The Clayton tribune. (Clayton, Rabun County, Ga.) 18??-current, March 24, 1921, Image 1

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THERE IS NO PAPER LIKE THE HOME PAPER TO HOME PEOPLE. VOLUME XXVII. CLAYTON, RABUN COUNTY, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MAR 24, 1921. NUMBER 11. lllllllllllllte: g3iiii»iiiinc< | Personal 5 and 5 I Gleanings } Jasper Justus of High Point was here Monday. We are glad to see "Uncle Bill’ Asltea on the job again. If you want fertilizer go to Chas. E. Cannon’s. Howell Edwards of Clarkesville was here this week. Issac Justus of High Point was in Clayton Monday. h. C. Hollifield of Tiger was here Monday on business. Miss Clara Canup was a visitor in our city Sunday P. M. § S. S. Covington, Income Tax Collector was in our city Monday. Jean Swafford of Cheehero was here on business Monday. Arthur Barron of Clarkesville visited relatives here this week. Dont say "You sure are getting out a good paper” SUBSCRIBE^ P v "Do Rats Talk to Each Other?” Aalu Mr. M. Batty, R. I. *'I sot five cakes ot Rat.Snap and threw pieces around feed store. Got about half a dozen dead rats a day for two solid weeks. Suddenly, they sut fewer. , New we haven’t any. Wh * told them shout Rat. • Sold and guaranteed by fy • Dover and Green, Clayton Ga. Harney Hardware Company, % Clayton. Ga. We are obligated to Mrs. Dr. Neville of Dillard for a subscrip tion. Henry Perry of Cheehero was trading with our merchants here Monday. Jeptha Taylor of Tiger Rt. 1 W»3 shaking hands with friends here Monday. Mr. Ed Simpson of Mt. Airy waa among Clayton’s guests here Sunday. Mrs. R. C. Beddingfiekl of Lakemont was a recent visitor in our city. Ralph Cannon of Anderson S.C. was in Clayton few days last week. l’ts good for us to knock, at least some of us talk that way- pi tu:- J. E. Cox of Mt. City was a caller at the Tribune office Mon day. ' Lots of things worse than fish ing on Sunday, but let’s goto the .Mens Bible Class instead. Mr. and Mrs. Neville of Dillard passed thru Clayton Sunday en- route to Tiger. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cannon and children visited relatives in Tiger Sunday. Mrs. H. O. Hanson after bein? confined to her room with the flu for a few days is very much improved. \. A Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Martin were visitors at Dillard Sunday. Uncle Bill Dotson of Wiley was among friends here the first of the wfcek. The farmers around Clayton are veiy busy plowing during this fine spring weather. The .Grand Jury has ‘broke’ so far we aint got a rural police. No use wealing overalls now. :- ‘Tfs better t o vote bonds than it is to pay cash now for roads” Mr. Neel, Thursday of last week. It is reported that a fisherman caught a 9^ pound fish last-last Ah! Uno as a week ago, over at Burton Lake. Willie Watts of Tiger, an old friend of the Tribune was selling produce to our merchants here Monday. L. F. Ledford was in the city Monday. Hardy has been a reader of the Tribune since it v/as estab lished in 1898. 1 Mrs. Chas. E. Cannon and little daughter Willie, spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives in Rabun. Cap. Misses Bernice and Kathryn, daughters of Frank Cannon of Westminster S.C. spent the week end in' oitr city with relatives. Miss Edyth Reynolds of Atlan ta, after spending several days with relatives and friends here, left last Friday lor California. Mr. Mrs. George Weatherlv of Mountain City were here Satui- dav. George >md Fannie always have a good word for us, and are boosters of Rabun all the time. "It’s the Chapest Thingji Ever Bought,” Writes Mrs. J. Mason, Va. “I paid $1.25 for five cakes of Rat-Snap and judg ing by the large number of dead rats v/e’vc picked up, I reckon we’ve saved hundreds of dollars in chicks, eggs and feed.” Your pets wr n’t touch it. Rats dry up and leave no smell. 35u 65c, SI.25. Sold and guaranteed by Dover and Green, Clayton Ga. Hamby Hardware Company, Clavton, Ga n Claud Derrick went to At gusta Ga. last week, to confer with the "powers to be” regrrdmg base ball this season. Claud can ‘‘shovOi ’em a pig” if they’ll put up the !wherewi<h\ The French army invasion of Germany to force the conditions of the peace treaty may renew the allied war song. "It’s a long ways to Berlin.” Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith of Toecoa came up Sunday Mr Smith returning Sunday, while Mrs. Smith visited ammg 'rela tives and friends in Clayton’ for several days. Miss Myrtle Suiter thanked us for a copy p£ the Tribune last Week. We arc mailing Miss Graves a copy tlhis week, ‘we’re plum proud’ of-you girls and don’t intend to be selfish. Time-about’s fair ‘aint it’ ? DONT FORGET TO COME TO THE MENS BIBLE CLASS \ SUNDAY MORNING. Subscribe-to-day- Marshal Frank Godfrey kicked a horse Monday of this week at the reservoir, which, resulted in a sprained ankle. He can now be seen on crutches, "to the delight of his many friends.” - Senator Thomas *E. Watson wrote ft highly interesting ac count of the inauguration at Washington City in the last issue of his paper, the Columbia Sen tinel. He also discussed many public matters of ifjjterest in his usual vigorous and cparactei istic style. The axtra session ol’ con gress will meet »any in April and then we may expect to hear something on the. froor of the senate from the gtcat Georgia Commoner.-Ejt ALL DAY SINGING ’ On Easter Sunday iyljichis 4th. Sunday in this mon^h, the Odd Fellows with all theijr members and former memberfj, and the general public are cofdialy invit ed and expected tofeome to an all day singing and basket dinner to be held in the C^ld Fellows Hall in Clayton. Come and bring a well filled basket. Jthere will be an orchestra and ayaried pro gram of vocal and, 'instrumental music and ohe ortwb phort talks. Come everybody ami lets have a good old time, j:' 1 — Our good frieiid Tyra Queen of Mountain City was h|re last -Sat urday and tells jtjat himself, Joliti HumtttMC Wd several- workmen frdm Winder are en gaged in erecting an elegant two story summer residence on a plot of giound where the Samuel P. Queen old home place was', a land mark nearly half a century ago, for Dr. W. L Hodges of Winder Ga. Dr. Hodges will have all his finishing lumber shipped in a car from Winder. He is a man worth while, a man we will all be proud of and will highly appreciate his coming among us. No doubt other good people will follow him this scenic locality. I have just received a beautiful assortment of Spring Hats for Ladies. Anything in' the Millinery Line Now located at the J. E. Bleckley stand near depot. Miss Lizzie Duncan, Clayton Ga. Shoes Shoes Brand New Lot of Shoes ^ Got to be Sold. Come to J. U K. Bleckley’s Store and Buy " Them at Your Own Price. Q Bought These Right And r Can Give You Lowest Price *• in Clay ten. Come And Sea ^ For Yourself. Everything Else Sold Same Way. Shoes Shoes FOR SALE-Genuine Porto Rico potato plants, government inspected. _$1.75 per thousand five thousand or oi^er $1.50 per thousand. H.D. Salter, Pitta, G*-' Tribune Building Recently Purchased by Miss Lizzie Duncan. - "IF WE SAY WE HAVE NO SIN 1st. John—1-8. March conic in Monday mor’n, For the lirst time this year. And in the breeze essence of “corn" The odor very clear. Some of us so very weak. Temptations can’t resist. And some of us our cares bespeak, Prefer to head the list. We wont pretend to say we do, The right thing all the time. But how about a day or two, Withont the scent of Wine. | Among all present, and that [was a good sizFcWwd?"tfiSt’ af- tnnded the good road ‘meeting here Thursday, only one man in the audience voted against bonds. Have you notiied the girls who have new hats? Gee! they are pretty, best of all they purchased them from Miss Lizzie Duncan- Bleckley stand near depot. WELCOME. To the Men’s Bible Class. SENATOR HARRIS Senior Senator from Georgia, Advocator of the Farm