The Clayton tribune. (Clayton, Rabun County, Ga.) 18??-current, January 02, 1902, Image 2

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'JL Tlie Saytoij Tribune, Issued Every Thursday : OlH'dftil Organ of Raima County. ft fitted at. the Voatoffice at Clayton ■ second-class matter A. REYNOLDS, a 'E8ttbr !jhd ; Business manager. " r TERMS. • - ohi Yuaf. V - - - - - - - W.W; Six Months, * $ .BO. ThreufMoatlis .25 umber ; ' Me rtgage. FQREcifoeURE. ! MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE^ ami 10. Ta$sr& Sweet / Koiedeaure of mortgage W.-.S. Whitmire i Foreclosure of . . vs ( in K#l>un(superior Court-,, \ rnnrtSQ^e in R ft. Lizzie M. Rob- ( February adjourned term ( ln in rva son 11901. j J. L. Hamby ) bun Superior It htiUg represented to the' court by the | Court, August petition of Taylor* und Sweejt, a partner- ] Term ^Ol It being represented to the court Thousands of people belonging to labor unions in the north are holdiog public.meetings denounc ing third assistant postmaster gen eral Madden becafagg'df his radical fillings i^.refejehOftto^ebopd class matter, and pitssitog resolutions de manding President Roosevelt to srenmve binv.from office. Country newspapers are the greatest suffer- ei>vpnder his ; ruling. THAT RECENT RULING. ■ The Springfield *'•('Ohio) Daily Sun, one of the br%htest papers we ever saw, was kind enough to send us their issue of Dec. 37, con- ,takiiiig the following: Local publishers were yesterday informed of a ruling about to be made by the post office department at Washington which will be of great importance to almost every newspaper in the country. It de nies the right of a publisher to ex tend creait to any subscriber for his paper, under penalty of with- dtavttuLoi mailing privileges. Tne larger local publishing con cerns like the Crowell and Kirk patrick Co. and the Floral Publish ing Co', will llot be senously affect ed by this ruling, as their subscrip tion business is done on a cash ba sis. It does not interfere to any giCilljuixlent with daily newspa pers, the circulation ol which is al most exclusively by carriers. The publishers of religious and agricul tural journals and of country week lies will find the ruling a most se rious thing, however, as in the very nrfture of things they must extond credit to their subscribers. Tips action of tbe.department is the culmination of a long line of Similar rulings which have been made within the last six months. As ifc well known, newspapers und periodicals are given the benefit of What is known as the second-class fate—one cent per pound. It costs probably four or five cents a pound to carry t’ji* kind of mail matted, and the department handies it at loss, therefore it would appear at first glance. Leading publishers have pre pared exhaustive statistics, howev er, showing that every pound of second class matter creates euough profit bearing business for the de partment, in the sale of stamps, tnoney orders, registered letters, etc,, tojmore than balance the ap parent lots to which reference has been made. The claim is made tbat ^he other branches of the pos tal service would fail to maintain their present prosperity were it not for v the advertising value of the newspapers and magazines which have the obeaper postage rate. Tbs claims thus made by publish ers are strongly substantiated by the figures oft'jMiy department itself, which slid#$iut the annual deficit wbioh represents this excess of its outlay over income hue been decreased from year to year in al- ’ the same proportion at of second class mail The third does not ad- contentions, mined effort to restrict, tne ; otseCond class publications limit their circulations. Heretofore the rulings of Mr Madden, the third assistant post. master general, have been directed ship, the individual members of which are at the papers which have built up i * B ; “ d , "j ' iC ueil,R re P re8entea 10 tne c0lirc r ^ 1 • ^ 3rd day of July 1900, Lizzie H. Robinson K v the net it ion of W S Whitmire enormous circulations on u very executed and delivered to said Taylor and •> 10 P et,uon 01 VV-D. WUltmirc ■low price, lu addition, he has re- Sweet a mortgage on certain real estate ly- 1 that, on I he 20th/day of September fused second class rights to what j iD ? inR A a ‘ d ? ounl y d T ! r ib ? d M .’oiiows to-’ i8 97) J. L. Hamby executed -and ik known as “library publications” | albinson HouiTiaw irTthe town qT rli°- • dellvered to the said petloner a —paper covered editions of popu- ■ lulab Falls, being p»rts or original land ' mortgage </u.certain real estate ly- lar bosks. Hi«‘ latest ruling will lot9 Nos.l70aud m m the 13th district .of | mg in said count,y and described , „ B ; Rabun county Georgia, commencing at the' I a . rp, , . , ,. bear on 90 per.cent of the news- j corn „ r 0 f Spring and River streets aud bin- j - lb to ‘ l0 " a t0 ‘ V,t - The lot on papers of the country other thau 1 ning east 170 feet along said iifvjr street, | which the W. S Whitmirj store daily .publications, the exceptions j t ! w “ ce “ out ! , 7 * f ® et - thence “ fert> house now 8tands and described . . . 1 thence south 75 feet to n Mlejt, thence .. .■ ■MP,,,...,.,,.,,.;.... being the standurd magazines 1 slightly south w est 150 feet, along said alley .‘* S . 0 ommencing .it, a which do noi handle credit sub- to spring street, tlienee slightly west of point three feet north of the norUr north auo feet along Spring street;to the be- j west corner of the front piazza to ginning corner together with all and sl11 - : th e said store house, thence east gular the lights, members ami appurq-i 7 nances thereto belonging or in anywise ap **lli-l p«tT4ulell with the north ws* 11 , . • pertaining lor the purpose of soefcring thc^ of said store house eixtv five feet, trades union and socialistic papers. . payment of ascertain mt?engage note for one* 1.1 11 i ; “ j . t » f The nuttier was taken up by the re I mmdred and fifty dollars principal execut.- 1 ^ P a * 1 cent convention of the American' ed and deHvered b > J8aidLi5:zie u - " obi “- end <>r wal1 ^storehouse fix- „ , T . ^ci j sou to said Taylor and Sweet on the 3rd day ty eight feet, thence west naval] nil Federation of Labor at Scranton,-. oijut/ woi.aue oiWer 1st luoo.undstip- with tbe sout . h wul i of S! iid store l a., and vigorous denunciatory ulating for mteiest from maturity at the resolutions adopted. As there j 8 1 ™teoi night per c««t per annum and uu . house-sixty five feet, t lienee north . , . . r 1 per cent attorney fees in case of suit, sixty eight feet to the beginning no appeal from the decisions of the ... „ . ...... , , , . . ,i J .- . | ills ordered th»t the defendant said i eurner, containing one milt li ol no third postmaster general, in reia- Lizzie li. Robinson do pay into this court' 1 r ,1 bv the first day oft»e next term the prtuei- ! i,Cre mo ™ or leSS - for thfi P ur P° 8e pal, interest, attor^oy’s fees and costs due | of securing tfie payment of a cer- on said note or sixer cause why she should I tuin promissory note for $200 exe- not pay the same oiin dofaulf thereof the | , , , . , . .. , ,, . 1 , , , . I cuted and delivered by tne saidj. aforesaid mortgage|Ije foreelosed and the j .... equity.of.redeuiptujnof the said r-izzio 11. i L. Illilllby to sulci W. S. ”\V hit mire on the 20th day of September lhyT. Done on the 1st day of January, Bcripfions. Among the publications excluded by Mr. Mudden 'have been many tion to second cluss mutter, except through the courts, political influ ence is being brought to bear to se cure the removal of the present in cumbent from the office. ! KohiftsoU therein tie forever barred and Washington correspondence of j that service o. this rule he perfected uu the Cincinnati dailies would indi cate that the fight on Mr. Madden has become an exceedingly warfu one. There is a divergency of o- pinion as to its results, some be lieving that the general will be able to retain his position and ot! thinking his offioiol days if^s : ntTrn^j 'jy 1111 ' said Lizzie H. Robinson according to law. This May 11th Will. J. Bi Estes, J..S.C. Taylor <& Sweet i Foreclosure of VS. ; u.ortage on Lizzie H. Robin ( realty, son Iiibun Superior Court, August . $Bsrm. 19OX. ] 19OO al ter daie,*uiul stipulating for said lot, thence smith 1230 feet, thence nortli 84 degrees west 850 feet to u white oak thence north 6 degrees west 460 feet tOa chestnut, thence nortli 2' degreecHSt8i5'4eet to the state line, thendofrest along the state to the be- giiriiig corner. Levied on us the prop erty of George Jacobs by virture of an execution issued by Joso li l Dickersou Tux <Jo lector of said county to satisfy his state and county Tax for the year for 1901'. Written notes given defendant in, terms of file law'. Til is Dec, 23 1901 * J, tt. ffitcliic. Shrelf bered. It is said that Mr. Mudden' N| ^b | uippearingto the Court that admits that he has assumed the tbo t dofendaut in the above stated function of making and interpret- case has not betn nerved with the iug laws, regardless of the fact that petition and rule ni si in the above he is connoted §with neither the 8tllteu Clt8t! a‘> required by legislative nor the judiciary former order oT this court, brunches of ihe government, but ex i therefore 'ill’ll tins case prease#*tlu5 belief that bis course 1 8 * iand •.. con ^'*P t |£ d iind tbti,i_ Said will be sustained in the end. if'defendani Lizzie H. Robioao'i be interest from imunrity ut 1 lie. rule ol eight per cem, per annum.- it is if Hire fore ordered,--that the def-ndi'iiit ). L. Until by do pay in to tins court by 1 lie lin.-.t day T.> J-M- next lerin, ihe principal, includ-*! iug imeiesi ami costs, due on said note, or show cause why he should not pry flic same, or Gut in Ue fault iiiceuf 1 lie 11 ore niid m-ni- I J j gago be foreclosed and ilic equily lot redempiion ol ihe is.iicl defem:- am Uicrem 1 meverburred, and 1 hai tins rule be oji \'i-ii personally 011 said ,j. 1.. iipmby or published Administrator's sale Get.rgia, Rabun County: By virtue of an order of the court, Of Ordinary, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in Jan., i9o2 t at the court-honse in said county, within the legal hours of sale, the following real estate situated in Rabun county, to-wit: Part, of lots of land Nds. 5z and 58 in the 4th land district of said county,aud ‘ described as follows: Beginning on tlm west original line at a coadi-*. tronnl corner, and runlung'east a conditional line to ah apple tree in the gap of the ridge, thence east to. a poplar tree, thence a black gum. thence east to the original line, thence north to the original line to the original corner, fhence west a conditional line to the top o- Joe mountain, ‘lhence do vn the di viding ridge to J. F. Godfrey’s draw bus, ilience south-east along the road to the public road, thence soiiili-vye(5t the conditional line to the original line, thence south ihe o.tiginal line to ihe beginning corn- c-, containing 15O acres more or less. Terms of suits one half cash and balance on six uv-unlw linic* wi'h notes and approved security. This 3rd day'of Dec., 1UO1. J. F. Godfrey, udiuifiisira- tni- of 1 lie estate of Ansel Godfrey , . . , • • . ..lice a n.oni h for four monl the indignation expressec by local sowed with said Vule hi 51- as 1L '": | | 1C ( , r p r ;l publishers yesterday upon receipt of his most recent ruling is a fail indication of the conditions winch obtain throughout the country,Mad, den’s pathway in the next few weeks will not b$ one altogether peaceful and pleasant.. quired by law before the next term of this Court either 'personally! three months before, the next term ! of the Ccurt or by publication in the Clayton Tribune once a month for four months before the next term of this Court in the Clayton Tribune and that next term be made the return term. Aug. 31I1 49Oi. Jvhti S. Candler. J. S. C. W. S. Paris, Plaintiff’s Att’ys, Georgia—Rabur. County, ujune accornuij, ■UlgllHI Court of Rabun Couuty Ga. do hereby certify that the foregoing orders are two copies of the records on minutes Superior Court o fRabun CoiintyGa, Witness my hand and seal,- This Oct. 25 i90i • J. S. Ramey, Clerk. GERMANY. Mr. Luke Fowler and wife, who have made their home at Toccoa, Ga., are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. James C'ffenback. Mr. Ed Almon and family spent Xmas day with Mrs. Crawford, on Scott’s Creek. Mr. James Colenback carried a load of rye to Clayton Friday. Mr, I. M. Justus visited his grandparent Mr. J, M. York on Persimmon Thursday Mr. Bill Norton and son Ed passed through Germany Friday. Mr. D. L. Dodgius, from West minster, is spending a few weeks with friends in Germany. Mr. Anderson Coffee is very fee ble at this witting Mr. Isaac Rainey and family are spending a few weeks with Mr, John Holcomb/. • ■ Walter Rembcrt is spending a few days with Mr. Johu Hollifieid. Mr. Bill Welibome is building him a new residence on TimpBon Creek. Mr. Marvin Powell spent Xmas on Woll Creek. Mr, Ambros Louin passed up through Germany Friday. m f Georgia Justus spent Christmas 10 hunting rabbits. Mr John and Virgil Keener vis ited C. P. York and family . Fn-1 p day. Mr. A. S. Dickerson has pur chased some feed from John Justus. 1 Falls regardless of No. Elovey t ,'Mrs. Marion Justus 6pent Fri day night with Miss Lizzie Pilling right of tract over trains of class ham. j moving in opposite directions. Mr. Jeffie Holcomb is peddling! W. S. ERWIN, G. P. A. some this week, ^*0/' * Sk €5* BUNL VFj'Gen, Manager. t: to law. This 25m day of 19O1. Jas. li. Grant, Petitioner’s Attjy, By the emir.. John y. Candler, Judge Hu peri* or Court Slone Mountain Ciieuit, Presiding. Georgia—Rabun County. 1, J. S. Kamov, Cl-ik of ihe Su perior court in and for said coun ty of Rabun do hereby certify that the foregoing rule vi si is a true copy from tne min men of. Rabun ! Superior Gnu ft. -.WttnonSifnv'hn ml 1, Rainey, Clerk of Superior tuul ol flcluI SIgli ature^l)i s Sept 3U1I1, 1901. J. S, Runiey, Clerk. Seal. Sheriff's Sales. Georgia—Rabun County. Will be sold, on the first Tues day in February next, at public outcry at the court house in Clay- THE TALLULAH tbn, said county, within the Jegiff FALLS BA1LKOAD hours of safe, to the higlinst bidder COMPANY for cash, certain property of which the following is a full uru^om- plcte descrTJitior.: W A orie fourth undivided interest 111 lot of land Nor 88 in the 38th TIME TABLE NO. 21. In effect Sunday, Sept. 22, 8 a. in. I9OI.,-Eastern Time. L.bel for Divorce. 'Via. o. Taylor vs 1 Falc.-itimi Tiivlm-.l I.iliei fur IRvorce. Tu l’lilertfuie ,'Jjiylnr: » Von irri- lie re by militiod to Iw wul nfi- |»-iU-cHbei- p i-Winiilly nr by nttorhi-.v at that near. Bnperior t-'nilrl of Rabun county, to bo liebl on lliu rollrlli Monday in 1-Yliriii.,r J 1!R|2 next, to mauver ihe eontpluii'n of \V. 0. Taj lor in 1111 nation for total ilnurer. In default tln-reof tiro court will prueenl unto hrstiee sliiill uppeitnin. Wiineim tin- 1n n- orabUi .1. 11. E^i.e'si .iqilj^t- irf Until court, this October tbe 1st llKlj. J. *. Untlier. G- s - d- .las. It. Oram, Libehui'ta Attiinp-y, Oft'ilN -. RY’fj CITATIONS. 11 STATIONS. 12: Daily • Daily. P. M. LV AR p,mJ 5 15 TallulaheFalls 1 00 5 20 F Tallulah Lodge 12 67 5 35 Turnerville 12 48 5 45 F Hollywood .12 28 5 53 F Anaudale 12 18 '6 00 F Hills. I? 11 16 10 Clarksville 12 O5 6 25 Demurest 11 5O .0 45 Cornelia 11 3O I'P. M AR LV A M- F. for flag ctat,ion=. ■» ‘.v " j No. Twelve will fun to Tallulah editions issued from the Justice’s Court of the 1375th Dist. G. M.* oi said county, one in favor of C. T. Wilbanks, the other in .favor of V. C. Taylor and proceeding for the benefit of C. ,T. Wilbanks trans feree. Both against said W. S. Ba ker. Levy made and returned to me by Lonia Qipson, L. 0. Tl^.s the zUth day of December 19O1. J. R. Ritchie, Sher : ff.. Also part ef let 1.18 In the third land persons concerned to show cause agai All southbound trains have j Dl8trlct of Rabun county contaluing 17 acres mere or less bounded as follows (icoi gin— Kabul! County. M L ami H. M Hopper, a.lntluis*- tralors upon the (.-slate of nenry Hop per late of a a id cciinty, ileceased hiiV i g tiled Ihelr petition far dii-ehsige, 1 his t< 10 cite all peisonn concerned to show cunse against the granting of 1] i dhil-ipc, at ihe regular let'll) the court of Ordinary for said covin' to lie held on the lint Monday >u tiary. 1902 This Sepi.30. lfiol, W. S Lon/. OidifiSi-y. (jeorgia— * pbu 11 County, M. I. Dickerson, administnitor upon the estate of W. t. Dickerson, fate of comity, deceased, having died his m lor discharge this is to Cite all is concerned to show cause against ting of tb is discharge, at the reg ular term of tlta count of Oulhmry for said county to be held on the first Mon day in Febuary,19V2 This Oct. 291601- W • 8- Long, . -i Or Georgia—linbuti county, Emma R. Crawford, having made apl plication for a 12 mohths’ support < of the estate of James J-Crawford, 1 appraisers duly appointed to set apart the same having Bled their return all persons concerned are hereby required to show cause before the court of Ordinary of said county ou tbe first Monday in Febuary. 1902 This 1st day of Janu ary' 1902. W.S- Long, Ordinary. Georgia—liabun County, John B. Dockins, administrator upon the estate of Benjimau Dockins, late of said county, deceased, having filed bis petition lor discharge, this is to cite al tbdferaattng of this - discharge, at regular teflta of the Cbnrt of Oidinary begining at aetoke la thestat* line be- said eonnty to he held on the first Moa tween aeorgia and North Carolina at tbe north west corner of Eva Watkins land 1600 feet from the north west corner of da) iu April 1602. This 2nd day 01 W«8. Long. Ordinary