Newspaper Page Text
Volume 7.
Warrenton Clipper of August 3rd.
Mr.O.L. Wilhoit is preparing to build
a fine residence.
We regret to hear of the very serious
illness of Mrs. Jesse lleese.
Miss Sarah Gross.for years an invalid
from epilepsy, has been attacked with
dropsy and erysipelas, and is very low.
Mr. Marion Cody has returned from
si visit to Crawfordville and says that
Rev. L. It. L. Jennings, the baptist
pastor is improving very fast and if this
Continuous until the«next meeting he
thinks iie will be with the church.
Journal «f August 3 td.
Fountain campmeeting will embrace
the 5th Sunday in September.
The campmeeting at White <’ak
commences on Friday, the 24th iust.
Mr. .James B. Knox, the contractor,
lias about finished the block of brick
stores in Thomson.
There is no doubt now that the crops
in this conntv have been mate: i ally in¬
jured by the protracted drouth.
Mr. J.W.Boatwright lias commenced
to build a dwelling for himself and
family opposite the residence of Mr.
John B. Neal.
Gazette ot Avgust 3rd.
Within less than a week Wilkes coun¬
ty has had three shooting and cutting
There are several applicants for the
positions that will be vacant at the de¬
pot the first of October, but it lias not
been stated who will succeed to the
Judge Pottle says the argument for a
mandamus in the Wilkes county fence
election case will be heard at Taliafer¬
ro court, which meets the the fourth
Monday in August.
The extension to Mr. Jas. A. Ben¬
son’s stoie is rapidly approaching com
pit,Hon. it is eighteen feet from floor
to eeillfe jfstore 4 We believe there is only
one oGJ room in Georgia with
jjh' 8 height.
Twenty-three hundred dollars was
subscribe’ in tins place to the nett iail
road being limit from Augusta to Et
herton. As this amount was so easily
raised we believe that a sufficient
amount can he secured to build a road
from this place to tap that read, at
the proper time.
The negro Dick Stokes, who was in a
difficulty near Dan burg List week, was
found in Taliaferro county about day¬
light last Friday morning, by deputy
sheriff Callaway, who got in about 50
yards of him when lie ran. Mr. Calla
wav shot at him with a shot gun and
thinks he struck him, but the shot
were small.
Herald r and Home Journal of August 3rd.
Prof.Reynolds , mo will u-iii ie-oped niipd his school uuJ
the first week m beptembei.
Miss Pope McLaughlin, of Lmou
Point, lias been sick for sexetal days.
Mrs.Xansford Clifton, age about (12
years, died at lier home near Liberty oil
Thursday morning, the 26th ult.
Miss Allie Reid an intelligent and
noviiil'i” voun*’ lady from Crawfordville,
' friends in Greeneshoro this
weeK ’
E.Pounds, who Jives . Die ,
Mr. Joint in
Leslie’s M.iH neighborhood, sliot last i
Chapman, a negro boy, on ” M ‘
nesday moroing. A
oetween them at hott si o tei * ^
smith shop, Chapman picseu m a
axe and started towards Mr. I ouinis..
when ilie latter sliot him. I he hall
enterred the side of the neck, e
have not learned whether or not the
wound was considered dangerous.
A fatal accident occurred last week
on the farm of Mr. James M. Smith, in
the Gray Lands. We learn that a ne
wro l.ov while putting a cap on a gun,
accidentally discharged it. the contents
of the 1 arrell passing tin., ugh the body
of a colored girl, who was standing
near killing her instantly. The girl
was about 14years of age. The name
of the bay is George Thomas The
name of the girl who was killed is Eliza
- -
Strength to vigorously push a
.... Rtreno-tli to studv for a
sion’strength to regulate labor a household, without
strenvth to do a day’s strength?
uhvsical pain Do you desire
If vou are broken down, have no ener
ay’feel as if life was hardly worth liv
ing you can be relieved and restored to
robust health and strength by
Brown's Iron Bitters, a sure cure for
dyspepsia, malaria, weakness and all
diset^es requiring a true, reliable, the blood, lion -
alcoholic tonic. It acts on
norves ff and muscles and regulates every
( the system
_ — _____
' " ~
I lost 5 children in process of teeth
thfouau ins mv last 3 were brought safely
tnroug by oy the use of Pitts Gann ini
five. See add.
Re\. Too*. B BE ,
Tuomsoti, Ga.
_Chew Diamond cut Diamond to
fcacco at W. K- Reid s.
ItemsoJ News Gathered Here and There
From our Exchanges.
The timbers for putting up the telegraph
line between Thomaston and Bartlesville
are being hauled along the line.
Mrs. Mary Satawhite, of Winfred, was
killed by Lightning Friday. She was in
the house nursing her babe, which was
thrown several feet from its mother but
not seriously injured.
Three hundred and seventy-six car loads
of melons have been shipped from Val¬
dosta this.season. Last year the shipments
amounted to ion cars—an increase of 210
cars. It is estimated that over 700 ear
loads have gone from Lowndes county this
Griffin is going into ecstaeies over tile
establishment of a female barber shop in
that city.
It costs the State about SI,500 a day to
run the Legislature. Tins is the biggest
outlay, for the least good, that was ever
made in time of peace.
S ryclinine in their coffee bothered the
family of Andrew Daniel, at Spartanburg,
the other day. The matter was considered
of sufficient importance to cause the arrest
of three negro servants.
Be certain and look in the papers for a
merchant advertisement . before trading
with him- A merchant that lias anything
good and cheap is always liberal enough
to advertise.
Curious Derivations.
“Pamphlet” is derived from the name
of a Greek authoress, Pamphylia, who
compiled the history of the world into
three little volumes. “Punch and Judy”
is a contraction from l’ontius anil Judas.
It is a relic of the old “miracle play.” in
which the actors were Pontius Pilate and
Judas Iscariot. “Bigot” is from Visigo
tlia, in which the fierce and intolerant
Arianism of the Visigoth conqueror of
Spain lias been handed down to infamy.
“Humbug” is from Hamburg ; “a piece of
Hamburg news” was in Germany a pro
bial expression for false political rumor*.
“Gauze” derives its name from Gaza,
where it was first made. “Tabby cat” is
ail iii.concious that her name is derived
from A tab, a famous street is Bagdad, in¬
habited by the manufacturers of the silken
stuffs called atabi, or taffety, the wavy
markings of the watered silks
pussy’s coat. “Old Scratch” is the demon
Skratti, who still survives in the supersti¬
tions of northern Europe. "Old Nick”
none other than Nikr, the dangerous vvater
Hemon of Scai.d'uavianjegend The lem¬
on takes its name from the city of Lima:
“On a Mexican Mustang.”
The above is the suggestive title of a
new book written by Alex.E.Swert and
J. Armory Knox, the humerous edi¬
tors of the famous Texas Siftings, now
the most wideiy quoted journal in the
United States. The book is a large
700 page volume,illustrated with This near- book
ly 300 original illustrations.
is not a collection of witticisms with¬
out connection, but is a continuous
narritive desciij/tive of the peculiari¬
ties, characteristic and atrocities of
some of the quaintest people in some ot
the queerest corners in the United
States. Althoughbrimmi.ig over with
humor and sparkling with and wit. h is
a V;)lume ()f wit hmuor.
lt coutai , ia a vast quantity of valuable
j 1 ,f orma ti ( >i, regarding Texas and Mex
j c0 ^ iiieir resources and industries, tha
manners, customs and habits of their
peouje, publishers. etc. Thayer M rian
Co., 608 Arch street, Pur “I -lpRia. may
well be prournl of h liaiidsome man
tier in which they have turned out the
hook. It will be sold only by subscrip
tion. The piibUsiiers want agents in
e towns iip iu the w-mm
1 1 u ,y art . prepared to offer liberal in
(j u(:e ments. Tliey will send circulars,
and sample pages free ....
appheatimi by ietter, or complete out
j or CiV nvassers tor §1. As all the
laughed at the iinmotons
virriting of the editors of Texas Siftings,
almost every J one who can read will
want c py of their hook, it will,
thevefoue, be a bona tzn to agents, who
w m U iake money rapidly by selling it.
——- - —----
The following is the ... list of grand , and ,
ra verse juioi.v for the county of laliafcrt
ro, August term. is«3 :
okakd jury.
John .J. Kent, George E. Griffith, John
Rhodes, Charles Kendrick, James W. As
b Franklin B Wynne, Jasper L. B.
j’, < 1 ,'. n ’ ’ R.'Jit Kobert s Y.ylor Jseol. II Joiov
John I. .. . . .
Wesley A- Bright, - ami, 'oe<
Saggus, William A., Jt-sse
Moore, George M. Boss, Robert II. Fluke;
Jacob Rocker, James S, Chapman,
Ham Burke. Ross Gunn, Johh It. Ken
Hriclc, William T. Chapman, Robert T
K( , ndrick .
traverse jury.
j phel w «niaia R. Reid, Hez
pltiah 0 j one s. Samuel A. Fiynt, Albert
A Stephens, Henry A. Fiynt, Wesley P.
Jones. Jam*-s W. Heaves. Albert II. Gor
ham, Albert Q. O’Neal, William M. Nash,
.lame- X. Akins, \ incent S Aden, John
O’Keeffe, John W. Swann, Eugene Ray C.
Uarden,Garland Cosby, Benjamin B.
Alexs. Meadows, Walter A. BeazRy, ;r..
Neuron Wallace, John T, Akins. James A.
<; aV v, Sterlinv B. ( hapman, Angie us A.
Flvnt, Isaac M. Jaekson. Solon W.Flynt.
Alex S. Stewart. Absolum G. Evan ham
uei KUingtou. ThotnosJ. KIkmIps, James
15. Flvnt, Benjamin It. lteid. Welcome A.
stone, *r., Wiiliam Holmes, Francis C.
The Heads ol the Malcontents Cut Ofl On
Advice From the Department.
prom the Augusta News.
Postmaster lloldeu has made some
changes at the Post Office, as the result
of t | le reeeu t Post Office investigation
.2 1 o#e or two
of tlie employees, H of the men
have been removed who were engaged
in the malicious persecution ot the
head of the office, and their removal
was suggested by a Government official
of the Post Office Department, held in
high estimation at Washington. The
nicn removed were Peter Craig, carrier,
and Clack Gardner, janitor and assist¬
ant clerk. The place of Craig on the
carrier force was lilled by the appoint*
ment of John J. Gleason, and James
Hudson was made janitor and assistant
mailing clerk. George P. Fuller lias
also been appointed to a substitute’s
The changes will be commended by
our citizens who have watched with
displeasure and considerable indigna¬
tion the fight made by malicious out¬
siders, who involved these employees of
the Government in their vain attempts
to depose a white man and put a negro
as postmaster at Augusta. Such was
discovered to be the real intent of the
instigators of the scheme, and when
government officials have to come down
and check such arrogance on the part
of a few malcontent negroes, it is time
for us to thank such honest and
straightforward officials. The duped
employees lose their places, and they
know who to think for their loss. The
better element of colored people sustain
the postmaster, and do not side with
the instigators of the late post office in¬
Petition for Charter ot the -‘.step hens
Monumental AssocAatlo n.”
GEORGIA-Taliafeuro County,
To th i Superior Court of said County ;
The petition of C. T. Boggs, W.
Norton, Jim. N. Chapman, W. O
Holden. L. L. Veazey, Jas. It. Antho¬
ny, vv. C. Rhodes, It. J. lteid, 1). N,
Sanders, B. F. Moore, Sam Flvnt, W.
M. Weaver, II. It. Casey, W. Jl. Map
tox, John Armstrong, Tlios. E. Wat
Suii, W. FI. Baldwin, Henry J- Ltm#,
Willie i-lemming, J. It. Randall, Seab¬
orn Reese, Thos. Hardeman, Henry It.
Jackson, Chas. Willingham, T.
Bristow, W. It. Gunn, C. Jv
Joseph ^MyeiS,—ffaTeor^e' Jno. T'; W. v iiil.r,
55. Andrews and
showeth that your petitioners, their
associates and success>rs, desire to be
created a body politic, under the name
and style of the ’•Stephens Monumen¬
tal Asiocation,” with power to receive
donations, to sue,and be sued, co itract
and be contracted with, and shall have
perpetual succession, with the right to
hold all the real estate or other funds
necessary in the judgement of'the
Board of Directors for its uses and pur¬
poses, and may dispose of the same ;
and may make and use a common seal,
renewable and changeable at pleasure ;
and may make sucii constitution, by¬
laws and regulations as may be deem¬
ed necessary for fully carrying out the
purposes of this Incorporation. And
that your petitioners, their associates,
and successors i . office in then- iucor
ate capacity, rm.y he invest d with all
the rights and immunities, usually
granted to corporate bodies by consti
titled authorities of said State, not in
consistent with Hie Const i< ilimi and
i it ws of said State, nor in violation of
private rights, for the term of twenty
ymrs. piimupal phicc of business of
ti, ( .
*aid corporation shall,he in ihe town
„f Cfawford die. ilieeomitj and Suite
The business of slid corporation
shall turn ot be ti .nniiage.!, ■ Association, subject by to a tne b > aid of
Directors, of not lesn th in thirteen mu
more than twenty-live, not less than
thirteen of whom shall be residents ol
Taliaferro county and constitute a
‘-Local Board.” who shall and major- the j j
a tf a irs of t he corporation, a
jfy of whom shall constitute a quotum.
The remaining members of the Board i
of visory Directors Board,” shall constitute reside in an any “Ad-j per
- ’ may y
tjo|i f ^ s tjlle< a „ a v ,„, rl present
a t, any of the meetings of the Board,
shall have the same rights and privi- j
leges as member* of tfie Local Board.
Your petitioners aver, tha said
sociatiou is not organized for imlivnl
ual pecuniary gain, and tl
:!, tr*» mmsud
the genentl design of soul Assoeiuttou.
to wit: -‘To perpetuate the memory ot
the late Governor, Alex tuder II. Ste
p|, ellSi (jy the purchase of the property
k ll0 wn as the “lAherty Hall pnqwrty,”
the erection thereon of a suitable n on
ument, and ultimately, to establish a
first-class high school.” And that
said objects may be accomplished.
your petitioners pray the passing of an
“der investing wl
their associates and successors with
the corporate authority and power
aforesaid And yo r petitioners will
piayj Ac . J u | v 25ti», 1883.
George, T. Barnes,
m / Andrews
n ,, iv i ,OT
Att’y’s. , , V for Pet,lionet*
A correct copy from Hie rninotes of
the Si.fieriot court of saui cou .ty.
This July 25tu. 18SJ. S. C.,
J. D. Hammack. C.
Of Talt.ife.To County.
Olivers Quick Relief.
Rheumatism, Nouraiigiii, Headache, Tooth
ache, Colds, Sore Tlmmt,Golds, Bites,
and Stings of Insects, Colic
* ill Horses, Ac.
Prepared by
v 'Atlanta. Georgia.
For stale by Dr. U. .1. lteid ami Thomas
Fulton. Crawfordville, Ga., and J.
Kendrick, Sharon. Ga.
Clinard House.
Athens, Ga.
A. Uji CLINARD, Proprietor.
Sorters at Each Train.
i. Commercial Rates.
Large ('otummlious Sample Rooms.
Ileadip'alters for Commercial Tourists
f -FOR
Flatulent Colic,Ditirrlnca,.Nausea,
Coughs, Teething, Cholera Cholera Infantum
r Morbus;
A Druggist Thomson, and Georgia. Apothecary.
For sale by Dr. It. J. Reitl, Crawford
"ille, Ga.. and J. A. Kendrick and Geo. IV.
Overton, Sharon,Ga.
The Music House Of The South
That O.O. 110RINS0H &C0.
Pianos and Organs
That their Price for Same Style & Make
■ nd ,nIsa, save to the purchaser
I're'ig hfafiil In durance 1
T. M O r. s.
Great Musical Savins In¬
stitution of the South.
G 0. Rolfest & Co-.,
1H3 llroatl struct, AfJiilJ’STA, GA.
J. W. ri I 11X0:1,
Attorney at Law,
WILL practice in all Male and Fed
Courts. Any business enti listed
his care will ret" ive prompt personal
Office in Mitchcll Bcildino.
, ........ 1: . ! A,1>
.. ^, I h
’ ;
m . a , ali )1(
., y j,, Anie,io,. Tie- nnh
,i pavx oin- half of the nisenuiv to u
holders, in< a os of total inabil.iy
make a living. All must die, and it U
duty «»f < - v. i \ man in hie. in jirepare
liau-cren.?. aLT;'' m ‘‘n!
,j,.j a y s ar<- Fm ■
# rs apply to the under igneri at Crawford
Gay G.T. Bone-, \
-M M. A A.
_____. u ..,. u...i , ,— , - Tr -
| ^ %, \ t 'i■ vj
jh 7 iI P §jj P fJuPAv C ffA 1 ** r Q
>3 BK
a Laka&go.v J Q-3 J. fi I? iJ
■ j ijjy HlliPk PRfj P.513V rj flMM-RlPtll t L) ^
‘ -o • “
S H Tltonsande of women over the km;} te ir'a. m
fy to t'.ic wonclarfutclieelH of I ..
A edy; it will not m.iy sliorb a l-i’,.,r.' ,1 i
8 the* in t<r‘»ny of y, .in tui'l (-'.Of-r.'r: :
f exprc'Hv m. but b fer thfu nil, i- 1
i p’pft tly <i:n»iui.-bes the >' t.'/
< iH^thcr an.I child. um Th; I fob/it. 4 r: (A tb'xrtl ;iirt< cut, to tit H
\ _. n .... .....
Mot her'^ Friend, rreoared aid fokt 1
j X>; IADPI LLi), tSold )>v all
1 fc’i. ■* ' Ebo bottle. »
Bja. by Kxpresi ou rccc.j>t of pri /f ’
W. J. )RT0X.
h a ^ (. A
Contractor and liuildor
-4 ■_ j.
wu —o
5 f« Specific for Neuralgia and Haadnobe
An Internal Remedy, containing no quin
ine. opium, Chloroform. Chloral or
narcotic of any kind. Safe and
quick in iti action.
Mayor's Office. >
Leesburg, Va., April id,1879. i
Messrs, nr-irmsos A Bko : Gentle
men — It affords me great pleasure to tes
tify to the great virtues of vour “Neural- head
gine’ - for the cure of neuralgia and
D is the best remedy for these most
distressing complaints 1 have ever used.
ll should be in every family in the conn
try. Yours truly, GRO.' R. HEAD,
Mayor of Leesburg, Yal
M essrs. 11, r -it, son A- Buo : 1 am hap
l>v V-peeine to sav that vour “Neuralgine” acted as
a in my case, relieving me in nil
incredibly suffering'from short time. I would advise all
neuralgia and headache to
Carpels and Mouse Furnishing Goods. The
Largest Stock Smith of Baltimore. Mu
(plot, Brussels, :>-Ply ,fc Ingrain Carpets,
Bugs, Mats and Crumb Cloths, Window
.Slunios, Willi Papers, Borders, I,ace Cur¬
tain ■ (tornices and Poles, Cocoa & Clinton
Mailings, Upholstery, Engravings, Chro¬
oms, Picture Flumes. Write for Samples
anil Prices. Gist). A, DAIS.IK, Augus¬
ta, Ga. .1 iiin;l5,1 y.
Qs&StiMffirr?' sate£\ FRIEND !
Female Regulator!
This famous remedy most happily’ meets
ihe demand of the age lor woman’s pecu¬
liar and multi form atllicl.ions. U is a rem¬
edy for WOMAN ONLY, aiel ior ONE
SIMM ’4 A L CL ASS of her diseases. It is a
specific for certain diseased conditions ol
the womb, and proposes tu so control the
Menstrual Function as to regillutn all the
derangements an”* and Irregularities of Wom¬
Us proprietor claims lor it no oilier modi
oil property, and to doubt the fact that
this medicine docs positively possess such
continuing and regulating powers, is sim
ply to dierii .lit (lie voluntary testimony
ofl hoi]«n mis of living witnesses, a ho are
to-day exulting in their restroation to
sound health niitl happiness.
JJradfield’s J^emale Dkgulator
is a strictly vegetable compound, and is the
product of medical science mid practical
experience, directed towards the benefit of
Suffering woman!
It is the stu lied prescription of ii learned
physician whose specialty enviable was WOM¬ and
AN, and whose fume became
bon miles* lieer.UM* ol his womieiful sue
cess in (lie I n at mee: and cure of. female
eomplainfs. The REGULATOR 'is the
GRANDEST REMEDY known, and rich¬
ly deserves its mime :
Vt’cimui's Pest Friend !
Becnusi' it ((nr,trills a clrss of functions the
vavion •; angemetiisof which cause more
ili ln-altli Ilian all otlicr cauiaa comhhicd,
and which sorely <mGi11 -r her life, mi l
preunit tll'idy end hid' existence 1
Oh ! wl.iii a multitude nf livhi'.T witness¬
es ran ti'siity to its charming confidence effrets ! this
WOMAN ! take In your
It will relieve you of nearly all the. com
plaii Is peculiar to your sex ! liely liappiileNS' upon as
and us your safeguard for health,
long life.
oxr.v nr
bit, ,!. nil A DPI KM), Atlanta, (Jt\.
Sold by Dr. II. J. Rclil, Crawloidvllle. Ga.
s Sum Size. . . . 75 cents'
Lt, Size, (! 5,7.
O- :a ^i n 9
|i^ach]|l •v
% Y\ if WM
w: \3 * ' >.
W r
*■ 4r:rrr. in
... .. 2 — Hi
'| /’'■•I
i li . j s» to
c) ,A S 140 EQ^ AL
o^ c/ ’°o
i t.i. Moj j. UA.
J, vV. DAKHAC j i l.Gun\ tonlvile
Number 81.
Georgia Railroad
Banking Co.
/•'fOM.MKXClNG Auousta, Ga., April m issil.
Y_v the tollowing SUNDAY, 29 Distant,
passenger schedule will
he operated ;
so. 1 wiost-pahy. yo.j bast—qailt
Lv. Augusta 10:30 aimltv’. a|m| Atlanta'8*:jf0 ai.
“ Macon 7:l0 “ Athens 9:451a in
“ “ Milledg'U W'sh'i'n 11:20 9:0fi|a|uij l Ar.WashV “O’wf’d’ll 1:14 pm
a m 1 2:65'u ill
Ar. “Athens C'i'dv'll 4:(iujpliii'“ Lio-pm Milled#*! Macon 4;4‘i n m
“ Atlanta 6:4Siolin'i‘* Augusta t>:4Ajp m
J M u m
troTTVrwInAiiT- NOjifttsv-DAlL T. NO. 4 EAgT DAILY
\‘f * ; AVKMlSif ..* * ' Viml 1 * 1,1 H^ r t dv 11 » 2:53 «!P,*« aim
Al ' A . u,l "‘. a bjWalmlAi-..Augustaffiao'a ‘» m
JOHN ; \V. UUEEX, *8. It.
Genera l Manager, (ton. DORSEY
l’aas’ger Agent
Gkoroia Railroad- Co. I
Cilice General Manager,
YTOMMENiTYO Augusta, Dec. no, ’82 ,
lee following Passeuget SUNDAY,the 17th Inst
bo opened Schedule will
*<>• 27.W es t DaRy .' | KO~28.East D aily
Lve Augusta 7:2.7 nnfiLve Atlanta 2 A0 pal
Ar. C'wTv’ll 9:38 am | Ar Alliens 8:00 "
; Athens Atlanta 11:50am I “ Cf'dvll ’6:05 “
- 12:55 pm ( “ Augusta H:go '•
I rain No 27 will stop at and receive pas¬
sengers to nod'from the following points
only Ganiak. : Bel-air, Craw Ilerzelia,Harlem, Thomson.
lord vilh-, Union Point,
Grecnesboro, Covington, Madison, Rutledge, Social
Circle, Convent, Stone Moun¬
tain and Decatur,
T raill No. 2« will stop at, and receive
passengers to and from the following sta¬
tions, only, Berzelia, Harlem, Denring,
Thomson, Gamak, Crawfordville, Union
Point, Greeneshoro, Madison, Rutledge,
Soi-ial Circle, Covington, Conyers, Stone
Mountain and Decatur.
The East Line has Through Sleeper
i . om Atlanta to Charleston and connect*
for all points West utul Northwest, East
and Southeast
Gen. Passenger Agt. Oen’I. Manager.
G-erman Cud, 1
I AM now prepared to All all order*
for Scale and Mirror Carp at the very
o vest prices. Prompt attention glyeu
to orders. Address,
J tnieS,2m. Sharon, Ga.
ROMANCE® Ur account of
urerc, who who hr hr (Mr iwr
I IWIUrnlk itlinHavJgcii Va’or ami Wur-crnft »ft i»U,raer4rf Uwt l*ck
♦‘- tiiqi n mrsatieasM
duutiou Ky with A.L. UlDPATII. fiu SUHOS by intro* l(Kim»*nlftcf’nt| Dr. |TRAGEDY)e|^:;: —OF— UlM™**--
For morn than a third of a oantorr tb»
MnNIcnn Mustang I.lnlmant has been
known to million* uH over tha world as
tlm only safe reliance for tha relief of
uocliloiite amt pain. It Is a medicine
ntiovo price For ana praise—the form ot external bsst of pain if
b Ind. every
Montana It penetrates Liniment flesh is without ssd muscle an equal. Is
the very buns—making the conttno
nnco of pstn en-l Inflammation Flesh impos
Hlhm. Its effects upon Human anil
tlio Uruto Creation aru equally wonUer
ful. Ttio Mexican
Liniment Is noeAerl by brings Somebody In
every bouse. Every day scald now! of
tlie agouy of an awhl or barn
subdued, of rhenmatle martyrs re
stored, or a valuable hors* sr ax
saved by tho hcaJlug jiowcr of this
which speedily cures Such ailments of
Kit eu mat Ism, Dwellings, Maseles, *« Iff
Joints, t'outraeted m ams
nnd Scald «, Cuts, ftrsli.a a a d
Sprains, folsoBSml Bites and
Wtinas, wtliniess, Icaosenesa, Old
Sores, I'tcrrs, Frostbites, Chllblalas.
Sore hippies. Caked Breast, a ad
Indeed every form of external dis¬
ease. It heals wtthoat sears.
For the JjauTB Cxhatiok lt cores
Hpralns, Swlnsy, fftMT Jelnts,
Founder, Harness Sores, Warns, Hoad Saab, Bis
eases, Foot Hot, Screw Wind
Hollow Horn, Scratches,
calls, Spavin, Thrmjv, KvtT. Ring bona,
Old Sores, Foil Film a pan
the Sight and every other ailment
to which the orcapftrtg Of tli«
Stable and Stock Tarsi are liable.
The Mexican Mustang Llalnsat
always cures anti never disappoints;
and it Is, positively,
UilT OB SSAS 1 .