Newspaper Page Text
AM1L10N ■ JOURNA . J 9
J. L. Dennis,. ... .... Proprietor.
October 28,..................... 1887.
C. &, It. II. H. SCHEDULE.
Leave Columbus...... 3 *5 P- m * ♦ s*- m ci £
Leave Hamilton...... 4 35 P- **>• ON M m ci £
Arrive Greenville...... 6 is p. ns. M O M m rt £
Leave “ 700 a.m. CO 8 O- £
Leave Hamilton ...... 8 30 a. m. ^v£> 80 d* £
Arrive Columbus..... xo 00 a. m. S
Local Page.
The Baptist Pastorate.
Dr .1 V Cheney, of the Browueville
Baptist church ha< been called to fill the
vacancy in the Baptist pulpit of Hamilton
and Chipley. caused by the resignation
of Rev W W Arnold. His annwer haw not
yet l een received, but the churches are
uninnniaiouw in wishing that ho may oc
eept the call, Tbe membership of the
church will meet Saturday to perfect ar^
r ■ • 1 getuentH to induce him to favorably
consider the call.
A Ilig Haul In Chestnuts.
Tuesday morning Mr Arch Bond, who
lives in Valley Plains district, in this
county, hion^bt * hag containing 14,000
chest' it's to town. Ho had gathered
titeui on, the mow main where they bad
j alien on the ground. The stork law
1 n vails in that district and the hogs are
not allowed to run at Urge, so that when
the ohestunts fell to the ground they were
fe unt»r they were picked up. MrBoud
b «f engaged the lot-before bringing them
here at $1 00 per thousand
Complimentary to Mr. Gray.
There is no better road in Georgia, age
and length considered, than the Georgia
Midland and Gulf. Its engines, carH and
roadbed are on good as can be had for the
money. The superin'endent, Mr M E
Gray, is always wide awake to ihe interest
of the road; and we cm say, without fear
of successful contradiction, that he is ore
of the best railroad men in tbe state. Un
der bis mpervision it is out of the ques
lion for the G M & G R R to fail to make
money .—Henry Connty Weekly.
Mot quite Minety and Mine.
Ti c Journal has j«st ninety-seven sub¬
scribers who have not paid t^eir sabaorip
lions within the past year Tbis is a
smaller number than usual nt this time,
but tbe.-e ninety seven owe us about $200,
This is all we ueed to buy an engine »ud
an t* xigiue is all we need to make
Journal the best county paper in Geor
gia. Now, friends, come up and help us.
You every one like your county paper,
and just a little lift now—every man at
once —and we will bridge the difficulty.
To a, Dick and Harry appear again with
tin ir grandmother’s ie< ipes f r coughs,etc,
but ihe people know D* Bull’s cough
too wel 1 .
The weary and woe-begone expression
t.i, dyspep'icis soon changed into one
l.cilt 1 and hilarity l>y using Laxador. It
onlv 25 cents.
Personal Mention.
C«pt J S Irvin went dowD tc Column
bns 1 nesda}.
Mr L'un Duke, of Columl u-, spent a
few hours in town last Friday.
Mr C .1 Wright t;rp in town last Friday
drumming for a Macon shoe house.
Mr and Mrs Durham Greer were on a
visit to Mrs Jane Ely Monday
Rev. W M Hajes, who was expected
here last night, did not come
Mrs Bet ie Ramsey, of Tuskegee, Ala*.,
is in town, the gnest of Mlrs F 8 Howard.
Miss Patsie Williams returned last
week from a lengthy visit to relatives in
Miss Lula Mobley left Wednesday for
Mucon, to join htr fbther and take in the
State Fair.
Messrs GWL»w and Wq Barr, two
p pular Columbus drummers, were in
town Monday.
Mis McNeil, of Outbert, a former resi¬
dent of this place, is, tho,^guest of Mrs
Frank Howard.
Miss Ber'a Dozier left last Sunday for
Mucon and is seoiug the sights this week
in the Central citv.
Mrs Bettie Cook, of Columbus, is
spending some time with the family of
her son, Mr.C H Cook
Talk about mud ! Harris county peo¬
ple did not know how deep mud could
get until they struck Atlauta.
Mr and Mr* C H Cook left on Monday
for Macon to attend tbe fair- They re¬
turned home Wednesday evening.
Rev i;nd Mrs W A Farley went down
to Columbus Monday to see the’r son,
who is quite sick at the home of his
grandfather, Mr O’Neal.
Mrs E B Gammell has just received a
new lot of winter millinery for ladies and
children in good taste. Call and see her
before bnying elsewhere
Miss Nettie Dozier, a sweet young girl
of Arlington, and a niece of Judge J F
C Wiiliams, has been here several weeks
on a visit to the family of ber nncle
Miss Genie West went down to Column
bus Monday to accompany her brother,
Mr W H West, Jr., and his bride to their
Florida home, where she will spend part
of the winter.
Mrs Wilkerson Sparks, of Sparkswood,
who has been suffering so ne time with
cancer, was considered worse on Monday.
Mrs T N Sparks, of this place was called
to her hedside this week.
The many friends of Mr Robert Cole¬
man, conductor on the Columbus ARome
road, will regret to learn of his illness at
his home in Greenvil'e. Mr Hugh Smith
jg making tbe run during his illness.
Messrs S R Mnrphe.v, J B Mobley, A F
Truett, Judge J F C Williams and Dr J
W Mitchell went over to the State Fair
Tuesday. They returned yesterday on
the morning train, and report a very
pleasant trip They all saw ex Presidtnt
Davis and family, and say the Fair is a
grand success.
Columbus Enquirer: Miss Ida Smith
returned to her home in the city yester¬
day. She has been spending the
in the mountains where Lutn P. discov¬
ered the famous German cave, and the
description she gives of this mysterious
grotto carries one in imagination to the
splendors of the “Arabian Nights” caves.
When your child »s suffering,give
Baby Sump, which will at once re’ieve and
cure uy 5 ts soothing action
Local Items.
Rev W D McGregor preached a very
fine sermon at the Methodist church San
day morning to a fall congregration.
G. J. Edge, the leading boot and shoe
dealer of Columbus has reduced prices
on boots and shoes to meet your lessened
income caused by short crops.
The last of the Exposition excursionists
straggled in Saturday night. Some of
them sang “Home, Sweet Home,’’ with
1 earts fully in accord with the sentiments
of the song.
Oar readers will find Tommy Cowsert
in charge of the news and fruit stand at
the depot in Colnuubus and should throw
all they can m his hands. He has many
friends here who wish him great success
in his new field.
Dr. S G Riley liked Athnia so well
that be spent several days there. We are
informed that he was so actively engaged
in taking in all the wonders of the city,
he never pulled off his coat during his
Rev W W Arnold has accepted a call
from the Baptist church in Barnesville,
and will move his family to that city the
first of next week. During his year of
pastoral work Here he has not only en~
cleared himself to his own charge but to
the people of the entire community. The
church has grown in numbers and influ¬
ence under his pastorate, and it is with
the greatest regret they see him leave for
another field.
A Valuable Pecan Tree.
Mr Seab Webster has a Pecan tree on
his place near town, from which he has
just gathered a full crop. He presented
us with a handful of the nuts which are
very fine. The tree has grown Goto the
seed, which was planted sixteen years
ago. Tl e present crop is the fifth it has
borne. ! be tree is about twenty feet
high and is beginning to £row ▼ gorous
ly. It resembles the hickory tree in its
growth as well ss its fruit.
Wanted For This Week
15,000 able bodied customers to buy
Boots and Shoes at W R Bedell’s, and to
induce you to come I will make you the
following liberal offer : Whole stock kip
boots, double sole, long legs and solid,
$2 25, and a good boot solid $1 75. Dou¬
ble sole brogans $1 25 and a good one,
whole stock at $1 00. A woman’s calf
shoe for $1 50, and a good one for $1 25
and $1 00.
We would call especial attention to our
Gent’s calf, seamless Congress and Bal¬
morals at $2 99 and our Ladie’s Kangaroo
button at $2 49 and $2 00. These shoes
are warranted and every pair is made to
order and for retail trade. My stock of
shoes is larger than ever and I would es*
pecially invite my friendj and the public
to an inspection of it.
W. R Bedell,
1130 Broad Street,
Columbus, Ga.
Tallest People Lazy.
Why are the tallest people the laz’t-gt?
Thev are longer in bed than others and if
they neglect their coughs or colds *hey
will be there still longer. Use Taylor's
cherokee Remedy of ^wee) Gum and mui
The piupiietors of Salvation Oil,
earth for . . will ...
greatest cure on pain, pay a
large r,wu„l if an, oertiflea-e published by
them is not genuine.
Bather Expensive Chickens.
A bevy of men were discussing
state tair yesterday morning, when
of them spoke of seeing a coop of ch
ens valued at $50.
“A colored man once got a coop q
me,” remarked Judge Williams, “tl
cost him considerably more than thal
He carried them ©If at night and the fin
and court costs were about $175.”
A Praiseworthy Peed.
Last week a negro woman was brought
here to be confined in jail in default of a
^2(0 bond, She bad an iufant two or
three 0 i d an( j believing that con- t
while i'*i
fiuement in the jail for even a short
would prove fatal to it, Sheriff Tally took
the woman to bis home and has given her
employment since. She is charged with
stealing and Mr Talley thinks be takeij
bnt little risk in letting her out, but his
kindness and humanity are »oue the less
commendable. He is only a better officer
because he has a kind heart.
A Bright Retort.
In the mass of people collected on the
streets in Atlanta to see Cleveland a young
lady was a most crushed by some rude
y oun 6 111611 w ^° were pushing their ‘W*y ;
through the crowd. She remarked for
their benefit that if their mothers could
see their conduct how sorry they would
would be. One Icoked at her impudently
and sneeringly asked “I wonder where yorj
got your beauty ?’* “Where you gotyour^ i|
t rains, nowheie,’’ was the quick retort.
gentleman will be a gentleman anywhere.
Millinery Opening.
Mrs L Lequin has removed her milline
ry establishment into larger quarters one
»outh of her former staud. bl e has nov
in stock one of the finest millinery
plays ever seen in the city of Columbus
and she is constantly receiving new goods.
The very fine trade which she has built
up is a tribute t* her skill and taste as a
miliiner as well as to her honest goods
and low prices. She was a pupil of one
of the finest milliners of Paris und £] she^
can suit you in stylish hats and bonnets
if you will call on her. She has a large
force of assistants and it wilt be a pleas- 5
ore to them to wait on you when yon &r&
in the city. Remember that she cleans
gloves and dies feathers and if yon
anything of the kind done give her
The Effect of Sleeping In Cara. 17'
Is the contracitng of cold which often
suits seriously to the lungs. Never neg?
lect a cold but take in time Taylor’s J
Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and
Mullein—natures great cough medicine. t
West Brook, N.C., Sept.6,1886.
Dr A T 8hallenb« e«*r,
Rochester, Pa. Dear Sir.—The two boxes
of pi Is you sent me did everything you
said they would. My son was the vi tim
Malaria, deep-s t, bv living in Florida kG
jears, and the Antidote has done
than five hundred dollars worth of otl
medicine could have done for him. I h
one of my n< ighb >rs tr» the medicine,
it cured him immediately. I now reco ,#
mend it to every one suffering from Mai Lg
na. Respe ifully you 1 ?, 1*
\JT makes application for letters of administration
the estate of Charles H Prichard, late of said coir
deceased. s* If I ,
All persons concerned are hereby notified to
cause, if any they have, by the first Monday in fj .' }fi.
vember next, why said applicant should not be
J F C WILLIAMS, Ordinl *
3d, 1887. fa