The Clayton tribune. (Clayton, Rabun County, Ga.) 18??-current, March 03, 1921, Image 1

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THE CLAYTON TRIBUNE VOLUME xxvir. TI * JgRE PAPER u&bthbhome p^br to home people. CLAYTON, RABUN COUNTY, GEORGIA^ THURSDAY MAR. 3, 1921. NUMBER .8 IIIHIIIIIIIIC Gleanings | W. L. Smith of Pir.e Mountain is attending court. «L H- Laprade was in town the firat of the week on business. Ordinary Robertson of Clarkes- vilie was here Monday on busi* cit 'meat Holdt is reporting Court at Gainesville this Jt'Tt is tiresome to hear people make the remark: ‘It is too cold to snow’’ How they ever got the foolish idea in their heads that it gets ‘too cold to snow’ I dont know. I have seefi jt snowing when the thermometer stoid twenty, degrees below zero, ana it snows where it goes 70‘degrees below. In 1806 a big snow feel in middle Georgia when the ther mometer stood two degrees be low zero. It never gets too cold to snow”. —Banks County Journal. Cook or Peary. ? ? ? 1 J. N. Justus waa up with us 'or a few days the first of the peek. B. C. Nicholson of Pine Moun- lin was in town on business his week. v Jerry C. Burton of Ciarkesville 'as here the first of the week ttegging court. Jasper S. Bleckley of War- in was shaking hands with here the first of the week- Tri or Singleton of the |flunty Advertiser was in our r ,Monday, shaking hands with ads. > Want you to show your ap- ation of your local paper by ibing for six months, dur ; week. jurt ’ le weather is ideal spring like to Wednesday no ram in You know it is a saying, rains in Rabun court week. iup ere lun i) E. Singleton and family in town Saturday. Their son who has been with the Tri- Jfy Advertiser was with itla J* Arrendale and A. D. of Tiger spent Friday it in the city on busiuess tak- the T-F for home Saturday ■ning.—Cornejia (Ca.) Inter- Morday morning Rabun Coun ty Superior Court went into ses sion. Alter Judge Jones had em paneled and’-charged the Grand Jury, Hon. Jessie Mercer made a speech along the law inforce- ment line, particularly the dry law. Mr. Mercer’s speech was interesting and well deliverod. He gave out some good informa tion and suggestions with refer ence to the enforcement of the dry law, and heavily stressed the necessity of each county a rural police. A rural police is a good thing, and where the demands are great enough they are a ne cessity. , DERRICKS’GARAGE GASOLINE, OILS. CASINGS AND TUBES ; Repair i All AUTO AC THEC > H( Of Cara. CON oi.ayton, c;ii. Modern AeccirmccUti&n*. Central!? Lc cated on Main Street. Ed Holden, Prop. S. F. Mcjunkin DENTIST 4 Office hours 9 a. m., to IS in. 1 p. m., to 5 p. m. ALL WORK STRICTLY'(CASH Satisfaction Guaranteed Office over Hamby Hardware 'Store CLAYTON GEORGAi 1 T F To the Tax Payers of Rafcun Countv: I will be at the fol lowing places for the purpose of receiving Tax Returns for Rabun County. Valley Law Ground, March 14, from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Persimmon Law Ground, March 13, from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. Tajlulah Law Ground?' March 16, from 9 a. m. to 2. p. m. Stonepile Law Ground, March 17, from 10 a. m. to 3. p. m . Tiger Law Ground, March 18, from40 a, m. to 2 p. m. Cheehero Law Ground, March 19, from'lO a. m. to 3 p. m. Vv arwoman Law Ground, March 21, from 10 a.m to 2 p. m Moccasin Law Ground, March 22, from-10 a. m to 3 p m V. M. BURRELL, Receive!- of Tax Returns for Rabun Co. CLAYTON SHOE SHOP “Straddle Ridge, 192 Dear Sir and Friend: I take my pen in hand to let you know that if you think by calling your self ‘we’ you can skeer me out of coming up and whipping you for that there piece you printed about me in your valuable paper, you are mightily mistaken. Just for that I am going to bring my wife alqng, and ,1 am pleased to say that she is Uie Jady that whipped a constable to a stand still and choked a catamount till his tongue hung ouL No more at present from, Yours truly, . “Gabe Giggery.” Will fix your slides cheap-t-We need your work. We have pur chased machinery ct a lay odVof nearly one thousand dollars fe'j your work neatly and cheaply. Harness, Saddles, Make Shoes, Mend Shoes. All kinds of Leather Work. Joe Tow, Proprietor. ' u ARCADIAN SULPHATE OF AMMONIA Is a Good Fertilizer for Apple Orchards and all other crops that need Nitrogen THE WSJ PIE MM OK THE MB HOTEL DOZHvft V. A. GREEN, Pro. See your County Agent and Order Hot and Cold Baths Elecl Modern In Its Every Eq_„___. T Clean In Its Every, fiespev^. Cater irtff only To The Best Class of Trade An Ideal Stopping Place for the Tired Traveler. V. Arrendale, Clayton, Ga. CLAYTON, GEORGIA 133 Cary Ritchie and Mrs. |oase were the guests of the t.and juniors at breakpast ilorning in the Domestic Department. Cornelia Enterprise. N. Foster, who was once I of Rabun’s foremost citizens piow lives at Ciarkesville, Was Monday and Tuesday Mr ■ is now school attendence er of Habersham County, Ige W. S. Long is foreman grand jury audJohn V. idale clerk. Judge Jones tfs usual able charge to the 1 jury. The following attor- in attendance. Solicitor Mins, W. A. Charters, Perry and O. J. Lilly of iville. Robt. Me Millian, I. itton, Stanhope Erwin and >1 EdWRrds of Ciarkesville. local bar: R. E. A. Hamby, Bynum. Jas. F. Ramey, wis, J. C. Laurenn, W. S. and R. C. Ramey. Court pher Pierce Mathews is to serve the court in his Better Than Traps For Rats Writ*. Adana. Oma Co., Tauc Thjr«»y■:RAT-SNAP ia dolus the work •nd the rat undertaker* are aa busy as pop «orn on a hot store." Try it on your rata. Jt AT-SMAP b «‘Vnoney beck” guarentced en« kilter. Comae toady tor use; no mix- to*vnth other foode. Cats nnddotrs won’t touch it. Bata dry up nad leave no Buell. Throo aizee: SEc for ono room: 65o for ho S!"iSTi chick ®? 7 * rd '• * 1>2S t0T barna and outbuildings. Start kilim*. rata today. SoM «ad Cuanatood by Dover and Green, Clayton Ga. Hamby Hardware Company. Clayton, Ga. —• GRAND JURORS DRAWN TO SERVE MARCH * TERMS OF SUPERIOR COURT 1921 J. S. Bleckley Peter Speed J. C. Green C. K. Singleton Will McCay J.' E. Rickman Chaa. E. Cannon Emory F. Blalack J. E. Neville J. v. Arrendale E. N. Holding Fred Bowers J. Web Derrick J. R. Ritchie W. S. Long J. R Scruggs VV. T. Smith J.. J. Greenwood Walter M. Smith M. H. Smith jE. M. Hamby ,r M- L. Keener W. B. Lovell U. M. Gibson L?x J. Justus H. C. Ramey J. M. Wilkerson Tom. Kelly U. L- Hudson Jno. C. Hamby I will sell cheap for cash i?i or der to be prepared for my spring purchase. 'Those who are due me will please come and settle. M. L. Keener, LOST—One red duroc pig, wt. about 29 pounds, left about 3 weeks ago. Reward. P. A. Hunter. MILLIONS of frost proof Cab bage Plants. Ail varieties $1.25 per 1000. Ship any day you say. Guaranteed to please you. Shber Plant Co., Valdosta, Ga. Notice Please call and settle your old bills, as I am compelled to collect. S. F. McJunkin. FARM WANTED-Wanted to hear from owner of farm or good land worth the price asked. L. Jones, Box 551, Olney, HI IOR SALE—Onb good mule, two years old, will sell for cash or on time. J. H. Cannon THE FOLLOWING NAMED PERSONS WERE DRAWN TO SERVE AS TRAVERSE JURORS FOP. FEB. TERM 1921, TO Wit: Mr. N. Wincbor (R. I.) Put Up with Rats for Years I •«« I cot some rut poison, which nearly r fine watch tin*. We put up with rata old nie about Rat-Sntp. It surely hhoasepets won’t touch it.” Rata - toowwll. Prices. 35c,65c,$1.25. Sold and cuarantoed by ) 1 Green’ Clayton Ga. Hardware Company. 'Clsyton, G*. John Deal L. T. Mitchell Henry Watts Crestwell Justice Jono. M. Baker/ J. F. Keener Jeff Ramey G. W. Kilby R. C. Nicholson Mart E. Baker J. C. Jenkins M. L. Scruggs A. R. Williams J. W. Holcombe J. H. Taylor Emory G. Moore M. C. Carnes J. F. Dickeaon Jeff Swafford -• Dank James A. M. Keener W. A. Gillespie T. L.'Wellborn J. H Dillard H. W. Fincher J. Sam Anderson T. J. Fitts George Justice L. C. Whitmire .J. M. Galbreth L. S. Hunter D. S. Williams Berring Taylor Geo. W. Lovell W. J. Ramey „ Chas. A. Grist Henry Willbanks For Sale- Two hundred and fifty thousand potato slips, Nan cy Hall and Porto Ricos. By buy- ing this Quantity I can save you 50 cents oh the thousand. L. C. Dotson. Mountain City Ga. a[‘J. ^’ ot . fml Mad when I Lost My Setting Hen,” write. Mr.V i V cnl into our bam and found my b- t Sold and guaranteed by Dover and Green, Clayton Ga. Hamby Hardware Company, Clavton, Ga. FOR SALK—-One good yoke of oxen, six years old. Will sell on time. John A. Wilson, v Clayton, Ga. and Clothing Wagons have not been reduced by the Manufacturer. But I ha\e decided to give the people $25.00 to $35.0Ooff on each wagon. 2£ wagon was $135.00 with body now 100.00, without body, 75.00. 2$ wagon was $150.00 now 125.00 with 1 body, without body $100.00. Clothing Clothing $10.00 per suit less~than I paid for them, so you can get a good wool suit of clothes from me, for, from $15.00 to $25.00. This is for cash only, so if you want the beat bargain you have had in four years, come and see me. J. H. Cannon, ClajM, Ga. Wolf Creek Locals Mrs. M. A. Jones and children visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Taj lor Sunday. Mis. J. V. Page and children spent Saturday night with Mrs. E. H. Williams. Mr. Paul Alley of Wiley was a visitor at Sunday School Sunday. Miss Mirian Dickerson spent the week end with home foiks on Wolf Fork. Miss Manda Williams who has a position in Clayton is spending a few days with home folks here. Mrs. D. C. Smith and son Clem were dinner guests of Mrs. D. M. Smith Sunday, Officials Rickman and Long came down on the Bucknjaster mountain last week and captured a novel still made of two galvo- nized wash tubs rivited together and a piece of hollow black gum for a cap. We suppose necessity causes new inventions. Cheehero Locals Quite a large erowd at Sunday School Sunday. We hope that each Sunday there will be a still larger attendance. Mr. George Smith and children of S. C. spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Moses Lee. , Mr. Noah Beck visited rela tives at Lakemont Satnrday and Sunday. Mr. Silas Price returned last week from Youngstown Ohio for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Rnmey of Long Creek S. C. was the pleas ant caller at Mr. W. J. Ramey’s Sunday. Mr. Marlor Swafford of War- woman was here the first of the week. Mr. West Page of S. C. was on Cheehero this week. Mr. and Mrs. J,W. Stubbs left for their home in Atlanta Sat urday. ■ i i* -civ .. iiifTfimfn