The Clayton tribune. (Clayton, Rabun County, Ga.) 18??-current, March 27, 1924, Image 2

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CLAY! ON TRIBUNE Official organ and < >f Rabun County. L. P.GROSS, Editor, "H'pTcRjOSS; & SON ?UBLISE f ERS ties that beset the newspaper publisher, and remember always, that nothing hurts a newspaper editor quite so much as to see his mistakes in print. He has no chance to cover them up. The printed \yord can’t be'erased. Don't forget that newspapers are made by human minds and human hands h«d to err is human. nay cne uime. Get knowledge; lie brave, honorable and kind, thinking of others before yourselves, and always piny the came. —King George of Knglnnd. Look at Your Thumb. A French writer classes nil women by the size of their thumhs. Those with large, thumbs are said to be more likely Jo possess native Intelli gence. whl’e the smull thumbs Indi cate feeling. , Mr. G. M. Forrester, 6f Lake mont was in to.wn yesterday and says that he has'ordered a.bus which he will operate between Clayton and Cornelia, daily, be ginning about April 27th. No doubt a bus line properly conducted will meet the approval of' the traveling public and would got enough business to justify its operation, When Mr. Forrester starts the line he will move here and the bus will leave here and make the round trip to Cornelia and return. B* Not Deceived. Things do not work out together for {Ood to those who won't work ut nil. ull | s.'* If you want your dollars to R|F vJJUI carry away move goods and of Hkt a belter quality just spend JC them with the BOYS and girls’ shop. Every thing you need in the way of Shoes, Cloth- IT®® (j ' 0i,;xls and If ygil I Notions. - If you don’t find Wliat. you are Looking for then come here— better come first and save time 1 Th*t a Man Be Found Faithful. ‘ Let’a rana so account of us, a* of the ministers of Christ «n4 stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover It ie required In stewards, that a man be fpomt faithful. Hat with me It Is a very aali thins that I should be ojt joa,«« of man’s judgment; AND GIRLS’ SHOP i&k^W 1 GEORGIA WbLISHEDI iVKRY THURSDAY at Clay 1-c n r Georgia'. Subscriptions in Advance. One Year Six Months , ■ "J Three Months • 4 J Entered ns second-class matter, Janu ary 10th, 1924, nt the post office at Clayton, Georgia, under tne Act of March 8, 1879. Advertising rates made known upon application. Thursday, March 27th, 1924. CRITICIZING THE NEWSPAPER Critizing the home newspaper |is th* favorite pastime of a large majority of the people. tike public officials, what il Bays and what it does are con stantly before the public, and jts errors are easily detected. An individual may go through )jfa making one mistake after Knottier, and few will know it, hut let your newspaper err in even a small detail, and the critics have a choice morsel to chew.' Newspapers, though machani- cal, are bumsn, because they ar> conceived by human ( mind and put together by human hands. They are liable to error as any man or woman and their oppor tunities for making mistakes may be found in every line—in every word. A wrong street address, incor rect spelling of. names, little inaccuracies may creep into the newspapers' colums, no matter how earnestly the editor and his assistants may strive to be accurate. All your home newspaper asks Is that you be charitable. Make a few allowances for the difficul CLAYTON TO HAVE BUS LINE TO CORNELIA ON Fertilizers Feed Stuff # and Heavy Groceries. Derrick & Bearden (Formerly J. H. Derrick) CLAYTON GEORGIA CASH GROCERY CO.. MAKES AN ANNOUNCEMENT. The Cash Grocery Co., a firm heretofore composed of Messers VV. W. Askea and J-ile Smith and others are announcing this week that Mr. Smith has retired from rhe firm and tl\at the bu&inets will continue at the same stand, in charge of Mr. Askea, better known by his friends as ‘‘Uncle Bill”. Thqj’e is some talk of a change in the name of the firm but at this time they are not ready to announce what the name will he. but it is satisfactory to the friends of this 'popular firm to know that the business will con- tintinue under the management of Mr.' Askea, who enjoys a splendid patronage. IT WAS DIFFERENT THEN, WHEN SHEBA WAS A GIRL Croesus never looked for a gas leak with a match. Moses never was perplexed a- bout finding a parking place. Helen of Troy never was both ered about buying a battery,for her radio set. Marco Polo never had a party line. The best he could get was a clothes-line. Alexander the Great never had to think about putting on. chains or trusting tp non-skid tires. Tut-ankh-Amen never worried about his income tax return. Plato never considered the possibility of typhoid germs in unchlorinated water supply. The Queen of Sheba never pon dered the fact that the electricity which browns toast sometimes passes over wire coated with ice and the current never me’ts The ice. fSeeds This Is the-greatest ami most acou rate Seed Hook ever published for tin South. 100 poses, fi^ll of actual photo graphic pictures, lmmlsome covei pages in full colors, accurate descrip tlons, valuable' culturo directions am the most useful Seed Hook there 1b It'is absolutely free, and wo wan Vflu tp havn It In youf home. Hast lags' Seeds, "The Standard of tin South," are, as always, the best seed! grown. Garden, field and flowe seeds, plants and bulbs that dp wel In South are all fully described' will 1924 attractive prices, the lowest wi can possibly sell good seeds, plant! nnd bulbs. All our 1924 customer) will get G seed packets of beautifu flowers absolutely free, The bl« pe» lp24 Seed pook tolls all abouf It Write for It today. H. Q. HA8TJ.NGS CO., SEEDSMEN, ‘ ATLANTA, GA. SPECIAL Throug Afternoon Train to Cincinnati Chicago Cleveland Detroit Indianapolis Louisville • DAILY From ATLANTA 4:10. P. M. Sleeping Cays, Coaches, Dining Car Service . Where Rubber Is King. A traveler cun ride for seven hours | by railway train, or more than .TOO miles between Singapore and Penang, Ip t|ie Federated Mill ay states, end not once |o$iu sight of pio rubber plan tations. None of ’Em Safe Today. "Runeo Games to Beware Of,” says a headline.. They would seem to be in that respect -like all the rest of the bunco games.—ili,aion Transcript. Have Plenty of Trunks. If one lias trunks enough, • he cun always be finding lost and forgotten treasures, Loosens a Stopper. To loosen n glass stopper In ii bottle put one or I wo drops of sweet n)l around Hie stopper uml pluce It u lit tle distunce from the lire, w’lu-n the bollle Is <pillo warm strike Hie stopper with u stick with a cloth whipped lightly uround It, first on one side and then on the oilier. This will loosen even tlie most obstinate stopper. Novel Wine Prize. The Hungarian academy recently awarded Its literary prlae to '*atv guretc Rcthlep, wife of Premier Reth- len, for her romance, "EIu Lcben.” The Meanest Man. The meanest man In the world has once more been located. This time be turns out to be uu eastern busi ness man wlio stole a newspaper from a blind newsboy every morning for four months. lie wore rubber-soled shoes and would take a paper from the lad's stock without saying a word. But lie wus finally trapped, and It gave a policeman much pleasure to bear hint off to the bastile. There a Judge nlRO found satisfaction In lin ing him the limit. It would have been cheaper had he subscribed for the pa per twenty years In advance. i."^ 0 — 1 Bon ‘Mott Here and There. A writer whose work Is not of a kind that sells widely says "he doe« not care how poor he Is so long os ho lives In luxury." "Boy or girl?” a well- known editor's wife asked her hus band c-'itcernlng the newly born child of a couple with whom they were ac quainted. ‘'i don’t know," lie Replied, trying hard to think; “guess they haven't named It yet."—The Bookman. - M The Philosopher on the Links. Waller Camp says: "In golf, us In life, the attempt to do something In one stroke that needs two Is apt to re sult In taking three."—Boston Tran script. - Generally One or the Other. At any rate, there’s n lot more saris- fact Inn In spending as you go tlmii in lending.—Boston Transcript. Longest Year on flecord. The year 47 1$. .(1. was the longest year on record. By order of Julius Caesar. It cr-Halneil -llf> days. The ad ditional days were put In to make the seasons conform ns nearly as jmsslble with Ihe solar year. Lives In Drop of Water. So tiny that it can be seen only by aid of a magnifying glass, an animal, heretofore unknown, lias boon discov ered by an eastern scientist. Bjr means of whlp-lash strokes of hidrllke projections covering Its body It can move rapidly njiout In a drop of water. The little creature feeds chiefly on germs and other animals living in the water. It measures about one two- buiTllred:!is of an Inch long and Is less than one-fourth us wide.—Popular Mechanics. Belt Feeds Hammer. For rapid tacking a hammer tins boon Invented to which tucks ate fed by a belt.' -O LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS FOR ADMINISTRATOR. Georgia, Rabun County, To whom it may concern; Mrs. J. II. Tfiylor having made appli cation to me In due form to be appoint cd permanent administrator upon th estate of J. H. Taylor, late of sai County, notice is hereby given tha said application will be heard at th regular term of the Court of Ordinar; for said County, to be held on tfa first Monday in April 1924. Witness my hand and official «i*na ture, this 3rd day of Match 1924. Vv ill Smith, Ordinary. Add Another "O.” Aim rather to he thorough with your work than merely to be through with It LOOK! We are offering a lot of notions and shoes at a very low price. The quality is good the price is right. Buy now and get good bargains. Successor to Hi?| & Stonecypher CLAYTON „V GEORGIA rnnnMiiiMiimli'w I