Newspaper Page Text
It milton Journal.
u . Dennis, Proprietor.
fEMBER 30,.................. 1S87.
Jhe Journal m its new clothes
a shine.
essrs Frank Tignef and W. T.
i are w the city.
r. T. J. Hunt, of Columbus, was
m city last week.
1 je
'large number anticipate attend¬
ee Piedmont fair.
ts. W. D. Wisdom is visiting
A i Fannie Wisdom.
| ,r. D. W. Surles was confined to
r\ed a few days last week.
Hr. R. L. Burkes visited the Queen
Me Chattahoochee Monday.
■fir T city council is not dead, it
fcight. sleepeth. Will meet next Tues
Hr. E. F. McGee is handsomely
L ing his new residence and will
ds into it soon. -
lr> Whit Moss will open up a
■some line of fancy goods on
Ivhouse corner in a few days.
H Hnpson I
Culpepper, colored, has
Hjed a general store in town. Keep
giguns in your ante-rooms well
r. C. G. Chambers has returned
[ Atlanta, where he has been lay
fn a large stock of dry goods, no
L &c.
ev. Alex. Farley delivered here
□ay and Sunday night two appre
ve sermons. Mr. Farley -is ex
ingly popular here.
hs Mr. S. A. Goodman that is
ding a handsome residence on
)ougald avenue instead ot Mr.
. Dougald as appeared in the
3NAL in our last letter.
ur school is marching to a tri
lihal success. Additions are be
made daily and the score is run •
; all and Winter Millinery
ust received direct from the importers and manufacturers.
w shapes as they come out. Come and judge for your
and you will be convinced that you cannot do better.
ss Making in the Latest New York Styles, at lowest prices.
have worked very hard to build up the trade and return
*re thanks to all for patronage and kindness shown me
5 I came to Chiplev. v Very J respectfully, r J
ning high. Don’t forget the school.
It is more important than many
things else.
Miss Altha Owens, an accomplish¬
ed young lady of Covington, who has
been spending some time with the
Misses White, of Salem, is the guest
of Miss Mary Lou White, of Chipley,
this week.
Mr. W. B. Vardeman comes to the
front with a tale to match Lum D.’s
latest snake story. It is a nit fly that
was beheaded on Thursday week and
is now a living testimony for itself. It
is still alive and in fine spirits. Go
up and Mr. V. will exhibit the living
The people of the community are
sorely grieved to know that Mr. Ar¬
nold will not serve as pastor of the
Baptist church at this place another
year. The people universally were
warmly attached to Mr. Arnold, and
when he answered in the negative
on Friday night more than one heart
was made sad.
A party of young people was pleas¬
antly entertained at the residence
Mr. James Crawford on Thursday
evening. Many things crowned the
occasion a social success. Among
them was the delightful milk shake
which was freely drank with toasts to
Mr. J. B. Crawford, the milk shakist
of the evening. Many thanks are
due the host and hostess for their
We Chipley folks should feel proud
of the interest in which our efficient
Editor Journal has kindly handled
our name in his columns, looking and
pointing directly at the success and
the resources of our town. Now, if
we feel any degree of appreciation
we should turn and patronize the
Journal in all its departments, serv¬
ing perhaps largely the interest of
both parties. Let us not only en¬
courage by subscriptions, &c., but by
sentiment and every other way that
might present itself to us.
A delicious temperence drink.
Try it at the Drug Store.
Don’t Experiment.
You cannot afford to waste time in ex
pennunting when your Jungs are in dan¬
ger. Consumption always seems at first
only a cola. Do not permit any dealer to
impose upon you with some cheap Imita¬
tion of Dr. King’s New Discovery for
Consumption, coughs aud colds, but be
sure you get the genuine. Because he ca:i
make more profit he may tell _\ on he has
some'hing Don’t just as good, or ju>t the same.
be deceived but insist upon getting
DrKing’s New Discovery which is guainn
teed to give relief in all throat, lung and
chest affections. Trial bottles tree at Cook
Bros. Large Bottles One Dollar.
A Sound Leg:al Opinion.
E Bainbridge Monday Esq., County Atty
Clay 00 ., Tex., says, “Have used Electric
Billets with most happy results. Alv
brother also w s very low with malarial
fever and j * 0011106 , but was cared by
timely use of this medioine. Am satit.fied
that Electric Bitters saved his life
Mr. D I. Wilooxson,of Horse C»ve,Ky.,
adds a like testimony, saying he positive¬
ly believes ho would have died had it
not been for Electric Bitters.
This great remedy wifi ward off as well
as cure all malarial diseases, and for all
kidney,liver and stomach disorders stands
unequaled. Prioe 50c and at Cook's.
A Good One From a Reliable Man.
Valdosta, Ga , Oot. 20, l88b\—My
boy is now eighteen years old, and has
been sick all his life, and not >»l>le to do
any work of any kind. I thought he had
dropsy f bis blood was almost like water.
He has never had any appetite or color,
and was unfit for anything, being in such
an awful condition. I have during the
last ten years expected him to die nt any
moment, he could not walk 100 yards
without resting two or three times. In
three or four days after giving him
Briggs’ Nunnbetter Tonic Pills he did a
whole days work in the field, being so
much improved. He now has a good ap ¬
petite and is rapidly improving instregth
and color. 1 know the Pills have given
him a new lease of life, and I recommend
them above every medicine on earth. My
wife hn? aNo been in fe< bJe condition for
some tim«, and they have improved her
also very much. If anybody needs a ton¬
ic, my a.ivice is, bay Briggs’ Nunnbetter
Touic Pills R H Hutchinson.
Sold by Dr S G Hi ley, call on him for
few samples Nunnbetter Liver Pills, <fco.
Lippman Bros , Wholesale Druggists,
Wholesale AgeDts, Savannah, Gu.
Bucklen’s Arnica Salve,
'Ihe best Salve in the world for cuts,
brui-e», s^res, uloera, salt rheum, fever
sires, tetter, chapped bands, chilblains,
corns, and all ►kin eruptions, and posi¬
tively cures pilep, or no pay required It
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction,
or money refunded. Price 25c ter box.
Georgia, Harris County.
Executor’s Hale.
By virtne of the last will and testame: t
of W L Worrill, late of said couuty de¬
ceased, I will sell before ibe court bnnso
dcor ir the town of Hamilton on tb* first
Tuesday in November next, the following
described land belonging to said deceased
to-wit — Lot of land No. 94 containing
202^ acres No. more or less, and the sonth
half of lot 67 containing 101 ^ acres
more or less, lying in the 19th district of
said county, known as the Briucifield
place. Terms cash. August 2nd, 1887.
W F N;
Expetor of W L W< skill, Dec’d.
Georgia, Harris County.
Jesse Meadows, administrator of Seal)
orn Meadows,1st® of said county, dcocas
{ , d , makes application for leave to sell the
land belopg'ug to the es’ate of said des
Ail persors concerned are hereby coti
tied to show c^use, if any they have, by
the fir t Monday n October next, why *n
^nrio^l^d ia^d 8 ^ 0161 SaH 8PP *
Given under my hand and official signa
fore Sept 5 b, 1887.
J F C Williams, Ordinary.
The Verdict Unanimous,
W. D. Balt, Druggist Bippus, led.,
testifies: “I can recommend Eleotrie Bit¬
ters ms the. very best remedy Every
buttlo sold has given relief in every case.
One man took six bottles and was cured
of Rheumatism of 10 years’ standing ”
Ahruham Hare, Druggist, Bellville, Ohio,
afifrius: “The best selling medicine I
have ever handled in toy 20 years expe^
rience, is Electric Bitters.*’ Thonsauds
of others have added their testimoi y, mo
that the verdict is unanimous that Elec¬
tric Bittora do cure all diseases i f the
Liver, Kidneys, or Blood. Only a half a
dolbir « bottle at Cook Bros.
p IT A T I ON. —GEORGLA. Harris County.—
plication V - Whercasj certain petitions have made granting their ap
in this court, praying an order the
establishment the of a new public Smyrna road, church, commencing at
forks of the road beyond so as to
run by Smyrna church, and intersect the Whitesville
road about one-fourth mile from top of mountain,and,
Whereas, certain commissioners appointed for that pur¬
pose have reviewed and marked that out said said road contemplat¬ will be
ed road, and reported to me
much utility and convenience. Now this is to cite
and admonish all persons that thirty clays after the
publication of this citation in the Hamilton ocknai
said the road will bt* granted if no good cause i»shown
to contrary.
Bv order Commissioner’s Court.
Georgia, Harris County.
B. F Laueader Libel for Divorce.
VS Harris Superior Court,
Juliu Lancaster. April Term, 1887.
It appearing to the court by the return
of the Sheriff in the above stated c»hu
that the defendant does not reside in
said county, and it further appearing that
she does not reside iu this state. It is
therefore ordered by the court that ser
vice be perfected of on this the order defendant by
the publication once a
month for four in on the, before the next
term of this court,in the Hamilton Jour¬
nal, a newspaper published in Harris
Connty, Georgia.
Henry C. Cameron, ,J. T. Willi %
PTfi’s Atty. Judge S.C C.C.
A true cx'ruct from minutes of
Superior Court, April Term, 1887.
C. S C HO Gu
The wonderful remedy for
All Bowel Troubles,
Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cramp Colic,
Cholera Morbus and all bowel affect ions,no
matter ot bow long standing. The gem of
remedies for teething children. Pleasant to
take, cure guaranteed, and only 25 cents
Below is the verdict of those that have
tried it:
Dr W A Gillespie, White Sulfhur Shakers Spring*
Ga., says, “I know the formula of
Cordial and cheerfully endorse it. I Use it
with tuccX* in my practice.” Oakland, Ga
l>r. Thob. D. Goodwin, ,
►ays no family should he si!bout it.
Dr. A. G Floyd. Greenville. Ga , snys,
“I recommend Shakes Cordial without
h< sit it ion to any one suffering with bowel
troub’e as f know the formula and u.-e
same in my praetke.”
l)r. K. F Hail, Greenville, Ga. w»yp.
Have been prescribing Shaker’s ( !i»r<Jinl
for several years and consider it as sate and
reliable remedy as can 1 m; had for any one
suffering wiih l*owel or summer complaints Ga
Dr Jno. W. Cameron. Columbus, ,
says. “1 have never been disappointed in a
single instance in prescribing Shakers vear.*.” cor-,
din* and have user! same several
Hon. T. A Atkinson, Greenville. Ga.,
says, “I recommend Shakers Cordial for
all compl dnts tor which it is intended I
have user! it with happy results.’’
A-I Ilinton Ordinary M<ri wether Co,
sa)S,“It come- nearer laung what is claim
cd for it than any rued nine in the woild.
R I s iJ splendid remedy,
Manufactured only by
JOHN P TVliNElt d JtHO •1
Sold by
Dr. S. G. Riley, i
Cook Bros,, Hamilton, G*.
S. R. Murphey ,)
GU 11 Bros., C’hlpl*y» 6 »-