The Clayton tribune. (Clayton, Rabun County, Ga.) 18??-current, January 16, 1914, Image 6

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THE CLAYTON TRIBUNE. CLAYTON. C.EORGIA To Cool a Burn and Take the Fire Out A Household Remedy HANFORD’S Balsam of Myrrh PRETTY RIBBON CASE DAINTY AND MOST USEFUL CESSORY FOR BOUDOIR. For Cute, Burns, Bruises, Sprains, Strains, Stiff Neck, Chilblains, Lame Back, OldSoree, Open Wounds, w and all External injuries. Made Since 1846. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00 ■ ■me or write fill Dealers Necktie Magnate. Twenty-five neckties at $10 each. $250. The above is tlie smallest item which the “king of necktie manufac turers" will allow to appear in his books. He lias just reached Paris on his annual tour of the capitals of the world, and his taste is regarded by the most exclusive set of male society as the last word in necktie design. The nupcr tie merchant, whose cheapest tie costs $10 and who will not accept an order for fewer than 25 ties, is re puted to make a profit of $110,000 a year. He is delighted to be in Paris, which he Bays is the capital of the world as regards elegance and dandy ism. MOTHER! LOOK AT If cross, feverish, constipated, give “California Syrup of Figs” A laxative today saves a sick child tomorrow. Children Blmply will not take the time from play to empty their bowels, which become clogged up with ■waste, liver gets sluggish; stomach sour. Look at the tongue, mother! If coat ed, or your child Is listless, cross, fev erish, breath bad, restless, doesn’t eat heartily, full of cold or has sore throat or any other children’s ailment, give a teaspoonful of “Callfornik Syrup of rigs," then don’t worry, because It Is perfectly harmless, and in a few hours all this constipation poison, sour bile and fermenting waste will gently move out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. A thor ough "Inside cleansing” Is oftlmes all that )b necessary. It should be the first treatment given In any sickness. Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask at the store for a 50-cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-upB plainly printed on the bottle. Adv. When a married woman loses her temper her husband is apt to catch It. Rheumatism Is Torture Many pains that pass as rheumatism are due to weak kidneys—to the failure of the kidneys to drive off uric acid thoroughly. When you suffer achy, bad joints, back ache too, dizziness and some urinary disturbances, get Doan's Kidney Pills, the remedy that is recommended by over 150,000 people in many different lauds. Doan's Kidney Pills help weak kid neys to drive out the uric acid which is the cause of backache, rheumatism and lumbago. Here's proof. A VERMONT CASE Jamos M. Traoy, 3. Pheasant 8t., Mlddlo- bury.Vt., ways: “For twenty years I had kidney complaint, i suffered from rhou- raatlo pains across my back and my bladder wus badly Inflamed 1 had diity and fainting spe" and my wholo sya vrafl arToetod. 1 was so^holpless I could hardly walk nnd doc tor's treatment failed Finally I took Doan’e Kidney Pills and In a luonthlhoy cured me.'' Get Doan's at Any Store, 50c a Box DOAN'S WAV FOSTERMILBURN CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. Work of Putting It Together Will Fur nish Amusement for the Spare Hours—Only Cardboard, Rib bon and Thread Required. Kvery one who keeps a special roll of ribbon for her lingerie will like the little Illustrated. Ribbon frequently disappears just when It is wanted, but If hung on the dressing table the owner will find that much time will be saved which might otherwise be spent In u fruitless search. The case was made from two pieces of white cardboard. Each piece was cut three inches In diameter; an Inch larger than the roll of ribbon which was to be inserted. The cardboard was covered with a pretty flowered ribbon, which was es- Complete Case. pecially suitable, as It had running through it a gold shimmering thread. Two circular pieces of ribbon were cut out 1 to cover each piece of card board, and joined together by over sowing all round the edges. The roll of rose-colored ribbon was then inserted between the covers, and a hole pierced through the middle of the two latter and the roll of ribbon. A piece of ribbon was threaded through the holes and sewn securely to each cover. It was then joined at the top Into a rosette. In the center of each cover a small er rosette with ends was sewn to give a finishing touch. Should the worker wish to make one of these for a present the color scheme of the owner's room should be taken into consideration. The case would look delightful cov ered with white linen, finished with blue or pink ribbon. The monogram of the owner should be worked in the same color. In order that the linen covers could be removed easily when soiled, but tonholed eyelets should be worked at short distances apart round the edges. A piece of ribbon should then be run through these and tied In a bow. Another holder which Is very easy to make Is contrived from half a yard of ribbon.- The worker should choose a wide weave of silk ribbon covered with a pretty floral design. To make the case, the ribbon should be turned up about one-third of the width, and caught at intervals of three or four Inches with a neat fagoting stitch to form pockets. The hems on either side should he finished In the same way The worker should next take some SPRING SHOE STYLES READY stiff white cardboard, and cut into four pieces in the shape of the pock ets already made. These pieces of cardboard should be slightly smaller than the pockets, otherwise they will not fit In easily when wound with rib bon. Some pretty lingerie ribbons should next be chosen, and a different color wound round each cardboard and ar ranged In the various pockets. To complete this case, the worker should add a tiny pair of scissors to one end of the case. These should be attached by means of a narrow piece of ribbon. At the other end a bodkin should be fastened in the same man ner, and slipped Into a narrow pocket, which should be allowed for when making the ribbon pockets. A piece of ribbon should be sewn on the back, so as to tie the case to gether when folded. A case of this description would take up very little room In a drawer or box, for It has the appearance of a cardcase when folded. DESIGNS FOR’ SACHET CAPS Selection of Material an Important Thing for This Latest Very Popu lar Fancy. Should be of handkerchief linen or nainsook, the heavier the better, for the odor of the sachet must be safely confined within the cap's dainty lim its; It would escape through a thin material. Cut from the goods a round piece about 1C Inches across and mark out the edges with a thimble and-pen- cll for scallops. Buttonhole the scal lops and edge with a narrow Valen ciennes lace to relieve the somewhat heavy appearance of the cap. Run a narrow casing about an inch and a quarter above the scallops for the elastic. In the center work a solid design in white punch work, for eye lets would permit the odor of the sachet to escape. Make a flat, three- inch square sachet bag of the mate rial used In the cap (nainsoon or handkerchief linen will be heavy enough), a thin layer of cotton and plenty of sachet, and baste It to the inside of the cap right under the cen ter design. Use a basting stitch, with very tiny stitches on the outside and large ones inside, so that the bastings will not be conspicuously prominent on the outside. Place a twisted rib bon about the cap over the elastic cas ing and a small ribbon bow in the ex act center to the scalloped edge. The sachet cap Is then ready for “busi ness.” Worn for an hour or so the cap will Impart a delightful, if some what fleeting, fragrance to the tresses, but worn overnight the perfume will sometimes cling to tho hair for sev eral days. Model Child. George III. was such a thrifty king ! that we cannot doubt that he hugged the little chap, of whom Thackeray tells this delightful story, and longed to knight him on the spot. One day, when the king and queen were walking together, probably at Kew, they met a little boy—they were always fond of children, the good folks—and patted the little tow head. “Whose little boy are you?” asked the king. "I am the king’s beef-eater's little, boy,” replied the child. On which the king said, "Then kneel down and kiss the queen's hand.” But the Innocent offspring of the beef-eater declined this treat. “No,” said he, "I won’t kneel, for If I do, I shall spoil my new breeches.”— Youth’s Companion. None "Just as Good!*’ Nothing "Just the Same! 99 Worm Bystera Bhot.” r expelled promptly from the human with Dr. Peery'a Vermifuge ‘ Dead Adv LOVELY PICTURE HAT “A Pleasant Time Was Had.” Elmer (’. l’ershlng, an Odon poultry dealer, had a job the other week which he does not care to try again,” relates the Indianapolis News. Mr. Pershing bought 2,400 geese at Loogootee and rather than ship them a roundabout way to his home town, decided to drive them through, a distance of 12 miles. The geese quacked their way peacefully along until they came to a creek, where the leader decided he wished to swim. It was a game of “follow your leader," and the other 2,399 trailed along. Pershing and his helpers tried repeatedly to drive the geese back to the roadway, hut they wouldn't go until the leader had com pleted his hath.' Finally the leader com pleted his toilet and ventured out o,n the creek hank. Pershing and his help ers ran him back to the roadway, with the rest of the flock in pursuit. No further difficulty was experienced with them. Look for the name French Market Coffee and the picture of the old market that is on every package of French Market Coffee,' roasted by the French Market Mills if you want the genuine. If you can be satisfied with an imitation take the brand a3 near like it as the law allows, for both in name and appearance of package French Market Coffee has been imitated for over a century. But it won’t be just as good, and it isn’t just the samel There is only one FRENCH MARKET COFFEE. Ask for FRENCH MARKET by name. See that you are given FRENCH MARKET and not ordinary coffee or inferior substitutes sold at the same price. You’ll know—after you try it—why this rarely delicious old French roast and blend has been famous for over a hundred years. Why there can be no other like it. Roasted by our unique hygienic process. FRENCH MARKET MILLS (New Orleans Coffee Co., Ltd.. Proprietor*) NEW ORLEANS DIRECTIONS —We recommend that you make French Market Coffee In your usual way. If you find it too strong, reduce quantity until strength and flavor are satisfactory. French Market makea more cups of good coffee to tire pound than other brands, thereby reducing your coffee bill. Putnam Fadeless Dyes do not stain the hands. Adv. The man who Is placed on a pedes tal must take a certain amount of pride In his very loneliness. The Whitewasher. Crawford—What are the duties of a coroner? Crahbhaw—When there's an acci dent he must always find reason to show that nobody was to blame. No Wonder. “Young Blivlns Is very well de veloped, isn't he?” “Yes; his father was a photo grapher." Newfoundland has for several years steadily Increased its agricultural pro duction. A large black picture hat which Is such a becoming shape is edged with skunk and garnished with a beautiful double paradise plume. Novelty In Combs. A hinged comb is another odd idpn just introduced. The top of most combs so far stands up in a line with the teeth and stands out from the hair. This way the top Is hinged, and when the comb is placed in the hair tho top bends down fiat against the head. It comes In plain umber or fancy rhine stone effect. ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT Avegelable Preparation for As • similating iheFoodandRegula- ling the Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes Digestion,Cheerful ness and RcstContains neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral Not Narcotic P.ap, of Old DrSAMU£/.mC//EX Pumpkin Seed • Alx Senna *■ \ Pot he lie Softs - Anise Setel - I ftppermint - \ /filarlonafeSodei* I H’ornt Seed • Clarified Suyap tfinhrnjrten /•'favor l A pel feet Remedy forConslipa- lion. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP Facsimile Signature of GASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of HAIR STAIN “Walnutta” For Gray, Streaked, Bleached and Red Hair o* Moustache. Matches Shade — Light Brown to Black. Dots not wash nor rub off. Sold by your Druggist. Regular size, 60 cents* Send So Howard Nicholi, 2208 Clark Av., S(. LouU. Mo. I and get a FREE Trial Bottle. I Free; Free FREE TO ALL SUFFERERS. If you feel 'OUT OF SOR TS"RUN DOWN'or'GOT I Hfc HLl KS* BUFFER from KIDNEY, BLADDER, NERVOUS DISEASES,, CHRONIC WKAKNESSES.ULCKRS.SKIM F.RUPTIONS.I'M.LS, write for my FREG book, the most instructor MEDICAL BOOK EVER WRITTEN,IT TELLS ALL about thus* DISEASES and the REMARKABLE cukes effected by THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY. Not. N2 N 3. THERAPION If it's the remedy for your OWN ailment. Don't send a cent. Absolutely FREE. No'followup'circulars. DR L.ECLKRO Med. Co. havkrstock Kd. Hampstead. London, lho. t ONEY't We (ell you howj ■ P»7 brat market prlr \> rite for reference* and. weekly prlre llai. M. HA BEL A HON'fl, LOUISVILLE, IY. Iiealrr* In Fur*, llldea, Wool. Established 18&0. For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA Exact Copy of Wrapper. Make the Liver Do its Duty Nine times in ten when the liver is right the stomach and bowels are right CARTER’S LITTLE LIVER PILLS gently butfirmly com; pel a lazy liver to do its duty. Cures Con- atipntion, In digaation, Sick HeBiIacha, and DUtreea After Eating. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature AGENTS—Hera It la. Carry In pocket*. Sella douce, office, overyplace. Repeat order*. Sam- hpla. JowettMdee.C'o.. 710Bdwy., Bayonne.N.J. mmmmnsssism Hftgf BetfCouft Syiop. T**t*a Good. U*« la tlm*. Boll by Druggist*. Buttons and a Tendency to Low Heels Promise to Be the Features of Coming Season. Long before a woman buys her fall shoes the makers have planned the styles for the following spring—so far In advauce of fashion is the wholesale trade. Humors are that nothing but button shoes will be worn next spring, that patent and kid leathers will be used mostly and that heels have a tendency to be very low This does not mean that there will be a craze for the almost heelless shoes of the summer Just gone—far from It. The newest heel will be a low I.ouls instead of the Cuban we have known. For girls the little heel will be good always, and for outing wear, the heelless, rubber-soled low shoe will be as popular next summer as it has been. Turned-sole shoes will be used ex tensively, and- such tans as will be seen will be in dark shades—light tan only in outing styles. Moreover, for dress wear, makers predict, a vogue of fancy shoes; that is, black or dark tan vamps, with colored I suede tops, these to match the gown or suit, if preferred. Speaking of rubber-Boled shoes, they were a boon in that they were soft and flexible, but they were heavy to the foot, and some say too heating for comfort. There' is Just out on tho market, and will soon be purchasable in shoe stores, a new sole leather, tanned by a special process that makes it as flex ible as rubber, yet light in weight. For women with sensitive feet this will be a real boon. In the evening slippers, beyond the fact that black satin will be very popu lar and the colors will run to vivid tones, there will be little change. Vamps will be slightly longer and the general use of rich, metallic brocades on gowns will be extended to slippers as well. SORE EYES Dr. Salter's Eye Lotion relieves and cures sore and inflamed eyes in 24 to 48 hours. Helps the weak eyed, cures without pain. Ask your druggist or dealer for SALTER'S. Only from Reform Dispensary, 68 S. Broad, Atlanta, Georgia PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM A toilet preparation of merit. Helps to eraillrato dandruff. For Restoring Color nnd Beauty to Gray or l aded Hair. 60c. and $1.00 at Drugirlsts. 1 TIB fiPQ V TREATED.usually gives emit* JJIlUr U1 relief,goon removes swelling I A Bhortbreath,often gives entire relief ' In 15to2f> days. Trial treat men t sen t Free . Dr. THOMAS E. GREEN, Successor to Dr. H. H. Greens Sons, Box 0, Atlanta, Ga. CANCER JTKKK TRFATISH Tho Lonch Sanatorium, Indianapolis, I nil., hut puldltdiod a. booklet which inloroHlIni; faotw Jh what toHo for pain, ^leediag, odor, etc. Write lur it tudjy, mentioaiug this paper. FOR. SALE OR TRADE FOR LAND IN Southern Stutca 80 a. In Popo co., III.; 15 a. cult., hse. W.F. Metcalf. R.I, New Liberty, HU W. N. U., ATLANTA, NO. 3-1914. Atlanta Directory VICTR0LAS AND GRAF0N0LAS Complete stock of Victor and Co lumbia Records. |. M. BAMECO., 64 Peachtree St. Write for catalogs The Knitted Hat. Bight in line with the soft crowns and the millinery that nestles about the coiffure and frames the face in stead of just sitting on the head as was at one time the mode, we now have the knitted hat. Instead of mak ing the best of a Tam-o’-Shanter, whether it was becoming or not, the sporting hat of tilts season will be made to simulate all the fashionable millinery in the tailored styles. They are so comfortable and chic in ap pearance that they will be used for any knockabout wear. Many pretty ones are displayed with the misses and children's school millinery. The matron or young woman may have as rich a hat as she desires. They are made in silks and chenilles, besides ratines, wools and cottons, all admit ting of a touch of stylish trimming. Girdle Tunics. A clever way to bring into Btyle a last year’s dress is to add one of these girdle tunics. They are made of velvet, wrapped high around the figure with a bow and sash endB at the back with a full and accordion plaited tunle at tached. The tunic is made of satin In black and various colors to match a contrast to the gown, the velvet girdle as a rule is black, and lined with the satin, the color of the tunic, which shows in the way of pipings and little tabs. Undoubtedly a Tip. “Was It a genuine tip Hawson gave you on the stock market?” "I guess It was; It made me lose my balance.” RUB-MY-TISM Will cure your Rheumatism and all kinds of aches and pains—Neuralgia, Cramps, Colic, Sprains, Bruises, CutB, Old Sores, Burns, etc. Antiseptic Anodyne. Price 25c.—Adv. Adventures of a Guide. “What did that hunter shoot while he was up here?” “Me and a deer; both by accident." Coughs and Colds cannot .bold out against Dean’s Mentholated Cougli Drops. A single dose gives relief—5c at all Druggists. No, Alonzo, a girl isn’t necessarily a modern Venus Just because she has an offhanded way. When the Children Cough Use MUSTEBOLEi No telling how soon the symptoms may develop into croup. And. then’s when you’re glad you have a jar of M U S - TEROLE at hand to 5 ive prompt, sure relief, t positively does not blister the tenderest skin. As first aid and a cer tain remedy there’s nothing like MUSTEROLE. Thdu- sands of mothers know it. You should keep a jar in the bouse. It Is the remedy for adults, too. Re lieves Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Tonsil- Itis, Croup, Stiff Neck, Asthma, Nen* ralgia, Headache, Congestion, Pleurisy^ Rheumatism, Lumbago, Pains and Aches of Back or Joints, Sprains, Sore Muscles, Chilblains, Frosted Feet and Colds of the Chest (it prevents Pneu monia). At your druggist’s in 25c nnd 50c jars, nnd a special large hospital size for $2 SO. Accept no substituted If your druggist can not supply you, send 25c or 50c to tho MUS- TEROLB Compnny, Cleveland, Ohio, and we will mail you a jar, postage prepaid. (56> Mrs. J. Horlick.West Philadelphia, Pa., saysi "My four-year-old son had severe bronchitis. I found Musterole the beat tiling i ever used.* In 1912 more than 2,000 miles of I railway were constructed in British \ Columbia. Use Homan Eye Balaam for scalding sen sation lu eyes and inflammation of eyes or eyelids Adt. A lot of so called society leaders are never heard of until they figure In some sort of scandal. WHY NOT BUY THE BEST MACHINERY? It la foolish to become chummy with a man who treats his dog better than he does his wife. Living up to our Ideals isn’t re sponsible for the high cost of living WOODRUFF’S SAW MILLS and SHINGLE MILLS are the best 'lumber makers. FARQUHAR ENGINES are tho best pullers. FARQUHAR CORNISH BOILERS are the best steamers. FARQUHAR THRESHERS are the best grain r separator*. REEVES GASOLINE ENGINES are simple and most reliable. ’ Wo manufacture WOODRUFF machinery, and are southern Jobbers for Forqnbar machinery and Ueeves gasoline engines. Wo want an opportunity to figure I with you. Write for catalogue and get prices and _ save money by bating direct from manufacturers, saueu aiu, WIOBRUFF MUCH INERT MFG. CO., Bruch office, Atlanta. Ga., Winder, Ga. KgkTla UASULUg uaigg s c FOR MALARIA general TONIC If not sold by your druggist, will bo_eent by Parcels Post on receipt of price. mr Peter & Co. sville, Ky.