Newspaper Page Text
Hamilton Journal.
J. L. Dennis, Proprietor.
November 4,.................... 1887 .
Leave Columbus...... U> « OiUtUI y 3 7 45 *• »»
Leave Hamilton...... 04^ w y 3 *9 15 a. m
A rrive Greenville...... « y 3 10 15 a. m
Leave “ CO'-l 8 v 3 3 00 p. rn
I .cave Hamilton ...... o » 3 30 p. m
Arrive Columbus..... M O 8 » 3 6 00 p. m
Local Page.
A failure to receive paper that has
been out since Oct. 24 th, forces us to
present the Journal this week in a
reduced form, with highly colored
covers. Much matter of interest is
crowded out but will appear next
That Stalk of Cotton.
We saw a stalk of cotton in the Put¬
nam exhibit at the Piedmont six fee* high
with 280 bolls on it. This showB what
Georgia soil will do under high oultiva.
The First Tuesday.
The first day of November was cloud
less and beautiful. As it was legal sale
day our streets were enliveued by Aum*
hers from the country and adjacent towns
who ceme on business.
Public Sales.
A large amount of land changed bands
ere Tuesday and the sales were very sat
i.« fao’ory. It indicates an advance in real
state, and Rhows the county to be in a
prosperous oonditiofi.
Will Change Hands.
Tbe hotel will change proprietors aboot
tbflr^t of December. Mr M Wolfson
and wife, who have been in charge during
fhe past three years, 7:ill go to Columbus
to live and Mr S R Murphey will take
charge. He bought the property a few
mouth since from Dr T J Brooks.
Please Take Notice.
Rev W M Hayes, Presiding Elder of
. 'olnmbuR district,will be in Hamilton on
Monday, l4tb, and desires to meet all the
ificial members of the Methodist ohnroh
on that day. He will preach in the even
i g, and if the weather is favorable we
bespeak for him a large congregation.
Ho was prevented from filling his ap¬
pointment here last week by the very in¬
clement weather.
Relief of Collector Hunt.
A misapprehension has gone abroad as
to the purport of the bill introduced into
sue legislature by Representative Wil¬
lis rus for the relief of Mr S J Hunt, Tax
Collector. An execution was issued
ainst him for the amount he was short
in his returns and this amount he has paid.
The hill was to relieve him of the 20 per
•et t forfeit. No oolleotor bas ever yet
>>een required to pay this forfeit and the
bill bas many precedents.
Operating Surgeon and Physician,
Broad St.* Columbus, Ga
Good Farming.
Notwithstanding the bad crop year two
young farmers of Hamilton have succeed¬
ed remarkably well in making good crops.
Mr Mack Parker has cultivated a two
horse farm and will make besides a good
corn crop, twenty-two bales of cotton.
Mr James Pitts has gathered from a
one horse farm nine bales and will get
about half a bale more. His corn crop
will be jaore than enough to run him an¬
other year.
Neither one of these young men/ grew
as fine a crop as they planted fo” or as
good by one tbird as was promised them
in July, but 1 oth have done well never¬
theless. Many boys in towns and cities
have worked harder to earn a $500 salary
and been forced to spend all they have
earned to beep up an appearance that
would insure their positions The man
who can work and is not afraid of it and
who has brain can make farming pay.
Cotton Shipments.
The shipments’of cotton from Hamil
ton for September were the largest ever
made for the corresponding month of any
year. For October there has been a
slight falling off so that the d’fference
between the two first two months of this
season and those of last season is just 33
bales in favor of the letter. The ship¬
ments for September were 345 to Savan
nah and 87 to Columbus, a total of 432
against 292 for the corresponding month
of ’86. For October tie shipments were
538 to Savannah and 101 to Columbus, a
total of 639 against 8l2 for the corres¬
ponding month of season. Considering
the one-fourth to one third, the Georgia
Midland doesn’t seem to be hurting Ham
ilton very much.
Mountain Hill District.
A petition was presented to the County
Commissioners court last Tuesday asking
for a new militia district, to be known as
Mountain Hill district. The lines of the
proposed district are as follows : Begio>
ning at a shoal on the Mulberry creek,
known as Moore’s shoal and running north
to Smyrna church, thence west to Mrs
Blackmon’s, thence south to Duke's shoal
on the Mulberry creek and theooe up the
Mulberry to the starting point The pro
posed district will thus be composed of
the western part of Whitakers and the
•astern p»rt of Blue Spring, and the
southern part of the Upper 19th districts.
At tbe suggestion of the court the peti¬
tion was withdrawn for the purpose of
more clearly designating the boundary
lines before the commissioners are ap¬
pointed to report upon the matter.
Dots From Don.
Squ re Nunnelee, who was a good col-,
©red citizen of this district, died Sunday,
October 28,
On the 20th, ult.,Mr Charley Cummings
and Miss Ida Alexander were happily uni¬
ted in the holy bonds of matrimony at
the residence of Esq. Nunnelee.
The young folks had a gay time at the
residence of Mr Juck Walker Wednesday
night Oct 26. The occasion was a candy
pulling. Also at Mr A Die Biggers on
Friday night, 28th, at a pound party.
They enjoyed themselves very much.
“I want to thaok you,’’ writes a young
man to B F Johnson <k Co, Richmond, Va,
‘for placing me in a position by which I
am enabled to make money faster than I
ever did before.’’ 1 his is but a sample
extract of tbe many hundred of similar
letters received by the above firm, bee
their advertisement in another column.
Personal Mention.
Miss Berta Dozier, who spent la-t week
in Macon taking in the state fair, returns
ed home Monday afternoon.
Dr E C Hood and family and Mr M D
Hood and wife returned last week to their
homes in Florida.
Mr C I Hudson and family, who spent
the summer in town, the guests of Judge
W I Hudson, left Monday for their home
in Lake Weir, Fla.
All of our people who went to the Pied
mont exposition and the state fair in Ma-*
con are contented to remain at home for i
a season.
Dr J O Hunt has located his office in
the same building two doors below the
Journal office. I
Rev W A Farley has filled the Metho- !
the trie first -
dist pulpit for past ye r on
Surday in every month, He will doubt
less preach on Sunday morning unless
providentially prevented from filling his
The rainy weather was succeeded by a
cold RIlBp that , , was H foretaste - , , 01 f V\ inter, ; j
The wind wa„ .old end piercing Snnday. j
Wanted For This Week |
15,000 „ ab ....... bodied , to , . buy
. e customers
Boots and Shoes at VV R Bedeli’s, and to j
induce you to come I will make you the
followin'? liberal offer : Whole stock kip
boots, double sole, long legs and solid »
j $2 25, and good boot solid $1 75. Dou¬
ble sole brogans $1 25 and a good one,
whole stock at $1 00. A woman’s calf
shoe for $1 50, and a good one for $1 25
i on
We , would Call especial attention . to
1 Gent’s calf, Heamless Congress and Bal
morals at $2 99 and our Ladie’s Kangaroo
botton at *2 4!) and *2 00. These shoes
are warranted and every pair is made to
and retail trade. My _ r stock of
order for
shoes is larger than ever and I would ess
pecially invite rny friends and the public
to an inspection of it.
W. R Bedell,
1130 Broad Street,
Columbus, Ga.
When you feel that you are dangerously
ill you will send for an educated phisirian
# acknowledged skill, without considering
the cost. You wish to get well. Have you
malaria in your system, and do you wish
to get rid of it? DiShallenbergers Antidote
is the remedy. The doctor is a graduate
of Jefferson Medical college, thirty years
in practice. The medicine will cost you
$1 00, but it will cure you, and is safe in
any dose. 8old by druggists.
In Brief and to tlie Point.
Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordered
liver is misery. Indigestion is a foe
to good nature. digestive is
The human apparatus
one of the most complicated and
wonderful things in existence, It is
easily put out of order.
Greasy food,tough food,sloppy food
bad cookery, mental worry, late hours,
rregular habits, and ma y other
things which ought not to be, have
made the American people a nation
of dispepsia. August Flower has done
But Green’s
a wonderful work in leforming this
sad business and making the Ameri
can people so healthy that they can
enjoy their meals and be happy. without
Rtmemben-No happiness Flower
health. But Green’s August
brings health and happiness to the
dyspeptic. Ask your druggist for *
bottle. Seventy-five cents.
Last Round.
I will be at the following places on the dates named
for the purpose of receiving State and County!
taxes for 1887. Executions will be issued before against the
all parties who have not settled by or
last date:
Cochran’s X Roads Monday, Nov. 14, from 9o’clock
Cfiipley * tori am «»
Nov. 14th.from 1 o’clock to 5 p m
"Barnes’ X Roads Tuesday, Nov. 15, 8 a m
Valley Plains Tuesday, 15, 10 a m to 4 p m
Shiloh Wednesday 16, 8 a m
Milners’ X Roads Wednesday 16, 10 a m to 4pm
Waverly Hall Thursday 17, 9 a m to 3 p m
Mt Airy Thursday Friday 17, 4 p m
Dr Ashford’s 18, 8 a m
Ellerslie Friday 18, xo a m to 3 p m
Blue Spring Wednesday Tuesday 22, 10 a m to 3 p m
Cataula 23, icra m to 3 p m
McLeroy’s Shop Thursday Wednesday 23, 4 p m
Mulberry Grove 24, 8 a m
Lower 19th—Court ground 24,10 a m to 3 p m
Cameron’s Shop Friday 25th, 25, 8 am
Upper 19th Friday Saturday 26, 10 a m to 4 p m
Mountain Hill 10 a m
Hargett’s Mill Saturday 26, 2 p m
Whitaker’s Tuesday Monday 28, 10 a m to 4 p m
Davidson’s 29, 10 a m to 4 p m
West Point Wednesday 30, 11 am
Whitesville Saturday, Dec. 3d, 8 am to 5th 4 p and m 6th.
Hamilton Monday and Tuesday Dec. HUNT,
S. J.
Tax Collector.
Vj istrator’s Sale. By virtue of an will order sell before from the the
court of Ordinary of said county I
court house door in >aid county on the first Tuesday
Seaborn Meadows, late of said county, deceased, to
wit: Lot of land No. 147 containing 202^ acres,
more or less, also 152^ acres, more or less, of lot
No. 143, and 120 acres on the north side of lot No.
J44 containing in all 475 acres, more or less. Sold
for distribution. Terms cash. Nov. 3d, 1887.
Adm’r of Seaborn Meadows, dec’d.
Harris County Sheriff’s Sales
Will be sold before the court house door
j n ^ rown (J f Hamilton, Harris county,
(j a t within the legal hours of sa'e, to the
highest bidde , tor cash, on /he first t ues
day in Nov, 1887, the following described
property, viz:
One bay mare mule named SSfii Fannie, 12 years old;
« ££*; °.“o
one Tennessee two-horse wagon. Levied upon as
S'inanSIheg^S of
district, Ran } s P ec k
& Green vs Nelson Thornhill, and the one issued
from Harris Superior Court in favor of R B Traylor
vs Nelson Thornhill.
Als ) at the same time and place one bay mare mule
8 years old, named Nell; one mouse-colored horse
mule named Ned, about to years old, and one Swift dark
colored mule 6 years oH, bought of Geo. P. &
Son. Levied upon as the property of J. N. Land
and Jacob Land, Jr.,to satisfy a mortgage fi fa issued
from Harris Superior Court in favor of Geo P. Swift,
Sr., surviving partnei, &c., vs J. N. Land and Jacob
Land, Sr.
Also at the same red speckled time and place one heifer medium calf,2,000 size
bay mule, one cow and
lbs seed cotton, more or less, 25 bushels of corn,more
or less, 1500 pounds of fodder,more Harris less, grown upon
the lands of S C Goodman in county. Levied
upon as the property ot Superior Thomas Court Davis, in to satisfy a
fi fa issued from Harris favor of
The Pacific Guano Co., vs Thomas Davis.
Also at the same land, time and place one being hundred and
sixty-five acres of more or less, lot No.
242 except 8 % acres in the north-east comer of said
lot in the 21st district of said county, and bounded as
follows: North and east by lands of Oscar Barnes, i
south by lands of M. Stevens and west by lands of I
Wm. Smith. Levied up as the property of M. F.
Barnes, to satisfy of Hudson a fi fa issued Johnston from Harris M Superior t J
Court in favor & vs F Barnes
and notice given according to law.
Also, at the same time and place, *ne small bay
horse mule, 4 ye>,rs old, one sorrel mare
mule name Pomp, 15 years old, one dark
mome-color^d or black mu!e, medium
size, name Mike, 14 years o d, also, 2,000
pounds of see 1 cot to 1 , more or less, 50
bushels of corn, more or less, and 1500
pounds of fodder, more or les-. Levied
upon as tbe property of Jas M Culpepper
to satify a fi fa issued from Harris Supe¬
rior court, in favor of The Pacific Guano
Co., vs J«8 M Culpepper.
F. M. Talley, Shff.
IT ecutors Sale.—By virtue of the la*t
will and testament of H K Stanford, late
of sain eonnty, deceased, I will sell before
the court house door in the town of Ham¬
ilton, on the first Tuesday in December
next, the following described land be
lowing to tbe estate of said deceased,towit: ^
West half of ht No 208, containing 100
aerts, more or less, in 17th district of said
county and 5 acres of south' east corner ■
of Ut No 5 in 22d district. Also part of •
lot No 210 in 17 th district, containing 76 [
acres, more or less. Terms cash Nov.
1st 1887. L W STANFORD,
Executor of H K Stanford, dec d.