The Clayton tribune. (Clayton, Rabun County, Ga.) 18??-current, December 11, 1902, Image 1

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THERE IS NO PAPER LIKE THE HOMB PAPER TO HOME PEOPLE. VOL. 5. CLAYTON, RABUN COUNTY. GA., THURSDAY, DECEMBER il, 1902. NO. 48 LOCALS W. P. McCrackin, a former citv nMt. There was i regular stampede izeh of Rabun county, now of Detrt- j here Saturday evening after the orest, was here Friday of last week, c,ose of the Bailiff’s election. Hekindly remembered the editor. I Allen S. Williams hat moved to town and will ocoupy J. E. Bleck ley’* cottage until he can build oh the property he purchased of J. B. Murray lomc time ago. Othem hare Clayton in view and we wel- cime all good citizens. Our friend Ranson C. Smith, Burton, sent us by Oliver Vick* two fine large strawberries just from the vine. Mr, Smith sent us word that, he has a lot of them growing and ripening now, Dec. 6th. They must be a- new variety or else a very late second crop. We. are obligated to opr towns man J. 0. Pickett for his sixth year’s subscription. Mr. Pickett leads in paid up subscribers among our fivo hundred names on our book. i. ; n' , f X A vMfajl#. our clever constable, ,basi moyed totbe cottage belonging to L. IN. Robins in east Glsytbn. neigb^r for two yeiirVpttst, i,;i»pw i UY l tnR,.pt, : fh ^^itolinl liocnst Pitt Gom- pknylins moved to the' Cauup .block inNortliClayton. D^.W. J. Green is in Atldnti viewing oldi scenes at the capit city,- and attending to busineB|': \vas polled. Wo saj’8 he used prin- .GERMANY. STONEPIdE, ter’e tfiknndthat he has learned | Mr. Isaac Justus and James Col- It is ranung. This is my fifty Something about the priming busi- ledback are gone to Athen*>j”th a fourth birthday and I have been load of apples. ! confined to my room two weeks. Mr. A. E. Dickerson, Leila and I can not do anything but write or Lethapvent toClayton Wednesday, talk and set in the house audstud- Mr. Jesse Page and - Austin y. Those who have rheumatism Carnes were pleasant callers a- know how to sympathize with me. mong friends of this community. This is the first day of Decem- Wednesday night, bor u l 9 02. What my d uner will Mr. Samuel Taylor had h corn- be ia unknown to me. Fifty four shucking Thursday. years ago l gu^ss it was milk. Mr, Damuscus Almnn went to There have been many lonely Clayton Saturday. We wonder if days passed my life. Many times he wou the bet. j huye I wished that I had been car- vi uu* Mr. .Lex Justus and sister Della.j ried from my o-other to the grave, election for Mayor j.^ rom P* r *iiRnion, went to Clayton One time I would have cbunged of next i ^ aturda J'‘ places with the cur that lay in the year. ‘ If the report is true that we I, ,^ 18 f M “ ry ^ ltts T18,ted home'yard. At other points I would not wt.a i.J folkf Sunday, af.erastayof a week; have swapped places with the Pres or two in the valley. I iden't of the United States. I Mr, Rockaway Keener and Jesse J have worked very hard to muke a Taylor, from Wolffttrk, were nt J living and now I am not able to enjoy it but some one else muy, I ng, not Only t« the man who loves 1 “ r ' " • au ° J • a • Ju ‘ tua start have thought at times would write order but to the participants in the' ed b * lgh * “ nd ® arly Sa “ day mom - i all my nps and downs, griefs and conduct. As little as you may J “*1? for pemm "ioi», Wc Wish the . sorrows and the many changes that think of municipal government j t i bl> y* much «uccGsa in their early have passed with me and send it There were loud threats and for a while it.looked like there would be murder but fell short and only a little accidental blood' was spilt. Of course some of the boys got too much boeee which was the cause of illl’the trouble. We are told that it is the inten- tion'of the leading citizens of our town to hold an and Council men the first arc to-have protection it will bej tieWs gladly received by every law abiding citizen in this community. Such scenes and conduct as is at .. _ , **’“**“ ““** •“Ply < l “t“ , -: Pt L“r. G g N .“^J.N, YOU CAN’T—UNLESS,, You ennuot have sobriety it you drink yourself. You cannot have order in town without municipal government. You cannot have oiganizatiou unless you organize. You cannot increase your popu lation till you have more nouses. You cannot have streets till you lay them out. You cauuot have a college un less you have money, and all in harmony, You cannot have morals unless you are in irai yourself. You will never build your town Unless you sell your ground. You will never build your town and grumble all around. You will uever get rid of the dev il unless you chase him some your self. mutters. is not only a protection so the civ il element but it is a safeguard thrown around those who are dis posed to criminate themselves in l au intoxicated condition. . Hun dreds of the best men in this coun try have weaknesses and the law 0 snould step iu as thei(. guardian whso they aw not property at them ••Ives. A man when intoxicated is temporarily jjpsan.e and they should not be allowed to have their way and roam in this condition. Jn tire name of deceucy and good ordet'and for the protection of our Children do Hot let up iW the mat- municipal goyerumeut. .'for the holidays on business J.S. Ramey is in Atlanta for * * few days. % Miss Lizzie Duncan is gone *q • the Gate City, N Col. J. H. Kstill, of Savannah, > Go., formerly a candidate far gov ernor, has been appointed a mem- ber of the trustees of ! the soldier’* fhem. P " - -- - ! start, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Yqrk were in. this community Sunday, (Germany news, intended fpr lust week.) Rajn ,i». plentiful in Germany nowadays. . Most ali of the road#.,have been Mffii ter of a _ Jndge Long is m the Gate City it iaa.good and wholesome move and as the intelligence of the town art the movers and as intelligence -governs the world we are hopeful of the long needed, law of protec- tioi* In all ages passt and all ugee to come, people, when coh- ,gregated, will, more or less, vio late the law, and the only thing to some editor, but I thought it too lenghthy for them. I often think of Arp’s old trees fal ling and where they are all gone and liow soon we will all be gone and what have we left behind, as it seems most people want:to leave a fortune to their children, though it might be best ip leave good schools and churches and a good just returned from a market trip.! government for the people to Jive A. E. Dickerson had' a oprii Ruder, What it tabes to make up shucking Saturday. all these things others say can* ■ Mr. George Blackley made n fly- We missed ail the entertainment ihg t'ip through this section S&tur! an d the potutoe wedding. We day night. ! guess the girl that woke up crying Mary Fitts and Florence Justus ^earned of the big potatoe. have just returned from Habersham Tried To Conceal Jt. it’s the old siory of ‘‘murder will out” only iu this cuse there’s no crime, a woman feels run down, lias headache or dyspepsia and thinks its nothing unc tries to hide it until she hnuliy breaks ! down. Don’t deceive yourself. Take Electric Bitters at once. It has a reputation for caring Stom ach, Liver and Kidney troubles and will revivify 3 our whole sys tem. The worst forms of those maludics will quickly yield to ihu curative power of Electric Bitters. Only 5Ue, and guaranteed by The Olayton Tribune. QJJARTZ. Intended for last week, We have rain plenty. Road working is over^with seme of the bo3’s and they say they are ant, retnrnedfrom Pine Hop? tain] °“t the intention* oftlv . Monday evening and reports thaf|*ens T of the t-own.^ , soventy-five men are at work on at” " - seventy change of the public road. The! A Marvelious Invention. change i* seven thousand feet loug j Wonders nevev cease. A mo- • Unde grade of four feat in one hun - cbiLO has been invented that, will dtedl The change is at the Pig-!out, paste and hang wall pftper. pen Gap.‘ So much interested are!The field of inventions and die- ou a business trip. Jaipes Colon back purchased a new wagon a few days ago. John McCurry was up with tit at tending to business Saturday.’ We wish Mr. Jesse Justus much j not sorry of it. success in his western hoihe. John Teems lilies to work so well C.-Fv York passed through .the' he says lie would sot care if road that Cun be done is to inatfshal ! Community last Thursday. i working would last all year. The Tribune stands iftady Prof.J. Maycus Bleckley tnkde| JohuDiilinghamandhisdaugh- uy! ter-Mary are just back from Cor nelia. Mary brought back with le'ftets her a fine sewing machine. tp tjie foqt of Jh^ niountmiu ^J * j J. C. Howard reports more corn •Mr. Damabciis Abnon spent ^un than Usual and he has it all gath- day with James Colenback and ered : up uhd shucked out. ' the'(ledple in the change that men; coveries seems * to be unlimited. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. Chicago Daily News. Large checks nre the correct thing in lawsuits this season. Don’t argue with a fool. Listen ers. will say there are two of a kind. A coward likes to believe that discretion is the* better part of valor. A man’s heart is blamed for a lot of tilings that ins head is re sponsible for. When a woman keeps a secret she can’t keep secret the fact that she is keeping one. Thousands Saved By family. Correspondent. of, fjxty years and over are at work! Notable amimg great discoveries is 1 during pains of odd aud of course voluntarily. :Dr. King’s New Discovery for,bounds, Brhises, W.oN.ngarAP, NanyK.... Is displayed by m&n en- ;,Quts, We are glad to learn that MisB Matildy -Parker is improving after having a long spell of sickness. j - M.H. James Says he did not get to Bee all of his children in a week duriu g road working as he had to leave home before they got up in DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY Bins tively cures Consumption.Coughs mptioi Colds, Bronohitls, Asthma, Pneu monia, Hay Fever, Plburisy, La- “ iTTii Miss Blancha Wall has returned | Consumption./^Ichas done a world flore feSf Or stiff joiiflK But the moroiu « or they would be gone from Atlanta. | of good for weat lungs. and saved ' many a life. Thousand* have used . U : »t and conquered; Grip. Bronchitis, in | Pneumonia and Conaumptipn there’-* no need for it. Bucklen’s Aruira Salve will kill thepaintmd cUtcthe trouble. Iff .the best Salve on earth for Pilel* too, $50, 1 Their general verdict ta: “it’s-the at The Clayfott Tribune office. Tf.jw ^ I ^wuciai. verutot iw; ^ Henry Burr^lf and family, of best and most reiable medicine for throat and lnpg troubles.’’ Every* I w iH buy poplar, whira oak and ' ttmwiiiA < «*- ""B'/mtiif aa-.g improved, vcvao ^ JjrrHA! j ,TAa. tAuoh ,60c and fl.Op bottle is quarantead spotted oak in tHiTsectipiS, and k. ti>. *p-:i j . . .... . . F. tO bed when he got home at night. Grippe, Hoarseness, 8ore Throat, Croup and Whaoping Cough. Every bottle guaranteed. No Cure. No Pay. Prioe 50o.&$i. Trial bottle free. Gather up your coin. Christmas will soon be here. Patty. 5* by Th4 CUyton Tribune/ bottles free. c v 1. 1 resulted ip of m MdfcboiR And Trespass Notice. - , All persons fiTe notified not to trespass oii^he following pact ttf land lot No 4O in the first part of lota No. 70 "and 7s m the second load district. A.®. Diokereon AU persons are hereby notified not to enter or trespass in any way on the inclosed lands where we ; now reside, it being part of lot No- ' 1 iu the third land district in Ra bun county. All persons are fur* ther notified not to trespass in any way Upon the nhinclosed lands of (said lot No. z by catting, biasing lor marking timber or in any other I have battues, ahoc aud leather I way whatever. This Oct, 16th AU persons dne M. B. Ellard anything are requested to make immediate^settlement with ms. F. A. Tatlob. c&eatnut and All timber, in bo riee of other jimber Half and half within pix months, T, J. Ritchie, j|i .* t Qlayton^l oil aod will sell it at • reduced price for the next ninety days. 111 i Vt- ■ S. S. Whitmi' wmdfwiiiyspji' *903. Mrs. A. A. Swofford, E. D. 8wofford. Edacate for a Situation tb*n Mcnr* * paying sasSSr*- y 9 m ituos W* rdneata joq, »nd th*n Mcnr* « food poalUoa for yon, be*M<* paying KSaSSS'SaABjS!*- AU who nre due me anything at costs will please come and settle with me aud oblige, . j ■ J. R. Ritchie • , Sheriff. ' '■ **s •< 1 ■ •