Newspaper Page Text
Is a greater power of digesting
and assimilating food. For them Dr.
King’s New Life and Pills work won
ders. They tone regulate the
digestive organs, gently expel all
poisons from the system, enrich the
blood, improve appetite, make heal
thy flesh. Only 25c by J. B. Ryals
Drug Co.
Death of Mrs. Graves.
Mrs. G. B. Graves died at her
home in Cordele on 18th. avenue
Tuesday morning at eight o’clock
after an illness of several months
She was a consecrated member of
the Baptist church aud bore her
suffering with Christian fortitude.
She is survived by four children,
Mrs. W. O. Emfinger, of Pronto,
Ala., and Mrs. Rosa L. Rosser,
Miss Carrie Graves, Mr. Hal
Graves, of this city, also three sis
ters and one brother, Mrs. It. C.
Harris and Mrs. E. L. Hayes of
place, Mrs. M. C. Emfinger,
of Pronto, Ala., and Mr. Frank L.
Pride, of Tallehassee, Fla.
The funeral occured at the late
residence of the deceased
afternoon at :80 .... clock, , , the ,,
— o
‘8 conducted conducted bv d> Rev itov J. D
and the interment
o< >k place at Sunny Bide cemetery,
Aching m the small of the back is
an indication of Bright’s 65 Disease.
I lie proper course in sm-li , cases is . to
take a few doses of Prickly Ash
Bittei's. it is an effective kidney
n m* ay and bowel regulator. Cash
1 L ug Mere.
I have six desirable building
lots for sale. J. W. Bivins.
Dissolution Notice.
By mutual consent, the firm of
"SV. II. Rugeley <fc Co. lias this day
In.en dissolved. All debts due , , by
said firm are assumed by J. A. Las
set* r – Co., and all accounts due by
said firm are to be paid to J. A. Las
seter – Co.
W. H. Ruckley. J
Thomas J. Fenn.
fn Cordele, Ga. Jan. 14, 1902.
Pneumonia f FOLL0WS A GOLD
■*'%■'%■'*'–%. <V4k'tk'V'4b.-* H VNW*. VX,<%
But never follows the use of
Poley’s Honey an© Tar
Stops The Cough
And Heals The Lungs.
PNEUMONIA is treacherous for it oftens happens that heart failure en
sues after the patient is supposed to be on the road to recovery. We
emphasize the fact that FOLEY’S HONEY AND TAR if taken in
time affords perfect security from serious results of an attack of La
Grippe or Pneumonia.
J. W. BRYAN, of Lovvder, Ills., writes.: “ My little boy was very low with pneumonia. Unknown to tlie
d ■ctor we gave him FOI EY S HONEY AND TAR. r l’he result was magical and puzzled the doctor, as it
immediately stopped the racking cough and lie quickly recovered."
DR C. J. BISHOP, of Agnew, Mich., says : “1 have used FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR in three very
severe cases of pneumonia with good results in every case. There is nothing so good.”
G. VACHER, 197 Osgood St., Chicago, says : “Mv wife had a very severe ea.-e of la grippe, and it left her
W! a vej’v bad cough. She tried a bottle of Foley’s Honey and Tar and it gave immediate relief.’’
r* H 0SSA Ti T, ^ , is the Most Stubborn Coughs.
in Place of Foley’s Honey and Tar
Receiver's Sale.
Will be sold on the premises on
Moi d ly, February 8,1902, between
the legal hours of sale, to the
highest bidder for cash, all that
stock of goods consisting of dry
goods, groceries, shoes, hats, etc.,
known as the Bagley stock of
goods. The said stock of goods
will be sold on the premises at the
store lately conducted hv L. K.
Bagley in Cordele, sell said Ga. The right
1 b reserved to stock either
by the piece, in parcels, or as a
whole. Parties who may desire
to bid at said sale will be allowed
to examine said stock prior to the
sale upon application to me.
This January, 28th- 1902.
U. V. Whipple, Receiver.
In good condition she is sweet and lovable,
and sings life’s song on a joyful harmonious
string. Out of order or unstrung, there is
discordance and unhappiness. Justasthere
is one key note to a!! music so there is one key
aote to health. A woman might as well try
to fly without wings as to feel well and look
well while the organs that make her a woman
»ie weak or diseased. She must be healthy
Inside or she can’t be healthy outside. There
! thousands of. women suffering silently all
, over 'he country. ^ Mistaken modesty £ urges ‘
, helr silence . hile there b nothln m re
admirable than a modest woman, health is
of the first importance. Every other con
eideratlon should give way before it. Brad
field’s Female Regulator is a medicine foi
women’sills. It is I -~~,
thesafestandqulck- j3|K
est way to cure leu- OMhf F
corr h ea , falling of
the womb, nervous
uess, headache, ch
backache and gen
erahveakness. You k
will be astonished i» «
at the result, -t. 2 »
pecially If ycu have
been experiment- >,
ing with other so- <vj L
called remedies. *'t
We are not asking
you to try an uncer
tainty. Begulatorhasmade Bradfleld’s
happy thousands of
women. What it
has done for others
can do for you .
Sold in drug stores
for $' a bottl «.
to«uw!wwrit»to m
REGULATOR Atlanta, Go. CO. j[1 «=*— 8
Foley*s mmkea kidney Kidney Cure
s and blad der right.
Legal Advertisements.
Con and plete synopsis of February legal
sales other February legals for
benefit of the Skntinkl’s readers.
Sheriff advertises for sale on first
Tuesday in February, as follows:
One-half undivided Interest In the
west half of lots of land No’s. 103,104,
121, 122, 123, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136
and 137, In the sixth district of Dooly
county, Ga.: also one half interest in
lot No. 122 in the llth. district of said
county. Levied on as the property of
Mrs. L. J. DouRhtry to satisfy a fl fa
issued from the September term of
Dooly Superior court in favor of C. B.
Also, by virtue of mortgage ii fa, lot
99 containing 20211 acres, 150 acres in
western part of lot 102, in 3rd district,
as property of estate of W. L. Gunn,
in hands of W. G. Gunn administrator,
favor Adisto C. Williams, executrix,
for use of F. M. Kenyon, transferee.
Equitable Trust Co., Augusta, by
power contained in security deed will
sell, city lot 36 in block 6 in Unudilla,
as property of R. E. Robertson.
B. L. Wilson, tplministrator estate
of Wra. Wilson.- will sell west half of
lot of land 243 in 2nd district,
F. J. Vogel, administrator estate of
j, j. Vogel, will sell lots 4 to 19 in
elusive in block 150 in Cordele.
q'( jj le following ] are the applications to
’ t b e p asge( U p 0D by ordinary on
' Mnnf i av in February
T. L. Blackwell, administrator . es
tute of G. R. Sims, applies to sell city
lots in Cordele belonging to deceased.
j. P. Parker, guardian lot-39 for Mary Ann
Thompson, 25 acres in 6th o is
trict S. B 1* fields, administrator es -1
tateof.J. K. rields, the land or said
J. Q. Adams, guardian for Mrs. Clara j
Adams, February will apply for to J leave udge to Littlejohn sell, for j
on 1st.
reinvestment, lot 141 in 2nd district,
containing 2021 acres.
Report of appraisers to set aside years
support out of estate of J. R. Fields,
for Mrs. Nancy P. Fields, will be heard
by ordinary following first apply Monday for in permanent! February, j
The j
letters of administration to be heard
by ordinary on first Monday in Feb- ; j
iuary: W. C. Hamilton, estate of
Ashley E. Hamilton. E. F. Mingle
dorf, estate of Julia E. Mingledorf.
Mrs. A. E. Byrd, applies to be dis- !
charged from guardianship of Dauiel
\V. Mary M. and Perry G. February. Byrd, before
ordinary first Monday in
Warranty Deeds. The Sen- i
tinel lias just printed and now j
has for sale Warranty Deeds—the
correct form
Subscribe for the Cordele Sen
vinel. Only $1.00 per year.
Application for Charter.
In Re Rutcll j nson Lumber C u.,
GEORGIA, Doolt County.
To the Superior Court of said County:
The petition W. of Hutchinson, O. J. Lloyd, J. W.
Byrd and B. Jr., and
such others as may hereafter become
associated with them, respectfully
show to the court the following to wit:
under 1. They the desire to be incorporated and style of
The Hutchinson corporate Lumber name
and during Company for
the term of 20 years, with
the privilege of renewal at the expi
ration of that time, with the power to
sue and oe sued, plea and be implead
ed, contract and be contracted with,
to have and to use a common seal, to
buy, to improve, own, rent, lease and
sell property both real and personal in
the which carrying out incorporated. of the object for
they are
2. The object of such association is
pecuniary gain and profit business to its which mem
bers and the particular is do
they propose to carry on to a
general lumber business, to buy, sell
and deal in and manufacture lumber
and timber of all kinds, to build, buy
and construct Saw Mills and Planing
Mills, or to sell, lease or plants, otherwise use
the same with such equip
ments, appurtinances and supplies as
may be neccessary in such operation,
coustruction or leasing, aud to do all
such other acts and things as may be
necessary in a general Lumber Busi
ness by which pecuniary gain and pro
fit mav be realized thereupon.
3. The Capital Stock of said corpor
ation shall be .$ 10 , 00 ( 1 . 00 , divided into
100 shares of the par value of $100.00.
They desire the privilege to Increase
such stock at any time by the
J. S. SHEPPARD „ Eighth Bolton Building. Street,
That’s where the trading people go to
I Keep for sale everything that is Usually Kept in a First=class
G-rocery Store.
8th Street, Bolton Building, CORDELE, GA.
majority vote of the stockholders
any sum not exceeding $80,000.00. begin They
desire also to be allowed to
ines ■ as soon as 25% of the
stock has been paid in.
4. The principal office and place
doing business of such Dooly corporation
shall be In Cordele, privilege
Georgia, and they desire the
of establishing such branch offices and
businesses anywhere in said State or
any other State as may become neces
sary or desirable for the successful
operation of said business. They also
desire the privilege of holding and its
business meetings of the directors
stockholders at such place In said State
or any other State as the majority of
its stockholders may tix by resolutions
or bv-laws.
5. Petitioners also pray that they
may be allowed to borrow money and
secure the same by mortgage, deed or
bond upon the Company’s property or
in any other way as they may see and pro
per and to adopt such rules by
laws and appoint such Officers and
Agents as they mav deem proper for
the management of the business, and
to do and perform all other acts re
quired for the transactions of its bus
iness, aud to enjoy all other privileges law
and powers given under the of
Georgia to corporations of like charac
ter. O. J.Llotd,
J. W. Bykd,
W. B. Hutchinson, J k
Whipple – Whipple,
Their Attorney’s.
Georgia, Dooly County.
I, J. Frank Powell, clerk of Superior
Court of said County do certify that
the above and foregoing is a true and
correct copy of the petition for incor
of The Hutchinson Lumber
Honey and
Chest r, Lungs,
Chicago, Ill.
Contains No ‘
Oomourn by O. J. Llovrl r
B rd and W. B. Hutchinson Jr i„ "•
office on Jan. 25th. 1902. ' ’ in "»j
This Jan. 25th. J. 1902. j ]
Frank Powell, q
Pinehurst News
Mr. F. M. Barfield is quite sick
with pneumonia.
Thos. Edwin, infant son of L u
Mashhnrn, died Sunday of pn«Q. ‘
Your correspondent is still °n the
sick list, but hope to be out again
Moasis. C. A. Thompson and John
nie Sheffield marched to the Hymen
ial altar Sunday, Mr. Thompson to
Miss Mattie Boatwright and Mr
Sheffield to Miss Irene Rodgers of
A negro woman, wife of Soloman
Birch, was accidentally killed Su n
day morning by her son-ir.-' a J
who was after a hawk when the
hammer of the gnn struck the door
the gnn fired and the contends took
effect in the woman who instamh
Mr. Arthur wood,’ happened to
a painful accident Tuesday
noon. His horse became frightened
and Mr. Wood was thrown from
the buggy arid received consider a l,W
bruises about the face—his nose was