The Clayton tribune. (Clayton, Rabun County, Ga.) 18??-current, April 10, 1924, Image 2

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SHERIFF’S Georgia, Rabun County: Will be sold on the first "ilesi ny in May, 1924, before the CV'.irf House Door in suid county wi'hin- the 'egnl lale h mrs to tho highest ra 'i bidilcr, ’-he following described pro; erty, to- yit: Part of lot of land No. 2 in. the Midland district of said County and ieing in the Southwest corner of said ot No. 2 and containing fifty (50) acres nore or leRS, and being the place on which B.J E. Ramey now resides and letter known as the B. E. Ramey home olnce. Said property levied on. a:; iho prop erty of B. E. Ramey, and found in lih jijssessiop, under and by virtue of a jenera! and special exAution issued ,'rom tho Superior Court of said county in the first day of April, 1924, in favor if W. J. Ramey rgaii s’. B. E. Ramey, ind to be sold to satisfy said execution principal, interest, attorney’s fees nrd that the farmers want; terracing course her recovery will be slow, lands, advising with'the farmers, | Rev. C* W. Baker, wife, m arranging for poultry sales, on | baby made' VPttfey a pleasant vis- the co-operative ( plans and it, but Monday, many other things that a Farin' Mr w g ?ri< , e> of chcchero, Agent ij supposed to do, J s t 1TlC ' K ^c key note for prosperitj Altogether, Mr. Neville is a,j n his communitrvticn f on a i*.c very busy mad and is rendering. Fence Law. Keep up the good :u the county a valuable service^ W ork Mr. Ptice, we, of Vvilej and it behooves the farmers of, are with you , This Is tho greatest and most accu rate Seed Book ever published for thi South. 100 pages, full of actual photo graphic pictures, handsome cove) pates, la full colors, accurate descrip tlone, valuable culture directions ant the most useful Seed Book there is *• '. If you want your dollars to •*■* «/ carry away more goods and of y* a belter quality just spend them with the BOYS and H GIRLS’ SHOP. * mfo Every thing you need in the way of Fhoes, Cloth- ^8’’ ^ ats > Dry Gooods and t Notions. find V/hat you are 1 ooking for better cofpo first and save time GROCERY SPECIALS Seeds, “The Standard ot th. * arc, as always, the *e@t seed! Garden, field and flowqi Plante and bulbs that do vvel th are all fully described wit), ttractlve prices, the lowest w« jsslbly sell good seeds, plant! nibs. All oijr 1921 customer! it 6 seed packets of beautiful » absolutely free. 'The big new feed Book tails all about it for it today. S SHOP GEORGIA CLAYTON GEORGIA WfiBiHldAsto The '• CLAYTON TRIBUNE Ofi icial organ of the City of C iwyton and of Rabun County. T UbiisHED EVEtyY THURSDAY mm at Clayton, Georgia. h. P. CROSS, Editor. L. P. CROSS & SON PUBLISHERS ^Subscriptions ir. Advance. One Year $1.50 S|1 Six Months 40 1 Three Months Entered as second-cluss matter, Janu nry loth, 1924, at the post office at Clayton, Georgir, under tne Act of March 3, 1879. :s We thought everybody knew i that shingles are supposed to®“" go on top of the house, but this fellow is putting one on the bottom. Dad sent || t.hc kid to our yard n order for shin- gj H went tc IS „ H me v/ron ce -they 1 sent out the wrong kind jffjj 1 * 1 TN 14 IS? hing.c: of Advertising rates made known npfM application. cr\. a;-.:»» - - 1 arid the kid’s getting sorer every minute, he’ll look for this name: 86T (P. 'A. Hunter) Dad’s sore 'Cext time ji PALM cost. This 2nd, day of April 1924. L. F. Rickman, Sheriff. SHERIFF S SALE Thursday, April 10th, 1924. •BBSSSSHBK ’I INFANTS HEAD have what you . n. Long Sheet, ox Rooting you Last Sunday morning, ma cf the Infant twins of Mr. ar.d Mrs. Jil. W. Hunnicutt, of Mountain City, was buried at Blue Heights and again on Thurday morning t ie last of the two was buried at the same place. The babies were some two cr thr’e weeks old and during their short stay here had won a place in the hearts of the fond parents that only a baby can win. The sympathy of the commun ity goes out to these good people in this, the saddest hours of hu man existanco. v Though the Iofs is heavy, it can be borne in order that heav en may h:.v? two more bright jewels to await the_xomrng ol ihe parents and friends. The funeral services were con ducted by Rev. J. VV. Kestevsori. of the Baptist church. For any and all kinds of rmfini want. I handle Shingles, Com o ii Galvanized Roofing in fact, any kind may want. ' See me lor wire Hinges for :crcen Doo s, any kind of Doors. .When you want anything in the line of Building |jj Material. Write, Phone or ccmq to see, P.A. HUNTER Clayton Georgia fij J. A. SCRUGGS AND SON MERCHANT MILLERS Last Tuesday we c lied on Mr. Scruggs, at the miil, lor an ad, and found him ready and willing to give us • an advertisement, in which he sets forfh to the public some of the advantages that he ig offering to the public. One has only to make a visit to the Scrug'Js mill to find, at least, one mill house that is kept alrpost as clean as a ladies parlor and there is a reason—-Mrs Scruggs stays there a good deal of the time. Clayton and Rabun county should appreciate this institution as an advantage that but few community .have. > Mr. Sgruggs, at all times, has maintained a .cash market for till the corn abgI wheat that is grown in this county, but says that > not enough is grown to supply hi i demands. lie has just received^ car of No. 2 corn from Tennessee He also has to buy most of his wheat, out of which he grinds his special brand af flour— Flavo Read his advertisement and arm then give him. rt call.* We predict that you wilt get' fail- treatment at the hands of Mr. Scruggs. OUR FARM “AGENT- . ALWAYS ON THE JOB Very few counties We so for tunate as to have a Farm Agent that is ,cicing as much as Mr. Walter E. Neville, Agent for this county, Lately it has been our privilege to accompany him on a few trips when he was put looking after the interest of the farmers. Then, at other times we have had occasion to see some of the work that he is do ing, such as looking after the ferti izrr, ordering and deliver ing plants, feed ai>d other things 1 his com ty to call upon him al any time with regards to the farm problems which he v.ili take'great pleasure in trying ti help out w ith. Another thing we have noticed of Mr. Neville is. that he sci mi 1° know the job and keeps web informed about the duties of his office. WILEY WANDERINGS We had a very pleasant" call from the Editor of tlve Tribune, Mr. L. P. Cross, Jast Monday. Mrs. H. G.^Bass, from Atlan ta, who owns .’ Knollwood” is here having lots of work done on her place preparatory to open ing the summer with her family at her lovely cottage. She is stopping at Mt Laurel Inn Mrs. E. W. Shirley, who is Ti years of age happened to a verj seriouj accident last Thursday. She fell and broke her hip. Shi is doifig a3 weH as can be ex pected, considering her age. Oi C incinnati 'Toledo G-ev>.iand Del roil Grand Rapids (-hicago Georgia, Rabun County; Will be sold at the court house dcor in said county on the first Tuesday in May, li'24, within the legal hours of sale, to wit: Two mouse colored horse mules about six£years old. weight about nin^ hundred pounds, known as the Ray Penlund mules.2 levied on as the property of J, H. Dil lard, to satisfy two executions issued o' i the lltn day of October, 1913, from i ? Superior Court of, said, county, in f .v..r of T. C. Vinson as Administrator o i ihe estate of Thomas J. Vinson, de- c -.ised, one of said Executions is a- g. iust J. B. Bleckley ns principal and i B. Dillard and J. II. Dillard as se- urity and the other is against J. II. Dillard and J. C. Dilla’d as principal and Z. B. Dillard as security. This the 7th day of April 1924, L. F. Rickman, Sheriff. FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION Coaches, Sleeping Cars, Dining Car Serv ice. 6:20 A. M. ‘1 ravel By The Southern” Georgia, Rabun Csunty, ./ To whom it may concert; A. M. Bingham, having made appli cation to me in due form to he ap pointed permanent administrator upon tlm estate of Sarah Bingham, late of ss d County, fiotice is hereby given that said application wilf be hoard at the regular term of the Court of Or dinary for said County on the first Monday in May 1924 Witness my hand and official signature this the 7th day of April 1924. Will Smith, Ordinary. FOR TWELVE MONTHS SUPPORT Georgia, Rabun County. . To whom it may concern; Lucinda Gosnell. having made ap plication for twelve months support out rtf the estate of William Gpspe)l, deceased, and appraisers, duly appoint ed to set apart the same having filed their retuin, all persons concerned are hereby required to show cause before the Court of Ordinary of Rabun County on the first Monday in May 1924, why said application slihuid not be’ granted and made the judgment of this Couit. This the 7th day of April 1926. Will Smith, , Opdinary. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS PETITION FOR PROBATE OF WILL Georgia, Rabun County, bi Re Court of Ordinary of. Estate of James Rabun County, Geor- E. Bleckley, de- gia. Petition for Pro- ceased. bate of will in solemn form May term 1924, To Arthur Jacobs, sole heir at law, of Robert,Ed ward Jacobs, deceased, who was an heir at law of Janies E. “Bleckley, deceased: Leon and 1 homas Bleckley having ap plied as executors of the'last will and testament of Janyis E. Bleckley of said County, you Arthur Jacobs being a npn resident of this State, are hereby required to he and appear at tho C a t of Ordinary for said County on tne First Monday in May, 1924, when said applic ition for probate will be heard, and show cause, if any you have or enn, why the prayer of the petiti- ne s should not he’had and allowed, This the 7th day of April 1924. Will Smith, , Ordinary. We Aim to Catch the Eye of Thrifty "Shoppers with Our ‘ flere are prices that will be cary on the family purse and leave some chanf e Tor little luxuries thatyou sotpuch desire. Our inducements in the way of price are tq get you to give us a trial. Once a customer, always a customer. BRYANT HILL