l«
f*ucy eriH-ki-ry of all kinds at livid ,V
—Mi* . Katie Gee left Thursday h r the
Thouaaad* of yard* of romnant eallco
4>^ rent* par v*rd t \ *vi* ,y On
Gr*«nst«iro, G»
—Dr. K. J It,.id kill.Hl » ho ; the othi
day weighing 125 Imiuols nut.
—Mr*. W. 11. Gunn ' "in!..!ioi . Iiv her
two ekaitig tfcuightrrti. Misses laila and
Bella. wi-*» U)i Thursday to Atlanta.
- Messj-S Reid A Held iiate just ri'eeived
tin-beet stiK'k of f.ii . y . ndhss, Christmas
goods, not* and toys. ( .ill on them.
—Mrs. M. s. Corrv and M.« u-r l’aul Cor
ry wiU*|ituid a few days at t! • K-. pov*' a,
Messrs. Held & Held hero 1 st neeeiv.d
the best sine k of flinty ea dh Christ util.
giwds, nuts and toys. « all oit them. .
Mr. 11 T llsinmaek kitted a number
of lK»gN hist Thursd*}
—Stewart Hr Is tow have ,! v.«.hM‘
Mr SyGcstei Stewart will consume bits:
i.ess *At the ©UI Marnl. and Mr. Thus, 1
HnMcw will*occupy ho * -Ji< x • uppo
kite th« eouG house. «♦ \t to M r ' 1 ,>
Klchards s,
—Mix Id* Fanner i< y.
il *\a with n lalive* in Xtlnnu
—Master .limoi.i \\ U'iani' the right j
Imwerof the J)rv«v«AT cempo , , n , , x
le«vcs (o idcbt for \’ ut* w 1 U
atopi'..t r-kbxm. r t f- •'
insp<‘t'th c th<* b» • ‘ v\ • -\ >
•lay refwLvurdiii spiiii nm. ir tantait u
visions of m \4d vrondos /m- - .; t..-»•.
li s ymitliful brain. The Df.vdn'hat ofiko
w ill not hold Jimmie wl n V* j -
Neither will Lj- - Ut pants
■-W utou Hants, of Atiinta.wu’ ♦' • . ' '
rciiabie firm of Stew ,u1 a !4Mm r*. is
t]w»nding a few da\s.iii i mwiuiHm ICf*
J»A id the Dv MOCK AT fficc ;< sliiMt ahd
pleasant vieit ycstervlav AY cl, \,:
popular in . ui n/ u
4 «#**. ♦**»
r f -j
Tli ;#*,rgia SI ill:
Mr Tillman K*-r ,
H<r*’ *> in
’ WecliMe.'idfi •art d
lltl, «<lt I II I .It > GIANT
Interview with .fudge I I*. Ifamma k
- A Mammoth < < m Factory—The
f leuietii, AtUicliin nt Small Grain.
!■#)« Sumitilt* Remarks on a Ft-rti
tn*t Sillijnit- Faying Fifty Ci
lvi Bushel Freight on Coni.
h ( ( 4
W! “ >11
»^.|f M Hi#* gif I Jl'.'i UUf.lFfoi)' iff
,}. I> Jk H T. HAUM lf K.
A r< i><>rti of no The i
nt roii througii tin* i.uflorv
is near t! ♦*|xd id
<U«UiK4: from tn Wi
bv Mr J 1>. ILti
pi :1a.
As in h
| in* bit#- M
i y OU 04 4*lt tf» i <if
nin# your i*r it <ft
] “Oh, r Ver t
! rn«‘nfv tbt t; I .
j di- it. Vo
im nil 1 of 111 1*110 inti gtCtil. To (Hit
j tllD.V t
p**J; 1
; ; , ■ it
! t.Mly. Of cuiir.i
I fur cHeiiper Hi;i
I of ilolie;, w it t M i*#U< C4j t«;i
; lire V! *t ■ ■% Mb t#*rv “
j often “I lii l! In It i JIO . Its 1 ads tith#{ #%
' no! y 1 n y 1 ' 1 it
teeth arid 1
I ho .Iml snilcif amli’dy si our ig.’iv
ran ", Tie-n wi pm ucd. *
“flow run 1 gins no you turn owl in a
year, do you tljlnk Judge?' 1
“Oil, xaitUy. or luoitt jM-rUajm.
don't dnnv M
“And do V *’i Imd u
’‘Oh, yrs. We skip the iUiEu u *
ail over tin ‘Uiiljy, Imt ijui; mam
! in KaMi rii l mUld!< (b t rgi
us thf wui'ivlls
ixin he uml;e and gave us uu
amiurtt of the in Velileflf • r J|
j U«vst maiHifart fit t
! “What#?## you c (
taeliinent V"
1 J u k! i s ktfoiv* I t Hi;
I think t I hv HollietHflig f##i fee order
,,t t) !f . 0 !,j pinning jenny of forty year
'f*h<*n, you kuon. when plauE . h.f<!
I a hir^e number of n gnx*n employed, the.v to . Ui'iu, A nmclilue \\i<# hi
Vi iiteil Hu \v» i a\in r elotli. ’! ! » '* w.ji,■
saw# iikt* tliewe, that eui «»tV tin) lint. It vv;i
, arvl( „, , •pun Into
**l>t>>,m tb i k ii \Nj|lev m Im* t[i\r o
,un ( x - ’ Do you think tlic humci ^.‘1
fruity will ime the nttludniiHit7"
“llv no means. Now. when this thin ;
wa - /list broup,ht old some strid to me, *oh,
its :i k»hhI 1 tunj;. Ibinui; :V.s cull lurw spin
1 ‘drown \ vc the bittutopiu^
*’‘Ht t>1i, yi \s, l Haiti then but
who will buy the yarn ?* There ith* mil
1 u ' ;i l i r • 1 f i
cotton mills in this country and when the
fanners would carry tl*« yarn to the factor#
they would m»y ; * Wo do not want it, VVf
have a vast amount of mom-v invested n
tnuclurtei y. 7Vc wifi take ynur eottom l?nt
we don't want your yarn. We can spin
tlmt trum tht’ntvv rutimi I'hi-iiju'r lii.ui s . ■ 1
, . | ( c ' v\
)„. no demand fm r, and ti- >■'• i no money
tu anything ftirwhioh IL* 1 1 . 1 - ho Jt-nm ml? ’
“What do you think of tbs ion
j mtltOr tiio id.-.a of onr fm Is pfun. i 1 .
*mtdi ' t runt raising iiivvlslftii* furlmia -
| “Why. t think avi-rythhig i g "*i of U. The
Idou is I 11.I, It'G nl,.■ b - fi. uni a t • buy 'U
their, meat *i.d own f’nn tli 'Wt it. N >w,
et ie -Ii w vo i. ! saw . .. h. ' on
aoiue corn Bom t raw tonlsv'tle, liuli ui. to
< rflwfcu*dvilb*, Gcm^ia, nml it tvnis It) c t*
» luisin-t. I'u'igbl . !••!»•. l;:ind ye.; N '.
suiniose a man Sins seven > r ei-';l
iu file eountty. To have (lint torn to !ti
Iwueo Ue umsi. sto(> iwoot h . , , , ..,.i .
t. «r T’ v . u't s nil over two .-.y !•« U
' ls.\ .'ay in i w ith sol at > s,»
that e. -it aid I h * lnvn • for It >
only, w Ui l>e at ii,\y 'ci.t. .» Uu. ite*» 1
«>' «* »mighty |*a*fan«er . nt
t*o n fox ifty comii and he no - > (be
of Uofcorn hi VVt>t*»rii markcls. i I
from* f.»rulers J* ip
be: :iu*tn t \ 4 ,* enough fortb»»o own
consum'd ii!» rc>{ put llOUMlt. <'*
ion In lacuc) arc! wh it tlio\ uiisc would
deer j In a Jew y< Afs the qM
spt^'cs and b''n> t h .4 is -t*f?idnn!iT of !
land, their houses ami their
w ued pc paid off,ai -l they once m i
enjoy the riches of r*tui-bellnm d.r - "
“Wcibdu-'l^c, I smimich obGy- d for yon
m\s«i- v r'f'ndt rs of Thk Devon *44
i'i\. and f hope some of
1 • ’ ^w i f ■ y.
“Oh* l don't k w »\v. The aiv m\
*<t sent tiyvi iv*
wbi i tblnV it w <
hnI i*Vu Mill-, ’
n 1 evening. Drop *n
nu Cfi. or w •never Yen arc :d. R*Dn
'•‘Thinik - «m, l will b« •d i%:
V* it it f he iw icpxtvfer left
ep b d si ui.-as in the oem
Hamtiiai'k. Our nAJ«r<
% t h K > « * \ ii( i S.
r> ■sr* r“ :
^ * * ■ ? m Ste • HiJ* . ** y
KTotaLojciLfs r»- T ■ ; Fioaiery,
BOOT/ % A 1/ (.. r fit /■ t i 11 i |T f.i v n It.
I V of Taiiafe
ft f‘P ta
WlIOI^: 30 -i: hALs
1 » OOT.IIOK \ : V « i> I MAT HOL ES
i Ir s
f er m 11 rn
<4t * !ergn“t nod 1>" lOKS sr.rl H A TS w c !iav
sC sfini t hat it : of purchasors to inspec
t.jc i‘..
LYDIA L. I . (p.jsarfi?
w§ *** A siJi » • r
L t -d K J> p *f '* *trt
W .1 « r
i ; -
ljs it i t tun
.tttfpr Ay n»« w». t f/tr-ra
u ■ Miar m '
IU «ti t sMjTth % InfbuQpiAtiien
k. ill 1 And tj rj
U ! <• Tn • iafite
rua, in -lii wol /e ml expta tm
•tine iftf' .»C d^%otOpI:H*ni.
to ! hLuHJiS thero Is cheeked
f lift 1 ! roved, to !>'• thf* gr*
■dy that h t« ever been
TV 'tioTI of the IF
IKWllfv r. It r itvjVFfifalntyH- .M ttu
^ for MtUtuiUuit
H if:, Jlea l’iche*, N.
r. I nl In
t •
itecft Ator gex tltlf cooipMint?
Lydia t PmUiamV Vegetable r.on’pcar^
rno*? 9 L
HO POk f .
RaB a -all S
t Vs rdr$$r«, '
. 'f
-■ .■ h'
■*/ *•■
)** i
The s:i lid i i
Sehed ■ alb M 1 ui'on
'll, Kiel ; t< at... XU Vi ra ‘ro »•’ A
i. (l. I, i r 4i itni
• w*
s . ■*fx 't
if Ik) pm ■■■*
*' c i l l akj ,tm
• J G
*.^•4 iMnf 1
v {■ I t/A UTVI
Ai. ivm
** t
* 4
y T in
• l . >,.t- iCt
in am
f 'll
d am
» us¬
i x wCITIOK!
ovenihor 14,
til «irraiv- T ft
and can tin-
31 t, itrox i
»J )
Em ^ stU stati s tw
4 -idgust and
i stations be
■ ■ addocks and
*■ ■■ tatiens
Hi dm oi Stioli and
ladnys - Fr-ibr c' :< nl’ stations be¬
J! ing.- CrawfordviHe and
nl a on # bf»
GnftTiesbpro and
1 ail iiotta bc
CoViogton and
>. will Be pi rinriiicd by the
a ins leaving Augusta, Ma
t* igU>n him! .Vtliona, on tlio
•dti'cs. iiiriviug nt Atlanta
m p. id. liy all uUmt trains ugonts
! it*/1 t be fivo , 4 : day limited
•*. of live j.'i; cents per mile; or the
day iiiile. limited ticket, at six [ft]
1 <■!' No tickets sold on the
na and ohtnin your ticket
Altering the car#.
X EKN General Manager.
11 . I’u fteu^or ^Igt.
ii K .U A CL.NT.
a, April Mh, IHTlh A
rtuy.M *«- i .v \ 1 , 7th inat,.,
- Ut •■*!! ONE TUOUS
*P« d \er main
a ht'TiCii.-s at LW ENT V-ld VE
tn #« tickets wilt he
IS 'lit ina;-> ftrjn# fainiiies. but
not to iinus ami luiitilfos combined.
Mti ?S7y. (Inner. 1 ! Pa st»iurel' Agrent
Ina Railroad
_________ c v>. ■ ~
I Sanlcin
On ICE («i'NKH AT. M \ N A (HSR, )
At It A .September s, bssi. ^
/TO MM i.'NClN*; SUNDAY, 4\h iiwtant,
* tile scl: «lulc will
• -w?ya*scn«er
^c op*rntc‘.l
SO. 1 WKS’I xu. 2 vast— rmr.Y.
IT !'■:"•■!a!in.Lv. \tlanta R:!!0a m
J i -■ a‘m • Alhciis h.-.KIaln
bob a im
rdv'U : ~ ]t u
Ar. r 1 : 12 pm G "
“ Athens ; ’■ e m
ta .*.! » r> m , Augusta 4 ; 0 t> p m
NO. d W I daily. NO. 4 HAST—DAILY.
i.v. . P ni fjV. “Atlanta, S::>o p m
• Ijv. ( 'v'i v*li 2 lem Ar.CTdv’U 2:5.1 a m
Ar. AHanta rnoOaim Ar. Augusta Bt.HO a m
' liT v " r"Mi ti m to or from Washing¬
ton on Si N ii A Y s.
’ i }#n era: J'auagiT. Gun. }’a>s' eorAgen
•iB HOT ill
void n Ar;n iiroao strf.etr.
: T •RGL\.
1 pil - •>- ‘.usm .— 1
lidnHFk" I ». tUieo. Fuliiio. tin iui -
ar, going to all parts
-if IW eil V live minutes
A.ittruig > 1 I
i pli' (i with all i he oon
t-ci;!s Modern Hotel,and
1 -i Ckspyeccall Y“W Cii l ' id provided with ■
i Connut-reial '
iiii»rs x.irry
ffs" wj tuo mhee by
b i wtUi tho ell v
ami e IiH* ifit* aciiom
f moiIaUnii t»f sri
,S. A i l >'■4. >i>N-, Profdr.s,
i Formal v of t bunens \ ’n•,»v \ He, Ky
■Lose V, n W ish 0
>b*a>nnt ami prof
c.xV.U made U»:i« r / '■ Cllbl
lv a t
U\,i'lV'L*hL Nl i'Vi-i. yiany new
wcrkgprsAvantc*! Many are niak
t iuir fortunes be business. Ladies uutke
as much As ; .. .'ud -mug b >ys an.! yirB
i j’Liki'Uiva: \ ay. No one wlio is willing to
j \\ •' r k • alb -1 ' I' .:!., iiior.' iiAi.ev every iTnv
■ tao. i ■- :H l ' ;ia 1 * 1 uaw vkatanvordftiary
in* ’i hose who engajgc at once
- * v*.i*» i •.‘ t 1 tiiir. Aildrcss
n *. Cu. Fnrt; .U'i. Maine.
& •iai Notice.
d setUif the The Demo-
1" Me.'Sl'S. V nu g X Cv-„ they
Chori/A.l to ■•‘Flee; and reeeipt
b>r ‘til :o» 5 s and adTertise
iustlue to The Dkmck'BAT.
ftiSVf'lW lHILL d: CO
1*3 *nd W5 RPOAfJ ^TRCKt, AttlfTA, tA.,
fli nacres ® sways, Buggies,
I anti?tion Roan. Wagons,
i- i < < ;<•- aits, Etc.
..’acturer’* Agents for the sale of the
Portia ml IVagoa Co.’s Spring Wagons and Buggies,
Wilson, Childs & Co.’s Philadelphia Wagons,
The I.ichtf Dtaft
Wagon niade. They Also, th« tTtbther, Oid
have Hammered \ Hickory,and OurOwi
Scrap Axles, g r .J V Make of One and Two
Wedge Spoke s---^ \ / A jlforse Wagoi * always
Will w keep V / \ in full stock, at box
• 0
all Zt s on hand. - V tom prices.
'• ;avo -.iuih-d to our st'-rk of Fine Buggies and Kockavrave,
A Line of Cheaper Cirade Busies.
Made to • wheels, axles, and
' ’ ■■■■ ' rluui any house this side of Cincinnati
N'e < C ap Auction Work Sold.
Also, a ! J rni'--,Hi Ue>,Collars, Whips,Buggy Umbrellas
T ( ■ ipth-i.t ioths.Paints, Coach Varnishes
■ .r l.’ivet- and Lacing, Hooks and Punches
itainui Hemp, and Soapstone Packing.
•' 1 i eiiu i American Caif and Kip Skins,Lin
i \ :-.ii oi Shoe La-ts, late.t styles, just received.
• . •• 1,1 ’. id - i us. Our prices will, at all times be
Se])t2*2y 1 ottom !Prices.
' TAJIKS fi. uaIlTe & SONS.
j-*-? .-sir,«. Oil CrZofhs,
* .»o>>
Tiir* v 1 (low i tirfains and Shades
d -t..
- .a:its and ISorders
713 I 410 AI) STREET
| Feb.25,*Ri.j-y.
cane m I \ li.L Gin uigim*, Cotton Screws,
SL'-trUtit: Pulleys,Hunger's Journal Boxes, Mill Hearing Gudimnna '
."-. I.U"1 \ mv-siUld Whittles. Gauges * etc Iron and * B,aM
' Mil. s, (,in Bib . and Hold Mine J/auUin,from
J CEO. It. L 03 IKA 11 I) & CO.',
■ p i:r>T city Forx»itv and machine works,
I *<1 ,r the Water t ower, no Fenwick Sree,
Itcpairing Fromptly done at Low Friccs. July 15, ’81. j-y.
“liicl 1 ai*(l\s 11 iiiTself Again!”
—DR. II. S. SMI iL Proprietor of the—
Old I table Drug Store.
i icy v..l! ;md hi Ml at hi.-- post- ever courteous, and ready to tere# them
vv in than us t * *: liberal patnum-*; in t.ho past, solicits a continuance of th« same.
_ ii:orm them that in addition to the usual lull line of
He always ha* on hand, they will find an Unusally Full Stocx of
With xmnething spoeially good under the brand of
! evo . ( ot iimi <'ii'nrett.-s. With many other article*
ix > «-r; < , L ilF'i.s II.8. SMITH, CrawfordviHe. Georgia
Mar- 2 a,'si,k-M,
\V ! 1 i TE Sewing Machine.
The Ladies Favorite!
Because it is the Lightest Running
the most quiet; makes the prettiest stitch ;
and lias more conveniences than any other
B| ?”'*>' i V w ii m m Machine.
Kb It is warranted five years and r the easi
frj* £■' r?-C t to and gives the best .tisfactira
%' >J>‘ J 1
n .. of any machine on the market.
i-S-iSSi/l'l. G.
ff jzjM Iru -oding purchasers are solicited to ex
-■ = aminc it before buying. Responsible deal
iL- wanted in all unoccupied territory.
: •* cv T. F. SMITH,
YY -aie and Retail Dealers,
,j<) # •; - '. * a : i s iieet, Atlanta, I ( J IA. 5 9
Fur s.i!i‘ ny Mrs. D. A. Wiiiiums, Grawfrdville, Ga.
Sanl. •- O.Glt.