The Clayton tribune. (Clayton, Rabun County, Ga.) 18??-current, April 23, 1903, Image 1

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THERB IS NO PAPER LIKE THE HOME PAPER TO NOME PEOPLE. ' ' . VOL. VI. - CLAYTON, RABUN COUNTY. GA . APRIL 23.1903. NO. 15. —*■■■■-% 111'. l^+++++++++++++H ***t Which ? 111 Cream of News. j A lean and potash-hungry toll, wasted seed, wasted labor and Idle gins—A MORTOACie. Or, plenty of Potash In the fertilizer, many bales and a busy gin—A BANK ACCOUNT. ♦WtWtfWtWWIM'H'mw Brief Summary of Most Important Events „ of Each ‘Day.. Write u, for our books. They are money win*, ners. We send them free to farmers. GERMAN KALI WORKS SS Nassau St. New York *. mm Health at Home through Hires Rootbeer-r-a delightful preparation' of root., berba, barka and berries. Nature's own pre scription. Benefits every member of the family. Rootbeer purl flodthu blood, qaenohesths thirst end phases tbs palate. A'jpsoksge wakes Are gallons. Sold everywhere or by metl,36o. Beware of Imitations. CUrlu $. pini Co., Ishora, Fa. Tf IBT CATHASTIC ICC. I dealer * if sold la tries to Ml JflStlSffood.'" AND SolrV . indigestion io, as And 50c. at Drugstores. To u tin World, spnety.rtha *.. . , PRATT, WINSHIP, MUNGER, EAGLE, '<<47. SMITH. f .x * , . Vs atao miki tlBtirt for Oil Mills, b, ' tnglnoi airt Boilors. Vftlio nil ororjthloi nweuirj to nmMs i f* Uetrt JTfa detailed pl»» ud «b : —Judge Emory Speer, of the federal court of the southern district of Geor gia, issues an injunction restraining the railroads from putting into effect the increase.In the freight rates on lumber. —The Southern- Association of' Newspaper Publishers, was organized In Atlanta-Tuesday .-by the adoption of a constitution and-the election of offi cers. Hon. H. H. Cabanlss, of Atlanta- 1s chosen president of the association. —The question of child labor took a prominent place In the County school superintendents’ meeting at Macon, Ga., Tuesday. —Further reports from the stori Conecuh county, 1 Alabama, show that ten persons were -killed. —The deal by which the Rock In land was to acquire the 'Frisco system has been declared off. —Grover Cleveland and Booker •Washington discussed the negro queq.- tlon before a New York audience Tues day night. —In the Howard trial at Frankfort, Ky., witnesses swore that Howard boasted that Goebel would be killed and told just how the governor would be assassinated. —The boodle investigation in Mis souri promises to be- sensatlonbl! Uni ted ' States’ Senator Stctaje lias been Called as witness by the investigating committee. , . —T£e flood • situation in the Louisi ana district Is more threatening. Only promt>t work prevehthd a crevasse in levee, about 70 miles ntf-Tuesday, hf - marg!gf decision, flSyTthaL ItvEftl/rpaaftstOb ot# enlarge ^cor- >o l ratigng..can be easttyblackmailed. ;-j —Postmaster General Payne an nounces, tiat ? he proposes? tqjhdve the postomA department thor6igbly < in vestigated because of reports charging certain offlcj|s$$wltb crookedness.*., ’ —At a dlhnef 4: i^Hfa]Sliihgton4in Koiii or olithe one hundred 1 ‘attjj /sixtieth an-' nlvergary of the birth of Thpnias Jef, ferBop. Speeches were made by Sena tor HqpS,, Charles - Emory aud William j.,Bryap. ( .. , —f lie-^gship' of: the «j8pai^sh adtp^ ON TRACK OF BOODLERS. Crooked Work Done in Missouri Leg islature Being Probed by the Grand Jury. A special from St. Louis, Mo,, says: Trace of four more $1,000 bills were obtained Saturday In the evidence presented to the St. Lc/uis grand jury! It is said that three of the bills were used In connection with : the alum bill legislation In the senate and the fourth, was used In the text-hook legislatiou In the house. •Among the witnesses before tit's jury was Rev. Crayton S. Brooks, pag- tot_of the Christian churcn at Jeffer-; son City, who began the boodle cru-: sade by declaring from the pulpit that bribery was rampant in- the Missou ri legislature. Rev. Brooks further as tounded his audience by declaring that he knew a man to whom a $1,000 bill had been paid for legislative influence. Right on the heels of-;this accusation came the charges of Speaker White- cotton, on the floor of the house, that money had been used to defeat the text-book bill. Grand ^jury Investiga- PL01 EXISTED TO MURDER GOEBEL. Witnesses. In Howard Trial, at Frankfort, Throw Light on Notable Crime. Colonel Jack Chinn and W. H. Cul ton, were among those who testified at Tuesday's heating of the Jim Howard case, at Frankfort, Ky. On cross ex amination Colonel Chinn said that hp was one of Goebel's oody guards. “I had been told that Goebel would be killed and that I would be killed,'’ said Colonel Chinn, “and I went with Goebel to protect him, If possible.” In answer to a question Colonel Chinn said that ho, as weil as Lillard and Goebel, 1 wefe armed. Colonel Chinn said he was warned by Bill Lil lard, of Livingston, .that he and Goebel were to be killed. W. H. Culton was asked If he knew of conferences held with a view of preventing Goebel from taking his Beat. The witness said‘he took part In several conferences. At one, In Powers’ office, Culton said Powers reo-- ommended him as chairman at a meet ing In the agricultural, office. Culton said Caleb Powers warned the men •that they wefe entering upbn a danger ous undertaking, its they might be in- tlon'simultaneously In Jefferson CltyJ^Uted for conspiracy If any one was null and St. Louis result^. . Four Senators IncTToted. A dispatch from Jefferson City says: Cole county grant^ JurorB, urday night, returned four lndictmen three presumaBly against state sena tors for the charge of the acceptance of bribes in connection with the alum legislation. Strict secjjjgcy Is main tained and definite In: Indictments cannot be from-Inference It is h- Indictment is against a tor, two against,-senai side Of St. Louis -.ani against somebody living In Jefferson City., This ffiakei seven indictments thus^faf ! Issued by, the (p-anid Jury. After the indictments;were returned to Apiil 27 ' .el. who< _ ~ t; "nty. ” Birmingham, All. warn rag oun unst oAtalooci rgl whffiti ^vHs .'sflnii: at thfe,4>attle of hfanlia Ws ijefen koatSd.': Eljjhly ske> etoni wefrfe' fpppid in KSr thpld.- i. ’ i< —Durlhg'a Jfeffpfciijance at the ‘’Wild’ West” at!,Ji|fin<Shister, • tingfapd, ."Duf- falo -Bill!’. Was Jnjfli^d by nis horse rearing anil jailing 1 on blto.-j - j -• f-43pioner'tIpbh -IB.* Mcfiftwan, edftor of Tbp.'^DbdftanOoga.h Times, died in Chattanoogja Quntfpy; ,.V . >•>' —Although' Souiij Carolina lhws ; ,dl- _ lowtno'-dlYorce* a«ChaHest6n ; ‘wopun " ° ourt JiaS ! %n! gfabtecT AHfnbny,-: 1 “ nrH “ P , -~jf,tbe allqged ,safeliobbers new. 8n trls® at Charleston ace acqulfte^. by the federal court' thiefiWtatei'wlll bV-jqtjee ^tSSo'' Mann’ ll^^f' bill recently Cn-,, aoj?te^ ln Virginia is e'xpec(ed - <o do- , c'rj^ire vtbciuoiijt pf ‘stilpjjns ..In the. Miss Nellis Wants $130,000 far Alleged Breach of Promise to Marry. -Because an affidavit in the New York supreme court was overlooked in kiting- a bunch >T>'#R!le&til documents secret, the facts have become, public of a suit In whjich United States Sena- 6>r Clark,' of 'jd on tana, is defendant;: the plaintiff belhg a woman, who de mands $160,000 ' damages for alleged breach of promise to marry. She it Miss Mary McNeills and admits that fche Is “over thirty-five.” , ‘The case was begun more than a yj*hr ago and weat befpre a referee, vfho dpcided lui. the senator’s favor. Now the woman. seeks to reopen it, alleging that her former, attorney sold her out to the olier sldp, and retains letters, photographs and- papers ou which, she declhcesj she,.can prove hor Malsby & 41 South Forsyth St, Atlanta, fe Station ary ies y Boilers, jls the liquor revenues;* —Nothing was heard ft6m President' Roosevelf Sunday.' ( Wires iu‘‘Yellow- sfene park, are* down. ^ iAcip.Udburpt at Henryyllie, Ind., Sunday ifta groht damage; ■ Two lives lost by the swelling of streams. -r-ywo persons burped to death and several others badly Injured by, the burning of a residence at Indianapolis, ,Ind.,’Sunday —President John Skelton Williams, of’the Seaboard. Air Line railway, thinks thelffeclslon In Northern Securi ties Company, case will prove a great blessing. ‘ —Big improvements will be made at once ip the service of tne Standard telepftbnfe In Atlanta. Ga. A new $40 r Justice Davis has granted an ordpr' on Miss Nellis’ for mer attorney, directing him to turn over to her theij^pefs and testimony In order that sk^'may fWave for a ro hearing. > * . lied. Culton skid a plan was made to set tle the Berry-Van Meter contest by gpooting Campbell Cantrlll, South Trlpbje and other leaders In the \use so that a republican majority jDd be lhft. Culton said Taylor, Fin- d himself and others agreed that mejtanember of the house was to start’lhe trouble” that was to lnaugu* rate the slaughter. THE WEST VIRGINIA LAUNCHED. SOUTHERN PUBLISHERS OKGANIlk. .. \ ’ n Association Formed by'Representatives of Leading Papers io this Section. ’ The SoUthfern Association 'of : NewS' paper Publishers 1 was organized, at Av lan-ta. Tuesday morning when repre sentatives ofjthe.gputh'fl. leading news’ papnrs'"Uie|. and -adopted ‘a constltuticiir Lqnil'elected'ofllcerSi. lV ‘ ». i- Jl.-li. Cabanlss; of Tiie Atlaflttt Jour- n'al was elected president;. F,P. Glass, cf The Montgomery Advertiser,' secre tary and treasurer- Bruce'Haldeman, of The Louisville Courier-Journal, vice president. The following executive committee was unanimously eiiected: Robert Ewing, of New Orleans States;’ Rufus N. Rhodts, of The Birmingham News; D. A. Tompkins, of The Charlotte Ob server; J. C. Hemphill, of -The Charleston News and Courier; Edgar M. Foster, of The Nashville Banner T. T. Stockton, of The Jacksonville Times-Uriton; A. R. Holderby, Jr., of The Richmond Times-Dispatch. About thirty., prominent newspaper men were in attendance on the meet Ing, which was entirely harmonious The constitution adopted sets forth the object at the association as co-oper ation and harmony amohg the news papers belonging ,to the association and pledges Its members fo assist each other when they may do so with out injury to themselves. The asso ciation Is not antagonistic to any othe newspaper organizations and does not seek to dictate the policy or the man agemedt of the officers of the newspa pers which are members of It. LABOR LEADERS ARE INTERESTED. Alnalee For May. The complete novel in Alnslee’s May Is “Midsummer Madness,”' by ward S. Van. ZUe. Other well contributors In the. same Issue tus Miles Forman, Kale Masterso*. Geo. Hibbard, Edgar Baftus, Chs Battell Loomis, Carollqe.'gDuer, Huneker, Dorothy Dlx and Dougina Story. 160 pp. 15c. •. . ! : - Whate Made Them Drunk. Mr. Tillman, sgy, power bee made many members of congress drunk. All of which means more business for the gold cure.—Washington Post. • THE DOMINANT SPIRIT. That man who used to' be your pro tege now assumes to be a leader.” “Yes,” answered Senator 1 ' Sorghum, “he’s a leader all right, but I’m the per son who maps out.the route.he Is go* ing to take.”—Washington Star. : ! FITS permanently ourad.No Qtaor Ml nan alter lira t day's use of urlKUM’A NerreBestorer. ,2 (rial bottleoadoteatlselree Dr. B.H. Kmt, Ltd., Ml Areh Bt.,PhBa..Pa. Poor Humgn Nature. Waggles—H6 couldn't remember why his Wife tied a string Around his finger, so he was afraid to go home, and stayed out all night. Jaggles—What was 'It he should have remembered? ' ; '- Waggles—To come borne early/^* May Smart Set. • ■ • ; ■ • v '- Ask Tour Dealer Ter Alley’s Toot-Baae, ■ A powder to shako into yoUr shoes; rests the feet. Cures-Corns, Dunlotts, 8woollen. Sore, Hot, Callous, Aching, Seating Feet and In growing Nalls. Allan’s Foot-Eage'makes new or tight shoes easy. At .oil druggists and shot stores, 25 cents. Sample mailed Faxo. Address) Allen S. Olmsted, JioBo» N. Y. When a poet falls in love with n girl it is natural that he should run to metre. Stati or Ohio, Citt orT olxdo, I Lucas Ootnt-nr.; 1 make oath that he la the otV. 3. Ozixn A New Armored Cruiser Slides^from Ways at Newport News Ship Yesds. The U. S. armored cruiser West Vir ginia was successfully launched at the Newport News shipbuilding yard Sat urday in the presenoe of a throng of 25,000 people. A street, pageant' in which military companies from several Virginia cities, and artillery, detach ments from Fort Monroe, and the of ficers, mgrlnes and sailors of the Ger man cruiser Gazelle participated, pre ceded the-launching. Miss Katharine Vaughan White, eld est daughter of Governor Albert B. White, of West Virginia, was tho fair sponsor of the occasion, christening the warship with a bottle, of cham pagne aa the cruiser, slipped down the ways into the placid waters of the James river. On the platform beside the new warship was a distinguished Assemblage. Consider Taking ... _ ostofficbi'Scaiidal. Tho. fndicatlops are that' organized labor will become a part^'to tha.fn.ves, Ugation of the affairs of the postofhee department In Washington, A special committee oi the Central Union of the District of Columbia*, which has been secretly considering tho matter, has formulated charges 01 favoritism competency, etc., against certain of the officials of the mall equipment di vision of the department SAFE BLOWERS BEHIND THE BARS. Quartet Convicted in Charleston Sent to the Atlanta'federal; Four, safe-blowers arrived in Atlan ta, Ga., Friday night? in charge of three guards and were taken to the federal prison. They were William McKinley, Thomas Noan, Edward Dug gan and Charted Howard, and thqy came froin Charleston, S. C. The safe-blowers wore given sen tences of five years. They were tried Charleston, tho trl ~ r nervous* 1 Orest r&Si -tv! Fbanx j. Chbhbt, . . senior partner of the firm ol .abb tor eoah on- cannot bo euri OaTASRH CUBB, . Swam, to before mo and — —■ presence, this 6th day at December, SEAL, f A. D., 1830. . A. W. GlBABOB, i. —v— ’ Votary PubUe. faces of the system. , Send- (or teatlmonlols, free. • F. J. Cqxxbt A Co,, Toledo, O. Soldb- Hall’ There isn’t A world of difference, between ey and borrowing trouble. CnEXBiA 1 . byDrugglats,T5a. ’s Family Fills ore the beat. borrowing money 1 plow's Soot: oltfefi the gums, reduces ‘ loolic.a Mrs.WlJ teething,! tion.aUuJ'spatn.oures wind a Erysipelas is now classed os a.contagioua disease. “ 1 -, Putnam Fadeless Dyes, produce tba brightest and fastest colors.- An electrically charged wire gridiron to’ the newest fly killer. 4.3.-*■ liso’eCurelathe best medietoewa ever uaod for'all offiritlona of throat ahd -hmga.—lVic.. A). K» Vanburen, Ind., Feb. 10,1900.. Smallpox costa Frnnoe nearly $2,000,000 ayeaf. _ “For two years Lsuffei ribly from dyspepsia- wit! depression, sad was always poorly. I than tried^yer’wparaa- parilla, and In one week Iwas, s new man.*-—John McDonald, Philadelphia, Pa. ■ h Don’t forget thBt U’s* “Ayer'8” S8»«p8rt** that will make you sttftfg and hopeful. Don’t waste your time and money b trying some, other Use the old, tested, and true Ayer’s Saw rilla. $lm 1 Mtto. AUdnnMs. r'&JS ' ’