The Clayton tribune. (Clayton, Rabun County, Ga.) 18??-current, February 27, 1902, Image 2

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&DITQB& AS GOOD GOVERNORS. A curtain town lot in tlm- town i of Tullulub Pit., Ga., and di- j scribed as follow*: Mounded on | the north by River fi.reet, on I he i cast by lands of Moss, off south ( by an alley, on the west by Spring ! street. There is situated ; ;*»a said lot two hotel and out huildingH, 'under i'euMi. Said prop i ied on ns the property,of L!suti*'ff; ] Robinson defendant in fifa, to sat* • isfy a tax fifa Limed by Joseph L-. I Dickerson tax collector of said I county, for her state and county I tuxes tpr tin- year V9O1 against said 1 Liziie'H. Robinson. Written not ice given as required by law. This • Ftb’y 1st 1903. J. R. Riteh.e, , Puiuters foe $5 jr. Sheriff. ,\ Also at the same time and place all mineral and mining pnvelege* .j in DO acres and on lots of land Nos, IO4 and 1,05 in the 5th land djstrfct I of said county and more fully de- iu month in dormitory. It is your ; oollege, built for you supported: | by you, and.stands ready to help' | you. It is not a town school but ! j a real coUlege, being one of the ! five male colleges ol' the state. It 1 j costs, no more to go to a real col-j lege than to one on'y in name, j Don't cheat yourself by going to u ! school witlmut library or scientific I lutaiitorips. Ordinary Long requests ns to ; say that he has received tho money | to pay indigent widows and sold- j iers and will dp so at once. ■ >- Them will bo a culled coo. | vocatiou of Tullulab Chapter No. I 68 R. A. M. in'the hall on Satur- | day March &th at 9 u, m. for tht | purpose of conferingall the degrees | on several candtda:es. All qimli . tied coinpij'nions ure urgently re queued to be present. By order There 1b Wisdom, Says Tak Bir- I < UXRQuam, Ala., Lecger, in p th Putting A Newspaper Man In Th* Office Of Governor. ^ There it 00 class of men who haye been trained to be so careful if! the*r acts as the professional E< newspaper man. He has studied M to be accurate, methodical, delib- for 1 «rate and right. He bus studied g, to learn the will of the people and w ; t | to feel the public pulse on all ques- ^ tiona and to align himself with j , the right side of those question und * t« be able to give his reason for his . . villc Opinions. These things make a good official H out of any good newspaper man. thre Hit is never a trickster 01 advent- lin 8 User. He haa been trained to have M g protouud respeot for publio o- sect pinion, and to feel that he is near M the danger line when he finds him Frai gelf ou the side of the minority, he ^ Ueving that the majority is very witl apt to be right. wce .With that kind of a man fcurGov M trnor, the people do not need to ^ { watch htm- His life training is a guarantee that he will never be- w ttuy his trust or fail in any duty. )ere Hswgta earn go ahead with confi-1 datteo ewd elaot a; man who will C tffsltfcftt, howaver muoh he knows, yon For Troiukurt-r. Toti)* votnronof Hiihun county: Vising snliclrwl liy n numbnv of friends to offer liiTHclf for rc-electiun to the office ol conn ty Treasurer l hereby oinmm^ mj oondi- dae.T subject to the action or tho demo cratic parly. Thanking one aunt all For pad support ami courttsloe and noiMtinj- your future iadulepnce. I utn very truly, Wy John W. Green. Correspondent [NOTICE, R. E. A. Harr by R. F. W. S. Long Sect’y. Feb’y 37 19113. ' There will be •» called com- munication of Rabun Gap Ledge N<. 2f>5 P. and A. M. on Saturday March 8th ut 2 p. hi. for the pur. pose of inairuction, n Lift attend ance is dvsir. d. By order of Jyhn W. Green W. M. B1 E-A. Gatnby Sect’ll I and Milling Co., dafysd Match a7th i 1899, and recorded in Record of ' deed? Book M. page 899 and 4OO. ! Levied on as" the property of the : Aladdain Mining and Milling Op.. to satisfy the state and county tax for the year 19O1, written notice given in terms of the law. This Jan^jlst 1«B2. J„R- Ritchie. I a . Sheriff. It i« said that the preachers for Guerry, the politicians for rel and. the people for Estill. '■ GSRM- Official Orga* ef Kabul* Countr. Hatereff at the Pestoffioe at Clayten Ga, ai leconS-claRR matter J. A. REYNOLDS, . Kditer and Business manager. TERMS. Oee. Tear, Cl.#9. Six Heaths, - -- - — $ .811. Mouths if.. If the alternative road law wore Glay 101,1 Friday, an iBaue m the election for repre sentative, we would like to be 1 lie i candidate of the opposition. Wo ■would, sure taka a seat in tho capi- tod this full. Mr. John Caret is the best STONEPILE. . I Spring ' a* ibout come again, ' The snow still remains with us.! Farmers a,0 making prepaiviions Mud—no end to it. *. 1 for crops. Mrs. Fanny Waits came home! 1 Miss Rethtt York and Pearl Al- Wednesday from a visit on Bridge mon attended preadhing at Union Creek. j Hill Sunday. | Mr. Sjlg Ramey made a trip up Mr E. D'ckerson returned Gte river buying cattle, from a market trip last week. 1 Mrs. Lily Ellurd has abou. re- Mr. and Mrs. .Burrell, was the Covered from h-r illness, guest of James Atnion Saturday 1 James Dockins and Virgil Tay- nigbt. * ^ lor have spent a few days at ‘hotnoj Mrs Laura and Lula Justus during the snow and report a fine spent Sunday with Mr. J. N. school urid good neighbors in Clay, Justus. ton, We want to tender ouri Mr. James Collenback went Vo' ,l,ailks _ to thoae g° od P*"P le f °r ilieir kindness to those hoys while up there. ORDINARY’S CITATIONS. Letters of Dismission. Georgia—ltabuu County, John 13. Dockius, administrator upon theestateof Bunjimaii Dockins,late of said county, deceased, having filed his petition for dischaige, this is to cite all persons concerned to show cause agaiast the granting of this discharge^ at the regular term of tne court of Oidiuary ror said county, to he held 011 the first Mon day in April 1902. This 2nd day 01 Jan uary, 1802, W.S. Long Ordinary Charley Page passed through • tilts community Saturday. Mr Audoreon Coffee is very feeble at this writing. hair Hurrah for the school and the; Tribune. The Blairsville Herald says all 1 cll pp er 0 f Germany. the good newspapers are support- ,, T , , , e , - ‘ * Mr, Jolm Justus is improving vng Col. Estill for Governor.! , . „ , ; some at this writing. This is the first complement wo 1 have received from Bro. Haralson! J C JuBlus s l J0nl Sunda J wUh and may be the only one doSP1 . v ,; fnends nud relatives on Woitfork. Mtss Carrie and Julia nolcomb Sautrdav night with Mr. tng. : spenl ‘ Elsewhere you will see the «n- j oha „oll.field and lu.mly, uouncement of John W. Green for! . , . m 1 Little Alollie, laiinie aLd Car- je-stection to the office of Treiisu- ■ v , , ,, , , ,, rnr York snent bunday with Miss ter. For two years Air. Green has given entire satisfaction in "the ad ministration of the affairs of the of fice and we unhesitatingly eay .that there is no better man in the coun ty u ir in Georgia. And we heart ily commend him to the suffrage o|the county. Essie Alnion. Emstua turvoy passed through this community Sunday uiuoute to Wolifork. Mr. J. C, Justus has been repair ing his residence. Air. James Almon went to Por- Clayton, Ga., Feb. 24th 1902.1 sunIuon Sl,nUtt >'- Mr. Epitor;— j . Rosa. 1 see your correspondent from | ^EOV E, Qpartx attacks me in an article pub j Snow was sixteen inches deep a fished in your issue of the 20th. In feply to same will say that the gen tlemau.has not paid one cent into my feet that 1 know of, and if he has I will take pleasure in teiund- j Mrs. A-. J.fleece's health isgfry . ipg to him his little mite. I em-1 bad at this writing. ™ CHATTOOGA. (The following letter should , have been published two weeks ago but has been crowded out, and us | ive arc requested to print ff any 1 how we do so.) Rain, rain. Miss Mary Bynum is visiting rel! ulivus un Wurwoinuu creek. Mr. Monroe Hoppe., who lives in N. C.,got his barn buait up lust Saturday. ; Mr. All’ Whitmire killed a hog! last week that weighed over lour hundred pounds. The Kusscii bridge across Chat tooga l iver is reported eu be dan gerous. Pine Mountain is or. a boom Mrs. Elias Holden is ffi ut 1I1L ; wi lting. ! Jack Holden is very bail smitten : j on a girl wno attunes school ut! C my ton from the valley. It is reported that Hattie ivester Notice to Debtors and Creditors. Notice is hereby given to all cred itora of the estate of Ancil God frey, lute of stud county, deceased, to tender m ali account of their de mands to me within tho lime pre scribed by law, properly mado out. Aud all person* indebted to said de ceased are hereby requested to make immediate payment u> the under signed. A'd day of Feb ly02 J. F. Godfrey, Administrator of And Goufrey. ANNOUNCEMENTS For Repressive. At lh» solicitation of tritml* from all part* of tha county, I he.eby announce my candidacy for Kepr*a»ntatiT«, subject to the action of the democratic party 1 prom ine yon, fellow-citizens, if henored to Ibis high office to serve you faithfully and to tbo beat of uiy ability. Yours to serve, James E. Bleckley. After due consideration and consultation with friends, I hereby announce myself a candidate for representative, subject to a democratic primary, promising, if elected, to serve yon honestly end faithfully. This uan. A 1902. Yuurs A ets., J. H. Derrtek. After due consideration and consultation of friends: 1 hereby announce myself a condidale lor representive subject to a democratic primary, promising if elected, to serve you housstly faithfully. K. If. Baker. For Clerk of Superior Court. Having been solicited by many of pry ; friends to malic tb« race for clerk superior court 1 hereby announce myself a candi- Ustc for clerk, subject tu tbe action ol tho democratic party. If sleeted will verve you to tbe best or my ability. Yours truly, C. J. Cruukleton. ' Let tors of Dismission. Georgia—Rabun County. A. J. Gtisl, aduunistratiu Upan j To the voiurscf hsbuu county: I hereby tilt: cstiil c: ot W, J. Grisl, ileCBased announce myself acaudidsts tor re-eleution having filli d Ins petition for dis- | t ;' Ull; ° m,:e ut ck ‘ rk uf lk8 8U l>« ior «»««. . &uUject to th« act ion of ilie <Umov.nitic par- (jliaigc, 111 19 lb cilttuil [icl 60ns j * v . AU( j thank in > fiieuiU iu advauce far Concerned lo show cause I their ]iat.ruuMji;u aud grateful tu them for the gram mg ..1 this discharg, ul | !">« <»»«»• J. s.namey. tin regular p:rut tit ll-ti nf C idiu-l Grove. Mr. J. M. Burton and wife, of „ , . 18 to gel* marrieu.ii) a Voting man Gordon county, are visitiug rela- . ..S,..- .. a , , h lives iu this comuitmity s ployed associate conns ' vffQaes meeting ot cilizeu r s ,jk,,..The 1 ratified lay acts at>d I am informed your tiorrespondent was present, and if tiff wanted to muke u kicking ma chine out of himself then wits the time to do it, and not hold his peace until he gets homo and then get under a non de plume to make! el himself a kicking machine n- gainst the wishes of the majority of (he people of R ibun county. Very Respectfully, Jrs, R. Grunt, Attorney ut Law. Miss Fannio,.,Wuwi™ pile, is visiting rc'at Greek. Mr. R. N. Dover went to Clayton ; Wednesday. Mr. A. J. Meece made a hasty! hliHa, S. Ch Lookout,.Mr. qn, tt 13 too liile to do goodj et.blia Byuutu who visit'-J I y. ; ople have ■orgauixi.-d a ciioo.1 at Mount I’lasui.t] trip to Clayton Wednesday. her riui; The Sunday] Church Miss Martha Wall spent last. Situ day night with Mis. Martha By num. 1 o.tcrs ef AiiiviinsiTuuun. Geotgin—RuIjuii County, 'i'o ;.h win ci it may coeern: J. S.: Ramey ha • in due from appii .d to j • lie ntnief-dgiied for [a»i tmiiiuni f leUoiS of HUiniivi-lnitiiiii on ilu* tale id - 'i'. J. Collet*, late of mmkI c ; uV'iy, dee.-iiscd and 1 \v!fi pass upon said : , p.pii(;ationn:i th.- first Monday m March* loi>2. Giv-n uiidi-r my hand and -iffivial Signature, t’li.s Oil) day of Febru W. S. Long, OrdiUar' . Rabun Co. For Sheriff'. At tli« noltcatiuu of trirniln Imiu every ilisliivt in tb« i nuuly: I licren.v niinouiicu Ui.V cnuilliiwy lor tbe iillli e of Slicnff. If a primary election ordereil liy the ili-moviziiv party of Kuban couuty rny cauiliilavj i» subject to llie itisult of nucll primary. I'tianluag 1 ho people for tbe licitrty anil catbnsiii»tie mipporr. f.ireinvrl.v given me, and proini.-ing if again elected no! to be tray the inisl geveroiisiy reposed, i uni rrupectfuly, John U. liockinr. For Tax ltd Vt lifer. To Idle tern of f.nbiin cniini.v: 1 hereby nnuoauce m.vaeVf u . an fidnle for re-eleotiim in Ll.e office of Tax Kci uive-. subject to tv lacrfim of tile Uemoe.ratic parly 1 thank CU«v j per pie for t.beir siipji irt tu the |*nt. and |evi!l be tlianlonll for any support irf the ffatarv. John M- Marslngaje. Mail Carrier Gables said while j ATTENTION, YOUNG MEN. j he was working for Uncle Sam a| The state,-recognizing thetieces-] woman friend wanted to accoinpu-! »ify of your obtaining an eduen- ny him and of course lie h;td to re- j lion, ha^ established at Dalilonega, 1 fuse i»8 he did not carry,, anything: n oolleg« where you can have ihnj but the mail. i advantage of a $40,009. On equip-. Detective John Marcus was a r 1 ftncl a faculty, 'each mail a , Grovo Thursday looking lip busi-| a P 0C ialist in liis department. In- 1 noc „ ' ition is frne and boi-rcl is only Scf.OO.' S»lERl»fc’‘» S.M.N*. Georgia — Rabun Couuty. Will b.’ sohi, i'll lire first 'I’iicp- day in March next, at publio outcry at the cnun hotftc in Gl 'V- ton, said cijuoty, within the legal hours of sale,..lot Ik- highnst bidder for cash, certain pmpuity nf which the fnlhiwing is a .full ' an<| com plete desciip.t ior.; ylif ‘i'o the vlifers nf iinlutn .amnl.v : at the aniicirat'.nri nf friends Irnm all patls of the- Cnirn " I have di silcd tn Is i:,aim 11 cwidi dale Inr Tax ItnceiVer. •\s is kninvn b.v all, I bnvn nerved rlie ponplc in ilili* c.apavily inr I mill, and my <1 n-itifi —vbi•ill.-* Hl'ti tlirrvfov-well known. I mak thiaciiniiniini emmi-.-utiject to the dc tuner it it- priin.ii> i.r anv o'lmr action nf Ihc dmiini-riilie parlv. If Heeled l pro mise to serve von in tie b's". uf my skill and ability, always InMkir.g, with nil eye single, to the very best, inleivst of our court ty. Thanking you. and eurli ot yon, for -our kirnfness in die pvsi and cordially Mjekiog your cnniruied support iu th» I am. Hsahrros. Your frfend J. (!. Yorl IA11 persons who have bonded lands id W. M. Tarpon und D. W- McDadfe must bring all deeds and tHlfft td-the ii'idorsigtwd nt onee i<* hs. passed Upon. If you will brifjf your de*d* of record* und those not to record to our attorney Jas. R. Grant, we will assure you of tlft- money lot every acre that you can show good title for. The reason you havt> not received payment for your lunds long before this is be- cause tve are unable to get clear abstracts of your lands. We have been at work on these lands siiice Nov. 1st 1901, and fail 10 find-them of record. Other* desiring to sell their lands will present same to Mr. Grant at once for approval. W. M. Turpei D. W. McJDai mwsK&Mw. : : W••