The Clayton tribune. (Clayton, Rabun County, Ga.) 18??-current, February 24, 1921, Image 1

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THERE IS NO PAPER LIKE THE HOME PAPER TO H VOLUME XXVII. clayton; rabun county, Georgia,- Thursday feb. 24, 1921. NUMBER .7 ' wmiiiiiiiiirg W US HHniHiiiic» Personal ’, and Gleanings! ’jiiniiHHHo » mm n ww »ninnmntS U. L Hudson of the Valley, was here Monday., Peter Speed was here Monday dh business. Thos. Bleckley of Persimmon was in town Saturday. A. M. Smith was in Claytori last week and wants the Tribune. ShLtiey dislocated lvis ' wrfet: mtatnClayton, one day- last week, cranking a car. Marvin H. Smith, of Wolf Fork, one of the County’s lead ing young men, was here Monday. Virgil Dixon attended the I. 0. O. F. division meeting at Toccoa Thursday and Friday of last week. Mrs.R. R. Martin after spend ing several weeks in .Florida, has returned home to the delight of her many friends. Miss Winnie Hill has been quite sick for the past week. She is re ported to be improving, we hope she'll be out soon. Wolf Creek Locals Miss Maude Cannon was out bn ’the streets for the first time. Sun day after being confined to her room for a week,. ; y, ' b ^ Hill & Slbnecypher must have Some good syrup for sale from the looks : of their ad, better hurry Mr. VirgeSmith of Tiger took , • . • , • „ r dinner with Mr. & Mrs. J. M. and got you a jug lull ol .Ur they Carver Sunday, might not have “airy” bit. Clarence Philyaw handed us his renewal for the Tribune Monday. Thank you Clarence, we knew you were big-hearted and always ready U» help the poor. Good time for “U FELLERS” to dig out some of them “old rus ty $$$$“ as Henry puts it,and buy you a suit of clothes, era wagon. See J. H. Cannon’s ad elsewhere in this issue. Misses Delphiaand Flora Smith were guests of Miss Mirian Dick, erson Sunday p. m. v Mr. J. H. McKay applied afresh coat of paint to Dr. Frank East- man’s beautiful home,Montessene last week. Mr. J. V. Page visited his par ents Mr. and Mrs. Sylveiter Page Sunday p.m. We were glad to see the in creased attendance at Sunday School Sunday morning, and we hope each one will show their in terest by coming every Sunday and bringing some one with them as this is what it takes to make a Sunday School interesting is to go and take a part whan you get there. But if you cant / clo that come any way as we are always glad to have visitors. DERRICKS' GARAGE gasoline, oils; ga ■ and tubes AUTO ACCES Repair All Mi Chechero Locals Miss Sarah Beddingfield spent the week end at Mt. Airy, as the guest of her sister. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Woodall are moving on Mr. Ed. Price’s farm. Ernest Smith of Clarksville was a pleasant visitor here last week., Mr. and Mrs, T.J. Pitts and lit tle children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Taylor. Judge W. S. Long and family returned home Saturday after spending some six weeks in New Smyrna, Florida. Judge reports as having a fine time. We are glad to have them back with us. Carlton Cathey, who accidently shot himself while hunting several weeks ago, was allowed to sit up for the first time Thursday last. Dr. Doverattending physician, reports him as getting along nicely. , Mrs. Mol lie Simhions and Mr. Raleigh Swoatman were married Sat. at the residence of Hon. Will Smith. Judge Smith performing the ceremony. We understand it was the first marriage ceremony our new ordinary has performed. W. T. Dozier, who has been visiting his daughter, Mrs. Katie Colston, at Gainesville, • Fla. re- H home last wr-’- , has many j fact the whole population Francis Boudillon, lived many, many years ago. He was never known to have done anything, said anything or wrifen anything that should make the world im mortalize his name except, to write eight lines, but when you read these lines you will Under stand why the world Will always remember him;- THE CL A HOT#J CLAYTON; GA. Modern Acccmir.edciHcnti. Cer.trelly JLc cated on Main Street. Ed Holden, Prop ft S. F Mcjurifen * DENTIST Office hours .9.8; ip,, to 12 m. - Ijk m., to 5 p.Jbi, ALL WORK ’ STRICTLY CASH Satisfaction Guaranteed Office over Hamby Hardware Store CLAYTON GEORGA SULPHATE OP is a Godd Fertilizer for Apple Orchards and all other crops that need Nitrogen IDE LOWEST K MMM 01 THE MARKET See your County Agent and Order J. V., Arrendale, Clayton, Ga. CLAYTON SHOT SHOP Will fix your shoes cheep—We need your work. We 'have pur chased machinery at a lay out of nearly one thousand dollars to do your work,neatly and cheaply. Harness, Saddles, Make Shoes, Mend Shoes. All kindspf Leather Work. Great Reduciion In Wagons and ilothinitiatt Joe Tow, Proprietor. HOTEL'.. V. A. GREEN, Proprietor The night has a thousand eyes, And the day but one, Yet the liglvl of the whole world dies, When the sun is gone. The mind has a thousand eyes, And the heart but one, ^ Yet the light of the -whole life dieB, When its love is gone. ' GRAND JURORS DRAWN TO SERVE MARCH TERMS OF SUPERIOR COURT 1921 ‘J- S. Bleckley Peter Speed J. C. Green C.. R. Simpleton Will .McCay J EL Rickman Chas. E. Cannon Emory F. Blalack J. E. Neville J. v. Arrendale E. N. Holding Fred Bowers J. Web Derrick J. R. Ritchie W. S. Long J. R Scmggs W. T. Smith J. J. Greenwood Walter M. Smith M. Hr Smith E. M. Hamby M. L. Keener W. B. Lovell U. M. Gibson Lex J. Justus H, C. Ramey J. M. Wilkerson Tom. Kelly U. L. Hudson *no. C. Hamby US. THE FOLLOWING NAMED PERSONS WERE DRAWN TO SERVE AS TRAVERSE JURORS FOR FEB. TERM 1921, TO Wit: John Deal L. T. Mitchell Henry Watts Crestwell Justice Jono. M. Baker J, F. Ket my Dank James A. M. Keener W. A., Gillespie T- L. Wellborn J. H Dillard f H- W. Fincher "1 Anderson T. J. I itts ji»e J L. i I). Hi Hot and Cold Bath3 • Electric Lights Modern In Its Every Equipment, Clean In Its Every Respedti Cater ing An Ideal Stopping. Place for the- Tired Traveler. CLAYTON, GEORGIA I will sell cheap for cash in or der to be prepared for my spring purchase. Those who are due me will please come and settle. M. L. Keener. LOST—One red duroc pig, wt. about 20 pounds, left about 3 weeks ago. Reward P. A. Hunter. MILLIONS'of frost proof Cab bage Plants. All varieties $1.25 per 1000. Ship any day you say, Guaranteed to please you. Shoer Plant Co., Valdosta. Ga Notice Please call and settle your old bills, as I am compelled to collect. S. F. McJunkin. '■FARM WANTED-Wanted to hear from owner of farm or good land worth the price asked. L, Jones, Box 551, Olney, 111, • FOR SALE—One good mule, two years okl, will sell for cash or oh time. J. H. Cannon or NOTICE Have a fine full blood duroc stock hog, weighs three hundred, year-and four months old $3.01 for service. He’s the T. A Duckett, T. L. Bynum and J. V. Arrendale hog,, no lifter* Gan fyndbim at barn on T. L. Bvnum farm. Ira Wall . - FpR SALE Cabbage plants $1.25 per 1000 Express collect add 30ets. per 1000 postpaid. Order shipped day received. Potato and tomato plants, $1.50 per 1000. > PrompU ^ Dorris Plaot^Company, * > ^ Valdosta. Ga. Wagons have not been reduced by the "Manufacturer. But ,.4 har$ decided to give the people $25.00 to $35.00 off on each wagon. 2h wagon was $135.00 with bocify n'c^v 100.00, without body, 76.00. 2^ wagon was $150.00 now 125.00 body, without body $100.00.- y \ , ■ . J ■ -- Yr ... . ' Clothing $9@.00 per suit lestf than I paid for .them, so you- can get a good wodpmtt of clothes from me, for, $16.00 to $26.00. This is for l&sh only, so if you want the beet bargain you have had in four years, come and see me. „ . I. H. Cannon, Clayton, Ga. -at*;**** MAS- TAYLOR, DEAD Mrs. Matilda Tavlor, wife of the late Landrum Taylor died at her home in Tiger, Thursday morning, Feb. 17th. " She was prd&ded to the grave by her hus band March 4 1920. They lived a Christian life ahd attained to the age that is.promised to those who love and serve the Master. Mr* Taylor was 84 years of age and Mrs. Taylor was 83 years of age. They were blessed to rear a fam ily of twelve children, eight bovs and. four girls all of whom are liv ing except one daughter, Mrs. Elder Stewart,-who lived until she reared her family of children before she was called home. The funeral services were held at the Baptist church in Tiger, at 2 o’ clock, Friday, Feb. 18, in the presence of a large congregation jf relatives and friends. The ser vices were conducted by Rev. L. b Weldon the Baptist pastor of Clayton Baptist Church, who de livered a most interesting sermon from theme“When I come into the likeness of my Master then will I be satisfied. ” He pictured life in all its beau ties from a Christian standpoint, the earthly home with all its du ties by the members of the family and Heaven witht all the pleas ures that await those who love and serve the Lord. She was placeed in a neat cas most ket and teatd way bearer: decora abundance of wreaths and crosses her eleven children, „ grand and great grand children and a concourse Of other relatives and friends to mourn her loss, but feel that our Joss is her great ain. L. M. Chastain. liemri JS 88 daugb with . made into She leaves a host© of SUNDAY SCHOOL SOCIAL Last Wednesday evening Dr.‘ Dover’8 Class entertained Mrs. ClydeSHolden’s Class, both classes invited some of their friends. There were about fifty present who engaged in the games with great enthusiasm. It was one of the most joyful events that has been nulled off in Ciaytcn in a long time. After the amusements were over, refreshments were served, and everybody went home happy. LAUNDRY Bring me your collars, shirts, ties, union suits or anything you want laundered. Shirts Plaited or Silk Ladies’ Shirtwaists Collars "F Cuffs, per pair Union Suits Night Shirts Undershirts, Cotton 8c. Flannel/ 8 (Drawers,Cotton 8c, Flannel 8 15 eta 25 “ J.M.Stoncypher, one of our mer* sants, has re-arranged the res- "on taurant department of his store adding countersand stools in the place of boxes and coca-cola cases. Marshisa “humdinger”—*— mm Socks, per pair Handkerchiefs Handkerchiefs, Silk Ties Coats, Linen . Vests •• Pants “ Towels Table Cloths She«te iw Cases terpanes per pair : Lsce Curtains (at owner* risk). 60 Aprons 5 to 16 . •* Skirts, Linen 30c and op Skirt*, Wool 4i to T5 eta. R. B. LEE, Agent for Gaines ville Steam Laundry. IH FAR! We have or i me at Us