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A. + C. + RHODES + & +CO.,
Respectfully submit a few prices whichwe guarantee cannot and will not be dealer in tin's of the
Silk Plush Parlor Suites from $35 to $45.
Only $45 for a 10-piece solid Walnut Marble-top Toilet suit of Furniture.
A 10 piece Maple Marble-top Toilet Suit for only $38.
Only $30 for a 10 piece Imitation Marble top Toilet Suit.
250 good, strong Bedsteads from $1 50 up,(and not made of pine either.)
500 Chairs, all styles, from 25 cents up.
50 Bureaus, with 12x20 German Glass, only $5.
o<j[X>:-: WE HAVE s-:o<1>o
^-Wardrobes, Sideboards, Hall Stands, Wash Stands, Safes, Tables, Cribs, Cradles, Baby Carriages, Clocks, Pictures, Look¬
ing Glasses, Chamber Suits, Tin Sets, all of which we will guarantee to sell you 20 cents cheaper than any other in the
The reason why CAN and WILL do this is because we buy for our (17) seventeen Furniture Stores, scattered through
the Southern States. We frequently place orders for $50,000 worth of goods from factory, when small dealers buy from
$100 to $150 worth at the time. All of our purchases are made on the same plan, and you, as a man or lady, know that
we buy cheaper. So look to your interests and don’t buy an article of Furniture until you get our terms and prices.
A. G. RHODES & CO., 1017 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga.
Below we publish the bill passed
by the late general assembly provi¬
ding a stock law for the several dis¬
tricts named in this county :
To require the owners of horses,mules,
hogs, cows, sheep, goats and cattle of
all kind to prevent the same from
running at large upon the lands o
another, whether enclosed or unen
closed, in the following malitia dis
tricts in Harris county, Georgia, to
wit: 672 (Hamilton), 782 (Milner),
1186 (Upper 19th) 696 (Cataula) and
717 Blue Spring) and to define the
liabilities of the owners of such cattle
or stock so running at large and the
rights of persons damaged thereby.
Section I. Be it enacted by the
General Assembly, That from and
after the first day of January, 1888, it
shall be unlawful for the owner of
any horses, mules, hogs, cows, sheep,
goats, or cattle or stock of any other
description to allow the same to run
at large upon the land of another in
said districts whether enclosed or un
Sec. II. Be it further enacted,
^That if any of the animals named in
the foregoing section snail commit
j^ny trespass or damage to the shall crop
property of another, or be
ound running at large on the prem
of an0ther ’ Wheth " SUCh Cr0p ’
property or premises be enclosed or
unenclosed, the owner of said stock
shall be liable to the person damaged
in the amount of actual damages
sustained by him and the party in
jured or the owner of said premises,
his tenant or lessee, may impound
said stock or cattle until such dam
ages and expenses of taking up and
impounding the same shall have been
paid by the owner of said stock.
Sec. III. Be it further enacted,
That in case any such animals shall
have been impounded under the pro
visions of the foregoing section, the
party so impounding shall give them
all necessary care, feed and attention,
for which he shall have reasonable
compensation as hereinafter provid
ed. It shall also be his duty within
twenty-four hours after such stock or
cattle shall have been taken up and
impounded, to give notice thereof to
the owner; if the owner, however j s
not known, or cannot be ascertained
within three days after impounding
such stock or cattle, they shall be
disposed of as provided by law in
cases of estrays, except that in case
any such animals shall be disposed
of after the payment of legal cost and
expenses the balance sha 1 be applied
first to damages which such cattle or
stock may have caused to owners or
tenants or lessees of ands, premises
or crops thereon.
A perfect world of Rockers, from 65 cents up to $16.
50 Imitation Marble-top French Dressers, 17x30 glass, only $8.
50 Marble-top French Dressers, 17x30 glass, only $14.
250 well made Cotton top Mattresses only $2 50.
300 Bed Springs (12 styles) from $1 25 up.
Full Size No 6 Cooking Stove, complete, only $6 50.
Full Size No. 7 Cooking Stove, complete, only $8 50.
Sec. IV. Be it further enacted,
That in case of disagreement between
the party claimed to be damage or
the taker up of such animals and the
owner of the same as to the amount
of the alleged trespass, or the expense
of feed and attention, the party claim
ing said damages or expense may sue
for the same as in other cases of tres
pass; Provided, nevertheless, that said
suit shall stand tor trial at the first term
court to which it is brought,
and provided further that a spicial
hen upon the trespassing animals tor
the payment of the judgment obtain
shall attach from the date of the
Sec. V. Be it further enacted,
^ hat in cases of litigation as contem
P^ted by the preceding section, the
ow,lcr of sa id cattle or stock may re
P^ ev y the same by giving bond with
8°°^ security to be approved by the
of the Peace or Notary Pub
He and Ex-Officio Justice of the
Peace in the district where such stock
or cattl e & taken U P and impounded,
to pay plaintiff all dam
^ Cj> f n( ^ cost an c ^ ex P en s?s which
C rccovcre , a 8 ainjt him -aid
Sec. VI Be it further enacted
hat all laws and parts of laws in
‘ ct wlth thls act be and the same
hereb y repealed.
j. B Gordon,
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