The Clayton tribune. (Clayton, Rabun County, Ga.) 18??-current, May 08, 1902, Image 2

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iJje Qaytoii Tribune. Issued Every Thursday Official Organ of Rabun CountY. Entered at tho Postoffice at Clayton Ga. as second-class matter J. A. BEYNOLDS, Editor and Business manager . TERMS. One. Year, $1.00. Bix Months, $ .DO. • THE PEOPLE’S CHOICE, For Ratification at the Democratic Primary. FOR GOVISNOR, .1NO. II. EST1LT,. ESTILL Col. J. H. Estill, candidate for Governor, arr'ved here Tuesday morning after traveling continu ously over six hundred miles. On his arrival at Cornelia he chartered the Tallulah Falls train t.o Tallu lah Falls and arrived in Clayton early in the morning. He spoke to the people in the court house, it be ing well nigh filled. Col. Estill made. 4 good impression on all whom he i met and many of the bekt and leading citizens of the county pledged him their support ii' the primary in June. Col. E6- tilt is fast gaining ground among the business men and fanners. ( Col. Estill is a man of affairs and a practical business man—just such a man as Georgia now needs for Governor. party in said county lor said of ficers, and on said day following said primary this committee shetll re-conveue m the court house of said county for the purpose of receiving the returns and tibfclur- ing the result thereof, and for i(te futher purpose of selfec'.ing deligUtei und tbeir Atfbrtiatei to the State Democratic Convention which meets in tltb Gity of Atlan ta, at 12 m, July 2nd* 1902. 8rd. Be it further resolved, that no caildkiate siiitll be dedlaied the nominee or choice of the party, Who has. obtained a majority or plurality bf ihe votes cast in said primary election, by the use of inoney, whiskey or any other false br iTaudelent means. 4th. That in said primary elec tion and on the same ballot the vo ters shall bo given an opportunity to expireSs their choice for a Unii- ed States Senator, who is to be elec ted by the next General Assembly. 5lh. That soid primary election shall be held jinder the provisions of the general primary election laws of this state. 6th. That the Democratic Pri mary held for the purpose of nora- inatiug a democratic candidate for the ninth congressioliul district shall be held in the several elec tion precincts in said county, at j time fixpd by the Democratic Ex-i ecutive Committee of said district! and under such rules and regula tions as said committee may pre scribe, blit should said committee fail to prescribe rules by which said congressional primary shall be held, then the same shall be held and delegates to the congressional convention shall be selectee as hereinbefore prescribed in regard to the primary for Governor, state house officers, etc., and the selec tion of delegates fb the state con vention. 7th, That at said primary elec tion, the voters of the several mo litia districts of said county, shall ligh theihfeelves with the democrat! ANNOUNCEMENTS. ic party; add who will, if their After due dbi.oider.tiou ,nd con- right to participate in said primary'saltation with friends, I hereby an- be hnti llengcd, pledge themselves ■ honnbe myself a candidate for represen tB-iijjport the liomiiiees of ^ the tative, subject to a democratic primary democratic party, are hereby de- promising, if “elected, to serTe yon dared entitled to vote therein, and, hone* 41 ? and faitbfnily. are cordially invited to do so. Yours and eot., 10th. That said primary shall! J - H. Derrick, be held and managed by the fol-l At the solioition of friends from all lowing well-known, active demo-’ t>arts 0t the cbunt y* 1 hereby annonno cats (or by democrats selected by ° an<Udacy for Bo P r «*ouUtivo, J subject to the action of the democratic them on the day of suid primury,) one of which said managers shall convey and deliver to the County Democratic Executive Committee l ability, by 12 oclock m. on the following day the returns of said primary e- lectiou; Clayton J C Pickett W S Long J R Grant Valley B R Dillard J F Ritchie D W Rickman Persimmon M H James M B Forrester W B Parker Tallulah J F Philyuw J VV Haney Jus F Smith ritonepile F A Taylor I J H Huunicut S B Wilbanks . Tiger H B Cannon fl J Ramey W M Lee - Checheroe W S Price A J Duncan M VV ti Wofford Warwomun. S M Beck party. I promise yon, fellow citizens if -onored to this high, office to serve yon faithfnlly and to th a best of my Yonrs to serve. James E. Bleckley. After Uns consideration and consultation of friends: 1 hereby announce myself a uondidate for representive subject to a democratic primary, promising if elected, to serve you honestly faithfully. E. H. Baker. For Clerk of Superior Court. To the voters cf liahuu county: I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of clerk of the superior court, subject to the action of the democratic par ty. and tiiauk my friends in advance fer their patronage and grateful to them for past favors. J. S.Kamey. For Sheriff. At the solication of friends from every district in the county: X hereby announce my candidacy for the oflice ui Sheriff. If a primary election ordered by the democratic pirty of ltabun county my candidacy is subject to the result of such primurv- Tbanking the people for the hearty and enthusiastic support foreuierly given me, and promising if again elected not to be tray the trust generously reposed. . I am respeetfuiy, John B. DocUius. . For Solictor Gsneral. I respectfully announce myself a candi date for re-electiofi for Solicitor oeneral of the North Eastern Circuit—subject to the Democratic primary. ' W. A. charters. For Tax Receiver. To the voters of Rabun county: 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for re-electiou in the office of Tax RecKiver, subject to a action of the democratic party 1 thank the people for their support in the past and. will be thankfull for any support in the future. John M. Marsingaio. To the voters of Rabun county : at the 1 solicitation of friends from all parts of the county I have desited to become a candi • date for Tax Receiver. Ab is known by all, I have served the people in this capacity for term, and my qualifications are therefore well known. X make this announcement subject to the democratic primurj or any other action of the democratic party. If elected 1 pro mise to serve you to the best of my skill and ability, always looking, with au eye single, to the very best interest of our coun ty. Thanking you. and each of you, for your kindness in the past und cordially seeking your continued support in the future, I am, as always. Your friend J. O. York: M M Kell "J. M. Sitoufforcf Resilutionp of Democratic Execu tive Committee. Be it resolved by the Democratic Executive Committee of Rabun County, now in session, That, a primary election shall be held on the 5th day of June next at the several election precincts of said E&bun County, at which primary election all white Dem ocratic voters o f said cpunty, who K klified and who register j oTwithin ten days bafore rimary election, shall he given an opportunity to cast their yotee for the following officers, to wit; v . Governor, Secretary of State, Att’y General, Comptroller General, Treasurer, Commissioner of Agriculture, State School Com missioner, Two Justice# of the Supreme Court, One Prison Com missioner, Judge of the Superior ^ Courts of -the North-eastern 'Judicial circuit and Solictor General of said circuit and that 'Said Democratic primary election shall be held in conformity to the resolutions adopted by the State Democratic Committee at it’s last meeting in the City of Atlanta, on Mtrcb, a9, j$02( Tbit all offoers ubove named shall be voted for directly by the people* and the returns of said primary elsctien shall he made the following day to thiB committe, who shall canvass the same and declare the result#. The candidates receiving the highest cumber of > sevsrsl, offices named . thocheice of the ugright and - active democrats, (citizens and qualified voters of the districts in which they are se lected) as members of the Demo cratic Exiculive Committee of said county, who shall serve on said committee for the next two years, and, until their successors are elected and qualified, and it shall be the duly of the election managers of the several precincts to return to this committee or the secretary thereof, the names of the Moccasin. A Whitmire o' G Holden To the voters of JtUbuu couuty: 1 hereby uuuouuuu mytelf a candidate for,the office of Sheriff, subject to the democratic primary if oue is held, Promising if elected, to serve you honeBtly nud faithfully. Yours truly, W. . M. Parker. • vUUll vj | allU.ll select by ballot or otherwi$y,^.two- ——- 1 - “Ugslvy 1 Eleventh. Resolved further, that the chairman of this com. mittee appoiut a sub-committee of three from this committee to assist the couuty regirtrars in preparing and furnishing the election managers herein mentioned with u list of qualified voter* entitled to vote at said primary. Twelth. Resolved, furthur. tnut a couimitte of three, appointed by acting cnuiruian, wnose duty ic shall be to prepure an official DCLICIUIJ IIICIUUI. IllO uaiucs Ul mu ~ citizens so selected to serve U9 com- m conformity to the ^ttUiis and regulations of the Stste mitteemen. 8th. Resolved, thui in case of a vacancy or vacancies in the Dem ocratic Executive Committee, t he committee shall at any time fill such vacancy or vacancies tempo rarily and under such rules und regulations us they may see.fil. 9th. It is further ordered, that all white voters, without regard to past affiliations, who desire to a- 1 mmii cratic Committee und piucsJSuid tickets 111 the bauds of me people on or prior to the date of suid primary. JOHN L. PERKINS, ATTORNEY AT I.AW. CORNELIA. GA. Will practice both in State und Federal Courts. Oflice first room up stairs in Bank Building. I I hereby announce rnyte.f a euuui- date for re-oleotiou for the office ol Sheriff, subject to the uctiun of the democratic primary. Tbaukiug lay frieuds for past favors and sol citnfg your helpiu the future, I am, Respectfully yours, J, U. Ri.c ie. To the voters of Rabuu couuiy: After having beta solicited by many frieuds from different parts of theccuo ty, I hereby auuouuoe myself a candi date for the office of Sheriff, subject to (he ruleH of tbe Democratic party. I confess I hiive bad uo expel ience ic the office, but if I should he elected 1 will strive to be just and kiud to all and to discharge my duly in such a muDuer that no ons will ever be sorry I was eleoted. Thanking,the people for any support, givpn|o#e. Your friend, Thomas E. Carver. To the votersof Rabuu Couuty: ■ At the solicitation of friends I have decid ed to become a candidate for tax collec tor. I make this announcement sub jeettothe democratic primary or auy other action of tbe democratic party, if elected I promise to serve you to the best of my skill and ability, always looking 10 the very best intereatof Ra> bun couuty people. I am respectfully, Willie ffiuitb, For Treasurer. To the voteros of ltabun county: biting solicited by a number of friends to offe myself for re-electiun to tbe office of coupy ty Treasurer 1 hereby aunouuce my condi- dacy subject to tbe action or the demo cratic part}. Thanking one and all For past support and courtesies und soliciting your future lndulegnce. I am very truly, Joint tV. Green. Sheriff’s Georgia—Rubuu County. Will be sold, on the first Tuesday in Juuu next, at puldiu>outcry ut the court bouse iu (Jlavtou, said couuty, tuibiu the legal bourn of sale, to the Highest bidder for caab, cerium prop erly of which the following is a full umi complete description: A pint of laud lot No. 192 iu the 13.u laud district of Rabuu couuty, Ga., containing 200ucres more or leas, und levied on as the property.of H. P. Ditzel, to satisfy a tux fi fa iJihtd a- gamut said H. F. Ditzel snd said prop erty by Joseph L. Dickerson, T. C. of . said couuty, for taxeH due the state ami ic uuiy for the year 1899. Muy 8th 1902. J. R. Ritchie, hheriff. This To the voters of Kahun county; I hereby announce myself acandidate for Tax Collec tor subject te the action of tbe democratic party, ir elected will eerve yon to tbe beet of my ability. 1 am respectfully, Will F. Holden. TRESSPASS NOTICES. A11 persons tresspassing on lots of land Nos. 44 and 45 in the 41b land district of Rabun county, Ga., will be prosecuted to the full ex tent of the law. G. W, M. Chappell. May 6th 1902. Tresspass Notice. All persons are hereby warned against tresspussing under fence on lots of land Nos. 09, 71 and 72 in the snd district and 49 in the first district. J. B. Powell. ®r*Tuke The Tribune., Take The Tribune. Geurgiu Rub’iu County, Will be sold, on the first Tuesday iu September next, at public outcry, at he court-house iu said couuty, with IU the legal hours of sale, to the high- •st bidder for cash, the following lot of wild laud to wit: A portiou of No. 175 in the 13th laud district of Rabun County, Ga., oouiaiuiug 225 acres, more or less. Raid property levied ou as the property of Drapet Moot e, Ad mininttKtor, to satisfy a tax fi fa issue against suid lot by Joseph L. D ersou, T. C. of said county, for t due tue stale and couuty fur the 1899. ^This May 7th 1902. Also at the saute time aud plaoe, lot of wild laud to-wit: No. 50 iu the Stk laud aistrict of Raban ooenty, Ga., contsiuiug 490 acres more or less. Said property levied on aa tbe proper ty of A. W. Merck, to satisfy a tax fl fa issued against said lot by Joseph L. Dickerson, T, 0. of said county, tor taxes due the state end county for the year 1899. Thie May 7th,1902. . J. R. Ritchie, Sheriff . Attehtion, Youko Mee. M The state, recognizing the necessity of your obtaining an education, bases tablished at Dahlonega a college where you can bavo the advantage of a 840#' 000 equipment and a faculty, eaoh man a specialist in bis department. Tui tion is free and board is only $6.00 a month In dormitory. It is yonr col lege, bnilt for yon, supported by you, and stands ready to help yon. t ia not a town school bat a real oollege, being'one of tbe five male colleges of the state. It costa no more to go to a real soilage then to one only in name. 3fc»*t Sheet yonr self by going to a school with oat Horary or scientific lab stories. Write for catalogue to t. k Stewart, President, Dahlonega, Ga.