Newspaper Page Text
J. L. Dennis, Proprietor.
September 30,.................. 1887.
O. <fc II. K. A. N€IIEI)UL£.
Leave Columbus.... Ur as>act £ or V ••••• S
Leave Hamilton .... c-rt £ oun V S
Arrive Greenville.... Ln £ xo V £
Leave• “ 7 00 £ 3 00 •o S
Leave Hamilton .... 8 30 d S "O’C S
Arrive Columbus . .. ri E 6 00 • S
Local Page.
Index to IVew Advertisement*.
Administrators Sale.
Furniture—Rhodes & Co.
Holloways Big Dime Store.
Clothing—J. K. Harris & Co.
New Shoe Store—W. R. Bedell.
Winter Clothing—G. E. Thomas.
New Millinery Miss Sue Surles.
Cook for Hire—Mike L. Williams.
College Increase.
Seven new names were entered upon
the college roll Mouday morning, t his
is most encouraging to the worthy teach
ers, but theie is stnl room for many more
uud the fr ends of the school should not
cease their efforts until there is a much
it rger increase in numbers.
Tl»e Service* Sunday.
Very go»d congregations attended di¬
vine services at the Methodist church
Saturday and Sunday. Rev W A Farley
preached Saturday morning, and at the
close of his sermon a new member wus
received into the church. Sunday morn¬
ing the pastor filled the pulpit and preach
ed nil txcelieut sermon, It was one of
his best efforts, and whs heard with pro
fouid attention.
OhiircJi in Meed of Repair*.
The Methodist church is badly in need
of repairs. It leaks in several places and
the p watering has fallen, leaving it in n
most unsightly couditicn. Every rain
iucrehses t he extent of the damage and it
is truly a casts where a stitch in time will
save nine. A committee has been ap>
pointed by the church to look after the
repairs, and they will probably take at
once the necessary steps to have the work
Death of ail Infant.
The death angel visited the home of
Mr Win Irvin Tuesday and took from
thence his little babe ouly twelve
mouths old. The little one has been
s.ifely gathered in the bosom of the tender
Shophered who has said ‘‘of i-ucb is the
kiogdon of heaven.’ There the bereav
ed pnretits may oue day find their treas
tire safely garnered They have thesym
pathy of their many friends in thtir af
Special Hotice.
All persons indebted to me either for
medical ser\ ices cr drugs are EARNL81LY
HEQUI'Kl'E!) to come up and settle prompt
l v by 1st of October.
A Cook for Hire.
MikfL Wil iarnv, a well known color¬
ed cook, is for hire after Oct. 20. Address
r\ n
Local Items.
The series of services which began last
Saturday closed Iat-t night. The pastor
has rendered faithful service and should
the results of the meeting not be visible
in conversions and new accessions to the
cl urcb, if the membership has received
renewed strength and grace for the con¬
flict with evil, greut good has been 'ac¬
It is rather late in the season to sow
turnips, but those who have failed here
tofore to get a good staud should plant
again. If the fall season proves lavora
b!e a good crop can yet be made.
We are indebted to one of oar friends
for a supply of freth turnip seed, for
which be has our thanks.
The melancholy days that the poet
calls the saddest of the year are near at
hand, but we do not allude to this fact to
call forth poetical effusions on Autunn.
Let our coirespondents continue to give
us in plain prose local news of interest in
their neighborhoods or original articles of
general interest and we Till be glad to
give them publication.
Iiiterary Circle.
Last Friday evening was a pretty moon
light night, and the reading circle meet¬
ing at Mrs A B Copeland’s residence was
well attended. In the absence of the
president and secretory Col Mot ley was
called to the chair and Capt J ihnston to
act as secretory pro tern. The exercises
opened with music and were interesting.
Mrs A B Copeland and Miss Lula Mobley
read good selections taken from Long¬
fellow’s poems. Mrs B C Kimbrough,
Mrs J M Hudson and Miss Muy Hudson,
assisted by other voices, gave some ex
cel’ent vocal and instrumental music. The
gem of the evening was a vocal du*t by
Miss May Hudson and little Miss Harri
son. It was rapturously encored and they
responded by singing a simple old melody
which gave equal pleasure
The circle will meet again nex r . Friday
evening at the ~esidence of Col J M Mob¬
ley when the following programme will
be given :
Instrumental music—Mrs Jno Hudson.
Reading—-Mr O S Barnes
Vocal solo—MisR Ella Barnes.
Readiug—Miss Emmie Sparks
Instiumental duet—Mrs B C K mbro’
aud Miss Mamie Mall
Reading—Miss Annie May Mo ley.
Vocal duet—Mi ses Ht.dson and Harn
Reading—Mr M S Johnston.
Deafness Can’t be Cured
by local app'ications, ns they cannot reach
the diseased portion of the ear. There is
0|1 jy on ? Wll y to cure deafness,and that is by
constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused
l>y an infl irn d condition of the mucus li
n i n or t f the Eustachian Tube Wtien this
tu p e g t ,( S inflamed you have a rumbling
goun d or imperfect hearing, and when it is
ent rely close i deafness is the i suit, and
unless the infiamation can be taken out
and this tube restored to its noimal c ondi
tion biaring will l»e destroyed forever;uine
cases ou ^ Q f ten are i aused by cat »rth,wh*ch
j s no thing but an inflamed condition of the
mucus surfaces.
We will give On * Hmulied Dollars ft>,
anv case o’ Deafness (.'aused by catarrh
that we cannot cure by taking Hall’s Ca
t orb Cure. * v end for circular, free.
F. J CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, 0
J L— .1 info oantc
Personal Mention.
Mr Felix Kimbrough, of Catania, was
in the city Sunday.
Miss Saliie McFarland, of Uparoie, is
on a visit to Mrs L L Stanford.
Col O S Williams, of. the Revenue Sers
vice, is at home on a short furlough.
Mrs Wm Copeland spent last week out
at her old home a few miles from towD.
Miss Mattie Truett is in Columbns this
week viaitiDg Misses 8 ella and EflL
Misses Ida Smith aud Mattie Hadley,
I>Uir Spring, were in town shopping
Mi 1 H Pitts »td sister. Mi Nannie r
of Wfivurly Hall. spent jSurda; wl
friends in tin c t>
Crops are shot 1 hut G J Edge, of Go)
uoibus, b*- reduced the prices on bin
stock of boots and shoes. *
Miss Emmie Sparks returned Sunday
morning from a three_ weeks visit to
friends at W *veny Hall and Ellerslie.
Mr 8 T Ellison and sisters. Misses Mag¬
gie and Lula, of Ellerslie, spent last Sun
day in town the guests of Miss Emmie
Miss Mamie Mail, of Florida, a niece
of Mrs Allen Brooks,entered school Mon¬
day. She is boarding with Mrs B C Kim¬
Mrs L F Oakley, of Columbia, Ala.,
who has been in the city about two weeks
on a visit to her sister Mis H 0 Cameron,
left for home Wednesday morning.
C. J. Edge, the leading boot aDd shoe
dealer of Columbus has reduced prices
on boot8 and shoes to meet yctir lessened
income caused by short crops.
Misses Ozemroa Long and Minnie Mc¬
Donald,'both of Ellerslie, are among the
new pnpils received at the college Mon*
day morning. They are boarding with
the famdy of Dr T J Br*obs.
The friends of Oscar West will find
him in (Jolnmbus, with the popn’ar dry
goods house of J. E. Cargill, who will in
our next issue teli our readers of the
bargains he has to offer them.
If you want to save money in your
foot wear and at the same ‘ime get first
c’ass boots and shoes, call at the sign of
the big Black Be^.r, Columbus, Ga , and
buy from 0. J. Edge.
Mi W H Campbell, of Mountain Hill,
is hoa'ding in town and has commenced
the study of medicine under Dr J W
Mitchell. Close application is neccessary
to * access in env profession and we hope
our young friend will make good n«e of
his time and one day be an ornament to
the profession he has chosen.
Rev J B K Smi h,pastor of Broad Street,
church,Colainbna, came op Monday even
ing to assist in the series of services at
the Methodist church this week He
pren.hed a fine sermon Monday evening
and was efficient help in all the services
while he remain? 1 here. He is much
liked by our people and his congregations
manifested their interest in his sermons
by their undivided attention. He returned
to Columbus Thursday mornihg.
lllO Broad St., Columbio.Ga
Th ■ H& MMgvsk Strictb wwwMjr 10c. »»*i WnttB Sion *« in th South. iwnw*.
A $6,000 Stock 1 all Bargains.
Pay it a visit and see the PRINCE of
Live Oak, A’a , Dec. 13 h, 1886. I
Messrs A T Shallenberger & Go j
Rochester, Pa. Gents.—Last bottle spring IJ
received by mail from you a
your Antidote for Malaria for my than biott,^.
er, who had chilis for more si
months. He frequently broke them with
quinine,but they would soon return, B
gave him the medicine vou sent, and he*
has not had a chill since. It has made aj
permanent cure in his case. j
Tours trulv,
Georgia, Harris County.
By virtue of an order from the court of Ordinary
s id county, we will sell before the court house do
in th • town of Hamilton, in said county, on the fr
Tuesday in November, next, within the legal hoursl the
sale the following described land belonging to dece^
tate of Parnell G. O'llins, 1 *te of s rid county,
ed to-wit: Lot of land No.173 containing 202^ 202% acr,
more or less, and lot No. 172 containing lying acr
more or less, and two acres of lot No. 114,
the 5th district of originally Troup, now Harris con
ty. Also 75 icres of lot No, 390 snd 20 acres of 1
No. 358 lying in the 20th district of'O. iginally Mu i
cogee now Harris county.-^Terms cash. Sept.5,188
R. E. Collins,
T. P. Collins, f »
J. A. Cochran, * r
P. A. J. Collins, Ward, dec
Administrators of G.
~ V
LUX m V. War/ ' IX "
// CHlTEffe \$<3 r W/ |
! i- i
r —- T/ / L
liiilliilliiPllMIllllM „_L™ r"V j /
Macon, Georgia
Attorney at Law,
Hamilton, Georgi
Will practice in all the courts of p
State. Special attention given to colUctfor^n
farms, j^^Also 2, money 3 and 5 to loan time, on improvtf® 8 pel
on yeais at
cent per annum. Com*- and see me.
8^"All Diseases of ths Mouth an
Teeth treated in the best manner.
Harris County Sheriff’s Sale&l rr
Will be sold before the court house countj dot*
in ttie town of Hamilton, Harris
Ga , within the legal hours or sale, to thj
highest bidde , lor cash, on Hie first lud
day in Oct., 1887, the following describe
property, viz: i
East half of lot of land No. 182 in the 18th di
trict of Harris county Levied upc a as the pro
erty of W II Thompson to satisfy « fi fa issu?
from Muscogee Superior Court in favor of thl
S * the^Deiime and place, th!
ao( jiviard interest of B F fhomason ijLj
and 12B acres of lot of laud No. 2.52, J
the l8rb district of Harris oouury a j/
better known as the land deeded by
executors of J B Thomason under his ^
will aud testament to Narc:s-a Janefh'A
aeon, deceased, and Lucinda Ann Thun
ason. Levied upon as the property 1
B F Thomason to satisfy a ti fa fr*»i
Muscogee Superior court in favor of J 0
J Kaufman, Charles Kaufman transfer?
vs B F Thomason.
Also, at the same time and place, L
acres of land in the 20th district of flarif
county, bounded on the north by J•’ H
Osborn’s land, on the east by land ofSesf
C Hood,OD the west by 1 st d of C I Pearivi
and on the south by land of F M Tidwe [) c
Also 9 acres o? land in the 20th distn
of said county bounded on the north •e
Jim Osborn, east by E C Hood, *ou?h ll
F M Tidwe]1 And wefit b y M
Levied upon as the property of Mrs M«
“ h u'
ington vs Mary M Rop^n*
F. M. Talley, SH