The Clayton tribune. (Clayton, Rabun County, Ga.) 18??-current, July 31, 1902, Image 2

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Official Organ of Rabun Oouutv. lilinl M tW'PostoKfice at Clayton Go. m aeoond-dasH matter T'a, Reynolds, BdUor And Business ttuwager TJBRM8. 0M, Year, 11.00, Six Months,—8 .00. Hifc^en ii i DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For Governor, Joseph M. Terrell. For Secretary of State,, Philip Cook. #OT Comptroller General, W, \. Wright. For State Treasurer, B. E. Park, ror Attorney General. John 0. Hart. For State School Commissioner W. B>M*rritt," For Commissioner of Agriculture. O, B, Stevens. For Prison Commissioner, Thomas Eason jjot Associate Justices of Supreme Court, Samuel Lumpkin A, J. Cobb For United States Senator A S Cloy For Congressman, from * h Congressional District of Go-1 1 0 Tate. *j£ie3o« BupSrior Court Judge* ^ Northeastern Circuit. ' : / . *" ror Solicitor General, ,, Northeastern Circuit, The republicans met at biaytbn July the 26th. The hdilsb wat called to J. W. Godfrey. It was moved and second tb<ifc the chairman appoint one man iri bach district for the purpose of ehlist- iug names of the republican^ of re spective districts to represent us in our next meeting at the court house on Saturday, August 28. The following people .were ap pointed : Clayton, S. S. Whitmire, Aug. 9. Valley, A, A. Darnell, Saturday, August 16, 2 p. m. Moccasin. A. J Kell, Saturday, August. 1.6, iO a. m. Tiger, J. S. Watts, Friday, August 23, 2 p in. Cbechero, Walter Dickson, August 9, iO a. fn. Warwoman, Lafayette Dickson, August 2j, 16 a. m. , Tallulah, A. K. Alloll, August 9th by ten a. m, Persimmon, J. J. Parker, August 0th, 10 a. jm. All republicdtafi are requested to meet at Burton August the ninth by two o’clock p, m, J. W. Godfrey, Chairman. D, G. Dover, Secretary Protem. LIBELS FOB DIVORCE. Lula McClain 5 Lible for Divorce. Frank McClain ( To Frank McClain. t ’ You are hereby notified to be or appear either personally or by an Attorney at the next Superior Coart of Rabun county to. be held ou the fourth Mondav in August 1902 next, to answer the complaint of Lula MoClain in an action for total divorce, default thereof the court will peed as to justice shall appertain. . tne&Mbe Hon. ‘ J. B. Estes imago of saidopfitt. TJfiaJTth day 0 f June ij.902. ’ ' ^ - ’ v j. 8. Ramey, O. 9f0», jaa.iBrCll>4Bh.JW)el^nJe Att.y. Jess* W. A; Charters. to the Citizens of Rabun County: Out of my love, for my native jsounty and ruy sincere desire to see |trsry boy in Babun county have a fair ghapoe to win the success of which he is capable, I beg to aay that upon ooming among you a- pun for 0 short vacation I find my jwlf profoundly interested in the upbuilding of your common subools. I have thought about in terests of Babun County a great deel| so much that I havejpresent* ed the great need, both of a high tobool in the county and of better ■ebools in. every community, to friends of edooatjon who have mon for aehools, One of these men, I happeu to know, has of- to endow a high school at ^Clayton, put I regret to say, upon •Mb conditions at Would involve greater sacrifices than I cab afford to make. I wish to say, however that large and generous aid for both a high school and the com mon schools of Babun county is easily within the reach of the*peo pie of the oounty if they will only Maori themselves to obtain it, bug to say that while 1 am in the twenty; deeply imbued os I am with the love of my dwn people and'the 1 and unselfish desire to do pomethieg to build up my native county, I should like to advise with ac auny of the citizens and friends at education as have thn.inatter on their hearts. If the people so de rive, I will came to to any oomftmn* tty at any time to talk and advise with them on the subject of ednoa- Goa. meonelusion, I with to say that ■ < am rejoieed to be among the peo- p|s of Babun again t that I rejoice mitb them at seeing their long bapaa of a railroad so nearly rea- liaad—wfaiob, t have no doubt will ’ oomm-*and that I rejoice Of thia Gad-fa* healthy L. c. wlffttMe, guar ot MoryC.ithatserviceofthisrtilebeperfect- on **> Crane according kefore me | to law. Whitmire, having kppliei charged from shell guai persons concerned iihoW at the court house 111 Sol 4th day of August HSitt. tloh for discharge sllbhR witnes%,my official slgi aajr'dt July, 1802. '* Georgia—Rabun count Nettie Conle^j l)|tviij cation for twelve mor" of the ^staie of *Dal praiserci duly appoin the aame^ all ; hereby require! the Court of Ordinal on the first Monday why said application should not be granted. This 80th day of June 1902. W. S, Long, Ordiuary. made appli- ’ support out ley, and ap- to set apart oncerned are cause before said oounty, Angnst, 1902, Georgia—Rabuii County, Julia Coffee, having made applica tion for twelve months support out of the estate of T. J. Coffee, and apprais era duly appointed to set apart the same, having filed ^their return, all persons' concernedr^re hereby requir ed to jthow cause-bcjore the court of Ordinary of Sii<jJj»ojfin ty, on the first Motmay in Angnet K02, why said ap plication shomd jpot he grauted. This 10th day Otyuly 1902. W, S. Long, Ordinary. J. B. Estes, J. S. C. A true copy, ftom the minutes of this court. J. S. Ramey, Clerk party, It elected will serve you to the* beaj of my ability. I am respectfully, Will F. Holden. ANNOUNCEMENTS. After due conoideratiou and con sultation with friends, I hereby an- Bounce myself a candidate for represen tative, subject to a democratic primary promising, if "elected, to serve you honestly and faithfully. Yours and ect., J. H. Derrick. At the solicition of friends from all parts of the county, I hereby anuounc my candidacy for Representative, subject to the action of the democratic party. I promise you, fellow citizens if uonored to this high office to serve yon faithfully and to th e best of my ability. Yotirs to serve. James E. Bleckley. NOTIOXTO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. Ay persons having demands against the estate of Ur J, Coffee late of Rnbuu county, deceased are hereby notified to rehder in their demands to the un dersigned according to law; and all persona indebted to said estate are re quired to make immediate payment, Thia 14th day of July 1902. J. S. Ramey, Administrator T. J, Coffee deoeased. Athens Yaagn, 1 vs. > Libel for Divorce. Frank Vangn,) Tdr Frank Vangn: You are hereby notified to be or ap pear, either personally or by an attor- ney.fat the next Superior Court of Ba bun county, to be held on the fourth Monday in August 1902 next, to an swer the complaint of Athena Vangn in an action for total divorce. In de fault thereof the oourt will proceed, as to justice shall appertain. Witness the Hon. J. B. Estes, Judge of said Court. Thia 17th day of June 1002, J. S, Ramey, C. 8. 0. 1. a. grant, Libelant’s Attorney. Mrs Annie Clore 1 vs ) Lible for divorce James D Clore [ To James D. Clore. You are hereby noticed to be or ap pear either personally or by an Attor ney at the next Superior court of Ra bun county to be held on the fourth Monday in August 1902 next, to answer the complaint of Mrs. Annie Clore in an an action for total divorce, in de fault thereof the court will proceed as to justice shall appertain. Witness the Hon, J,B. Estes Judge of said court. This 9th day of July, j. S. IUmey, C, S. C. Jas. R. Grant. Libelants Att’y. Sheriff's Georgia—Rabun Oonnty. . Will,.be sold opthe first Tuesday in jpiagast next, at vjwblio oiitcry at the court house in Oiiytoo, said county, within the IJjAhours of sale, to the highesffeldderror’ caSh, certain prop erty Of which the following is a ftill and complete description: One seventh undivided interest in part of lot of land No. 191 in the sec ond land district of said eonuty to sat isfy an exeention issued by the Jus tice's court of the 666th District G. M. of said county in favor of F 0D ^ n d Co., against Hade Dilllingham, de fendant iN fl fa. Written notice given tenant in possession. Levy made and returned to me by J. a. McCurry, L. O. This 30th day of June, 1902. J. R. Ritchie, Sheriff. After <lueconsideration ami consultation of friends: I hereby announce myself a coiulidate for represent!ve subject to a democratic primary, promising if elected, to serve you honestly faithfully. K. H. linker. For Clerk of Superior Court. To the voterscf Rabun county: I hereby announce myseif a candidate for re-election to tile office of clerk of the superior court, subject to the action of the democratic par ty, and thank my friends in advance fer their patronage and grateful to them for past favors. J. S. lbuuey Ordinary citations. Georgia—Raban oounty, To whom U mayoonoern: iim Con ley, having made application to ma in dne form to be appointed permanent administrator upon the eatate of Oa! Conley* late of aaid oounty, notice is hereby given that said application wilt be heard at the regular term of the oourt of Ordinary for said oounty, to be held on the first Monday in Sep tember, 1902. Witnesa my hand Shd offloial signa ture. This 29th of futyt 1902. W» S. Long, Ordinary Norton to dbUtors &m> Obbditobb. ▲11 persons having demands againat the eitate of O. J. Crunkletoa late of Babun Oounty, daeeased are hereby notified to* render ia their demands to the undersigned neoordingto lew* end. ell persons indebted to aaid eatate are required to make immediate payment. Thia the 2» day of July, 1991. & N. Orunkleton. Administrator 0, l. Craakleton deoeaa mortgage foreclosure. State o f Georgia, Rabun County. L. Bloom ) In Superior Court, Feb vs > ruary adjourned term. PA Crane j 1902. It being represented to the oourc by the petition of L. Bloom that by Mortgage dated the 1st day of Nov. I9O1 P. A. Crane executed and delivered to the said L, Bloom a mortgage on certain real estate lying in suid county described as follows: Situated, lying and be ing in the county of Rabun, state of Georgia, containing three huu dred acres more or less in the third land district of the said county on bath sides of tne Chutooga river, adjoining lands of W. J. Burrell, J . A. Nix and A. A. Billingsby, being the same tract of land bought by me,several years ago from W.P. Burrell for the purpose of securing the payment of a certain proinisory note made by the said P. A. Crane as aforesaid to the said L. Bloom, due on the gth day of Nov. 1901 for the sum of three hundrud and five dollars and sixtysix cents, which note ia now due and unpaid. It is ordered that the said P. A. Crane do pay luto this court by the first day of the next term the principal, interest and costs due on mid note, or show cause, if any be has to the contrary, or that in default thereof foreclosure be grant ed to the said L. Bloom of mid mortgage, and the equity of re demption of the said P. A. Crane therein be forever barred, and For Solictor General. I respectfully annemnoe myself a canJl date for re-electioa for Solicitor General of the North Eastern Circuit—subject to the Democratic primary. W. A. Charters-S For Tax Receiver. To the voters ot Rabun county: I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-electiou in the office of Tax ltecEiver, subject to S action of tlie democratic party 1 thank th people for their support in the past and will ho thonkfull for any support in the future. John U. Marsingale. Having Liud solicitaiiouB sufilcieut ui lead me to the conclusion tbat my an nouncement for Clerk of the superior Court would meet the approval of a good mujoriiy of tile people of Rabun county, I hereby announce myseif u candidate for the <ame, thanking you all for the kindness with which you have always treated me, uotouly while I was' on official duties, but ■ every occasion when an opportunity presented itself. Your friend, ’ — - - Miles C. Cauup. For Sheriff. At the boHciuLoii of friends from every district in the county: I hereby announce my candidacy for the ofiice of Sheriff. If a primary election ordered by die democratic parly of ltabun county my candidacy is subject to the result of such primary. Thanking the people for the’ hearty and enthusiastic support foreiuerly giveu me, and promising if again elected not to be tray the trust generously reposed. I am respeeifuiy, John B. Dockins. To the voters of Bubun county; I hereby announce myseif a caudidate forjthe office of Sheriff, subject to the democratic primary if one is held, Promising if elected, to nerve you honestly and faithfully. Yours truly, W. M. Parker. To tho voters of Rabun county: at Ute solicitation of friends from all parts of the county I have desited to become a candi - date for Tax Receiver. As is known by all, I have served the people in this capacity for term, and my quatifications are therefore well known. I make this announcement subject to the democratic primary or onY other action of the democratic party. If elected I pro mise to serve you to the best of my skill and ability, always looking, with an eye single, to tlie very best interest ol our coun ty. Thanking you. and each of you* for your kindness in tile, past and cordially seeking your continued support in the future, I am, as always. Vour friend J. C'. York. For Treasurer. To the voterosof Rabun county; bKing solicited liy a number of friends to offe luyself for re-election to the office of coun ty Treasurer I hereby announce my Condi* dacy subject to the action of tlie demo cratic party. Thanking one and ail rot past support and courtesies and soliciting your future ItululegUce. I urn very -truly, John W. Green. To the voters of Rabun county: Having been solicited by friends and to satisty my own feelings. I have consented to become acundidatc for the office of county Treasur er of Rabun county, and if elected 1 will execute the duties of said office according to law to the best of my ability. 1,. C. Hollitiehl. I hereby announce myseif a candi date for re-election for the office of Sheriff, subject to the action of the democratic primary. Thanking my friends for past favors and soliciting your help in the future, I am, Respectfully yours, J, R. Ritchie. To the voters of Babun oounty: After having been solicited by many friends from different parte of the conn ty, I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Sheriff, subject to the rules of the Democratic party, I confess I have had no experience in the offioe, bat if I elected I will strive to be just and kind to all and to discharge my duty in snob a manner that no one will ever be sorry I was elected. Thanking the people for any support, given|me. Your friend, Thomas E. Carver. To the voters of Raban Oonnty: At the solicitation of friends I have deoid- ed to become a candidate for tax collec tor. I make this announcement sub ject to the democratic primary or any other action of the democratic party, If eleoted I promise to serve yon to the beat of my skill aifd ability, klwaya looking to the very beat interest of Ra ban oonnty people. lass respectfully, Willie Smith, To the voeewof Rabun county: I hereby announce myself a candidate for Tax OoUeo tor subject te the action of the democratic Wild Lund Sales. Georgifc-Rub'iu County, Will be sold, ou the first Tuesday in September next, at public outcry, at the court-house m saui county, .with in the legal hours of sale, to the high- eat bidder for cash, the following lot of wild laud to wit: A portion of No. 175 iu the 13th land district of Rabun Couuty, Ga., containing 226 acres, more or less. Said property levied ou us the property of Drapet Moore, Ad ministrator, to satisfy a tax fi fa issued againat said lot by Joseph L. Dick erson, T. C. of said county, for taxes due the state and couuty for the year 1899. This May 7th 1902. Also at the same time and place, lot of wild land to-vvit: No. 60 iu the 5tn land district of Raban county, Gu., containing 400 acres more or less. Said property levied ou as the proper ty of A. W. Merck, to satisfy a tax fl fa issued against suid lot by Joseph L. Diokersou, T, C. of said county,* f< taxes due the state and couuty forj year 1899. This May 7th, 1902. J. R. Ritehil HherifR TRESSPASSNOTpKST The public are wara^i not tc tresspass onr land lot No. 46 in th* second land district of Rabun coutl ty by cutting timber or any otheij wuy. Alvin Moore. July 21st I9O2. Tresspass Notice. All persons are hereby warnc against tresspassing under fei; on lots of l^nd Nos. 69, 71 ill the 2nd district aud 49 first district. " This is to warn the public trespassing on parts of lots of lan| Nos. 95, 96 and 121, in the secor land district by hooting, gather fruit, chestnuts, chinquapins dr any other way. J. B. Garland. | All persons are warned gathering fruit, chinquapins, bus fishing or in any other manner 1 nngon port of lot ol land No,' second land district of Babun. John M. Take The Tribune. <S!S \