Newspaper Page Text
*«v m.
®he Crftwfinrfrmii ■ i Cl WM *,
High Prices!
■sse""':' j
* V3i
ff | {% ■■
4 m WT' m.
IPi^From this date until Jamiarvi«Pii , offer their
/entire stock ot Fall and Winter floods
e commence business with the determination not
to be undersold be any mercantile firm, and shall
maintain our position.
We confidently believe they are with us and will
stand by us. Remember
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes,
Hats, Ladies Wraps, Cloaks, Jackets SOLD
Shawls^ Jeans, Cassinieres, Glove, Ho¬ AT COST
siery, Furniture, Harness, Crockery
Glassware, Tinware, Etc.,
will palm off no shop-worn, shoddy, moth
eaten goods at cost, but new, bright and stylish goods.
“ ... SirntNu
The like of which has never been dreamed of. Come and buy of us and save momey.
Rich and j»oor, high and low, served with politeness and fair dealing.
We cordially invite the people of Taliaferro COIIH*
ty to visit our mammoth stores. We will save you
money. We mean what we say.
levited t« the Interest ef Taliaferro Cel- the 1 Hews.
* NEW YEAR.—’1880.
*■ , ■ ' . •' ?JT w . "'
/ 1 New Year (Someth fresh aud sweet,
* Crowned with roses jet to be,
i. -8teppoth she with unshod feet,
Forth from time's eternity.
.1 Xew Year bringcth in her hands
Gifts of utireveaied grace,
f And the look npon her face
* ,So man living understands.
Unto one she bridgetli gold.
4 Unto '-no a mow-wlfitn dove,
Ictli'oiw-and perfect love, *
K From tl/N * W -s tender hold.
sho.for o >e cypress weaves,
Unto one *he br i;
* *,nd aiio
For* h*.f fogs, iaiw
on* ‘
Unto she elvetl. faith,
U» rtu of noble i^.pWMid power;
And for one, evh mortal flower
D<''*bt must do to fruitless death.
Words of hope and words of dread;
Many guess but none may know.
She 'oust utter ere she go.
Words that cannot be unsaid.
HH „•*>. . • '* ■ 'i . J * V. ■ ,%£ \
, t.’UUd of ages unexpressed,
Welcome to the brave Of heart.
We are strong to do our part,
} With or without hope M our L best. avahv.
I’ho Possibilities of Ha mB
&s: i—
An absorb . ■ESS :st one
* beu an an ire j>n the mar
riiqje slate. !W has its adher
ei , And particularly
I 80 I'ef _ . ettber sex as that
pit ^ppe.tredt over the
ghat Ure Wheeler »vileox.
^jpb' «8says ale not beneficial to the
t;vt* stale of married life, ami can only
have a (Jecidedly injurious effect on
til se who have not a ^nsitivo miud
on the question. ~
i* ,e U' : mi lit’ 'w tbo writer re
tt-MhU.v . of *
a*-w‘if#a ■Ifl' ot! foe, "3;"“' •'*'
touria one pursues, nmloy wifftiegovem- ||
their views and actions
ed. becoming fixed and unchargeahle.
Now, oar^a man or woman who has
spent much of their life,’/in the ex¬
tremes of eujoymtnt in any particlar
mode, suddenly ct use their former rela¬
tions, and make what the woild calls
a model husband or wife with no rea¬
sons for changing excepting they
participated in a marriage ceremony?
Will the ceremony of the change trom
single to married life, immeLately
reconstruct his or her character an l
all former enjoyment liecorno distaste¬
ful of whatsoever kind? Emphatically
no. Cartain minds can only bo pacifi¬
ed by indulgence in their desired,
encouraged, anil distinctive features.
The uatures of people vary and arc
only developed in after life, not chang¬
ed, each have their distinct character¬
istic and maintain them sometimes
through life.
To infer that a woman can be all
affection and attention to a man who
carts nothing but for business, or ex¬
cuses of some description, who proba
bly coupled with a highly nervous
temperament, and is unsuited in all
things. eager to accuse tbs one cr the
other for the m is foi 1 line, arid many
times ,u error. 1 he remarkable degree
of patience some married people marii tlioir I,,,. 0 . 1 ,,. or .1/., i.
truly noble, and the principle of honor
alone stands i„ the way of a seperation
in many instance. After marriage has
been contracted, the fate is sealed, and
only when the nature of the parties is
of a yielding disposition can a happy
r» suit lx, attended and in.iuiUiru, 1.
Happy fDarfUt?fiS can Po acorn
plisheii by many ing at an early age,
before the minds have become fully
matured, always ready ,o make a con
cession, anil and fuHiidi,.ns fastidious biibit habits » never never
indulged in, or t/ecome a pleasure, cou
sequently not knowing . the attractions
of the outside, the husband or wife
never desires them, which in itself is
t„. « SMW —-*
Undoubtedly the wife ha* in her
power the ruination of a happy home.
It requires but a very little negligence
on her part to destroy all, and what is
once destroyed is almost irretri vable.
K , e „„,.„„i, CT p«L will full,
repaid by her husband’s devotion, and
the cheerful spirit which will invade
the keM -m eet M . ».»H t« toth,
and the words ‘-Home, Swe t Home”
be uuderetood as only the baypy poss-
of one can ever hop
Then it must not be fi
the husband can greatly |«<
wife’s interest in her horn
seeking to help her in aby!
may ask to have done which
her power. Mutual assista ■
render in almost an impossibility fbr
extravagence to be indu'geil
single change made which wl
consulted over before unaertak
Confidence should be held as
above all things, that-casnot be reg^tp
is lost fore ver. Guard
that above all things. Let the wife
unnerstand the husband's cares, and
confine himself to the management of
his business, and understand that the
house should be managed Only by the
wife and no other, will all, help to
prove that unhappy marriages can be
The aim of each si be to con
coal each other’s fall etraugers—
not expose them—and.? act which
will give pleasure is to;’ mk of each
other with words of pfa and always
with respect.
Clubs aud an evening^ pleasure are
not objectionable to any sensible wife,
&t least chould not be, when attended
occasionally, but frequent visiting
should be called to the husband's at
tention with elected every for moderation the aud
new promise future.
Pleasant face cannot always bo ex
pocted, for husbands and wivee have
many trying duties during the ’day,
and which sometimes irritates the
mind. Such being : the case, a few
Kind words or a li ttls artfulness can
change the mood and.torclblyjlUustruto
fclmt home iH tin* |)lac© Ct> Hiiperae all
cares, and finds absold^fe i' vest from bit
annoyance. a
Success is only attended by nppnca
tion and study in ItwpwflSflf all pUggs* Mar
riage's tlm most allair of
. wo lives, and • w who apply 'hen
' •* the im ■ a a
\ idinubf, itqu ). Uid Uown
tSC’ Slda;,', s twWpiifefe St
htili'l li
it .
W r ' ^orvir.hK, July ‘3, WJ&
Tne Swift Spefllllc L’o,, Atlanta, Ga..
Gciitiernen.—I have a daughter now
three years of ag , showed a severe
case ol scrofula on the side of her ru e*
the usual swelling and bumps appeared
and with a view to curing her, we he
gun using 8. 8. 8. The result was
wonderful, and I and my wife now
stand ready to indorse tlm great cura¬
tive powers of our medicine.
8. II. I)iSAitMONU, Cleveland, Teuu.
Conductor on E. T. V. A Ga. it. It,
Treaties on Wood and Skin Diseases
mailed free.
Tiib Swift Sim'cific Co.,
Drawer .‘5, Atlanta, Ga.
Ooonee county voted on the liquor
question Wednesday or last week.
Prohibition carried by 300.
•’ll ACKMKTAGK," a lasting afffl fra
grant perfume. Price M and 30 cen’s,—
At (teid’s.
A woman of Huntingdon, Coni/
who is only 3o yoais of age, has had
nlne husbands.
fjronclfitts Immedia'cly relieved ny 8 I 1 I
Cure. Ihiid’s Drug Store,
C<.,...i»r s „ W. A.Uir of AUm,*
h;iM 8W|t t0 (i„ v , Gordon a plea for the
establishment of a state inebriate Asy
,j. {1 UAf/KING GOUGII can 1m so
.piiekly cured by »«•*;• W«
guarantee it. in. u. .r
It is said lliat the ferryman at Fer
gursou’s ferry, in Lincoln county, is
kepi busy tranferring emigrants from
South Carolina to Georgia.
COUGII and Gonxuiuption it
ijy m on a guarani***?, J. Held.
cures Gor sumption. Dr K.
It takes no more work to raise home
supplies than it does to make toe
money ^ to buy _^ Western corn and meat
d >ur> Hia , w Advocate.
For lame back, side or chest, use
i 0 h> H poroas Plaster. Price 25 cents. Dr
It. J. Held.
When the fanneis of Georgia set
^Jr.ndV.Sn’JttLn'.'r of the
lasting indeiasndence out
ll)ey wi jj ltien ^ t | lft ina ster of the
situation. But not till then.—Alliance
SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable
positive core for Gatarrh, Diptbeiia and
»»*» *'»«■-« >«*••*«« «"
WILL YOU SIJFFEK tieiloh’s with Dyspepsia Vitnliz
and Liver Com plaint? r
is guarautee-l to cure you Dr H J Held
an fiw
., 7 Ali!" (It)??? _
25.- E EV 'Ax 5‘, -- 3:! a.‘.iL\-"-;§ f
‘ 2
v \ »2 me :
I 0 ”'S’ p ■
: t
r,-u.. , <«onmr'scute
eluded, would !*r<
For forty years, Ayer’s Cherry Pec
torlal has been demonstrated to be the
most reliable remedy in use, for colds,
coughs, and lung diseases. Slight
colds should not he neglected, The
Pectoral will prevent their becoming
JUEQBSai W, Harris of the
Coweta circuit, before whom applica¬
tion for ball for Echols, was argued
several day i ago, has returned to
home iu Carrolton, after a pleasant
visit to l)r, Scott Todd, his brother-in
•law. Judge florris has rendered no
dec la ion in the case, and the strung
probability Is that lie will not do so
until Samps Cohen shall be in fit ~
ditlon to give in his teslimonv.
Tone up the system and Imprat m
appetite by taking Ayer’s Saras pi
It will make you feel like a new {* iison. *
Thousands Imve found health, and re*
lief from suffering, by the urn* of this
great blood purifier, wplHHflNMl i al
—“ '
1}avill Morie, «« colored farwor of
the low i^fiort Inn of Pulaski nf>uuty
4'*^titled to the blue riblK*n is s», one
horsa farmer. lie made Uifii year
Use PiU's OsnniniiUve for all
men /Vrit,', Is “f tl;e ■ t ,iuseh m- bowetsUjjj
I'aimh.aU NjuO|g|
ioMi i..
r/dlrwL,. waV^vT^f^^ ..... ............
ti«i». It Is the same
* hv.mahkaih.l: xiiowixu
n, », againmi' Oflli K KKNIililRS.
Putnam Go., April OT, 1SST. thirty
1 have been suffering and for burning most all
years with nn Itching over
one hhMMUuiedicIm^iT^^I'dld^w*
IIU good. If. If. if., I coinnieliced and after using last live Jaunary bottles to I
felt better and shatter than 1 have in tliir
ty years, my health Is better and 1 weigh
more than I ever did. The Itching has
nearly censed, and I am confident that a
few more bottles of It. It Jt. will cure me
• ntlroly, I am alsty-two years old and
can now do a good days work in 1 my field.
I consider it the host medicine have ever
seen, for It ccitalnly did mu more go/al
than all tin! medicine I have ever taken.
I had, mi all. nearly a hundred rising* on
my face, noon and body. JAHMS I’lNKBRTON.
liou/iHTOX, Auk , June 4 , 1887.
I cheerfully state the Inflowing facts in
regard to the me of your me 'ioine in aiy
family. My little son, If year* ot age,
suffered from an aeute attack of rheuma¬
tism, caused oy undue exposure and chili
ing of tin- blood. 1 heard your remedy
highly recommended, and purchased nn*
SST&I.VS: that I got
„o mm b better
the. second bottle which l» now t>«ln*r u^-
mate (which 1 will <!</) and eontliiiiing its
“X^Th.'T/ a'niJex^l^nTbTms/yerf- II. Titus,
< has
It. K. Agt., ISoughton, Ark.
All who desire full Information about
the cauac and curr of IIIixhI I*oi,Hon*.8cr#f«»
ulous Swellings, Ulcers, Sores, Kheuma
^*^ y ^||’ , f^i ^y ofVsi!
jmg,, liiuxtrated Book of Wonders, filled
v*Hb the most wonderful and startfing
proof ever before known. Address
liumn ISai.m Co., AUapU. Ua.
VtVNfltffi ATI JkAiw
parlor! & ICE CREAM
No. 8 W. Hunter St.,
ftWa-Ul*, AfUrfe - Georgia.
Meals at All Hours. Kcpulars Dinner
from U.:w P> 2 o dock.
Oyster* In ever j style, f.ame and Fith
,n 4 * 4cCU -