Newspaper Page Text
Crawfordville, Taliaferro Co., Ga.
^ . T. Sanford, A. 31., Principal in charge
and Teacher of Advanced English. Nat. Sciences,
Ancient Classics and Mathematics.
31rs. 31. A. Sanford, Principal of Prima¬
ry Calisthenics. Department and Teacher of Elocution and
I 3Iiss 31. E. Collins, Teacher of Music and
French and Assistant in Literary Department.
Spring Term Begins Jan. 14,2889.
Course of Study liberal; Instruction Analytic;
Discipline mild, but firm; Teachers energetic, com¬
potent Incidental and experienced.
fee 50c. for Spring Term and 25c. for
Fall Term. Tuition from $1.50 to ?L, and Board
from .mo. to $12. per month— p&jfAbu monthly. Pu¬
pils can obtain board in private families of the town
or io the family of the Principal at ‘-Liberty Hall,”
the home of the late Governor Stephens—the avow¬
ed friend and patron of Liberal Education, and
whose name and memory his admiring friends
W( uid fittingly perpetuate in “The Stjsi-hens High
m-Yourpatronage the and influence are solicited
m interest of this grand work and enterprise.
TS the most perfect Tricycle for Ladies and
* Children yet invented. It is recom¬
mended by Physicians as the first and only
machine invented that ladies and girls of a
delicate constitution can ride with benefit.
The rider sits erect, appears natural and
graceful, pleasure making tho exercise a genuine
as well as benefit.
t The GKJtf lias steel wire wheels with
grooved spokes steel tires, thus preventing the
from wearing loose, forged steel
forks, adjustable spring seat to suit vari¬
ous Plush. ages, and is handsomely upholstered in
Hundreds of riders testify to Us being tho
machine swiftest, easiest the market. propelled, Send for and catalog most durable
ing on ue show¬
cut and price. Manufactured by If'
THE Bl'FFAI^ TBimi R CO., BUFFAU' , -»r -
t 1, ■- -
+«■«»<> ---for---
4 A. I THEOrawfindvillc DEMOCRAT
m wm
h mm s Domorest’s Monthly Magasino.
to be 0 fasliioii magazine. This Is a great mlaUko.
It niifioubtcdTy of coutaina mogajshm tho published, finest Fashion but this De¬ if
rnfimm partment any
the case from the fact tiiut great enterprise and ex¬
perience are shown, fo that each department is
equal to a magazine in Itself. In Deworkst’b you
H get a dozen ma'jnyJnes in one, and secure an^usc-
1 if Including ment tains Stories, and Artistic, instruction Poems, Scieuliflc, and for the other and whole Literary Household family. attractions, matters, It con¬
m and is illustrated with original Steel Engravings,
making phoyigravnres, Water-Colors, Wauahnh and fine America. Woodcuts,
it the Modkl op
Each copy contains a Pattern Order entitling
the holder lo the selection of Ant Pattern illustrated in any number of the Magazine, and in any
of the eizEs manufactured, each valued at from ^0 cents to W) cents, or over $3.00 worth of puiteruf
subscription, $2.00. A trial will convince yon that yon can get ten times tho Tolas
Of tho money paid. Single copies (each containing Pattern Order), £0 cents.
Published by W. JENNINGS DEMOREST, New York.
The above combination is a splendid chance to get ou* paper and Dimobest’s Monthlt Mi 9
jtdosod rate. Send your subecriycions to this ofiice.
WHOLEShLE manufacturers of
Write for Catalogue. CINCINNATI, OHIO, U. 3. A.
■ pSSLICKER m abk. ___; A9lifor tbe-FISH BP-AND” take Waterproof EYer Is The Made. Best Coal doei
slick&h arid no oth*tr. if your ator*keeper
avR the ‘ rvm braJTO”. gepd for descriptive cataloKU^ to A J TfiWF.K 20 8lfntnon«i St. Ronton. Maw
¥ OHABAWC£ t jt T library IN
3000 more Wcrdsand r.eariv 2000 mere I!-
;,v, - 7 r 4 r vrpriH rr* --- iztt'.d M215 ’ t Zrtm.
Old $
By CLEM. 8. M30RL
\m /
\ V s
Features unerjaaled for concise information include
A bri«f Biographical Sets concerning Dictionary nearly 10//*) Noted
Persons of ancient and modern times,
A Gazetteer of the World
loc»ting a-.4 brief 7 d«*cribing i',, 0 <•, Place*, nnd tb»
, VocabOiwj of the names of Noted
Fictitious Persons and Places.
Dmfod t* the Interest ef Taliafre Canity, the People and General Heirs.
Vi «^
Doctor’s Experience.
1“ H,e ye ” ,857 ’ the ■"""
lage of White Plains, in the lower
part of your county, one of the most
extraordinary sconces transpired that
has ever been recorded. I have the
facts from my father, who was the
physicians man of truth of and the neighborhood, piety and ol// a jj
as many
citizens now will testify. I do
now remember, but I think there were
only one or two others and my father
present. What they saw. however,
was so strange and fearful that noth
ing was said about the affair. It was
what my father termed a revelation
from heaven of the end of the scoffer,
There came to the Gumhill settle-
mmit ;t young school teacher. Ho wa
a man pleasant and affable lu his mail
ners; and though not a momhar of the
church, was I believe strictly
Ilisown private opinions were
publicly expressed except on rare go
casions when especially requested to do
so. Ue soon succeeded in building up
a floe school for the country, and
pupils were very much attached to
him. While ho attended meeting
every Sunday or rather preaching days,
it was soon noticed that lie invariably
took a back seat and never knelt during
prayer, but sat p. rfectly upright
Sucli coin net in a school teacher who—
should be a model if reverence ■tiidj
"“'r' nlT"’" 5 .1 W
% o
lower end of (ireem-1,1, ..... 1 ’
consideieVi insolent Was-
phemy. They have never even
rated the idea that the totments of ti e
damned would be everlastinar. Tt is
not surprising, therefore, that in con¬
sequence of the rumors in circulation,
several of the most prominent citizens
called on Mr. Blank and requested an
examination or rather an expression
of his religious belief. Whereupon be
frankly stated that he was a Univcr
salist, and added that he could never
believe that a finite act deserved in¬
finite punishment; that it was incom
patible with the goodness, mercy and
justice of God eternally to damn his
children of whatever race.
I need uot add that in a few days
Mr. Blank was compelled to dismiss
school though I believe one or two
ungodly families continued to patronize
him, and just before leaving the neigh¬
borhood he wa3 taken suddenlly ill.
As it was generally known, many said
it was a judgement sent upon Kim.
My father tended him, but in spite of
all that could be done the unfortunate
mau died; and at his death one of the
most unusual sights was seen ever
beheld in modern times. The follow¬
ing are the facts as my father related
Lhera to me:
“On Eriday night, said my father,”
ray patient began rapidly to sink. I
knew that his end was near Already
the sliadow image of death iv s seen i n
his eye as lie fixed them u,<on some
unexpected, but terrible sight. l have
seen many a fright soul go down into
the dark shadowy waves of death, but
never have I seen such an awful ex
pression upon the lace of the dying.
As lie fixed his glassy eyes upon that
unseen object, bis couvuisious settled
into a muscular tremor. His face
..sumetl the cole. <>f !’ - —l.a.1 -
gaze owy woe was pictured »r ,,; .i...... horror mingled wiru
astonishment. Suddenly the walls of
tlie room disappeared, and there was
nothing, to be seen but the blacuesa of
the night, the candle’s dim, flickering
light which began tojassume a preterna
tu ral appearance, and the dying mat
wliose staring, glassy eyes became more
fixed and intense. A strange feeling
came over me, and, as if led bv a spell,
I followed the direction , . of ,, 1 1 „„„ rse a ..-.f„i
eyes, and I saw a sight that never since
left my bruin, I saw rising out of the
earth great fiery fianv-s that gave out
no light, but rather sh'.dowy darkne-».
in the midst of which I saw the horrid
form of a vampire spirit. Ilirnswere
upon his head, and he stood leaning
upon a huge fork, watching tho dying
In his exulting glee he would
!,<;>. and grin the most horrible erins,
5, «h- my senses began to fail me. It
,e? ' u K however, just as the awful sight
'■ nniViied I saw a second spirit in the
?H - {£ Z' 1 ,t ‘2 ?p°irp 1 !“ "
, , faint
j <H|kmtly recovered, he saw that his
! UYtt was dead; and that all who
rajf 4 #o view the remains remarked
ih mully expression of the face,
(yfaula, Ala. j rM Krr.L
f.mta Ureenesboro Herald,
Blind foi* Eleven Days,
irs. J. T. Love of Leesburg, Oa.,
slow of an eminent and successful
'/vsicians, says under date of Sept,
i8fj8: My husband in a Urge and
.■ralive Notice used Swift’s Specific,
* with it restored to health many
j^P F^cg^n whose cases all other modi
^%^>seless, One young man
eated for sjx years for
f . nis condition had gradu
worse, mid got to be hor
was helpless for twelve
and blind for eU/eu days,
seemed incurable, lint lie
sound and wall by S. 8. S.,
is a strong and
time L b gun taking S. H. S
an <l arms were almost one
Sf and I had been taking mo
0 r twenty-six .years to cure
t n less than th irty days
had all cleaned off. and I was
mm .
n il
rv.,„. fet Will, , 0 .'l"-L.De.l rent
^‘4. ‘'"I”"', 1 1 :t
_ f -2122 3 d Avenue. N. V.
Specific is entirely a vegetable
remedy, andls the only me,.icine which
permanently cure* Scrofula, Blood
Humors, Cancer and Contagious Blood
Poison. Send for books on Blood and
Skm Diseases, mailed free.
Ti n Swtrr SfBCiric Co.
Drawers, Atlanta, Oa.
Decayed teeth causes indigestion,
loss of a appetite, affections of the
eyes, pains in the ears, headaches, neu¬
ralgia s, and general distubance of the
health. Prevent all this bv using
Delectalave. For salo by all Drug¬
A great failure in business is some¬
times less lamentable th in a failure in
health; Laxador preserves the health.
Price only 25 cents.
We often wonder what induced Dr.
Bull to invent his celebrated Baby
Syrup, but we understand now, that
be was a married man.
A citizen of Lynchburg, W, has a
Newfoundland dog which is no'ed for
li s intelligence. He saw a youth garh
ering apples in his master’s orchard,
and thinking lie was an Intruder took
him gently t y the coat sleeve and led
him to his mistress, who told him that
she had hired the boy to g ather apples,
wiiereti|H>n the dog immediately releas
e<i his captive
Ayer’s . , Hair ,, tv Vigor improves the
Iieauty of the hair and promotes it*
growth- it prevents tho accumulaton
of dandruff, cleanses tho scalp, and
restores a natuial color to gray hair.
Have you received Ayer,* Almanac
for the new yearf
—n t HTtjme i .i <ir -
>»• -«—• — r««<-i
a y S , »-m ora scrofulous condition of
the Wood is indicated, for which
Ayer’s Sarseparilla is the lrest remedy,
It invigorates and vitalizes tie* Flood
PXI ,,] S humor S.
Mark No Mistake —If you have made
op your mind to buy Hood’* Sarsaparilla
d° "'f J* 1 Amted to take any other
possessing, II "" d -< Sarsaparilla by virtue isa^cubar of its peculiar com
tgnatien proportion and preparation, cara
^ power superior to any other article of
the kind before the people.For all affee
tions arising from impure blood or low
sum of the system it Is unequal ed
IV, sure to tat Hood’s.
gn I LOTTS CURB will immediately ilron re
iu. V e Croap, Whooping J Cough and
eMtb- At Dr. It. Raid’s.
Farmer J ones Wise Sayings.
It is best to play with equals.
If tou play with the fool at home, he
will play with you abroad.
A little stone may upset a large cart.
Suffering and patience, obedience
and application, help the lowly born
A fair exchange brings no quarrel
Promises aud undressed cloth are apt
to shrink.
Falsehood never tires of going round
Lawyers and painters can soon
change wite to black.
Luck will carry a man across the
brook if he is not too lazy to leap.
Cheerfulness and good will make
labor light.
Speech is of’t repented, silence sel
Meddle with dirt and some of it will
stick to you.
A man often kisses the hand he
would like to see cut off.
A man’s word is his honor.
A man is not lord because ho feed
off tine dishes.
You must contrive to bake with the
Hour you have.
You may gain by fair words what
may fail yon by nngry ones.
You cannot tako a cow from one
who has
More tiles are caught by a drop of
honey than with a barrel of vinegar.
It Is easier to nil a rogue’s belly than
his eye.
Many kiss the child for the nurse’s
sake. W|,y
, man i. it food Wand
Many a cow stands In the meadow
and looks wistfully at the common.
y ""/“......
. horn of tail.
a pig
A hoad (s not to be cut off because
it is scabbv.
You cannot sail as you would but ns
the wind blows.
cannot entry all ht» kin o.
\fu rtfci ft*. v , >* Mm. fir ,
Tho most romaih-blo c aue* of scrofula
on record have boon accomplished by
Hood's Snrsni arllla. Try It. Sold by all
A physician has Just discovered tha t
the older a man grows the smaller his
brain becomes. This explains why tho
young men know everything.
When nature falters and requires help, 3
recruit her enfeebled energies with Dr. .
II. McLean’s Strengthening OordiaJ and
Blood Purifier. 81.00 per bottle. Sold by
It. J. Held.
A Minneapolis girl, if the Minneapolis
Tribune can be believed, turned from
white to black and then to red In less than
three minutes. She wont through the tun¬
nel with her sweetheart.
Is Prickly Ash Bitters good for nny
tliliiK? Head what Frank Giggshy, of
Dodge City, Kan., says: “For three
yours l suffered from a disease that
my physicians pronounced incurable.
My friends had given mo up to die.
when I was induced to try your reme¬
dy. I took It for three months and
have gained 82 pounds I11 weight. Am
a well man and Prickly Ash Bitters
saved mv life. I am under life-long
obligations to this medicine, and wll
never cease to recommend it.”
Quern Victoria’s household expenses
amount to W2«,000a year. And yet,by the
liberality of the English tax-payers, the
old lady keeps rich and grows richer.
ExrofiiniF. to rough localities, weather, favorn- gutting
w*-t, livi gin damp are
kidneys ole to the contraction of (Uncases of tho
and bladder. all As kidney a preventive, and liver
and for the cure of
trouble, use that valuable remedy, Dr. J.
h.McD-rii’h Liver and Kidney Baun.
Sl.ofl per bottle.
No merchant can succeed In buvlnes*
unless he advertises what ho wantstdce-li.
All succenaful men In every business pur
suit will tell yon that advertising In a
leliabki newspaper is the very life of
Foil [)TSI‘KP!S!A «n. Llv.r
K&vsiJSStffirTiSJsa Reid,
hi cure. Sold by Dr.
VVUY WILL TOU cough when Shiloh’*
Cure will give immediate relief. Price
10 ets., V) cts., and fit.—At I»r. Held’s.
THE RKV. GEO fll YA EH, of
Brmrnhon r r.d «av* "’Both mvself and
W re owe our lives :o
Si; M FT ION CUKE.”—At Dr. K. J.
MHLor{ . s vITaLIZEK is what yon
n o..,i for Constipation, L-s* of of Dyspepsia. Appetite,
Dj^.lness and all symptoms
Price is and 75 cents per bottle. At Dr
Held *•
(jATAhRII CURED, health and sweet
breath secured, bv Shiloh’* Catarrh
^ fr
eestiorl, bv &m* Indi
Constipation, Diuiuvss, Yitalizer of
AppeUte Yellow Skin? Shiloh’s
! S a p^itlve mrc--old by Dr Ketd.
Tarmsi $1.80, In Advma.
NO. 3.
Use Pitt's Carminative for all deram/t*- cbfld
OMkdultf tlM! it,,umch or Wnvuls in
^UsePhtt'sCarmhiative ' lh * in bowcU cho'erinfan- "f
clmracter any
Physto.Uns use the Carmintatlve exten
Itls Pleasant to
' ga-u
Any article of senutae merit ought to
gMKssaS'irsRa* H' jj* ‘be saini! way wln-iever B. It.
witt'rotller'remedieR:*'* B " 1 * * tivei1 * *'«•»
I». H, AGAIN*!’ Ol'Hl- R ItgJlaUlES,
Putnam c*o., April a(j, ii«7.
n fff"}, J commenced last January ma
use ml to
n using live bottle* I
P fr, r u til Vol’V?' i C l ,, tor n, ,l l’ "; health , 1 st0 . l,tl!r is latter thMX 1 and ,l * v '» I in thtr
moi#than l over did. Thr Itching weigh
nearly cetfgod ami I ha»
min'iT am confident that a
i-ntirely. I » “■ will cure me
. am sjxtv.two years ofd and
can i«Jts r,K.fc,K
two noTTi.r.n (mik hiiehma
Lui V recommended, and purehaaed on*
In abofit oimmolit * unhm'lliji^botl
t|e, ho beeamo after
ho much hotter that I got
bv removing him to a cooler summer oil
aider II. 11 . II. a most excellent blood part*
m ' r - < kas u Titos,
R. „ It. Agt., . Houghton, Ark.
A i'KJIMj jpH?, * ktm.
U»m, f, Knimis i i,mplaliits, ' r <::: Latarrh, . -r
of *».,
can secure Illustrated by mall, Book free, of a Wonder*, copy onr filled is
pngn with wonderful startling
the most and
proof ever before known. Address
Blood Balm Co., Atlanta. Oa.
No. 8 W. Hunter St.,
Atlanta, - Georgia.
Meals at All Hours, Repulars Dinner
from 11:30 to 2 o'clock.
Oysters lu every style. Game and FleU
in season.
Among which may he mention
Rheumatism, Neuralgia,
Dyspepsia, Impotency,
Disease of the Liver,
Kidneys, Heart, Lungs,
Chronic Diarrhoea,
Dysentery, Syphilis,
Gonorrfioea, Catarrh,
and Dropsy
All Diseases Peculiar to Woman.
erWill visit patioent* In any part of
the State to perforM .Surgical Operation*.
Patients who desire to he under ht*
personal care can secure boasd near bla
Twerty Years Kxpertoncc In tbs
Treatment of these Special Diseases.
No. *5>4 Peachtree St, ATLANTA, CA.
_ Dl, MOffSlt , TEtlHIsA (TWlHiflf ... rOWuSfl) - .
w/e u nrf *■' 4 -r oYw t
LF/tk r >'a .. J/mr «»w. tiiu>