The Clayton tribune. (Clayton, Rabun County, Ga.) 18??-current, July 29, 1920, Image 1

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-- ” '■ I'^^^^’^'O'y'' 'i+ '■ "Ar*' •sKSR % ■ gf < isitniHUHitainuHimni Kim | Personal 3 and I Gleanings It m ♦iiiHHHimci m+m «imnnntit» Hon. Chas. E. Cannon, spent last week end'with homefolks. Mr. Hubert Hill, spent last week end with homefolks. Messrs Miller and John Grisf of the valley, were in town Tues day. Miss Corinne Stoneeypher, of f^uwanee, is visiting relatives here for u few days. Little Miss Chleo Cannon was a .very pleasant, visitor at the Tribune office Wednesday p. m. Irving S. Smith .and family, are now at their sutnmer home, <. for the summer. Mrs. Katie Colson, returned to her home in Flordia Monday. J oh'n Ledbetter of Cornelia, was in town Tuesday. Miss Bernice Stoneeypher, s„ent the week-end in Cay ton. r$ It is with deep regret that we announce thagackness of Dr. J-. C. Dover. He hasThe third attack of appendicitis, but* glad to state, though confined trr his room, that he is cheerful and hopes fo be out soon. lie was attacked Sunday last. The Duggan family will all be r M-gether at their summer home the week end except James who is in a hospital at Washington, D. €' Herman Mann is at his home in Winter Haven, Fla. for few days. _ Mr. Spart Jones, was selling dry goods to our merchants, Monday and Tuesday. /Mr. Horace Cannon, made a business trip to Cornelia, Sat urday, Mr/and Mrs. E. D. Buice, of Suvvanee, spent last week end with friends and relatives here. Mr- S. J. Walker, oflrvinville Ga., is visiting: his wife’s parents, Col. and Mrs. YV. S. Paris. Mrs. Jfls. "T. Williams, wilh ^ .her family, , ^‘summer at KingvvoOd, the resi dence of Mi*. Geo. E. King. Miss Eunice Norton, who has been visiting at Tallulah Fall, returned to her home last week. Mrs, A. J. McCurry, returned to her home in Toceoa, after spending a few weeks with tier father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. J, B. Cannon. J. C. Smitli of Anderson, S. C. and family spent a week at Mt„ City, the guest of SamuelTaylhr anS his uncle Hood ; Smith and other relatives on Chechero. Capt. Warren E. Hall of U. !$. Geological Survey was a pleasant visitor here recently. He is a specialist in water power. Paul Green will spend the re mainder of the summer with his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. -Powell. ’• We may ceare the publication of this paper soon, hut before our voice is stilled through its coilums, we want to thank T. E. Roane and Ordinary elect. Will Smith, for a voluntary cash do nation to help us tide the high and outrageous cost *of news paper print and other necessary expenses. Wo deplore the idea of the suponsion of the Tribune, but under the changed con- ditionspf lhc or something else, it looks now that, we will have to quit. Paper was six cents per pound when we purchased this outfit last year, now it will cost around five dollars to get out a paper for one year. We are to-day,' not bragging, ahead of the hounds financially, hut we will soon be following the hounds, a joU,tbe though of which is riot very pleasant to ,ua. There aie many Tribune ad mi •! eo^Avls*'wit!" grot • t ire prbb ablcsuspension hat thelhovfttfhie ha's already came to many thou* and o >er this country. Miss Winnie Hill, who is teachr ing school at Beaumont, spent the week end with homeflks. Mrs. Thomas McConnell of Iva, S. C. returned home Tuesday after a short visit to her son Gus McConnell and other relatives h-re. Mr. Henry Price returned to his home in Toccoa after spending a week at the Blue-Ridge Hotel. Mr. Jess Carter of Westminster S. G, Clayton for only a few hours Monday. Mis3 Irene Powell, who has been at the G. N. L C. since Christmas returned the delight of many friends. The Martin .twins of Brown wood, Ga., are the guest of Miss Vaesie Powell at their country home Mountain Grove. Mr. J. Web. Derrick left Wednesday for Wilmington, . C„ where work is waiting him at nine dollars per day. 1 be absent many months Clayton. Success to you bb Geo. E. King, wife and iter, Mrs. New, of Baltimore Mr. Carl New, * have cut jort their stay among the ice- expect to The Geological Survey report that gasoline oil was made many years ago and there is ho more making and at the present rates of consumption it will only ,be a few years until it is burned up. Still the people of Georgia burn seventy live thousand dollars worth of gas every Sunday joy riding. Something to think about is it not? Mrs.'J. F. Gardner and Mrs. J. Harry Gardner and children, spent Tuesday in Clayton. The public are cordially invited to an all day singing Sunday August. 8th at Old Tiger Creek Church, Lakemont, Ga. Mr. John Hollingsworth, aged 84 years, died at the homo of his daufhter, Mrs. W, K. Rhodes who lives on the Tiger road two miles west of town. Mr. Hollings worth came to this county several years ago from HevwoodT N, 0., was an old Confederate We published a letterjfhat was written by W. B. Cdllum of and was /sent to our good friend Mr. Cawthon. We have been in Rabu,n county 22 years’and it: is a rtgnarkable fact that of the thousands of visitors we have'" met, many of whom we have had conversations, have never had a word of criticism, as to the location of our little city. This mesin3 very much for us in a financial way. The value of out lafui sounds more golden when vyo know this. These visitorsnever grumble about our roads and streets. Really we have been told, by ladies too, to let our red high hanks in and along our road stay as they are. She told us that pleadingly. They 1 come among to see us in the rough which is one consolation in our inability to build better roads. They leave their refined city homes and pleasant enytroments to get out of the h?at and humidity of the coastal regions of the south. Those of -us who own property may well be proud of 1#>eir in vestment. We call your attended to the announcement of Thos. M'Reii for re-election for Congress. Tom usually knows wbHt he is doing in polilics. He knows, his friends and his friends kiitj and they never desert.hi biggest political guns in iha 9th CHECHERO LOCALS Rev. G. W. Seay, of Clayton, preached a very interesting sermon here .Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mowife Lee and little daughter, of S. G., spent the week end with relatives here. . - Mr. Ervin Cannon, left Sat urday for Gainesville, where he has accepted a possition. Mr. and Mr3, Arley Ramey and children of Jefferson county, are visiting friends and relatives here. Misa Lucy Smith, was the guest of Mrs. Onie Carver Sun day. ME and Mrs. C. C. Moore, and children of Long Creek, S. C., spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Cannon. Rev. E. M. Show, preached an interesting sermon here Sunday p. m. CAMP CREEK LOCALS Mrs. »V ; E. Dale with her little daughter Pauline left Wednesday for San Diego California where . to . -Tier husband is serving in the U. in this ^section ^ N aV y School opened Monday with a good alteittfance. Miss Fart hie Smith wiio has been at Clayton for sometime Friday evening, en is spending Mrs. D. D. Hunni- tlah Fads Ga. f^lpging e;*cepted an invitation from feat him for years, only to fail/ He is a friend of the poor as well as the richer. His pulse beat with the common people. ftiiss Blanche Darnell, of the valley was in Clayton yesterday. I am offering all my property for sale, I have good central and suburban property, l am in po sition to give reputable parties, without money, a chance to own it I have reasons. J. A. Reynolds. John Deal has two or three thousand apple boxes for sale,. Government Standard. See, write or phone him at Clayton/ Ga. . Wo are having dances fti town again. Some people say it is no harm to dance,-but we find by investigation their sisters arenot there. Some say the rummer people will not come if dancing is prohibited. The Earl house is never without a packd^house and dancing, card playing drink? ing beer, have never been allowed in the house, so we are told. We were taught by parents, who have long ago passed to the beyond, thatlfis wrong to dance. We somehow feel that they were right. We have never, never attended one in our life, except to enter long enough to lead our daughters out-of the hall and with raised hat beg pardon for trespass. We have our standard of measuring morals and others have the same legal right. You know we usually follow the cra dle in which we were rocked. We are nearly all the time joyous ‘and happy and do not dance, to know why it'iTthj' t L. T. Mitchell Sunday to go to the WOLF FORK LOCALS It has been raining here and ah-und here for several days. A little sunshine would not go unappreciated here now. Miss Ruby. Paris of Clayton has been the guest of Mr. A. M. Keener’s family, for the past week paying little friend Nobin a visit, leaving Sunday to spend a day or so with her friend Mrs. Zoic Scruggs of Rabun Gap before returning home. Mr. Tom Hamby of Clayton was greeting friends in our little valley some few days ago. _ . A crowd of our young people wont on a picnic over to the Burton Dam last Saturday, taking their kodak along making some wonder pictures of the picture sque scenery of vacinity. Of course they had a good time. Miss Mary Keener has been over helping her sister, Mrs .R.D. Hopper get installed in their new home at Rabun Gap for the past few days. Mr. Hooper is our mail carrier. He has bought a home at Rabun Gap and has moved in. We wish he and his wife much luck and prosperity in their new home. Miss Martha Brown of Bowman who has been visiting friends in Rabun for the past few weeks made a flying trip to Wolf Fork Saturday P. M. singing/at the Dixie Gtrl§_Oamp. We went. We are'giad we went. Joe Seay was on the program as leader of the music. Joe led. We listened to his songs and we de cided that Joe, instead of getting put tan bark and acid wood, had misdirected his calling and that he ought to make the world happier by devoting his time to singing. You. know that music soothes the savage breast. That music Sunday, wafting off into the wild forest, was a novel beau tiful, The Mt. City choir sang, the camp girls sang with them. Mr. and Mrs. Newsome were at their posts entertaining the crowd. w- • Capt. Dozier addresstd the con gregation with his uftual oratory. Tom Mitchell made a zealous talk to the people giving somewhat a detailed history of the building up of this camp.. Tom has been a great factor in its upbuilding. Swept Patato Storage. Since the importance of sweet potato storage and curing houses has been stressed so much, it has come to our attention that several companies are offering to sell to farmers plants, patent rights, and so on for building these houses. Such plans may or may not be all right. The farmers should not buy them; however, 1 because he is taking the risk of getting plans that are not reliable ; and 2 because he can get tested ard proved plans from the Office of Public Roads and Rural Engineering, United States partment of Agriculture, ngton, D. C., for no charge plans incl ni LOST One pocket ebook fft Clayton, .with three five doMr bills and some other change, with the name • in side book of the First National Bank of Cornelia, Ga. Finder will please return same and receive reward. J. W. Godfrey LAND FOR SALE 15 acres of land one mile from Clayton; about 4 acres in cultiva tion, the balance in nice young white oak timber, Nieebuildirg sites: a 2-room cabin on same See the Editor, or J. fa. Godfrey. Just received five new Frauli lin buggies. Will sell cheap for cash or good note. J. H. Cannon. ' Thfe firm of Keener & Green have this' day disolved partner ship by mutual consent. All who are due the firm anything will make immediate settlement with M. L. Keener. All debts ate assumed by M. L. Keener. M. L. Keener IV, A. Green FOR, SALE—Car load 'best grade all heart and Cedar shin gles. Asbury Hardware Co., Clarkesville, Ga. E. R. Trylor Dentist / . Office Hours--8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Satisfaction Guaranteed. DverJV. S Long’ store. Just received a car of new wagon. I-will s?ll them for cash or on time. ive J. H. 'Cannon. LOST; „• pin, Chi Phi. set rubies gnb turpuois with W. P. Turner Japan on Finder return to s camp and receive re wwm m