Newspaper Page Text
the City of
lun County.
at Clayton, Georgia.
"First Trip to Australia
The first authenticated voyage to
Australia was made by the Dutch In
1000. It is believed, however, that tlie
country was visited by tlie French
prior to this date, though there are no
actual records. The first Important
explorations wore made by t.'aptain
Cook, who visited the country In 1770.
V. P. CROSS, Editor.
Subscriptions in Advance.
One Year ' $1/60
Six Months -75
Three Months -40
First Oranges in California
The first time oranges were grown
n California was in 1873.
We are prepared
to do any kind of
job work you may
want and will be
glad to have your
order at any time.
(Continued from 1, colnmn 2)
Entered as second-class matter, Janu
ary 10th, 1924, at the post office a
Clayton, Georgia, under tne Act of
March 3, 1879.
■ Advertising rates made known
upon application,
Thursday, December, 4 1924
Maryland’s Tribute to
Our First President
As far ns known this monument is
the first ever erected to the memory
of George Washington. It stands on
1 lie summit of South mountain, near
Itoonsboro, Mil., and was dedicated on
Early Washington Monument,
July 4, 1827, after being built by
J’.nonsboro citizens who fought in the
Revolution, it overlooks the Antie-
lam and Gettysburg battlefields,
Harper’s Ferry, the route of General
Sheridan's famous ride" and many
other historic spots. 11 s top has been
knocked oil' by lightning and there
is a bullet hole in one side.—Path
finder Magazine.
Technical Error
“Jerusha, did you cook some cloves
into tins round steak7” a Kansas City
man asked ids darkey cook one night
last week.
“No, sail; no, suli,” that personage
ejt Cl aimed. “Why I be cookin’ cloves
wit' a round steak!”
“I don’t know. But—’’ here the man
of the house turned 1 lio steak over and
found a dozen clove buds imbedded in
the meat ns if they had been deliber
ately stuck there. “But they smell like
cloves and look like cloves and taste
like the devil, so—”
“Oh, I remember now,” cried .the
cook, ready to confess. “It’s ham you
stick cloves In, ain’t it?”—Kansas City
Not Hie Time to Die
A miner was crossing the railway
near Clermont Ferrkpd, France, when
lie was struck by a passing train. Peo
ple who ran horror-stricken to the
spot expecting to find his mangled
body, were astounded to see the man
rise from the track and walk off, none
the worse except, for a few bruises.
He had been knocked down exactly
between the wheels, and the engine
passed over him without touching him.
Play Under Difficulties
A football match nt Leighton Buz
zard, Bedfordshire, England, wns twice
stopped while a player disinfected the
hall and his boots. The game took
place in a meadow adjoining land de
clared Infected by foot-and-mouth dis
ease. Twice the hall went over on the
forbidden territory, and the player
who fetched it had to dip Ills boots
and the bull In a bucket of disinfectant
before the game was resumed.
Clock as Clerks
The efficient business man nowa
days, we hear, keeps an alarm clock
in the office—not necessarily to wake
1dm when it is time to go home, but
as -a reminder of appointments with
callers. The clock Is Ingeniously con
structed, nnd If, say, you have to keep
an appointment nt 2:30, you merely in
sert a card lu a slot opposite the half-
hour mark, and forget It uutil the bell
reminds you of your duty.
For A Good Meal
When you are really hungry and
want a Square Meal, or if you just want a Light
Lunch, you will be satisfied if you come here, j
Fresh fish and oysters Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Fresh baked pies and cakes, oil sale at the cafe----
baked by the Clayton Bakery.
T. C. Justus, Proprietor.
Clayton' v Georgia.
five bright boys. With my field
glass I scanned the people on
shore to see if 1 could recognize
her, I saw a lady with a boy that
favored my sister, as far as I
could recollect, so I waved at
her, she replied as if she recog
nized me too, vve threw kisses at
each other. I called my girls to
point her out. When the lady
saw this she somewhat seemed
set back. Later on I found out
that this same lady had been
looking for a husband and mis
took me at the distance for him.
My sister however had waited
at the exit gate and we recog
nized each other immediate y. I
was overjoyed at seeing my
nephew, the son of my most be
loved sister, which, I cm grieved
to say, had died but recently and
which the only son of hers was
there for a visit, and which I
had never met before. He resem
bled my dear departed sister
verv much and instantly he had
my full affection also. My dear
sister showed us the city of Na
ples. Her husband having been
recently wounded could not be
present, neither her boys due to
:he distance, however, the few
hours we spent together will be
always in my memory.
Naples is wonderfully situated
in a semi tropical mountainous
country similar to southern Flor
ida. All the houses are b.uilded
of stone. The streets are paved
•vith lava slabs.
Sugar, Flour, Coffee, Lard Cot
ton Seed Meal Hulls Shorts, Corn, Oats
and Hay.
All at Low Prices.
' .Near Depot.
Let Us Wash It
Washing a Car is hard work and it is
difficult to do a good job unless you are
equipped to handle it.
Modern Youth
“IIow dare you tulle to me Is that
j! Don’t you know- I am your
We are equipped for this work
and ask a chance to piove our abilty to satisfy
At the Label
And See If You Are
If Not
Please Be So,
We Need the Money
You want the best pic
tures that can be ob
tained from your films
and negatives.
Have yourffatorite pic
ture enlarged.
Bring or send them to me at
Dover & Green Drug Co.,
Quite imposing buildings are
on the main streets but the side
streets are filthy and narrow.
We found at noon fimo labor
ers, laying on the narrow side
walks sleeping. At one place as
we passed, one saw long mac-
caronis drying in the sun, at the
next place was a cow stable and
the flies were equally divided.
Beggars in the streets were
showing their deformities in
order to receive alms. Every
once in a while, some woman let
a basket from an upper room
down a string and shouted to a
passing peddler what she wanted.
In the basket was the money for
lit. Donkey drawn carts, with
men in them as bid as the don
key himself were often encoun
tered. Occasionally a honking
automobile picked its way
through the crowded streets,
Maccaroni hot from the kettle
was peddled on the streets,
served on a piece of paper or fig
leaf and eaten with fingers, the
purchasers taking the long
caronies and lifting them high
up in the air and sucking them
in the mouth. Fine and delicious
fruit was sold on fig or wine
leave3 t for very little money, but
we soon had enough of seeing
the sights so we went to a gcoa
restaurant and hsd a deliciously
cooked dinner, but no macaroni.
My sister returned* to her
husband but my nephew steered
us, after dinner, to the National
Museum of Naples. There we
saw a wonderful collection of all
kinds of antique Roman Art
subjects, such as marble and
bronze statuaries, gold and silver
ornaments, ancient jewels,
mossaiks, which looked / like
excellently rendered paintings,
; vases, furniture and household
articles. I could not help mar
veling at the culture of/ ancient
Roman civilization, condemned
through gfeed, incompetence
and luxurious living, to decay
and death. I also could not un
derstand why the present genera,
tion did not show more progress
and reverence for the high arts,
especially as the races back o f
med oe page 4 column 3.)
The Scrap
Untaught Fiddler Is
Best in Three States
Uncle Am Stuart, champion of this
old-time puncheon ltoor fiddlers of the
South, smokes cigarettes, drinks corn
likker and lilies the girls. Uncle Am
is in New York for a few days and lie
is having a lot of fun. His business
here is to make gramophone records,
and lie is doing u little broadcasting
on the side.
Undo Am doesn’t rend music. lie
can’t. But he knows every tune tlmt
hns been heard at southern barn
dances “befo 1 th’ wall.” And lie can
play them all.
“Ah jest finch’ly had to 'fiddle,”
Uncle Am explains. “Ever sence All
was big enough to hold a fiddle Ali’ve
been fiddlin’. Ah used to fiddle around
th’ kitchen till mnh mother she’d clinse
me out of thenh; then Ail’d go down
an’ fiddle around th’-nigger camps till
they’d chase me out of thenh. Then
Ah’d go into th’ balm all alone an’
fiddle thenh. Ah guess All learned
most of my fiddlin' In that ol’ baliu.
“Why, man. Ah guess if Ah should
go out Into th’ woods an’ go down oil
uiy knees to git religion in th’ same
spirit of determination Ah went about
my fiddlin’, why, All wouldn’t be sur
prised if Ah should just nach’ly get
There were 30 fiddlers in the fid
dlers’ convention which picked Am ns
the finest exponent of fiddling. They
came from Georgia, Tennessee nnd
North Carolina, and the show lasted
for three days anil took in $1,500 at
the iloor.—Frederick B. Edwards in
iso Koic York Herald Tribune.
For Leave to Sell Lands
Georgia, Rabun County.
To whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby given that R. J,
Denny as administrator of the estate
of Sarah York, deceased, has applied
to the Ordinary of said .county fof
leave to sell all the lands belonging to
said,estate for the payment of debts
and distribution.
Said application will be heard at the^
regular term of the Court of Ordinary
for said county, on the first Monday in
January 1925.
This the first day of Dec. 1924.
.Will Smith, Ordinary.