Newspaper Page Text
|* ‘Please say to the readers of the
I jRNAL that while we are too busy
IKIpite |HJousy an to advertisement, give them careful we are atten- not
I ifn if they are in need of anything
li the way of clothing, hats, furnish¬
ing goods, &c. Our stock is ful- and
complete and the great rush upon us
.J; is evidence * that our 4 prices 8 are satis
factory. Never before haue we been
so well assured of the wisdom of our
tnotto “Quick sales and small profits.”
I Thus spoke the senior of J. K.
flarris & Co., Clothiers, Columbus,
tp this scribe, as he hurried off to at¬
tend a waiting customer.
An Old and True Friend.
| Such is Thomas, the ‘No-Shoddy
of Columbus, to the well
dressed portion of the people of the
bounty of Harris. He has done as
much as any man to educate their
in dress and to teach them that
it pays to wear good clothes and to
always buy the best. He proves the
proposition on every establishes customer,
every sale he makes
'jjts St truth. A without man cannot being buy pursuaded a suit
before he needs another that it pays
buy the best.
Mr. Thomas, at his store next to
the Rankin House, is constantly re
his fall and winter clothing.
makes a specialty of wedding
outfits and he can suit you if you
matrimony. He also
a full line of samples and he
can suit any taste in his special order
In Brief and to the Point.
Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordered
is misery. Indigestion is a foe
good nature. digestive is
human apparatus
of the most complicated and
things in existence. It is
Esily frGreasy put food,tough out of order. food,sloppy food
cookery, mental worry, late hours,
habits, and raa y otlnr
which ought not to be, have
the American people a nation
dispepsia. Flower has done
( But Green’s August leforming this
wonderful work in
business and making the Ameri
people so healthy that they can
their meals and be happy.
W*' Remember:—No.happiness without
But Green’s August Flower
brings health and happiness to the
Ask your druggist for a
Seventy-five cents.
; 1
C Broad St., Columbus, Ga
h largest SLrictlj 10c, Store in the South.
$6,000 Stock! all Bargains,
[Pay it a visit and. see the PRINCE of
Notwithstanding our cramped store room our business is still growing and this season
thus far shows a great increase over any former season.
A discriminating public knows when they get good value for their money.
j-- TZTttVJBnsr &c
have from the beginning of their business made it a study to sell the best good, avoidiog all trashy, low priced auc¬
tion goods. The result proves our policy the winning one.
Dress Flannels! Dress Flannels!
1500 yards just received. Four shades Grey and Brown, 36 inches wide, only 35 cents. The most complete
stock of Dress Goods in the city, embracing all the new FAILLE fabrics and colors.
New stock SATEENS at 12^ cents. | 20 inch FRANCAISE, warranted to wear well at $1.
Black GROS GRAIN SILKS at 75 c * s > 9° cts, One Dollar and upwards. bh\ery number a good bargain.
| $15 to $45. The most complete stock of Tailor made JERSEY JACKETS in this market.
If you are determined to buy elsewhere you will save money by getting our prices before you buy.
Curative Effects of Alvelos.
Several cases of epithelioma, or cancer
Of the face and lips, are alleged to have
been cured by the juice of alvelos, a
plant which belongs to the family of
euphorbiacese; it acts as an irritant, and
destroys the diseased tissue, which is
quickly replaced by healthy granulations.
Of the three different kinds of alvelos—
inale, female and ■wild—the second is
considered the most valuable; it is found
at Pernambuco, and although the natives
have employed the juice for some time
past, it has not come mto extensive use on
account of the severe pain that it causes.
The best results have been attained
With the juice with in a concentrated solid
form, and the addition of vaseline
or lanoline.—British Medical Journal.
Farthings in England,
though Farthings are still in use in England,
to such a limited extent that a
member of the foval commission on gold
and silver was ignorant of the fact until
informed during an investigation a short
ing time ago. They are used chiefly in buy¬
papers at trade prices, when quarter
fractions of a penny come into use.—
New York Tribune,
No Need of Catching Colds.
Speaking of colds, I have a theory that
no one need ever have one unless he
chooses; in other words, that it is quite
possible so to train the skin, that wonder
ful organ, which is generally looked upon
as the paper wrapper to our human bundle,
as to render it noil-susceptible to sudden
changes of temperature or atmospheric
moisture, whence colds come.
Ana And n« as fhia IMS IS pyrpHv exactly thp tne HPflJsrm season tn to
COmmence SUCh a system of pellar educa
tion, as it has proved effective in many in
stances within my own knowledge, and as
it is within easy reach of every one to try,
I write it here. The theory is that no skin
that has been exposed freely for half an
hour at the beginning of a day to a tem*
perature lower than it will encounter
through the day will note small changes
or be affected thereby.
A cold is simply a nervous shock re
ceived by the myriads of minute nerve
terminals that bristle over the surface of
the human body, transmitted to the cen
ters and so back again to the mucous
membrane, . v. the peculiar .. seat . Of . iL this . special . ,
irritation. Let us then so train these sen
sitive fibers that they will pass by u duo
ticed changes of atmospheric condition,
and the matter is accomplished.—Ameri¬
can Magazine.
Repairing Watches, Clocks and Jewelry a Specialty.
No. 1115 Broad St, Columbus, Ga.
/i A DMINISTRATOR'S SALE.—By virtue of an
order from the honorable court of Ordinary of
ilton, within the legal hours of sale, the following
real estate of Mrs Lucinda E Walker, deceased, the
house and lot, her late residence in said town con*
taming twenty-two and one-half acres more or less.
Sold for distribution among the heirs. Terms, one
thir l cash, the balance in two annual payments,with
jP** r ** t ^ t 8 f er ccnt4 by l's^ANFORD Adnir**
glven < ‘ ' ‘ * n,r *
................ ■■ ■....... m . ......... ... ..................................... . ............ ■
/V . DMINISTRATOR'S SALE.-Georgia, Harris
County.-By virtue of an order from the houora
hie court of ordinary of said county, will sell before
the eourt house door in the town of Hamilton, on the
fir9t Tuesday in November, 1887, the following de
scribed land,belonging to the estate of ThosMcCIung.
One hund.ed and twenty-five acres, more or less,
of lot No. 2, in the 18th district of Harris county,
and Mrs S McClung.
Sold for distribution. Terms cash. Tfos Oct. 3rd
i887> J NO> M# HUDSON, Admr.
U Rebecca Meadows having applied for setting
d^SdhSbaSld, s2E£>° Meadows,and U ° the where
as, the a appraised * * appointed to set set apart apart the same same
having filed the>r report in this office.
o all concerned hereby noti
Therefore, persons if they have, are by the first
fied to show cause, any
Monday in November, next why said report should
not be admitted to record, and stand as the judgment
of this court. Sd'.V 3rd,
my y haad and official si™ ture Oct.
l88? J. F. C. WILLIAMS,Ordy.
pEORGIA, tor’s Salt Harris By virtue County.—Ariminirft-Ii of
4 . — HU order from
Ihe honorable conrt o| ordinary of raid
County we Will 8CU betOM? the court lionse
door in the town of Hamilton oil the first
Tuesday in November next within the h
, , h«*UIS of * sale . trie .. following r . (leHcn .
»<><! .
prop rt> belonging to the estate of Nancy
Glaze, late of *aid county, deceased, to-wii:
Undivided half interest in the west half of
lot of land No 35 in the 18th district of
Mustogge county, and undivided half in
♦eiest in four acres »n« re 'ess lying near the
city limit* of Columbus,in Muscogee coun¬
ty, three-fourths of a mi e < ast of court
bouse, bounded on the south by road lead¬
ing to Lumpkin and north by Southwestern
H K and east by rtavl* Andrews an 1 west
by DocCarier. Also one bundled and fifty
acre- of land of lot No 62 and one bundled
acres of lot No 61 . 67 acres of lot No 63
nnd undivided half interest in one hundred
and twenty acies of 1. t No 67 lying in the
18th district of originally Muscogee 1IOW
Harris county. d#lo for diidributi »n.
Ter i s cash. Oct. $4, 1887.
Wiu H GLAZE, Sr.,
Wm H GLAZE. Jr.,
Adra’rs of Nancy Glsge, dec’d.
Crops are short but C J Edge, of Cot
umbos, has reduced the prices on bis
■took of boots and shoes.