The Clayton tribune. (Clayton, Rabun County, Ga.) 18??-current, November 10, 1921, Image 1

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irents or Giiar- bf the Students of yton High School mm or before the first Wednes- ac’ftjscjhqgl mqpth a report |lep 'o^.jya^&ent 3fyN^h|^ftMttfc<&on. ¥: This card Will show the standing of your child in all subjects taught him school work as well as his con duct infsofroolf > , If a^pu&l Should make D or E on subf£8f;iT’§houid fee ffiadtfa matter of immediate inquiry. Poesiblyfit festobe attributed to |; c a lack 'of study, to irregular P’. attendance, or to some other cause which hiay be removed or' corrected. Special attention is called to the serious consequence of Ir- | regular Attendenance. The loss ’ ■# Of only a few lessons often proves fatal to the hopes and interest of the boy or girl and' then tlvc father Wbriders why the child is not interested or why he is not doing well. Excuses showing good cause for the absence or tardiness should always be sent JT; to;, thp teacher on ; the of a child to school, of this may cause the be sent.,.back home for tyjf asTc each parent fi^n to fexagiihe carefully report ana show yourefrifa you are greatly concerned s;#cfepolU %i UL, ‘ sHiwidieave9 then comes under the watehcare and dirtetforroftfid teacherwho is held.responsible ti 1.1. the child gets ba,ck home. For this reason the teacher has a right to know why' fee 'is' “tardy,*’ Please co-operate with,us in our effon to correct this* habit of being tardy at school. If he gets inti' the habit of being tardy. at schobl he is very likely to carrj tllP . Hafeit .witb, him on through life.:, It;is said that the diyinest in the tiniverse is the ioldiog and shaping of the : soul."' 'ThiH is too often Jrned over entirely to the teach-, “child for that reason the child retimes suffers. It will take rents and teacher at their ! dft Anything like justice ‘‘boy/?;/ sending out these re- nfbrni you of the at- your child towards hie smd wbateveff the in- >may be the motive is than to benefit the ! very grateful to the lucation'as well.aa to Cpublid for standing square behind the sohoblr 1 L ' Respectfully, W. G. Coffees 4Prin. ■ ■ 1 4*i - sriously when: yoji jo .the -wpodS -tm’ fire.' i Soursfelf (arsd every i in theJJpitpdStates. belong to jjC the «-— ij -" two % good rules Writer din »Neveh believe any- ;• anybody unless ih is-trdef 'unless you mr m vf£ ^ tm *&»•>*" .z& ',%*)• niib/l |3HnmH11IE»eHMy*»a^#qinjiim|tlt^ t Personal | 5 and 1 Gleaning^ ^iiiiiiiimici m*m ii »<waMHiinimiig Geo. W; DSmell was in town ifiren Coffee was in toWrf today on pecuniary business. H. C. Blalock, ot . Tiger was in Clayton first of the week. R, W, Shields passed . through Clayton enroufe to Franklin. You know Ihat burning the leaves.makes water famines. f New additions to the Tribune force consists of a cat and dog. Bryant Hill made a business trip tp Hiawassee latter part of the week. ~ ■Prof. J; Ri Dickson, of Lake mont spent the week-end in Clayton! ’ ,f ‘ The many fripndp of J. H. Cannon will, , regret to learn of his.illness - ... Joe-Hamby, of Hail Ridge was a business visitor in Clayton, Tuesday. . .Editcnj Singleton, of, Clarkes- ville attended the barbecue in Clayton, Friday,. j. of Cqjrh&ha ^bijein Clay- < ^hechero I :ev. Samuel Norton filled his rej ular appointment here Satur- daj and Sunday. A verv good cro wd each day. Mr. NilelCarver, of the B. M, I., accompanied by Mr; Roy Pinner spent the week end with parents here. Little JJannetta Wilbanks is ver r ill with pneume8ia v but we feopefortjera speidy-)recovery. iir. Miles Jones Jr., of Waif Cr«sk ‘attended church here Suijday. W*' ' Mr. Luther S^ffqr^nd son, Frank of Warwcsjan v^reher#' on i msiness last jfeefc ft & ir, Dennis Williattis is off to ma ket this week whh a bice loat of pigs, . . Mr. R. * H. ^ant0), who is a ^uard at thei contfct’ gamps spejit the week end at hoine.,.;, . B. C. Nicholson, of Pine Rloun- tegn was in-town toddy, on Mfy v. -< Col. R. E. A. Hamby attended court in Athens first of the week. Get you. a hunting license be fore you hunt and avoid prosecu tion. I. P. Coleman, of the Valley made a business trip to town ‘tgSfer A. J. Dillard,- of Dillard paid r.he office a business call first of >be week. C. R. Singleton, of Chccbero made a business trip to Clayton r oday. | Misses Helen, and Marie Dover ot Diemorest spent the week end With their parenj^ jh Clayton. Friend, Ceo. Grist, of the. Valiev, made the Tribune office a business call, Friday 'of last week, y-- ' ■ - "> A The many friends Of, Mrs. Morris Stonecypher. will regret to learn of her iliness of several days. Mrs. Clara Chapman, of Mountain City was a pleasant visitor in Clayton first of the jweek, .; , Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Stine- spring and children, of Cornelia are visiting friends and relatives jn Clayton, this week. I Messrs. Frank Godfrey, B. G. Robertson and T. C. Justus left for Athens, Monday where they attended court. The order of the Eastern Star Will give a benefit carnival at the I.O.O.F. hall Thanksgiving Evening.-The proceeds will gp to ! he Masonic Oflshan’s Home at Iac6n, Gai. Everybody come and njoy an evening of merriment and fun- Admission free, but yon Will heed yhar small change if ^a^nwn*\ M^wreMring this ifee&sut'e irf' Conjdction with govepiimetrt ■£teeat^b:i®ffScifSs. and a vigorous campaign will be waged at once to pass the bill. ,yhe goverment now owns more than 100,000 acres of the m n ]f-.p rpf 4 r ll nra Lj most feeautif ul jmoim tarn J anjfeirL VV Uii. Nnrfh fiAnrcnn in rpvpn Mr. and Mrs. J. Pointer and children, of Tugaloo visited Mrs. Pointers parents, Mr. and Mrs. D1 C. Smith from Friday till* Sun day of last.waek. ‘.;.Miss Carrie Smi^ iis visiting relatives in StephettS fedunty. Mr. and Mrs. V^ll Lawrence, bought the' J. ‘ B’’ Sfd 'iidiie place.; and will move in saime In $ few diiys. We iifji^lfl^gne^t *in~- oiw- c.'jmronoity. 1 Misses Mhnda and Lizzie Williams, Hassie Page and Kate Piiris^. Messrs,,-Charlie Willi.'irrs D. J. Smith and Horace Page attended church'at'Camp Ci ek. Sundav. The Singing giverfJbyS M'^ e? Manda. fand Lizzie Williams Saturday night was well attend .ed and enjoyed by all present. Mr. V. A. Wall < UHcd some fine porko s, Saturday. Mrs. E. II. Williams and son, J. H. Williams were the guests of Mr. and Mrf. ,,M. Ii. Smith, Sunday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Smith on November 11th, a fine girl. North Georgia, .in the seventh. and ninth districts, in which are 1 8 Da spots of sceneryf and unique, mountain attractions; equal to. those of the famous national parks of the | inier-mountain states along the Pagtfid Slope. *; Among these is the second highest water fall hi America, a ;small area of the .second hlghqsrb | rain fall in America, some of tfee, [most beautiful mountain streams Including hilltPP lakes andj *pfcturesque “ cany'6hS' r reaching green valleys. Under the recently onaclet Serves Term for “Buddy” W ho Saved Him at Front Lavenworth," Kan.— Harry W. Hailey, serving a sentence of six mopths inj the; United States army^disciplinary barracks for the man who saved -his life on a battlefield of of France, was released recently by order of the War Department. Hailey’s life was saved at the jfront by Thomas W. Jones, a comrade. When Jones was tried for,, desertion apti sentenced to six months imprisonment, Hailey substituted himself for Jones and began serving the term. Hailey told the officers at the prison lie took the place of the man to whom he owed his life in payment of a “soldier'debt,” An investigatibri by the Wair Depart ment substantiated his state ment now in Canada, where te had Wajit National Park f For - Washington, November 15. — Representative Gordon Lee, of' the seventh district of Georgia, is preparing and will introduce in Congress this week a bill set ting aside the government’s forest ^.reservation in North Georgia as al iiatfdnal park, with ati; of the -recriaatJon, hunting and fishing priveKgeS ami govern ment: *oa^ and-ether develop ments that go with such a federal recognition. Congressman Lee, who is tl phjy. souther^ member of n 7T. Loed, 379 )ak street, what is reporoed to b» an “ordinary” hen’b egg with an “extraordinary” and unus ual exterior, for people who have seen it say that upon its she 1 ia traced in perfect outline the : ig - ure of a devil, holding alof; a serpent in one hand and grasp ng. a pitchfork in the other. On the other side is the picture of the “little brown jug” famous in song apd story once, while its alcoholic contents are but a Sifd the “skull i nd s" associated with oo- indulgences of visit ars jug are plainly se;n. . also outlined upon :he' shell a picture of a dice, i nd many see in this combinatio i a a solemn warning to all t lat even a little wine for ;he stomach’s sake” is not good. Mr. Lord states that the i gg was found Sunday by a neigh x>r whlirremoVitig eggs from anest rd, and that itfSF' cuiiarkfolorm^ alfeniefcfetFMjiS 5 #- tention and caused Mnv4o mak«' the remqrk#«e nfoWS&mki, ...... The Athens Banner. ■*-- jffderal road bill $15,000,000 ie ;^et sside for ti e new year for surfaced roads ir. gqyertpe|i| orest reservations. In additTbr., die forest reservation' .bill, sel.^ stride 35 per cent of eceipt? f om the S de of al :; I irnber for road ; urposeV and ; - ecfnt amendment makes ' ti rssible or the jrovtrnm'ijtr hrouah the forestry commission, ro lease at a nominal lentaUot i>10 a year, certain sites rn thest reservations for recreational purpose?, under stipulated rs strictions and to applicants who can qualify under the law. If the federal reservation in Ceorgii should be declared a national park by congress then the department of forestry co rn dinating with the secretary of war, would prepare a program . or government development in keeping with the legitimaterecre ational demands made. The Lee bill will stipulate that the secretary of war shall proceed; —Atlanta Constitution. Some one was showing a cabbage snake on the streets, the other day and some think ! thej are posion but if you will read the following letter from W. V, Reed, State Etomologist. you Will learn they are harmless. Atlanta, Ga., Oct 31. 1921, Mr. J. V. Arrendale, Clayton, Ga. Dear Sir: The specimen you mailed to us is wbat is known as the Cabbage Snake. You frequently w.u„ U««m in cabbage, but- they Jche., according to Haley, is arepe yf ec |v harmless. ‘ Your very truly, t W. V. Reed. Take the Tribune. ■-* / - Assistant Etomologist. Drunk- ibition at the Whoever Wim^Ftof Crusoe as a stfdc*eflsf tiser^” •hiflfticfjr- ^krhTit’-' Yet he was, proveSi ; He knew^fiaF ■ge flqngji pole-at the top of. bift-islandf that, jn.the language of the '-efesyi^va^ felairi >to eve».y'SeafariTirHitan. ^^^ i * iwi »' "* . -”** tbjtiir I The circulation yf&f, Sffl^llm^ there was no other;infidium.rTtajti Crusoe kept at <t,. desiiite- th'# ppy—as, one gajma ji ,a er an- bther wasTr»r«l“!ftnr-^ turrttr^re'’ ind got w'fiat fee wa^nted;. , 4 . , '~ : “But had h<Ltahfi»i down that signal after a time ^id>. declared.’ ladvertiaing doesn’t piy’ ' Where-' Would Gitisbe- and” his' story”fee” today ?”'' Big iBusittesS ; J 1 •' . . . . ;.. .u. i"~i. \ W. L. Williamaon, :Wh07haai'a. Rummer horned n Mountain ^lyv* showed us ^’-statemerrt "of Bank of Clay top. located in. bun cqunjgf*.Thftc^m8b4 deposits amount^tqihoce,,thfta^$2£ia,i)i)0 With cash ip .the vault _of more than $98.1^ iRaUun does, nqt produce a bale 6t^fetton. It is a* a mountjpii 4 county, whara.ijbYl' people bate at borae.—Commeree. pbserver.; * i A colored man from Rabuin^ county fepre^tJ^eaT said he, had^. sold frona hUorcbard and wagon Over $3,000—worth of applet. jfVbat deep he waftt'tb fool vrith- cotton toy.?—Hartwell Sup; 1 The livea of most women are ipent in waitingr ' fefdre they kre married they^sit down and Wait for"' a hlis^nd^ after jnfwiage ‘