Newspaper Page Text
J. L. Dennis,..... • • • Proprietor.
December 2,.................... 1887.
Leave •C Columbus Hamilton 3 4 15 35 P- P- m m- - coo H H o 00 p p 3 3
Arrive Greenville. 6 15 p. m. o« ui V 3
Leave “ 7 00 a. m. O O f> 3
Leave Hamilton . 8 30 a. m. “ 0 O "p 3
Arrive Columbus. 10 00 a. m. » ro \T) •J3 3
Local Page.
Notice This!
A little more money needed. If you have
not ret tied jour acc unt you are iu
dividunlly and personally re¬
quested to call at the Drug
Store and d» * s.» at once.
Ve\ G. Respectfully,
Killed l»y a Cotton Pres*.
This morning news was received that
Mr James II Moore, a young man who
lives in Blue Spring district, was killed
by a bo:: to a cotton press bursting whil e
packing a bale of cotton. We have been
unable to learn the pa ticulars.
Collar-Bone Broken.
Mr W 11 Johnson, while trying to ride
a young Texas horse came near losing his
life. The horse beeame frightened and
ran off throwing Mr Johnson against a
fence breaking his collar-bone. Drs S G
R ley and 4 O Hunt adjusted the broken
His Farewell Nermon.
R f v W 1) McGregor preached his fare¬
well sermon for this conference year at
the Methodist church Sunday. He has
been on this circuit two years,and during
that lime has m«de majy friends through¬
out the circuit who will pray for his suc
ce-s in any field the conference may place
Religious Services.
A change has been made in the time
tor the services at the Baptist church.
Rev 1 P Cheney was called to till the
first and third Sundays, leaving the sec¬
ond and fourth to be filled by the Meth¬
odist denomination during the coming
year, llis pastorate begins the first of
December and he has announced his in¬
tention of preaching a thanksgiving ser¬
mon on Sunday morning. Should the
weather be favorable we bespeak for him
a gooti congregation.
(■one to their New Home.
DrIP Obeney and family b ft yes erday
f >r 'h«'ir new home at Ha>* ilton. Dr Cbe
iw h »s lw euenlbd to servo tbc Baptist
ehuv h n 4 *h»t place in the capacity of
p .stor H;s iine> have fallen in pleasat t
pbict-s nod the people <f Hamilton are
f . tnua'e i;\ having obtained snob h good
rtf z j r and able diviue.—Col Enquirer.
’I he family arrived yesterday afternoon
and met with a wmu reception. The
1 idi«**» of the Riptist church were nt the
parsonage w 11 dm afternoon arranging for
the r> o n ion, and ibey stor«>d tbe pantry
Ml'S a beautiful upply of provi<ioos.
Local and Personal.
Col J W Murphey, of Columbus, is in
the city.
Mr C J Shipp, of Columbus, was m
town Saturday.
The failure of R P Tallman, a promi¬
nent merchant of Woodbury, is announ
Mr B F McLaughlin, a prominent law¬
yer of Greenville, was in the ci’y Satur¬
Mr H S Sterne, of Columbus, has been
at the hotel several days on u visit to bis
sister, Mrs M Wolfson.
The Meriwether Vindicator says that
upwards of forty applications are in for
the school at Greenville.
Dr C W Buck, of Alabama, wbo hr s
been heie several days extracting teeth
without pain (?), left Tuesday.
Col C J Thornton axd two of his little
daughters came up from Columbus Satur¬
day and spent the uitht in town, guests
of Mrs G R Copeland.
The friends of humanity will be glad
to know that our jail is untenanted during
this cold wintry weather. Evil doers
should beware and keep clear of the jail.
Mr H L Peed and Son built them a neat
little home at Waverly Hall with the in¬
tention of moving to that place before
Xmas. Their shoe-making business bas
been so good this fall that they have about
concluded to remain here. We are glad
to retain them as citizens.
We never like to dun our subscribers
through the columns of the Journal, but
if any of them happen to be in town
Monday or Tuesday they will find us at
the same old place. The front door may
be closed, but that’s lo keep out cold,
not delinquent subscribers.
This is the day appointed by Governor
Gordon as arbor day in Georgia, bnt with
the thermometer nearly down to freezing
point we fear that it will not be generally
observed. One cannot be brought to ap
preeinte the beanty and utility of shade
trees when the wind feels like it is com¬
ing directly from the froz n regions.
The trade for the Hamilton Hotel be¬
tween Dr T J Brook* and Mr S R Mnrs
phey has been cancelled. Rev W A Far¬
ley has ren'ed it and will take charge Mon¬
day. He is a good, clover gentleman,and
witd his good wife to run the domestic
machinery we believe the ho*el will lose
none of its past popularity. Mrs. M.
Wolfson will remain until the new pro¬
prietor takes possession.
The property of R J Smith & Son, of
Mt Airy, was sold at paid c sale Tuesday
and Wednesday. Furniture, mechanical
tools, buggies, engines, gin, steam saw
mill, cane mill, stock, etc , wore knocked
down to the highest bidder at moderately
low prices. The stock w r as thought by
competent judges to have sold for its full
value, bnt the sales did not bring their
full value. The land that was to have
been sold was withdrawn ard will be sold
at pritate sale. They sell cut to locate
in Texas, where they will move -bortly.
A Negro Turning White.
While iu Tn hot county last week wo
heard of a negro living n^ar Talbot ton
who has turned from black to while. First ’
little white spots appeared on his body
and these gradually apre eduntil his w ho’e
skin beoame white. He would now’ be .
taken for a white mun but for hia kinky 1
head His head is covered with wool
tb*>t refuses obstin*i*e ! y to straighten out
a^d <el him be a full fledged white man. ?
A Brave Confederate Soldier Weds the
Sweetheart of his Youth.
On yesterday, at the residence of the
bride, in the little city of Geneva, thirty
miles from Colnmbns, Captain Dinkley,
a prominent citizen of Nashville, Tenn • t
was married to Mrs Carrie Jordan, of
Geneva, Rev C H Branch officiating.
Years ago. daring the late civil straggle,
it is said Capt Dinkley, who was a brave
soldier, was woanded, and stopped at the
home of Mr Caldwell, in the lower part
of this state, where be was tenderly nursed
by the family, one of whom was Miss
Carrie Caldwell, then a young girl. The
wounded soldier and the fair daughter
formed an attachment fot each other.bat
fate threw them apart, and they each in
time married. Miss Caldwell becane
Mrs Jordan and Captain Dinkley chose
another for his wife. Death came to the
home of each and robbed the wife of
bnsband and the bnsband of wife, and
bnt a brief time since these two hearts
that had been separated by fate yems
were thrown together and they now beat
as one. Tne marriage was kept quiet
and was a genuine snrprise to the friends
of the lady, who is greatly loved at her
home. Captain Dinkley was a splendid
gentleman. His bride is one of the no¬
blest Christian ladies of Georgia. Both
have done well. We tell it as ’twas told
to ns.
The newly married couple passed ‘hreugh
this city yesterday en route to the home
of the groom.
We copy the above from the Colnmbns
Enquirer. Mrs Jordan taught a school
at Gataula last fall and made many
friends who wish her much joy.
C. J. Edge, the leading boot and shoe
dealer of Columbus has reduced prices
on boots and shoes to meet your lessened
income by short crops.
It Eooked Suspicious.
“How is your son getting along in New
York, Mr. Hayseed?”
“I guess lie ain’t doin’ as well as he says he
is. He was home t’other day, an’ he had on
a colored shirt an’ a white collar. I rayther
suspect he’s behind with his washerwoman.”
—Harper’s Bazar.
How She Took It.
“Mabel, I have something to say that 1
think will astonish you.”
“What is it?”
“I am going away.”
“Oh, Harry! You are always getting up
some nice surprise for me. 1. Merchant
You can't stop a ribber, so
Dev’s no use tryin’.
You can’t stop the truf, so
What’s de use er lyin’? —Tid Bits.
An Interesting Contest.
Wife—In the rivalry between Mrs. Lang¬
try and Mrs. Potter for histrionic honors,
John, which lady do you think is leading?
Husband—Why, T understand that Mrs.
Langtry is still tvs 1 brands of soap ahead.—
New York Sun.
A Cheerful Prospect.
“I was in hopes, professor,” said a hospital
under surgeon, “that I would be given that
leg operation in the poor ward.”
“No, 1 assigned it to young »Sawt>ones, but
I’ll give you a whack at the autopsy.”—Th«
The Sporting Man.
He couldn’t read, but winning horses Lo would
ne er forget;
The only bet he didn't know about was alphabet.
Washington Critic.
Operating Surgeon and Physician,
Broad St., Columbus^
Sold Out.
I have sold out my entire stock
goods, &c., to Blanchard, Humber &
J. 8. Garrett & Sons and J. W.
and have ceased to do bnsiness.
Nov. 29 th, 1887.
Harris County Sheriff’s Sales.
Will be sold before the court house door
in the town of Hamilton, Harris country
Ga , within the legal hours of sale, to fflfl H
highest bidden for cash, on *he first desciinH 1 11
day in Jan 1888, the following
property, viz:
17th Forty district acres of land, more or less, situated in
of Harris county, with all the improvt
ments E Appier, thereon, bounded on the north by lands McColloll of i
south by J trustee, H Byrd, east and by lands of W H
the of W H west McCollobs by J H Byrd. Levie
on issued as from propety Harris Superior Court in favor to satisfy of T a fij 1
Pearce vs W H McCull hs. '
Also, at the same time and place, two bales of lii
cotton, gathered 3,000 in field, pounds of seed cotton, more or less,
35 bushels of cotton seed and
pounds of seed cotton. Levied upon as the propc
ty of C O and C H Trammell and found in their p 3
session, the same being the property descri bedUl
and levied upon to satisfy a mortgage fi fa AHm 91 f
from Harris Superior Court in favor of John >
Lacy vs C H Trammell and C O Trammell.
seed Also, at the same time less, and bushels place, 3,000 of pouncM
lees, cotton, more or 20 corn, mo Idl
or and 500 pounds of fodder, more or
Levied upon as the property of Charles Johnstoi|
satisfy Court in a mortgage favor of James fi. fa. issued A. & from A. Harris W. GranjB Snp^
Charles Johnston.
seed Also, at the same time less, and bushels place, 2,500 of pounl
less, cotton, more or 40 corn, 1
or and 1,500 pounds of fodder, more ord
I evied upon as the property of Charles Wite'
satisfy Court in a morfg ge James fi. fa. issued from H irris Sup.
favor of A. & A. W. Grant
Charles Waters.
Also, at the same time and place, 3,000
seed cotton, m< re or less 20 bush Is of torn,
or less 500 pounds of f deter, mure or less, one t
horse wagon and one c >w and calf. Levied upon
the property of Bob Bennn.g to satisfy a mo
fi. la. Lsued from Har. is Superior Court in favor
James A. & A. W. Grant.
vJ as, Mrs E A McCalla having applil !>
for a twelve month’s support out of li 1
estate of J L McCalla, deceesed, and
appraises having made tleir return
this iffiue as the law requires.
Tnerefore all persons concerned I,
bereoy notified to show cause, if any J l.
have, by the fir-t Monday iu Jaur
next, why said return should not be
lowed and stand the judgment of :;i
Given under my hand and official
Nov. 25 b, 1887 ^
J F C Williams, Or
GEORGIA—HARRIS Vi Tncker and John T Hall, COBNTY.M| exeeiPW
the last will and Testament of Tbouj
Hall, late of said county, deceased, ma
j application for letters of dismission,
All persons concerned are hereby
tified to show cause, if any they hav
the first MoDd**y in March next, wltf
ters of dismission should not be gn
sa d «pp icant.
Given under my hand and official 4
nature Nov 25>b, 1887. >
J F C Williams. Or
Allie HaLSford, ) Libel for Divordl
Vs Harris M
Wm Hansford. Superior Cnual
It HppeariDg to the court that tbA
fendant Win Hansford has not been*
ed, It is ordered and adjudged by 9
court that said case be continued auc fi
vice 1 e perfected by publication ir
Hamilton Journal, a newspaper pu
j ed ’D said county. R A Russe
j P. ff’s Attc
The above and foregoing is a trd
j tract- from minutes 1887. Harris Superior^
I Oct. term,
A F Truett, C
\ .> ><m • TOMItfr^ives ^ -■ an^Sequc* ■ ...... • ■ j
> folly youth. and excess; Cures weakness renews the of energy, mind and courage body; aH I
' of
SJffiS-JSSS olars free. BAKER BKM. OO., Box 104, Buflal