The Clayton tribune. (Clayton, Rabun County, Ga.) 18??-current, October 20, 1921, Image 2

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, the cjuytom wnmfi, CM ¥ *P#. (seohcka, •" Taste is a matter of tobacco quality We state it as our honest belief that the tobaccos used in Chester* field are of finer quality (and hence of better taste) than in uf other cigarette at the price. * * Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. Chesterfield CIGARETTES of Turkish and Domestic tobaccos Mended £ CLOSING OUT A, $ALE At Bleckley’s Bleckley’s FROM NOW ON JUST RECEIVED CITATION GEORGIA, RABUN COUNTY. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: H. C. Blalock having, in proper form applied to me for Letters of Ad ministration Debonus non on the estate of Jesse Jones, late of said County this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Jesse Jones to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, and show cause if any they can, why letters of Administration Debonuis nntl on the estate of Jesse Jones should not be gran{pd tosi fl sig- 1921. pipe; about 500 feet of 6 in hydraulic pipe; 30 feet of 6 in. wrought iron pipe; 1 drag scrape, 1 diaphram pump; 1 force pump; 3 giants; 10 gravel forks; assay material; two dehandled round point shovels; 3 round point Ames shovels; 2 picks; 3 mattocks: 2 sledges: 4 gold pans; 3 retorts; 1 complete stamp mill With table plates and fittings 1 complete Pelton water wheel with belting and fittings; 1 hydraulic lift; 2 12 in. gate valves with Ys and reducers; 1 safe; 1 anvil; 1 vise and 2 chain tongs. Said, property levied on by L. F. Rick man, Sheriff of Rabun County, Ga., on the 5th day of October '1921, and to be sold as the property of Rabun Mineral & Development Company to iatisfy an execution issued from Rabun rior Court August Term 1921 in .1 Ernst Holdt, for the amount 98,13 and cost of suit said proDer- ill be sold for cash to tne highest best bidder. Said property at the e on levy being located on the rty of said Rabun mineral & elopment Company, at Burton, Ga., the possession of said property delivered to the purchaser at nes or place of operations of said ineral & Development Co., at eorgia, and j [where said located at the time of his the 5th’day of October L. F. Rickman, abun County, Georgia. COUNCIL HALL, CITY, GEORGIA. An Ordinance to provide for the levy of an ad valorem tax, or taxes, by the Mayor and Council of the City of Clay ton, Georgia, for the years 1921, for support and maintenance of the City Government, for school purposes, to provide sinkink fund for water works and sewerage bonds and to pay the interest on tbe same, to pay electric light account And create a fund for building concrete side-walks, and for other purrees. Section On»: Be it ordained by the un'County. Kelley a resident of said inty, having duly applied to^be sp linted guardian of the person and perty of Claude Kelley and Fred ley ^children of Leora Kelley, de- sed) minors under the age of four- n years, resident in said county, ce is hereby given that said applica- will be jJtsgjgl on at the regular of the Cour&of Ordinary for Baid to be held on the first Monday ember, 1921. ess my hand and official signa s 28th day of Sept. 1921. Will Smith, Ordinary, Rabun County. WGARAGE ILS, CASINGS D TUBES ACCESSORIES Make Of Cars & Ramey ore Room GROCERIES Soft Drinks of Candies, And PLENTY Mayor am$ Council of tho City of Clay* ton, Georgia, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, that from and fater the passage of th>s ordinance that the following ad valorem tax, or taxes, be and- the same are hereby levied to be collected by the City of Clayton, Georgia, ftr the year 1921, upon all the property within the limits of the said City, exeept such as may be exempt from taxation under the laws of this State, for the purposes herein after named and specified, towit: 1. For the support and maintenance of the Publio School System of the said City so as to provide the amount asked for by the Clayton Board of Education, eighty-four one hundredths of one per cent, or eighty-four cento on each one hundred dollars worth of property. 2. To provide five hundred dollars for sinking fund to retire water works and sewerage bonds, and to provide for the seventeenth and eighteenth ssmi annual payment of interest due on said bonds,' thirty-ens one-hundredths (31 100) of one percent, or thirty-one cents on each one hundred" dollars worth of P«»i 8. To provide revenue for the purpose of paying, monthly to the Clayton Light and Power Company for electric lights furnished said City by said Company, 11-100 (eleved-oae-hundredtbs) of one per cent, or eleven cento on each one hundred dollars vrorih of property. 4,. For tqe purpose of raising revenue for the support and maintenance of the Governmeat of said City, nineteen-one hundreths of one per cent (19-100,) or nineteen cents on each one hundred dollars worth of property. 5. To create a fund to be expended in laying concrete side-walks in said City, five one-hundredths (5-100) of .one per cent, or five cents on each one hundred dollars worth of property. Making in the aggreate a total levy for all purposes of one and fifty-one hundredths of one per cent, or one dollar and fifty cento ($1.50) on each one hundred dollars ($100.00) worth of property returned and assessed for taxation in said City for the said 1921 'Section two; Be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid that all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be a hereby repeated. Passed to Call Session 1st day of October 1921 ■ J. X Reynolds. Mayor. A new stock of dry goods and notions. A brand new line, of SHOES. Mu»t|be sold for Cash or good Produce. I have a few groceries. Now if you want your MONEY'S WORTH iCome down on Liberty Street and SAVE MONEY. I need business and goods MUST BE SOLD. I have a good line of Ladies and Gents Sweaters Going Cheap. * As you know Shoes are a Specialty a BLECKLEY’S A Car O| Dixie Buggies Red Cross Trains 147 Blind Vets In Useful Work Training designed to fit them for the battle of life was taken by 147 blind ed ex-service men at the Bed Cross In stitute for the Blind, near Baltimore, Md., during the fiscal year 1920-1921, according to tbe report ef the Insti tute for that period. Of this number, 10 have gene oj$ to other Institutions, in almost every case to Institutions where those hiv ing sight are* receiving advanced edu cation. The blind ex-eervlee men whs have entered such Institutions are pro vided with special text-books In Braille, reading whleh they were taught at thsr- Red Gross Institute. Twelve nten have passed from the Institute to successfully carry on some occupation or business for which they were fitted by special training. A few have withdrawn from the Institute be cause of poor physical condition, 14 are receiving further “training on the Job” and 87 are still la training. First Round Red Cross Plans $6,000,000 Effort To Save Children Medical care and clothing tor thou sands of children to Central and East ern Europe are outlined'as tho activ ities of the American Bed Cross In Europe for the current year, says a statement on tho svs of tho Annual Roll Call of the organisation. These activities, supplemental to the feeding operations of the Bnropeea Belief Council of which Herbert Hoover is chairman, are designed to provide the most adequate and balanced relief within the resources of private phi lanthropy. Through the establishment of child welfare stations In the centers ef pop- ulsgtoa of those countries where Ade quate medical care Is net now obtain able, the American B*d Cross plans to provide the medical assistance need ed to restore these children te a nor mally healthy life. The sum ef 90,- 000,000 has been mads available tor this work. ; ; State of Georgia, Rabun Co. I will be at the following named places from ten o'clock a. m. until 3 o’clock p. m on the dates named below for the pur pose of collecting State and county and School taxes for the year 1921, . **e- First round, to wit: ValleJ) 1 court, ground Monday Oct. 17th. Persimmon court ground, Tues day Oct. 18th. Talullah court ground, Wed nesday Oct. 19th. Stonepile court ground, Thurs day, Oct. 20th. Tiger court ground, Friday, Oct. 21st. Checheroscourt ground, Satur day, Oct. 22nd. Warwoman court ground, Mon day, Oct 24th. Moccasin court ground, Tues day, Oct. 26th. _ Clayton, court house, Wednes day, Oct 26th. • This the 6th day of Oct. 1921. Harry C. Fisher, Tax Collector, Rabun County. Come to the air Helping Hand Class-es For Young People at the Methodist Church Sunday A, & I want three good men with families for orchard work at Apple Valley, house, wood, gardens etc. furnished, Will pay solid time. Apply J. L. Deal, Clayton, Ga. * LOST—On road between Long Creek, S. C. and North Carolina line, a red leather suitaase, con taining clothing and shaving outfit Initial of B. F. H same. Reward will be paid to finder. Leave at Tribune Office, or notify Thos. Carter, West Mills, N. C- FOR SALE—One mare mule eolt, 18 months old. Apply to M, B; Smith, Tiger, Ga, Rt. J,