The Clayton tribune. (Clayton, Rabun County, Ga.) 18??-current, December 04, 1924, Image 4

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/•= m Ef GOOD NEWS FROM THE BOYS AND GIRL’S SHOP See our Heavy Shoes, for Winter wear, for Men and Boys, some Real Bargains. Let us show you some Water Proof Cloth, 58 inches wide. Our Bargain Counter Bargains will continue throughout the year. Boys and GirFs Shop Clayton Georgia CLEAN IT It would pay in money if] managers cf homes, farms, stores and other businesses should giye T attention to order and cleanliness in their establishments. Heaps of waste material means untidiness and also means inefficiency. It has been truly said “Show me your scrap-pile and I will show you how your business is.” One coat of rust costs more than a year’s ware. One farmswaste is composed of elements which menance the business. Untidy con cerns begin to slow up, their men become slovenly, their work becomes uusound, their output dwindles, their profits disappear. System, order, tidiness are profitable in many ways. WE THANK YOU COME TO SEE US and GREEN DRUG COMPANY CLAYTON, GA. BARGAIN SALE From Dec. 1st to Dec. 24, 1924,1 am going to sell Dry Goods, Shoes and Notions at Bargain Prices. This sale to be cash only, as I can’t afford to charge anything at the prices quoted below. 20 cts Ginghams 17 1 2 cts per yd. 50 ” ” -.40 ” ” ” nr. » , » oi ’• ” >' 20 ” outing.’.’’TTTTTVTTTTis ” ” ” $1.50 Dress Goods—- — $1.30 ” ” 1.00 ” ” .85 ” ” ” 1.00 Broad Cloth 50 in. wide .85 ” ” ” 2.50 Dress Shirts. 1.75 3.00 Work Pants.. 2 00 Ladies Shoes and Slippers (rom $2,50 to $3,75. * Also Men’s Shoes, some of the very best, to go at a bargain. This sale is now on, and it will pay you to attend. Don’t forget the time and place! M. L. KEENER (Continued from page 2column4J IMPRESSIONS OF MY EUROPEAN TRIP them had accomplished so much. At four we"embarked again in our ship, my nephew kindly con senting to accompany us on to Genua, As we were again on the high seas, I could not help from med itating. On one side I left the world’s busiest center, New York. On the other I landed on an ancient and still great port, which showed but little progress for the’last hundreds of years. The exploitation of the people by their former rulers, that led them into many a useless strive, by the church, that built won derfully gorgeous and imposing buildings but neglected to devel op the mental and true spiritual advancement, and in more mod* ern times by the industrialists, that onlv allowed a pittance for pay, something like 25 cents for a whole days labor, that hardly allowed the worker3 to keep body and soul together, prevent ing any betterment of course. And throwing them when mis fortune befell them on charity. America has made enormous strides in progress, because it was founded on equality while Southern Italy, that once had shown a high cultural advance ment, progresses very slowly, because exploitation is rampant there. Are we wise enough to draw a lesson from it. ? (To be continued) JUST ARRIVED DERRICK & BEARDEN CLAYTON GEORGIA SPRAYING MATERIALS 18 3-4 c 18 31 8 28 1-2 14 61-2 9 1-2 20 $38.00 And of the Best Quality A car of good: bright 1 7 per cent, Marion; Harper Cotton Seed Meal. New bags. A car of good sacked hulls. New crop Beet Pulp. See us for your feed, for we’ve got the goods and the price is right. To arrive this week—A car of choice Timothy and-Clover Hay. We want to buy one hundred bushels of Rood sound corn. Also bring us yourTJross Ties for we are now buying them. Commercial Flour Sulphur $1.35 par 100 lbs. in car load FOB Tex as around $35.00 delivered Arsenate of Lead Calcium Arsenate Pai rish Green Copper Lime Dust Kalibor Bordeaux Mixture Kasulime Jersey Dry Mix Limebor Calcium Casinale Scalecide 50 gal. Fertilizer and fertilizer materials quoted on application for QUANTIFY-DISCOUNTS: Quo tations on car load lots or sub stantial less car lot on any raa terial, will be furnished upon re quest. TERMS CASH: IMPORTANT NOTE, Prices listed are subject to change without notice, and all quotations are subject to imme diate acceptance. All orders are taken subject to approval ol company. INSECTICIDES & FUNGI CIDES are guaraneeed to com ply with all state and federal laws governing insecticides. PRICES are delivered your station when cash is sent with order, which will save quite a little to the grower, with the exception of sulphur. Thanking you for your busi ness whether order is large or small, we are cordially Yours Very Truly, F. C. NEEL COMPANY Cornelia, Ga. BARGAIN STORE If you haven’t already been to our store, it will pay you to come in and see some of our bar gains. We are going to open our Christ mas goods the first of next week and we will be headquarters for Santa Claus. We will have toys, dolls and all kinds of amusements for the kiddies’ Christmas. J. H. Cannon Co. Clayton, Georgia. ■'Vein* of Wealth** As Huskln tells us: “The veins of wealth are not the veins of gold and silver In the earth, but the veins of rich, red Wood lii the bodies of jroutb.” Start Right In. i Mighty few people mpke the excuse of being hoarse when asked to '*— J3&te BasncL^ Velvet pencils At dll Dealers Supreme in their class. Soft No. £58 Medium No. 55? Write for trial sample American Lead Pencil Co. MatcnofVcmuPncHi 220 Fifth Avc., New Yoric. Would Re-blame Opal* Though opals are much admired and are commonly worn In tills country, there Is a popular superstition In Europe and other parts of the world that these beautiful stones are unlucky and bring misfortune to the owner. For that reason South Australia Is seeking to exploit this product under another name, “Irldots,” after Greek word for rainbow. E LOST OR STRAYED from my premises, about one month ago, a one-year-old yearling, white, marked swallowlfork and under bit in right earj'and two underg bits in left ear. Last seen in th&k Taylor community. Finder v the i please notify Carlton York, Rt.! j Clayton, Ga.