Newspaper Page Text
iilfl A fcll 1 1 | ON U 1 uU ImI] N N n I
lJ ____'
J. L. Dennis, Proprietor.
October 7,...................... 1887.
I,cave Columbus...... 3 15 P- m. Mltftin V 3
Leave Hamilton .... .. 4 35 P- "a- U 3
Arrive Greenville...... 6 15 p. m. 10 p 3
I^ave “ 7 00 a. m. ’P’C’O 3
I^cave Hamilton ...... 8 30 a. m. 3
Arrive Columbus..... xo 00 a.’in. 3
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Local Page.
For the Hamilton JouKNAL.
Beauty and Duty.
There’s bea-ity of form and beau*y of face,
T here’s beauly of motion—this we call grace;
Hut far beyond grace and far above beauty
Stands this little word wise men call it Duty.
Now when to yourself and to all mankind
You’ve icndered this with eauul mind,
And you’ve been laid beneath the sod
You’ll find you’ve rendered this to God.
Those Peaches.
We are indebted to Mrs L G Fi Wiggins
of CatHub district for a nice b; sket of
peaches sent us Wednesday by ihe hand
of her accommodating son. It was a
treat ut thiHseasou of the year,and the kit d
Isdv has our ihai k*.
Two Good Lectures.
Rev. A R Calhoun, ihe reformed
sailor, lectured here in ummrdance with
the announcement in the J.iekaT, iwo
weeks since, We inadveiteutiy fai ed
lust we* k to notice these leotures, both of
which were listened to by large audiences
and 7 .ere highly interesting throughout.
The Veranda Hotel.
Wednesday night we spent in Colum¬
bus «nd was onr good fortune to fall into
the hands of Mr. J* A* Frazer, proprie¬
tor of the Veranda Hotel. He is a clever
host and has many fiieuds who should
not forget to call upon him when they
visit Columbus. His table is supplied
feiththe best and polite attenticn is
sin wti to tdl his guests
County Sunday School Association.
The Harris County Sunday School As¬
sociation will meet at Bethlehem, in Val
l*y Plains district, on the first Wtd
i-tsday in November. The names of the
« xeentive committee elected at the last
meeting were unintentionally omitted in
the Secretary’s report of that meeting.
They w»re W I Hudson, chairman, W B
McGtbee, T B Camp, M B Roberts and
Lem Cameion.
The Priaoners.
There are five prisoners in jail awaits ;
iug trial at the fall term of court. Tbeir
names snd the crimes with which they
are charged are as fallows:
Frank Fannie, bu glary.
fTi.k Copeland, burglary. i
Doc Thomas, cow stealing.
Allen Murphey, mnrd<r
William Woolfolk, playing and belting I
,t c,rd8 -
A’l *re colored. *
Personal Mention.
* Mr. Willie Dean hat- been quite ill for
several days.
Mrs G R Copeland returned from Arner
ious yesterday.
Miss Georgia Walker is visiting rela¬
tives near Don.
Mr A A Dozier, of Columbus, was in
the city Sunday.
Mr EGRaiford, of Uo.anatm°, spent
Saturday night in the city.
Mrs W W Arnold and children ore vis¬
iting rela’ives in LaGrange.
Mr E C Leonard, a popular Macon
drummer, was in town Tuesday.
Mr Tom Hunt, of Columbus, is in the
city looking after his interests.
Mr. J M Kimbrough, -Jr., will leave
next Monday for Oxford to enter Emory
Mrs C H Cook returned home Monday
from a visit to relatives at Columbus and
Mrs W D McGregor went down to Col
um bos 8atu v day and sj.ent three days
with her mother.
Rev R H Bullock, of Chipley, passed
through here Tuesday enreute home
from Columbus.
Rev. A R.-Calhoun, Mrs John Harris
and Miss Susie B>well,of Waverly Hall,
were in town Tuesday.
Air Henry Ingram, of the hardware
house of F >.z«r D zier, Columbus, tvas
in the ciiy Wednesday.
Crops are short but C J Edge, of Cal
aoal)a8 * reduced the prices on his
stock of boots and shoes.
Mi>s F etcher Turner and little B^ile
Gammeli returned Tuesday from a ieugfby
visit to relatives in Atlanta
Miss Imogene Thomp*on from above
the mountain is boarding with Mr H T
Bryant and attending schoou
Col C J 1 horn tor . of Colutnt us, came
up Monday afternoon and spent the
n ght. He wes here on legal business
Messrs Walker Stanford and J hn Ri
ley left for Athens Tuesday m >miog, to
resume their stn li* s at the University.
Our worthy representttive, Hon B H
Williams, after n brief visit to his family
returned inesday to his po-t of duty in
Mrs J H Lynch will leave for Atlanta
mxt week to visit relatives and to take in
the o T positi»n She will be joined there
later by Mr. Lynch.
C. J. Edge, the leading hoot and shoe
dealer of Columbus has reduced prices
on boots and shoes to meet year lessened
income caused by short crops.
Mr E R D< zier has been at home this
week on a visit to his parents. He left
yesterday for Coohrsn where he is in
chargo of the telegraph office.
Mr. A. P. Thomas, of Patterson &
Thomas*, successors to M. D. Hood & Co.,
was in the oitv Monday, He bss tnacy
frieuds here who are always glad to sre
Rev W C J ibnsoD, of AtUnte, preach¬
'd Ht the Methodist church Sunday,
morning and evening. Both sernons
were interes’irg and made a good itu
press 10^,
W» We hnv. bav. h«nl heard th.t that Mr Ur M it v F it Hood, h of ,
Ocala, Fla , in town last Saturday.
We can bardly credit it, however, since
b * d,d not show h,a fn “ d, y oonrdoeance
in Ihe Jcurmal offi e. .
Mrs Hotn^r Wright, wl o has been
spendiug the summer with her sister, Mrs
JF L Dennis, left Tuesday morning for
Atlanta She will return to her home at I
Quitman after the Exposition. i
Col. J. H. Martin, one of the leading
members of the Talbot ton bar, was in
j Hamilton Tuesday on legal business. He
is one of the c’earest headea lawyers in
lb e state .nd an honor to bis proton. !
Mr R A Russell received a telegram
Monday afternoon announcing the sud
den death, from heart disease, of his
brother, Hon J M Russell, of Columbus.
£j e went do*n Tuesday to attend the
Dr -T O Hunt, of Rome, has decided
upon locating at H mitton. Ho has been
a successful practitioner of medicine for
thirty years and we fake pleasure in ex¬
I tending to him end bis family a cordial
Local Items.
The streets ore being worked this
The Reading Circle wpl meet thie even¬
ing of the residence of C>»i J M Mobley.
Court will convene here Monday. Few
casts of minor iraporbmee have been re¬
About »he first question now when two
parties meet is “Are you goiDg to the
Exposition ?’’ The answer i-i usually »n
the nffi mative.
A protracted meeting has been con¬
ducted this week at Pine Mountain
Academy, conducted by R^v’s W D
McGregor, W A Farley and M T McGee.
Th© v.ork upon the corner store of j
Messrs Williams &, Had ey ‘ i progressing 1
rapidly. When finished It Will be quite I
improvement to the business portion '
an j
of the town. !
If to in j
yell rant save money your
foot wear and at the same time get fi s
c'ass boots »nd sboe^, call at the sign of
the big Black Bear, Oolnmbns, Ga , and
buy from C J. Edge.
The Agricultural Meeting. i
m I Liesday ,1 „ ,, the t llairis T . r. County , Agricul- . . ,
tural Society met in the court house. j I
with President Hargett in the chair. He i
Opened , the .. meeting with e few pertinent ...
remarks. Farmer L L Stanford then
led ofl in an interesting Speech upon
oats, . closing , with c few remarks , i
a upon
the condition of the county’ J in her agri- ®
cultural interests. His speech was elo- j
quently reviewed by Farmer J M Mob
ley, who in turn was followed by Farmer
B H Walton, who in turn was followed !
, by Farmer x- tt Hudson. j Mr m . Del T \ i Anderson a j j i
made a few practical remarks on farm ]
economv and all that was said furnished
so much food for thought that we.regret I
that a want of time torbids a longer and /
fuller notice, fudge W I Hudson was j
elected President for November. ;
A Woman’s Discovery
Another wonderful discovery has been
made and that too by a lady in this conn
l». Disease fasleued ns clutches on t,e r i
and for a. ven y<ars she .ilhstocd its
severest tests, hot her vital organs were
andeimined and death aeemed imminent !
For three months she corgh*-dincessant?y
and c^nld not s'eep. She bought of n* j
bo,,:e Ki “»* fu f and was so much relieve.! .
00 ^with fir s t dose that she slept aUt-igbit i
hC one botila has been mi^acu on ly
Thus wrjtp w c Hamrict , Drt >of Sbf „ I
by. N C -Get a free trial bottle at Cook s
About the Crops.
The weather b«s beon extremely
vorab'e on cotton this fall and the crc^ji
many iuRtances is to out tfloi
tha 1 ? it WtH thought j £ a ^
Live Oak. A a , Dec*. 13 h, 188r IP| ^
Messrs A T ShalJeubergc r & Co.
Ro^he-ter, Ph. G^rts. Last spnt| a I 1
er, who had chil's for more thamg* tfl
months. He frequently broke them |
quft)iue,bnt him the they medicine would soon returl ancLJ J|
gave von sen\
has not had a chill since. It ha~:
permanent cure in hi- case.
Yours fru’v, §
BIG h fier
lllO Broad St., Columbus A®
Tbs Largest Strictly 10c, Store is Barg^ the S:ff
A $6,000 Stock! all
Pay it a visit and. see the PRIN
j County. By virtu of an ord r fro m the
ble cou t of ordinary of said county, w 11 - ell
first the eourt Tuesday h >use in door November, in the town 1887, of the Hamilt fellowirpaN >n, / Jjl
scribed One hund.ed land,belonging and twenty-five to the estate of ThosMcLvii less
aci es, more or
of lot No. 2, in the 18th dist ict of Harris county
bounded on the north and west by T F Brews<
the and south Mrs S by McClung. J B Pate, on the east by B H fyjjLj
So d for distnbuiioi. Terms cash. This Oct®
1887. JNO. M. HUDSON, Ad;
Rebecca M adows having appli o-f d for sc
apart v twelve months support out the esta
her deceas d husb nd, Seabo rn Meadows,and wj
as, the appr ised appo nted to sei ap<rt the s
having fitted iheu - report in this office,
fied Therefore, show all p rs if ns c< th ncer ,»d have, are by hereby the/ j
to caus , any y
Monday in Nov mb. r, next why said repor. fl
not be admitted to recoid, and stand as the judg
of this court.
Given und-r my hand and official signature Oct.
1887. J. F. C. WILLIAMS, O <
the VJ makes application H for Prich.t letters of administration
estate of Charles rd, late of said cou
All persons conceme ! are hereby notified to s’
cause, i( any they have, by the first Monday in
vember next, why said applicant should not be
pointed administrator upon he estate of s id decet
Given under my hand and official S'g aure
3d, 1887. J F C WILLIAMS, Ordina
A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—By Ordinarjj virtue o’d
order from the honorable court of
Harris county. I will sell on tire first Tuesdayi
November n.xt beiore the court house door m H i
llton, real estate within of the Mrs leg Lu.ind: ,l hoac.s E of Waiker, sale, the deceased fo lowj
house taining and lot, her l ite residence in saiu town \
twenty-two and one-h.df acres more or 1
bold for distribution among the heirs. Terms, c
thir 1 cash, the balance in two annual payments
“.l! 8 V t l”STa’nFORd’ $£
Lj_E C* t ! >hGlA, >r s bale. Han —By is virtue County. of an Ariminist fi»,
oruer ^
lhe )un01 . , llIe C0lirt (ll or<)i „,„. y of
c> unty we will sell before the lonrt hut
,!oor * n town of Hamilton on the fi
rt\ bflonging t-r the fon«."^/ estate
prop (Ueeased^to^J at
Glaze, la^e of said county,
Undivided half interest in the west halt l ]
lot of laud No 35 in the 18th d>trici
Muscogee in four county, and undivided half ne^rj il
teiest acres in< re ’ess lying
limits ot l Muscogee'
! V ’ --fourth- ot a ml e » »8t of*
Dt-t^e-. l>o«n,; r .l °n <be eont by to*
Ilf a ■“ ': UI 'h hi houtnweS ^
a n'^ c t“‘ ' ' A P,i Jr“ V ’ 8 one An hmalted , 1 " K and 1 1^
acres of f land of , lot No 62 an i one hundij
aerts of i«*t N > 61. 67 acres of lot No
and undivided hall in cest \n onehundu
ttud act«» ot 1 t So 67 Ivin* in •' ,
18lh lIMlic , „ f uriillia!ly Musc
Harris c >unty. ool f-r di.-tiibuti
Ter s cash. Oct. 3’’. 1887. J I
Win tl GLAZE, Sr.
W.n H GL \ZE, Jr. J
Adrn’ts of Nancy Gl^ze, derl