The Clayton tribune. (Clayton, Rabun County, Ga.) 18??-current, July 06, 1899, Image 1

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TRIBUNE aaawag • -■ ' - .«, ; . ...... ■ - .’. ... ■ , -• -. ■ ■ i|»- ■■. -.' DEVOTED TO THE INTEREST OF RABUN COUNTY AND NORTH EAST GEORGIA, ■k- . .v.,u.' ■ ■ ! ' ~ — ■ ■■■ ^ 1—— 1.-- VOL II. CLAYTON. RABUN CO., GA„ THURSDAY. JULY 0. 1890. NO 24. V. "6. Batch was here talking hardware and .M, Beck has about 20 in herds grass now ) mowers; pa Donaldson, of At* in «tiait to Mn and , ‘‘I have used Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy in my family for Years and always With, good re- It is more ce$ve, but t County Ulroctory judge Superior Court •Toltn B. (Eaten. Solicitor General W. A. Charters. Senator 40!it Senatorial District W. J. Green Member Of Legislature It. Bi A. Hamby. Ordinary . \V. 8. Long. , Sheriff Jr It. Ritchie. * clerk Superior Court) J. S. Ramey. Tafc Receiver .Tames O. York, Tax colletcor Joseph In Dickerson Oounty Treasurer w. E. Thompson. Couuty Surveyor w. E. Jones. Coroner william Whcjc-ler. Justice of the Fence V. C. Kerhy. Notary Vnbllc and Kx.Justififc D. T. Dltncan. County School Commissioner. W. J. Neville Members Board Of EducatiOu v M. \V Swofford. President, W. J. Breen, Cicero Blalock, Z. B. Dll bird and k. G.Holden. Cuuncn Directory. . Belovf lire the appointments for the Clayton Circuit! * ^.yOla^ttmj, Firet-SundSy in caeli month, and Sunday in each month, ii a. m. PineMt., Fourth Bat. and Sun-in each ♦month. II a. m. , Atitioch, Sun. in each month, 8.80 p. m., mid Fifth .Sat. and Sun,, ll A. ni. ’ All Arecordially invited. Chas. fy Curry ( P. C. Personal and Gleanings . j •. . .Theft! is a sera oi cord around Clayton.. |* Last Tuesday was a lively day p ‘ In towil. ip Harry Duncafi took in tiio fourth 'j ■ nfClarkesville. , , Services at .the Methodist church |K Sunday evening. ,. J.L. Hfimbv returned frofh Pine Mountain yesterday. The clothing trade at fidrl’s is «l good, and more on the road. If you have been slighted by your girl, get a suit from Earl’s. Col., and Mrs. Hamby visited Mr. CadWell Hamby the first of the week. r. Jvssie Coffee, of Atlanta, is Jg this week with home fill get the five dollar for the largest Water- Miss Nannie Oliver, .who has been visiting ftiends in North Car olina , returned home Sunday. Mieses Ida and Effie Duncan liave returned from ClnrfcesviHe. They witnessed the Celebration of the fourth. Drummer Burnett and wife of Atlanta, spent a few days with the latter’s aunt, Mrs. Dover, this week. Professor J.C. Howard is spend ing this week with his friends and scholars around Eppes.—Clarkes- ville Advertiser. Misses Rate Bell and Bessie Strother, after a very pleasant vis it to friends and relatives here, l'e- turned'to their home in Walhalla last Tuesday. Mrs. M.L, Shirley has mude no material change since our last is sue. Her physicians entertain hope for her recovery though as before said the process is slow. Commissioner W. J. Neville will be in his offic? in Clayton on Sat urday, the 8th day of July, for th-> purpose of making contracts with the public school, teachers of the county, Mrs. Thufza Kef by, of Tiger, has spent the week m town the guest of Mrs. Dover. Mrs. Kerby has had A very painful nnule the result'of a sprain, bill fs very much improved. Wo heard John Godfrey • say that, lie had been down to the “ Bob’’ place and captured n large still rn’ited with iron brads f and that, there were enough chicken feathers to muke a feather bed in t.he still house. Teachers will be' paid on hveragg attendance us follows! First grade to be paid 4J ceuts per day; second grade 4 cents per day; third grade 8} cchts. Schools averaging less than twenty will be paid 4j pef day, regardless of grade . On the return of the Bald Moun tain part)' list week, Mr. W. j. Neville, jr., received a letter from home informing him that his fa ther, Capt. Win. J. Neville was dangerously ill. Will left Friday morning for his home at Walhalla, S.C.-"Frankfin Press. Mr W. H. Creenwood sold opt his interest in tho drug store last week to Mr. Frank T. Smith .who will continue the business at the old stand. Mt.'Greenwood will go into business in Rabun county. Ga, He and his brother having bought out the mercantile business of Lee Ritchie.—-Franklin Press. We learn from the Keowee Cou rier that Capt. William James Neville died ut his home in Wal halla on Sunday morning, June 2&tb, 1899, at 6.20 o’clock^ after a lingering illness from paralysis. His fuueral services were conduct ed at the residence Monday morn? ing and bis body interred in the .cemetery of. the Baptist church. Mr. A. J, Ritchie arrived home last week, crowned with dipldmas from Harvard and our own honored State University *t Athens. He both I remain in / Sheriff Ritchie is over in Towns courty after some offenders, Miss Susie Long has been visit ing he r grandparents this week, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Earl 'are Spending this week with Mr, J. F, Earl. j We are informed that Mrs. John Butts, living four miles from Clarkcsville, committed suicide by hanging herself last Saturday morning; We have received U copy of the History and Conquest of the Philh- pines and our other Island posses sions, through agent E^F. Blalock and we are delighted with it. We arc glad the train-on the Tal lulah Falls railroad is now running to tho Kails. It will be much more convieut for our citizens. There is a double daily running there now. * At the recent examination held here, James Gre8n, aged sixteen years, son of John W. Green, was given first grade license by the Board of Education. He made the highest percent out of about thirty applicants. James is an exceeding ly bright bov and some of the boys in this community should emulate i him. We predict for “Jim’" a bright future. “During the' h6F Vt^i%er*last summer I had a severe attack of dholera morbus, necessitating my leaving my business,” says C. A. Hare, of Hare Bros., Fincastle, Ohio. “After taking two or three doses of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy I was completely relieved and in a few hours was able to resume my work in ,the store. I sincerely recommend it to any one afflicted with stomach or ho Wei trouble.’’ For salo by J.L, Hamby. Mrs. Emiline Smith, wife of G. V. Smith, happened to a pain ful accident last Friday Right a- bout 8’clock She and her hus band reside on Wolfcreek and were on their way to Clayton, after cross ing Scotch’s Creek on a log and getting on a roex pile built to at tach a water rack which is up a few feet ubove' the ground, not being acquainted with the surroundings, she walked off and broke her arm in three places aqd dislocated it in four. She was brought to Mrs. W. C. Donaldson’s and -is doing well under treatment of local phy-’ sicians. From the Southern Record. Mr. Whitmire and wife of Ra. bun county, parents of Mr. W.S. Whitmire of Toccoir, are the guests of the latter on Bruce’s Higttts. While sitting in the Spring Park at Demorest, Saturday aftornoon, we were startled from a day dream bv the chime of an alarn^. clock that brought to my mind otter things, ypon asking for informa tion we Were told that the Sons of Rest compelled each member to Carry a clock, woimd to stride.each half hour, rfo that they child not possibly go toijleep sitting up. Bridge Creek Too late for last week. Martin and Frank Arrcndote and James Crawford went to Clayton last week. James Crawford went to be examined by Drs. Green and Dover for pension disability con tracted in Uncle Sam’s army dur ing the late civil war, as they have been appointed by the authorities at the capital for that purpose. 1 his is the first examined the U.S. authorities have ever had made in this county and James Crawford, we are informed, was the only of ficer Unclq Sain ever had during the civil war from Rabun county.' He says he cannot speak too highly for the doctors for the ''ind treatment they gave him at the ex- amilion. We had a fine sermon preached at Rocky Grove .Baptist church last Sunday by E, H, Baker. Mr. Logan Hunter and Miss Ma ry Arronilale, from Tiger, were at chutch Sunday. We think some of the girls ought to look after Billy Baker as he is one of the best boys on Bridge Creek. J. M. Arrcndale, Jaiftps Craw ford and a lot of girls went fishijng Friday. Mr. JltafTArrendale is going to teach the public school on Bridge Creek this year. He is one of the best young men in this communi ty. Mr. Lacounte’s family is improv ing. North Chechen) Too late for last week. But few apples in this section. F. D. Price killed a large rat tlesnake last weeK, We have two good Sunday schools at Chcchero now. All are invitited who will come sober. Mr. A. M. Williams, who has been sick for six weeKS with grip, is improving some. M. L. Carver is quite sick at present. Miss Ada Green spent short time tvith us Monday. Our baby has been continually troubled with bilic cholera infant um since his birth, and all that we could do for him did not seem to give more than temporary rel.ef, until we tried Chamberlain’s Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Since giving that remedy he has not been troublod. We want to give ybu this testimonial as an evi dence of our gratitude, not that you need to advertise your merito rious remedy.—G. kuk, Iowa, by- y ybaro ago, John Gay, an English poet, perlned these truth 1 ful lines:— He, who wouldfree from malice pass his days, Must live obscure, and never . • merit praise.- Persimmon We are sorry to report the hdfilfcli of our community not so good as it was when last reported. John Moore, one of our Yotlriff inch, died last Kriday and Was buried Saturday.; ^fohn was ti good boy and we miss his presence" in Sunday sclicftl and everywhere^ but we trust his departure frOni tig will be the means of many others turning to God. There is but [little hope of Mrs.- Albert Parkel’ living. We were glad to see the old riidii James fill his seat 4 in the Baptist church Saturday. He has not been! able for some time to attend church. Miss [Fannie Littleton has gone' to Gaston King’s to make her homo" awhile. Mrs. M. V. Yorx has returned home from Cornelia. Below are the names of the ap plicants for teachers license and grades obtained at the recent eitaiff ‘ ination; First grade: A. A. OKelly James Grceti Claude Green ‘ MandivEarl. V" F.'D. Singletort J. M. Bleckley R. N. Dover Virgil Grecrt Ada^Green Bulah Green Maybelle t CoffeCf Oscar PoVell Luther York John Holden. W. F. Holden .Lena Bleckley Paul Kiifisey Nin Ramey Garnett Williams Third grade; J. M. Hopper Mary Bynum Genela Bynum Lillie Kimsey Ilia Coffch RABUN QAP- V The farmers areas busy as beck ttf* ing to get done laying by corn, There is a good deal of sickness her6/ Rain is very badly needed. The writer was on Persimmon fast weoK and drank water 400 feet undef the ground. It was in the tunnel at thk mine, Mrs. Curry, who has been visiting her’ son, Chas. W. Curry, left for fief home’ Tuesday morning. She and her Iittltf daughter spent fjftaral days with us, We had a gobd singing at the Bap tist church-ffunday. ' y and Will Ritchie afe at a visit. We are glad to see tfitf Mr. Editor you must hurry up iff# Black Diamond hands we are neafff feady to go to work Tallulah Falla. We liave had a fine week to' work. . The new hotel will soon be flnisftMr They are receiving guests now. we had a good Sunday School SOU' day, ' .JM The train is running up’ to the get? hot**.; ___ a good «*•