Newspaper Page Text
* lOZIEB, Wholesale and Retail
HARDWARE, Columbus, Georgia r
Capt. T. H. Kimbrough and wile
are attending the annual session of
the Na tional Grange at Lansing,
Michigan. A note from him informs
us that they have had a royal time.
the official proceedings we find
the following report of the condition
the order in Georgia:
W. M. and Members N. Grange:
to learn the true status of
our subordinate Granges, and being
anxious to render such assistance as
I might be able, I began to visit and
lecture in S. W. Ga. 1 2th of July,and
in every section met with much en
couragement. Here we saw the dif
ferent organizations greatly revived
and their numerical strength fully
doubled. P. M. Gillis and myself
arranged to visit every section of the
state, but as we were getting our work
well under way, heavy rains began
aud materially interfered with our
programme. Owing to these con
tinuous rains(the most destructive that
ever visited our state), after much ex
pense to myself, I was forced to give
up and get home the best I could, to
find my crops and other property
greatly damaged. This state of af
fairs lasted from 27th of July until
about the 25th of September, when
a most terrific storm visited many
sections, which so demoralized and
embarrassed our people with Josses
(that reached into its millions of dol
lars) I felt unwilling to continue the
work, nor was i able to proceed.
If we could have carried out our
programme I feel confident the nu
erical strength of our Order through
ut the state would have been in
creased from 50 to 75 per cent.
IVe have been well aware of the
ffxt for the past six or eight years
that one of the gre*t difficulties in
our own state was that we needed
leaders in our order of state notoriety
and reputation, who could give us
than a local influence. In this
have been disappointed, for our
leaders have come directly from the
and cotton fields, and were not
to do what they felt to be a du
ty, and were willing and anxious to
We were therefore in a condition
to highly appreciate the fact that the
I pationai National Grange grange had naa senior! secured th* the
Services of our esteemed Bro. J. N.
(7 1 Lipscomb : rtc*/-v rv> K to help UAklrk us in in our section, -
and wou l d here take the privilege of
^tendering our thanks to the Execu¬
tive Committee who so kindly con
! sidered our necessities and manifest
ed a willingness to render us assist
We highly appreciate our Lecture
documents by Bro. Whitehead as the
means of accomplishing much good,
I would also ask to assure Bro. Lips
comb that we would have manifested
our appreciation of his labors if he
had been able to come among us.
While we of Georgia have not
made the progress we desired or ex
pected we are nevertheless
very thankful fur every express
ion of sympathy, brotherly love or
encouragement we have received
from Bros, throughout the Union,
whether they be of a private or official
We are anxiously trusting that we
will in the near future be privileged
*° exhibit to you a mark of Georgia
hospitality. Will greet any of you as
brothers and sisters, and welcome
y° u as a National organization. T he
influence of our National order is
much needed in Georgia. In many
sections farmers’ organizations of a
different name are bringing their in
fluence to bear on our people,
Considering the fact that all our
efforts and helps have been of a local
nature, and have been compelled to
meet our opponents with their local
state and National influences, we feel
we have peformed no ordinary task
in holding our own. Wearenotdis
couraged with our efforts. Our mem
bership is composed of a brother
hood who stood by our order under
more discouraging circumstances,and
to day stand pledged to the principles
j of our order; are bidding God speed
to our fraternity, and are under prom
ise to work on and work ever until
our people be free, independent,pros
perous and happy.
Five Granges reorganized in west¬
ern and southwestern portions of the
state, and in this same section the
subordinate lodges have increased
their numerical strength, are reaping
the benefits of our order. In other
sections I fear a lack of interest.
Brace Up.
Y<>n are feeling depraseed. your appe¬
tite is poor, y.»u are bothered with Head¬
ache, you are fidgetty, nervous, and gen¬
erally out of aorta, and want to brace up.
Brace up, not with stimulants, spring
medicines, bitters, which have for their
basis very cheap, bad whisky, and which
Ktimulate yon for an hour, and tbeo leave
» you in worse condition than before.What
oa waDt ■„ au a „ eratire thllt „ m porifv
your blood, start healthy action of your
Live and Kidneys, restore your vitality,
aud give renewed health and strength.
Such medicine yon will find in Electric
fitters, and only 50 cents a bottle at
Cook Bros.
A man who has practiced medicine
for 40 years ought to know salt
from sugar; read what he says:
Toledo, O., Jan. 10, 1887.
Messrs F. J. Cheney & Co.—Gen¬
tlemen : I have been in the general j
practice of medicine for most 40 yrs,
and would say that in all my practice
and experience, have never seen a
preparation that I could prescribe
with as much confidence of success
as I can Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manu¬
factured by you. Have p,escribed it
a great many times and its effect is
wonderful, and would say in conclu¬
sion that I have yet to find a case of
Catarrh that it would not cure, if they
would , 1 take . , it . accotdlng ,• to . directions, .
Vniirc trnlvr
L. , L. _ GoRSUCH, M.D.,
y«>ce, Office 215 2K bummnst. Summit St
... We will ... give $100 for of
any case
Catarrh that cannot be cured with
Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Taken inter
F. J. Cheeney & Co., Props.,
Sold by druggists, 75c. Toledo, O
Koi ce ].enters or layers.
I will rent or sell 2(K) sores of land lying
on the waters of Mulberry creek, h pmt
of M C Parley’s, (deceased) land An y
information call on W H Luttrell or Q 1 «
Pursol), Chipley, Ga.
A Good One From a Reliable Man.
Valdosta, Ga , Oct. 20, 18 B 6 . — My
hoy is now eighteen yonrs old, and has
been sick all hi-* life, and not, sble to do
any work of any kind I thought he had
dr,„,sy, bin bio«d »a» aimos, uke water.
He has never had any appetite or color,
.md was nofir for anything, being in such
•in awful condition. I have during the
last tell years expected him to die at auy
moment, be could not walk 100 yards
without reBting two or three times. In
three or four da>s after giving him
Briggs* Nunn better Tonic Pills he did a
whole days work in the field, being so
rrinch improved. He now has a good np
•e»ife and is rapidly improving in stregth
md color. 1 know the Pills have given
him a new lease of life, aud I recommend
hem above every modime on earth. My
wife bar also been in fe^lde condition for
some tinm, and they have improved her
»Iho very much. If anybody needs a ton
c, my a.tvice is, buy B ig«s' Mnnnbetter
funic Pills Ii H Hutchinson.
Sold by Dr S G Hiley, cell on him for
f ^w samples Nunnbetter Liver Pills, <fco
i Lippman Bros , Whole-ale Drupg’sts,
« uolesale Agents, Savannah, Ga.
4 R --4
Their Business Booming.
Profah v no one fch ng has caused such a
1 * ncral revival of tran<* at took B os us
neir giving away b> their customers of so
»• ms *rce t ill bo’tlrs of Dr. Kin gs New
Discovery for Consumption 'Their trade
i- simp y enonnous n ibis valuable aiticle
from ihe fact that it always cures and nev¬
er disappoints. Cougar-, colds Asthma,
Bronchitas, cioop, an.! a-1 thioa‘ and lung
diseases quickly cured. You can test it
heroic bu> lug i*y getting a trial bottle
free.large size $1. Every bottle warranted.
The success of Rome cf the agenta em¬
ployed by BP John»oo k Co Richmond va
ia truly marvallons It is not an nonsaal tbi
ng for their ngents to make as high a s> $20
»* d $30 a day,and souietimeR thwr profits
run np a« high as $40 and $50—even :
more. Bat we hesitate to tell ion the
whole troth, or yon will scaroely believe
we are in earnent. Write them and see ;
for yonrself what they will do for you ;
m 0
i 1 9
>Vhen I f'lty ('ntR I do not mean inert.v
»top them lor a time, ami then lutve them
turn again I mka •« disease A RADICAL, CUli"
I have made the of
A. life long the study, I warrant my renuH
j Durk failed worst cases. because others 1 m'
is no reason for not now receiving > <■
Send at once for a treatise anda Fkk * 0 »: 1
)f Illy iNFAI.UHLK Kkmedv. (Jive Kxnte
md Tost Office, it costs you nothing for
1 :rla1 ’ * ,,d u w,n cure * ou - Addrpss
!__^______ H . c . ROO T. M.C. I83 Pe**iSt,NewYc
I'- *
] 333 'nBDEnuL m 1
Greatest Cu0Etpe8t „ _ ,,
CHIU £ 3.11111
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Fullest Telegraphic Eoports cl
Ourrent Evonts.
j 1 Special Features:
Practical Farming. Advance ofSdrru
Woman’ll Work. Short fitorh*.
The World of l.lterature Aim! Ai
Information on all Subject
Address, James Gordon Bennet * -
New York Hi raid.
New York City
mu DAY FAfiDY cr,r -
Album*. Picket Books, PiotPf .n, I ronx**s I.
Pltijih Ooods, SSSL-J >11
Jttwu! 0*8 ml V ■is. ll
M anic Bom, * t xt
ttr jwo Goods Blow Ola.-*-, t»
*1 h, Inket in.w, PartfoHoo
arol Mirror*. Birthday Butlonery,Chrf CmU, '-L? » ***% m f ^
SEsE** mlu’t t'.rS 1 ® ■
LUMEN & BATES So 8avanSah; ca
Bad cured tne wontCMmol Cough, Weak Lunur-, Asth;
IndHmAion, Inward Paine. Exhaustion. Iuvaiuat»!« t
Kheuatatixm, female Weakueea. Bowels. and all pains DWttJW. and i
order* of the Stomach and 40c. at
The safest, sureet and beet cure for Com*. Bunion?.-, tai
Jtope ali pain. Eaeures comfort to the feet Never a
o cure. 14 on Hiscmc<k ca, N. \.