Newspaper Page Text
The Democrat. 1
I . V4 . NKaLON, l’roprirlor.
J. M NKALOX, Edit"!-.
BeUrw) at ifct po»k>See at Cr.wfoidvtll*
•MrgU, am oooooA-citv mail mutot.
FHIDA Y, APRIL 21, 1893.
Decorate the grave* of the dead
Confederates next Tuesday.
Tyr. third party papers deny the ru
mor that the contest over Major Black’s
sept has been a bond oil efi.
Kewcwer dandntff ami j I
Halt'd Hair cur« s
scal|» affection*; also all ease* of bftldnen*
where the gland- 1 which feed th • root?* of
the hair an* not cloned up
A I,L Of the K'*ely Institutes in the
country are to be sold to a Now York
syndics e. The price to bn paid is
? 10,(OK),000.
ErKItNAI. Oillct Jll 1 KM i.i lll» price I
of proupci ity. It is •> gm*! lime
show out apprccuuou of tins truth by
bolding -a county fail.
“ Handsome is tint handsome does,” and
il Rood's r-arsapaiIlia doesn't do band j
MWiely then nothing does. Have you evet
tried if.'
The world's fair will ripen on the la 1
of Mar, The next question to name i
is the dale on which the i aJiaferro I
county fair hIiaII ojmui.
Wli hear less and less m office scek
nrs. 1 he disappointed ones realize tin
fact Hint it is mi unprofitable hiisini 'S
and (he successful ones have to con
lent themselves with wlint Ho y get.
t UAwroKJirii.i.E ea 1 * 0 , 1 st I Ilf
am«l ti uiInnl fisln roien m i lie county
VVe haven’t hemd any m m, in hcasl.
ilig nl any of llie catc.'n , they have
111 ide.
Wl-; h tvr liesid so’ne discussion I
the county l»ii ptojsct. It is ith im
time Ins. mil |w-ople mill.End Unit lie
b*Uii ' ot til" world is working
k.-ep up wllli tie list li oi togress.
S S H*ivi*r, <»t 4 • VHirttrirvilU*
Juiliailn l «»., l’,i , say> bin wifi* is i*J
Nt ctattiR iu Hie alodbtcli- Last Hiiiimt’i
•he trU*d < h.uuhrfifiiu'a Colic, Miuru
tuid IliRrrhuat ILmrily for it. and wan
much ple«tri <1 with Un* Hpeedy relief it uf
folded Mu- has miici* uaed it whcncvci
iirtvssHt v and found thut it nov o faiU
l ot -alo t»y Hi. It. «J Held.
1 If AM FOlim ILLK’s lifA »IIIM*I IrilUJ
Will dli- t ft folirliHrsI tfui***H 1C Its glVi (,
Aonxo f t uI*hdH l • * In IM tlujii* IV
IMG iK lit i \ * liic i'HJlii Laid It
fwii IlhUkUt) ‘Giiii lolOU v I
t'fillfj l«ft bUMiing rtloii**.”
Swlviiiion Oil is mpiiJiy nil
aiiinirriis Jl lias ht fli Ct l, d
f»*i Mottii tiim* jmaI in ui Ilhm illii*M »tml n«
n suih Iihvl* Ikh'h iiipi l and NrtU>im iory.
il »s atviu rntl) voiu i (t,.d tu tH* l(It* giitob »V
fuie on t 0 i ih lor pitui.
AriKU July mi an un wmsky sold )
in i>oulh V siolllla om he told to
appointed ny toe govei'iiot', 1 In nmu- !
hel ol sal(H,i out h. iituitvd to torl\
•IX. Has mu nlcs atoiru tmm
iho e tv o* iivivtM.kvv ^ »Vv iiiiiuui un ii
eoutji oi uiiWiM .t Hi^i.ipU hut**?
Al y wilt* 1 * 4 * ct*Kftii«'<t td }tftf<| iff
VVfl IhJ lUOiltU- Willi d \fly M \ t ll T
oU , fUUIvUlsUi. )V (YUllill u*-l IMlIuuii 1111« t
wouul .ill..i,t iii i any ifiu-t, amt a,:i Um
''***‘1 s- iv * * naun>*'llanCa l'.im I(.,in, a
ti Wi iO tl.,1 . NUlpU»»' >|J»* iN’gMil
Uiimynow Attn mo a< %i «<|»(»hCs4((o.i, a (ui
Oil Uslilfi ii 11'^ \ mu* rt»u .**«• ll ,tl»u'
Ui k “f* *»lR rttiviid io ii*• r \\i>l ,v
L. ll. Jumi^on «fi t j IVMtKMi l . ll v , <»,
k* , tllliu J) VC til Drill U-v 1**1
Oil *’ ri> u J tic til
i ii*-. •'voiiim: '»* uu? Digit* h ho kjiJ
t u i* m.irti a li »\ c ui not Cm
lint fi**|»i *i*hI li- ci..a- ,f
H&ilCfl v>«kN lu Ih.* £ lily »*.v, ,i
lei Jtitir UUt‘, Out l lit* i« A a.iti’ii Irani
fU ID flWlilM crilliri .til,l Id kriri 4 » 1 lit
iuuucpul Irv»iu auifcriii^, >» . h*
U, lUfi J.
It to, *; a * U . i * l a |»Ll ».4 Mi ns .M
-r . \\ i >c \ , I' d | » jyri i (' ■ \ I
lift ri\|H llt lHT wntris. i i
M-Vrii.ii lUv'.illl - A u * l U a \x
YVDil AVI fill lit U lu c t h»
lul lliO ll.tlri!) Ll Sri ot lit
i it j*.
Win i Jills s' • • III *;»l ot the etc,
1 1 i(- iignt eomp t .0 A me. i, .e* l ue
day , 's.iin L
;i * bail skju.ii Dl '* WL'V e V ri>
xx uh w..» | UU xiiovi ii |**t
! > The beg TO ll ,i * ! >n K
ell-si and h.i Ulft ll l« z
iiri.t! Bill*l ■ it*
^ t V
I 4 MM i \l\ ,41
vi \ V .Mu :
v .
n m 3.67:.
l>r Ktu< > /
i Dtl'sU lllMMHt, '.‘ ri.l^a - 4
w*iv siobt iiiUi * l ifi'-'t ^ *»n M
18Ht tuM*I v: i wo Millo Ia l *!{• «l
4 •Etjg'U! TL *4 > \
S. VFttl) Twi' brill
<iicli slid tail boll <4
i*e* ^uira’it ♦ tii *t ui n y %v
luuMri.i if vt?t->f«rii - U
«)A It UN . Ti»* »m
a in. li n«*Vrii ilivtijo .»
* l)?* ol**|V#*>i*I* * ! S' Vt =4
,tj *•; if iii u N. ( •I!-. . I
?i u At Ih. i; *. 11 - :i g ;,.r
column of editorial paragraphs 1
in the Augusta Chronicle is one of the
brighest features of that paper.
Editor Shaver s ivs that lus delin¬
quents are paying their back sutocrip
lions right along. N) wonder, when
shaver fires off bis j ikes at. them.
W'on’t those e ' >m who have re
ceived goyermeni, * ' appointments feel
blue next summer when . they refi-ct „ .
upon the watermelons and Idackbemes ,
they have missed by deserting the ,
It is a pity that the weekly editors
are not going to attend the world’s fair
in a body. The management of the
fair should give them all a free tup,
and pay their expenses when in Chiea
*»• They would prove to be drawing
The picnic Reason has begun, and .
ill, editors all througli Georgia arc re
u,ltl E- The now have a chance to
«« a 1,1 :l wl,,le ’ 1111,1 tw re -
'^tige themselves upon the delinquents
by attacking their lunch baskets.
A couple ol the afternoon editors
»uccc •ded in kissiugllaby ltuth, and are
/, that account received many notices.
II ilaby Kuiii had fifteen years add
<.(f m her present years the feat would
he worth boaslini* of. Kissing babies
probably soils the aditors of Hie dailies
hut the brethren of the weekly press
would rather post pour the ceremony
until ‘lie recipient of the salute Could
appreciate il. At least, this is this case
in this pari ot the world
.iilM-Ntuie Vltfiii.s an nrplnui
yuoiia Inuy "I n 11 piottchatile cbamctei
... oou>i'<-.i. il eo ii her living by
working in tin icicphone t-xchallgc- al
ohm. blit is. ( . I n order U> retain lier
position -he ii obliged to work on Sim¬
«***> on this account sne was expelled
I .M.mthe Second I’reshylerinu church.
| ol ( olinnbm. I he ease has caused
much comment.
i he > olumbia Slate, in editorially com
nieiiling on lhe case, says that other
im luiii-rs ot the Second 1‘reshyterian
i hutch* worked on Sundays for
j the ;ems, communion Inn they still table. return Il their seals to at
; goes on
“.>•> tic «»t (»lta i ijul «»* con d** in im < 1*
i he fiiottct I« k eniw of the inotiiei
(*Uurcii, to v\hotn mIih could only look
tot comfort ai d con,suin'n n, rcluawf
to sfmdd hci long* i arid tin* was cast
out an unworthy io cat of tlio b.cad
at (>o<r# taiilc, unwdithcy t*» touch
tm lipt. witt‘ the coujiniiuu/iicup, un
...m- . <*ou; mid suong men
U.I- . t hey urn a ... it., mm.e ot
.1 cm ii, (, I,.., .md believe that they •
imve pieioiaed „ pmus du'y. If it
m (II. i ule of child Urn ehuich wlm prefouns that no man, j
woman m m.j ,
woilv m any only tm which compensa' |
• mi, ii ay hi oceived, on Ike Sabbath,
will ami s 'OU. Any church as»ocia' J
non < i coinpsliy bus the light to make
Uif lulf#, lull il lin y ai« e»)forctid it
.Iioiiid he done wuliont tear or favor
and it a chuieh eufoices lutes made
Iteime i lie enlignl luent ol civ il ivalnm
ami s| r< sdeKiirntianily cliaiig d tin
aholeoidciol living ofoivlll/ il people ,
lei tv eutotce them rigidly. I
TlsV«irl is able lu In- out without
ciutehts now. I
Hu I sum i.ynev die
lisa ||. I a, III m ,m> d us i , some lime.
o« hope lie .viii ies i,n . ms cor
U fllMMiUto ' ' Li Si' - ! i V\ t* W UI II l ,, Ilf
utilirl t liil . > f . IhrCKIIIUI v%fil fep| HNVIlt- lf
Ml ami the letieis writ ten h.r \> s
)% Pic i V*t» III * Cl Hit . ^ tfiri fie tiiAi *»ntifi'
Tut Sluucti notes sent in hi Renor
icr did not reach u until >und«y, which
aiCiiimls for tiii-u tmluic to appear in
the hut issue.
Sp\ didn't cam.' to tmn- last, We
llepc that none ol the [ii'i-llt rirls he
may have met at any of tin- picnics has
runswsy with him.
It seem-that Wan leivr, our Sandy
foss eniresn • lent has dex l ied u-;
l.enuia •, our l‘a\,elton correspoiidciit
ot tlic oi i>*s( m one eorre-poml
holh Ll l men >1 and in time
* l ieiu in sen ling news to
pap, I-. c hope that he max long
vollthn.r U * lid ill lie- - dot-" all I
v- (fie people ot I'.oielt *u >.* hi*
;■ -rncs among them.
At itl'.H Vtri. Ul' ( AITOS.
Sjie.nk it tic U'lt’.L’f* L‘i!t(H||
in the *' it ,>f i ieorgi.i ttn- last report
from i hr ■|> e . n -nl ol aglienh mv h i*
• - > ■ .i. niijuin in- me 1 f>>-.
1 hi** r:»t»rt U t« ri .!■* t in the am
v,;*' ■ ’ m 4 x 'i ni ; i li.»- !*r«'n
1 in \\ will
, ?»♦* u i I t«*»I th it \ i tht*
*:»■* I*t I Sit -l tie Uii> t^ a
w*l mill* IflAll in «Hri - *•'
at tlii- nt : hi i , ci'. z
»f l!»f* «W »**»*T4 , » Ll »»* n
HI .1 4* \
rh 4 * 1 1
• 4 n»
••» ! I,
ii »f'
e i
Oh! 1 hou, to every heart a time profound
For ’tis from thee the every part of man
takes form,
And back to tliee^refera life replete with
The offspring of eternal Love,
Or find in thee, the last regret
Of souls accursed with sin.
Hut had, thou day of native worth,
That give this heart and s >ul a birth.
May I ever hold thee dear,
“‘ ddiu « * aeh r,;lun ‘ che *f
From thy gateway wandering 4 oer
^ ^ that lie before,
jj un# ||( nL . pore and shadows there,
« ay o( )lop ^ ia jd»t brooding care
K.icli (ll/cit me in it; turn
While from each 1 something team
In childhood's sphere when life in pure
And all the sweets of life secure
ft is then from fancy's dream
We can hear the rippling stream
Issue from the Ion nt ol pleasure
Rippling with contented leisure;
Or perhaps, in >re pleasing still
Are die rippling"‘-f the rill
On whose banks the fairies meet
And through the livelong night doth greet
rii.- silvery tin tbrir fuu
Is scatter***! Uy the i i-siug sun,
Or perchance In wakin g hours
We can see the nodding bowers
Sparkling with the diamond hues
Springing from the evening dews
Offsprings of the moonlit night
Glittering in the su.ishine bright.
All these jo admit ellilihsHl give
Ami iu tin e 1 mean t<> live,
Till mv soul confined on earth
vV ill kito.x a: ms- t e second birth.
It V. U.
lit and I hat.
i>i. \\ mi.on F. llammsrack. of
Washlnglon excile;) lha envy of alt
ttiq tn>yH ah fir* rode .uni d »wn our
xtieeis on Ins safely bicyclri Monday.
a nether hoy is happy in milicipaidon
of a wheel soon to ailive
Grrwfordville has a curiosily in the
shape of and negro boy, who il is said,
can #oe as welt in the dark as when
there is light. One or two per*oils
Wished him to exh.b.1 , , himself ,. ,. a. the
world’* lair, hut the proposition did not
•trike him favorably.
Dr. Heazley tells an iutevesdng story
of aii occurence which,miglii probably
have frightened a nervous or sujiersti
liou* per*on. At onetime years ago he
was in the habit of sleeping in a room
| by himself in one cone r of which
; hs kept llie hones of n skulelon. One
I night the holies eommtuced rattling
j and, a* might be supposed, tho doctor
mu jiut a little Furpriteu, am'
S vision* of the skeleton walking
and making an Attack upon him aroie
u hi, mind. Picking tip a atnek which
lav near the head of hi, bed he threw
it in ‘he dirtefjon of i)n* ftlideloii. 'I he
,f8Uit wn * ,hat 11 l>*'Oi"xen rat. desert
•d that corner ot the room in great
bait#, anil the mynU'i-y wni solved.
*....... .... wi.m, im ve,,
fi,«„i v . u was -i on« ume the pn.p
,. r , y „f Mr . hlepheus, and was used j
Uy him several years. !
The oldest home - in Ciawfordville j
stands opposite the Dim office,
]| j s the property of Judge llilmmaok
Mn ,| i-ouleil by him to a family of
negroes. There is mulling remarkable
about the l ouse, and not every one is
• ware of its age.
N|ienking ot .bilge llamm.ack
leminds me that the Judge has an
richly sloped memory and ait iuu-icst
mg in.u.tier ol telling stories. His
Him ies ol the poli ie.d campaigns of
former days w hen the wings and
. cmnha
Hts VTeie ants are
I" 01,! > »>'*cre.'tmg.
J 'V Emks.
“ _ •••—
If VN III i be vv.itCil ,v.u f f H the ladies
to Deal in mii««t tliiii if tin y ink*’a vic itle
Au . ls vp.rirt u it. the
**i iiiivi tlifv will Iihm' ii** tfoubh* with
‘iniokly •‘rl^•*^ , ’ stu%*‘ **Ih4|s,**
<*r'‘i»hicK^" v hriii " 1111 *mer 4 t*im*>.
i** Ih*U< r than
4 uiihcfi tittOiid.
•Why didn't you eonaratul
.nmng Jmiknis on lus maiTiage?"
“J could not couscieiiti msly de
that. 1 do not know hts wife.”
“Well, you might Lave cougrirtu
latcd her."
• 1 (sitild not reasons'.! iy do that 1
da know Jen-.uis. Lxcuailge.
I • ♦‘*L«l»lf 1 ).il t\.
“1 say. Alum, my 1 xtne
home very late la; t t.e.,lit. rial! you
te'l ■ ■ what time ii was."
PiruM’, ii .. . il. 1 ji t Lthiv <*x
•ctlv, but XX hell 1 got up tins morn
ilig mast, r s tx-yv, at was still sxving
ir.g Imek-vatd a; ‘.'irxvarl on th*
px " t»;ivir!e
1 rtfi \ iiti I .J» *».
The in, r 1 >fty Ink - • .-av found
among the Himalaya mountains in
Th.-.v-altitudes d» not. how
sis'in t<> have l>-'< n very accu
rntclx gtuie. sl. T r diffeivnt authori
tns- give widely 'c.ffc’.vnt tigvr.vs ro
gaol mg them. According to some,
lstk<- M mas-trow.-.r. one oi rlu's.u-n'1
lakes ,.f Tiiils't. l- N>'xv,vn Ui.oo.iaud
Sxi.rHHi t s-t alsiv ■ the level of the sea.
and it this rs -s> it i- muloubt.'ily the
loftiest in the v >rl«l.
Two «»ther Tlids tan lakes, those ol
rihatatno'* and ." raleT. art-said to !•*
IT.ntNiand l.T.UH' i.s-t ia altitude re
sjss'tivelv l'.»r a 1 ra time it was
supjs" -i that i.-T.ti-.iea. in S >u.h
Amen, a. «;-* tin- 1 iftiest in the
world. It imvi-is al* lit 4 .'s“i s»[U;*:,'
miles, i" :-J» i >-r i.i i> greatest depth
is l?,t f* r ii *' *Yri X ill* X J tl
of inc\a< titede xvirii regarxl to
asurt-m -nts o’ th,' eh-vatton of
Till", s tall a.o-s they art- ii, > doubt
higin-i 4 than tin-, or any
t ; , M lb » ,J
Uni Dnuin h> too Jauiui
Whi« w* all advocate oold and
well ^atilated apartmente, we at
the acne time must condemn the
cold rion. for dressing in in the
a shoe a* to result in fatal injury.
hand l«t it the home is not bo lux
▼ary Ufirt time being requuvri !•'
ea-b M^on A drying gown and ,
p*ur < warm bedroom fuippom
ahouki put on as quickly as po&ji
ble. an ^fie clothes could be carried
to »Le bitting room, where half tht
toiler ^id be performed in a veij
few au t«s —Eva M Keuuedy >*
8 < i, ^keeping
Tha a clever little protest made
by « - Dudley Warner in the
Study iv, 'unst the of the ch. /a
author** m. These big bloom*: io
no , , u ; tin. “After we ha e p»o
dticed he moans, “we find tuat
the L, d rose even is not the m.-at
jawc»o iwd, lovely as womat is, w
ingtinci :-ly in our admiration pu* a
hni)’ ti ■r size. ” A writer can make
t u ery funny oyer the chryv
fce; l i n, but when all is said
WiCfc vers are mightily fetching
ad (1 ve to be encouraged. -Bob
€> ion wealth.
• ••it rarsbe Monie.
Cor i i on l a- chen-efc
Wrori.' e years in t h<* 1 .
cum.', .i ...r. Rajendralula Mitra,
1 LL 1, E., in a lecture given in
Cui- says: “At the beginning of
tlii"- tu-y the Parsee at home dif
for* ■ ry little from his Hindoo fel
low , jects. The funiiture of
hou. vhh the same, and he enjoyed
life attm gon cushions and
tu-u • %. iimdooB. His victuals con
si b,*. so fd ku! rice, mutton homemade and vegetables,
®' 4 exactly m the same way
Lin,. I ... nes are. He ate
. platen,"; « biiver. bronze or bvuBri, ac
fc rillI ^ cilCUinBtance8 , as did
Hindoo.. his lady sat apart
i took t r me. in separately train
' mu* members of mo family.
Amoni tn*. higher air!
“In no resjievti.hlo 'Parsee
are t 1 old farbli or takia to be
| with -«uaira and couches have
tirely at them aside. Metal
have tyuie room for glass and
an t ti men is now served on
~r in, tliereon. At
n ■ fie rice and curry still
their g.Tiui'd, and on ceremonial
<v.biunt English dishes are
esrhe'd'd. The restriction about
lady of a family dining With her
n tiom has also beer to a grei't
--- - \,«id« ”
t% ttvvtii ncmiit n.
origin^'' ^ t| nk Mf A w so deVPr an(1
Wl id a young bontcsn to a
. Utorar man who was dining with
but i m.uuld hartlly call htm that ■
w “ the answer SfciuVS.^JtlSJliy - « ^
aftoiiioon at Mrs.'B.’« he made such
a ,.i eYe r romark about tea. I forget
whut it was, but it was something
alxiut the cuj, cheering one iiji.”
“llarlllj’ 'theeup which cheers, but
uotinebrifltes.’”suggested her neigh
bor, grinning. "Why.” she exclaimed
innocently, "that was just what it
was. Were you theref’ New York
Heading III* Own Works.
I only once heard Thackeray allude
to his works, and that in a serin
* toinic spirit, which amused Ixith him
and us. “I was traveling on the
Rhine,” he said (in company no
doubt with "the Kiokleliurys"). “and
entering one of the hotels on the
hanks, exhausted and weary. 1 went
, n p, thesftlon anil threw myself on a
sofa. There was a book on a little
table close by. and l oysmed it to
find it was A’auity Fair. I had not
I coiTecte*! . the . proofs,
seen U since
Hrul , . 1 rend , h chapter. \ % „ \\ Dojou .. .. know l,.,
it seemed to me Very amusing f”
Dean il“Memories.
amibji n.otlo f»o 1 ami 'Ian.
Tlie late Bishop St-lwyn, of New
Zealand and Melanesia, was well
known during Ins university days as
a devotee of the noble art of seif do
fence. He inctii red it givut deal of
animosity from a cort.un section in
New Zealand owing to In.-syinjiathy
with the Maoris during the war.
Out* day he was asked by a rough, in
one of the l»ck streets of At’a-khin l.
if he was “tile bishop wn > tan ked
up the Maoris.” Receiving u reply
it) tbetdSnuHtivr. the n>n.;h. with ;i
IPNthat. then!" struck his laid
ship in It he face.
"My friend." said the bishop, "my
Bible teach -s me that if a mar smite
thee on one cheek, turn to him the
other,” and he turned h's head slight
iy the other way
His assailant, slightly tiewildered
struck him again.
“Nmv,” said his lordship, "having
done my duty to * nsl. 1 will do my
duty to man.” and taking off lus
coat and hat he gave the anti
Maun champion a most scieutitic
Ciraslnng. - Loimou fit Bits,
fnjbb l'mtolBrr Ukln.
In ti,* is tofliee dui'ng ill new tl-*
feme'* ei. ks. like the male staff
sre ,w»id full salary in i!ln -s- during
the fii-st six months and hart pay
during the s* c-ml jk>i t:< ;i of *
year s utoom-e. Tlie other ladies em
jihyed la-hind .be i«**tc! count
are paid their wages I: the i’lueis ex
tends to a week, 7 it is a s- - \
•ffai. and they- «rx- at lc t- • be to’*
again in a day or two h deduction is
made from t'-.e sahry *'or th-tiuu*
af the.'r alsscinv. IT.;- is rui exident
ll.duetaurt t xa -l.fft 1 5 t* I clsl-r.d.-x
herself tha a .v • k at la : t xvill cr
1 letter ibxa * day « fix" —Lc.-a' v
Til Bits
Grand dosing ™ sale for Spring 1 ~ and
goods. Sweeping bargains
in par or, bero orn, diningroom and
kltf'llCn , _ gOUGS, , IiinCV ,, CflUirS, _ . rOCKCrS _
“ 7 w 7 »
tables, wardrobes, mattersses, “
Springs, etc. Cleanest and cheap
est furniture in the South. DOll^t
IOl*!*‘et » plaCC. a
C heapest Furniture Ilian South
77 Whitehall and G4 Broad 8t., Atlanta, Georgia.
j The Keely Leader Cloth Top, Reinforced Back, Patent
Leather Tip $2 oo Shoes for Women are the best value ever
0 ff ere( j j n the world (or the money. J People 1 weie n >t slow in
finding- out the merit of these new specials, and their popu
Lirity is correspondingly ^ great. Id/ery siz style ai.d wi 1th
I)OW J n strck A dollar saved on every pair you buy.
riie u ear-Well Shoe 0 at 83.00
! multitude acclaim
The acme or $3.00 shoe quality. , lhe
their worth and cheapness by constantly and continuously
ca | iin ^ for the it. Equal to any $ poo sh >e sold in Atlanta.
The spring stock is ready in just the weights and styles that
men ol taste want,
Oxfu d 1 ed. bn n/e tan, black-IJTd the more delicate
tints lor evening wear. You can’t call tor a Shade, sty) e or
qU ’ ,lty bl,t that U< * sIlOW ,fc ( ° Y 011 3t a P r,Ce leSS thail cat be
found eisewhere. .
7 % a 7 ^T2S xemm*
V.ri J \
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*— g 5
11 i.ia i m i iii imi 11 u ri 111111
if P i
Pm.i mi i iiLiiiii.iiilil'IilMiMait'liliEiaiimia
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WI .ry
II m
Vjge mr
-I II! !1 «!fj| • I i l !!!!'! !! i I f It ! il«I! iM 11 life
5 H^saT-nr^o High Arm. r
— Ha* a self Nerdla s
; Han a s«If-i.Breciulng shuttle. ;
HasNo K^ual i« Can»truoilon. I
“ Um a >tejha*.»lcai App« itraace.
S l!“
»* IlH** a 4'osltlvf Ti»kc-ap. =
^ Ha«8ty;Nii Kuruiture. —
— ifiva Mthd (twl Sewing On^fitlMRi d —
“ <?o . 4 a J irrcr Knn.*p *»f 4H*ii vial Work —
r L-oU an/ f itut!-; .Mn«Lico ia tbe \Y orld. ^
? § Lv^rJno The rjYsLfor polntj U of £
' 1 ' \ “til* " I
r ROYAL ti. CO,, Hsckidru. Iii. -
= S. i
j- r • 11111111:11:11;.: i ■v11 i i i 11 •! i '• • • • ** “
— WoHi%.-hf sn . **f- •
- ISJRStf aOliiloEKTS. -
— fwrotnsi; IflKKiT --
4 <!> IhD r IS Utr H»iUi!lk|
40*s 1 r*)ii -
CH VMl’ l V f W‘N KKM KhC.,
%jr 'i» v lu U ** ^ 4 »iM.
\pm IVr'kJDf;
Ufliim-’ J S. i 45 * [l
<ri f< t * ; - III
Cff-.v ->B-! >1 -lit*.
Rp»<i H. AUUnTA.'•*
t Atl rt v >,. tia.i »aiceJ Sri*l*
Fh 7 »l>**ns *n*ori« F. F. F. as % epien.Hd cozubia ctlcu.
*ud pr«*vrlb* It with fte* t u tUfactlou for th* ■•ursj c of all
f(»r’rsi and Ltaff-a of PH irvarv, Fe«on •^L't^nrtd'Ter •tiwrr
E Ms *&! m
t£ m i RhdCfrvaU* KcrciKlou* Ulcer*
V/k>„ at, uzd
s.o,n. Rh*uu,ait*m, MaUr't*, old
Cironle Ulcer* ti*l t»va res i tel al! J««tn-*ai, C»t»rrh,
I :r. fj C HUQDFdisoi CURES j
LI'mvm, fa Coc.piaK J
as!-. etL:%, Chro «ic btcaai- • „
c-rifc! F*^ob, T aft«r, Scald Be *»d f <lc., «*e.
P. F. P. U L a iH»w-eTful *..m» k, and ii ewscl'eot
Ki to & r&M » dm m
s 1 )!
•s, wn rjLr>-*.y. t L*
*r» hOli V, pa: *4>r#J nsJ w)»*# '♦d :>•
an ‘ m rur* eotvi v* I iv r'**j*F. *ea. t*a
e a 0 . i^ALARI Id *
V C ••'3'* Cjs*l CloOd
<.*m e>g pr*vj*»rvi*B oJ P. P. f , Prt- .lr A*6. P*A* Ro>a*
urxl P»t'»*’caj.___
Wi r -v
icllliaksi k
LXPF1CA5 BSCS-, Proprietor*,
Drucxwu, Urpmui'. Block, BAT IS 3 A3, ik.
imk?£ 89
The mare Chamberlain's Cough Kem
edyis used the be terit is liked. We know
of no other remedy that always gives sar
isfaction. It is good when you first eatch
cold. It is good when your cough is seat
ed and your lungs are sore. It is good in
any kind of a cougU. We have sold
twenty five dozen of it and every bottle,
has given satisfaction. Stedmnn & Fri*d'
tuan, druggist, Minnesota Like, Mien
50 cent bottles for sale by Dr. R. J. Reid.
Chamberlain’s Eye and SI da
A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes,
fetter. Sait Rheum. Scald Head. Old
Itc„, Chrouio Prairia Sorus Scratches, - Fe T So f Sore 8 ’ ^ hippie? ze T
and Piles. It is tooling and soothing.
Hundreds of cases have been cured by
; it aftor all other treatment baa failed,
25cenU per box.
, .
A thof -aughly tested Remedy
and This not standard found wanting, remedy for has forty bern rears tried, by ■a. J
an enrinent ^hvsirian, who has used it
w ith certain and* unvarying success for all
diseases for which it is recommended. H
never fails to benefit from the first dose,
quickly and effectually driving out all
disease germs from the system through
the mediam of ths skin, liver and kld
I neys without any unpleasant or injurious
effects. It is not the result of ignorance
or superstition, but it Is founded upon
common sense and a thorough knowledge
of modern medical science. It eflfectuairy
purifies and enriches the blood and brings
health to the sufferer. As in a general analysis tonic of
It is without a rival, and its
health-giving properties it is absolut- y
offered bsyond red comparison the t public. with Itis any remedyjjl r
. to to a panacea
till Ills resulting resulting !r*m frl impure and impoV quickly
iahed blood—the sod—the current of life;
cures KirofuU, Hirers. Er»m a. Kkin
Oinraset nod Eruption*, no, Ci lalarrh,
Bhrumaiia ttltruniniiini, Liter, Hidnet «v5SS an«I J
Bladder blteases, Female
new, Nervous Dlscwes, etc.
our with wonder- A
laformatlon. together of remarkatile a \
fit! array of certifieatee tbe vir
cures from tbe simplest to most w
ulent disease, after all known remedies ,s
bad failed. These certificates testify with W
no uncertain sound, that Botanic Blood M
Balm and is the best, powerful cheapest, Blood quickest, Purifier great- ever ^ w
est most
known to tbe w®rld.
Price—$ 1.00 per bottle ; fR.OO for f bot./’S.
For sale by druggists; if not, send to ur
Address BLOOD BALM CO , AtftMa, Gs.
to act as our agent. We furnbh :ui e n per >eive
outfit and all y«u need free. It costs nothing to
try the wusiu’ess. NVt* will treac you well, and
help von to earn ten tiirn’s ordinary wages, and fioth
§• xes of all aijes can live at home work in
spat. MTie, oi all the time. Any one any where
•an *mt’i a great deal of money. Man) have made
Two Hundred hollars ;t Month A r » class of
people in th • world are mAkitt£ so much money
without capitnl as those at work for us. Business
pleasant, sti.. liy honorable, and pays better t«ian
a mv other offered to agents. Yon have a tf'enr
field, with no competition. printed We eouip Aireotioiu* yon with for
e 'erything, and supply
beginners which, if obeyed failin' Tlv, *vili bring
more moitvy than will any ©}h«*r businttw. Im
prove your prospects! Why r»*. ? Y«n
eiwily and .-«reh M work for
.iviZ-'-gj—. *•; J —tor ^
. piutteul^l
free Panipit'i all. -i ci.Tular Delav g. - ...£ <onding ♦“»•*: •• it. J
to tn»t im for COl
Box Ho. 4W,
... . - - ... ' '
G .
mm CURE. I
j 3E1
Cures Conaumpti Coughs, Croup, Soro
Threat* ?o’d by all Drugjjfists on a Gu»rarit*<*.
For a* Side, Back or Chest Shiloh's Poroua
blaster x 'll give great sativfacf ioa.—•$ ceafcx.
g ^ 5 LO H ^WITA LI .
Mrs T. S. Hfvw'Kina, Chattanooga, Tenn., LIFE: says: I
** Shiloh's Y-etabzcr'SAVED MY
to'mder it the bent remedy for a debflitattdsn&nn Lirtr Kiduey
I ever used.” 7or Dyspepsia, or
trouble it exrsig. Price eta.
Have you Catarrh ? Try this Ke i-.trty. It witt
relieve aod Cure y ru. Free SO e s. Tb fe •
lector (or ItflRUeetsrful ti-e-.ittr.err i.fvrnisbe^
free. 8htV>h's Hsmediea a--e sold by us on X
*u»raotee to uri' O satisfaction.
'ertaJiI*. v nr .*„R- lt« f»>! eidbr f.
*%iv. A d-x *•« 1 ml 'iMrtti fcwv*
I ofl .|
r^cnjCAcdw: X- ..V i V
i-Wtt .: 1
EUSi jLC.gau *. l J J
^ -
r j /T \ FtF-'DfTt r ! 4'Hum of
/ -i I > h Jt; Vjtrvv*;. mtbhfthrd by
the H. 4 D., which in c«nnr*
ti^n with »H.* M wa. fu mv ’ !.<
p ReiiTE t'r *a
Cniann.rii Cht>-**o, w il be srnt
t * %nv »rfrfr*«* Ht E.O.McC«rtnt k,
ti P AT Are* ai. C. }l. * D R R
Cincinnati, O.. «♦<» rcceij't uf .««
cents in sun*; *.
Tiir many imm** of i ii *.xmaCi~in t nr tl ov
4.*li unbs r i*»’ *> 1'ain ll'i’m Murifij th,'
f* w mf»nth?» nav • tiir* jp pip jivar
frtiiifi.l nr** in »fN pct*t!ir j»r»*|»* i rfii‘> ai
haw >?i«*w n tliat f4v**iv W‘*nc |»rei araf : oi
that can in* uj*on f..r t. a? yai. -
f.M h ml n*2« r *v.**uii5 »*is**A'**. I|o*-jiUrt
tiro's.. I. iiViH, mV'-; “Mi M»»-* -
Prii F. «>t tbK j‘Js*4*t > . tr*ul»U*d i' *u
iloMimat]-in for a i«*»4 tnm*. CPa’-i^ r
ain*' Pkiii lijiiu? Da* «*aiv** hi u. ;** >*•>'.
tIi-*t ti»** !?m *h hi' n<» t *j i^L’* F«r -Jl f*
i>t. K. i