Newspaper Page Text
It rains incessantly.
JVlr. R. A. White is yet ill. We trust
K condition will improve rapidly.
Miss Burke, of LaGrange, is visit
ing her brother, Mr. R. L. Burkes, of
this city.
Prof. W. O. Johnson is visiting his
‘father at Sal;m, Ala. He will re
turn in a few days.
Mr. John Pearce is spending some
time in Stinson, in charge of the tel¬
egraph office at that place.
The little son of Rev. W. T. Bell
was badly but not seriously burned
Wednesday evening by falling into
the fire-place.
Thanks are due Mr. Walter Frank¬
lin for a magnificent entertainment
given to the happy people of Chipley
Tuesday evening at his home a few
miles from town.
Tbe universal admirers of Rev.
W. T. Bell are highly joyous over the
return of him to the Whitesville cir
cuit. We wish him a merry Christ
mas and a prosperous New Year.
We are proud to know thac our
prosperity as a town is greater than
it has ever been since Chipley was
born in the forests which have been
cleared away. Although times are
hard our progress is rapid and sub
stantial.^ We acknowledge in
our error sta
that^the Christmas tree would be
at^ e Baptist church. Both Sunday
school^ will meet next Sunday to de
cide a convenient place.. The acad¬
emy is spoken of, but either chuich
■w-mld serve the occasion better as
the short benches in the academy
are fastened to the floor and cannot
be removed, consequently only few
coulu be seated. We must ha T, e a
tree. It will mingle good feeline all
Holiday goods at Glass Bros. Re
member they have the most exien
sive and tasty line from which you
may select. Those who called last
week were highly pleased with our
daisy stock. An inspection is solic
ited. No trouble to show goods. We
want you to see them before the
holidays and then we are sure we will
sell. Remember Glass Bros. only,
Best writing paper at Glass Bros.
5 cents quire.
Catania Chat.
Miss Pattie McGregor is visiting
friends in Columbus.
Mr. John Thomaston is making
preparations for Santa Claus for his
wee son.
Mr. Summers Spear came home
last week on a short visit to his
Mrs. YValter Williams was confined
to her room a&i week with a severe
bilious attack.
Little Miss Lucile Williams is the
belle of our town. She is a little
beauty and so fascinating.
Christmas is most here. Who is
it is preparing that handsome pres
ent for me ? The question is open
for discussion
Miss Georgia Stringfeller has gone
to Chattahoochee county on a visit
to relatives. Her exit has caused
more than one sad heart.
Mrs. James H. Worrill, of Talbot
ton, is visiting her father, Judge J. J.
W. Biggers. Mrs. Biggers is
her daughter, Mrs. Howark Key,
Rev. I. P. Cheney and Dr. J.
Mitchell, of Hamilton, paid
community a visit Wednesday, on a
hunting occasion, and were
guests of Mr. T. H. Lynch.
Dr. T. F. Brewster was at home a
few days last week. He will be
the 20th to close out his
here and Mrs. Brewster will return
Atlanta with him to make it
One of our noted farmers
ed a tenant with a mule and
and realized the big profit of
hundred pounds of seed cotton and
two busnels and a half of corn.
such farming as that continues
country will soon be overrun with
I think our town will be well sup
plied with chickens another year,
as twb citizens are going largely into
the poultry business. They certain
expect to have some sport too, as I
see several fine game roosters on
streets, that keep their owner;
driving them home to keep down
I know a lady who was so alarmed
when she heard of the robbery in
in Hamilton that she insisted
her husband should bolt and
the house the following night. He
laughed at the idea, saying he had
but a dime in the world. ‘‘O,” she
replied, “they might murder us
they failed to find money.”
Your correspondent, in company
with Mrs. M. R. Brewster, spent a
very pleasant day with Mrs. J. J. W.
Biggers last week. Judge B. and his
lady are noted for their hospitality
and they entertain more company
than any other family in the county.
Everything around their home indi
cates thrift. , 1 saw a , nog in . a pen
that would weigh four hundred pounds
that is not yet two years old. It is
the Poland China stock. Mrs. Big
gers has a two horse wagon load of
turnips Stored , in . , her flower pit . for
winter use, besides an acre ^or more
that have not been gathered. The
garden is full of winter cabbage ® ’ and
I wondered , . if that big hog would
- season all those turnips and cab- •
atny jMml x . ntlon ,
Miss Berta Dozier is visiting in
Columbus to day.
Mrs. A. B. Copeland is shopping
in Columbus to-day.
•Is the winter to pass without a
single wedding in Hamilton ?
The weather looks as if it too
was ? eU ’ n » reJ( ty ^ hristmas.
vv ill it snow ? I he clouds look
that May, al hough the weather bu
reau says it will be fair.
The exercises of the West Georgia
A. & M. College, for the fall term
closed last week. Prof. Dozier left
Monday on a trip to middle Georgia,
but will return in time to open the
exircises of the institution early in
Sunday school scholars pronounce
the lesion papers in the Journal
very fine. After this week the Jour¬
nal will be mailed here every Friday
morning so that every reader in the
county will get it in time to use these
papers in studying his lesson.
n Brief and to the Point.
Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordered
j liver is misery. Indigestion is a foe
o good nature.
l The human digestive apparatus is
one of the most complicated and
wonderful things in existence. It is
easily put out of order.
, Greasy food,tough food,sloppy food
bad cookery, mental worry, late hours,
egular habits, an d may other
things which ought not to be, have
made the American people a nation
of dispepsia.
But Green’s August Flower has done
a wonderful work in leforming this
sad business and making the Ameri
can people so healthy that they gcao
enjoy their meals and be hippy,
Rcmem ber:~No happiness without
health. But Green’s August Flower
brings health and happiness to the
dyspeptic. Ask your druggist for a
bottle. Seventy-five cents,
! The finest line of Toilet Soaps
ever exhibited in Hamilton just re¬
ceived at the Drug Store. tf
Use Lai in lor for iheditdreNS and discomfort
resulting from indigestion and be at once
relieved. This wonderful remedy is sold
by all druggists.
Dr Bulls Cough Hyrup takes the lead of all
couph preparations on our shelves.— Car¬
penter & Palmer, Jamestown, N. Y.
I heart! 1\ r. commend Salvation Oil foi
neuialgia. for it acts 'ike a charm, J. S.
K™,"* ““ 1den ™ 205
A Positive Gentleman.
Which in the m -«t positive geetleman
Cer-tnin Taylor’* Cher<»kee Remedy of
Sweet Guui uud Mullein is certain to tuu
. oughs, colds an 1 croup. It is pleat-ant
!inf - effective,
The common mistake in dealing with
ma aria la to treat symptoms. The poi-ain
may be in the »y*tem in large amount
without chiba and fever. J he evidence of
its presence may be disordered liver, or
stomach, or both, with headache,backache
Ac To get rid of all the trouble at once
tuba a few do.-es of Sballenbergers Ants
dote for Malaria- It cures all the svmp
toms by destroying the cauae. Sold by
Like Fainting Ladle*.
Why nr»* g od resolnti >ns like fainting
ladies? Thnev should be caiped out. and
parent* should not ft rget the nsolutio. s
that would never sufhrr »Stern m U- without
th f tough and croup cure, r luylo*’j* Cher
okee R imyjv ol Sweet Gum a d Mul et»..
[f ? t«i w to !uv< iu >ri*v in von
foot wear an I nt the -*uih ruu i
e hsh boors und ftioa-, oal >if t. e so^ri of
he 'og Bb' ok 'teur, C t'uuibn , Ga , and
bnv from fl J Ed”*.
Notice to Debtors* & Creditors.
pEORGIA—HARRIS Yj indebted to the estate of COUNTY.—All Seaborn Meadows, per.-ons de¬
ceased, ike late of said county, are hereby required to
m immediate p lyment, and all persons having
claims against said estate will present them within
the terms of the law. Dec. 16 h, 1887.
__ JESSE M h A DOWS , Adm’r,
Complete and Other U arks, by Itinuuii
Author*, Aln*o>«t Cilrten A way. the following book*
am published goad in ucat pnnii.ttUH. itntu, and nil They arc printed
from type wimhi jev-.mi paper. treat of *
grefti variety i*t naultii; mhivcia, and ft u.n s to one can raantioc
th>> Hat »•tbeu*. Ui*rOu iuauy that he or 'be would
like to u olotb-Uiuu't fttriit them eo*t
{i 1.00 eaeli. Bash book la complete iri iurlf
t. '1 hi- VV blow liotutt i Hjiniv Ibie t> Ike took
ever which your grandmother* lauiMtl liti they tried, *m«J
It h at t* funny to-rtay a« It rvi r *u.
■!. aetlnjc inter liarado. Evening ‘labUauS. tteerri.tlwms t'axtlte. alargcrol Ct (e.t 1
of ( libii it, etc., ft t »
ctal gm'.irrlngs, Uavk private Old thtatrical*, Home. an* rT*alr t |.i at ! »n .
». 10 the A ISotci, br
Cedi |..v> mUur ot ••HutJen
* IUnincnf-», ItveiUttluwa and It eat' tt »«, ft
antt aoHv bticn tor aehoo: cxt ibiUvu. ana pol>!h ■ . .
pi hate > ft -Uni nen n.
t. The letter IV rltci f»r I aUi*' and <;>■■
tinvfi, .1 .-eniiH; iitr to e»r»#aj at 1vt» •
u>l ecuvnt. 1»>r ibe t tutltiu.* of b ttaf# of ev,et t
I«uuniet«l'te totm* ia,>l eva/.ij lo.
C. The Jt'rcae n f), t|. A l'\ t\ ilka* l« a*.
author t*l " ‘In* W t mutt In V. Htc," ote
1 Ited latrt l tuin. I v ;iov*t. I j Jli* In tu f
TVtoxt, audinf Ol " I.H.l j nite.'' ae.
8. The 1 ««■? nfllie t nlc. 1 y Hr WatierSwu. * The
I.atly el ih* i oV*i' !** • »if*e. and ef all the
woiaa v<f huott, none 11 mete (hi etilu. tbau thi».
Dora V. In Thorne." ( upW* Set. A >otd. By th* author of
10. An*»»» Ifm-trn. * By (inorge Flint, au
ti.or vf •• Atlnin l eti», " ‘I lit MIH t n tbs at c.
It. I.tid? €.we»dnl!ne*a lirentv. A By tbo
•uihertii ' lit.ra lbe>,lie."
I;. The Myeti i-y of the Uwlly Tree. A K«vt l By
It,* nuilntr «»f " l»«ra Thorne.”
11. '1 he llmi|d of V* It. tinnier and Fan, * i-rg*
•olio, til,u at 111 * lunar atollea, alae teller, aticcdctca,
ana jakea. llorerbaaV- Wife. KohI. by
It. .elm A )u*»
llulto-k auibor of •• .ii.lm tlaltfat, tiemtema*.' etc
15. 1 br tirmy VV hhud. A, By Hr# La kvP
author of " ft ary Bar u.n." ate.
I*. M.steew ('uaiplete Kforle* by !*ono'«r Aor-,
•ntliracitig lave, himi anu« an<1 dateulva v . f
•odes 1 Hie, of aiittntnr#, ol tallwey life, eto., all r.i > in
lerettluf. Kane** lerrrf. M.
It. Juaprr A Xevel. By Ml»*
B. Uiaotlun, author of • Atuora t lord," «ic.
I*, i'anejr W ork far l*>«nte Ad orument, an •utliety
nr tewm* iht. aubi«o. -^oiitaibtiig aaay and prat
lu-triu tion* for 11 a*ln| lancy ba.-kat.,wail (toaketa.nraeket*.
llluatrated. needle work, •inl.ruider), tic., tic., profa.aly and *lenantiv
fliteat 1». (irlmm'e Fa>ry fctorlro putdinbed. for (be Yeuag. The the
etdlf.aluit of fai'T etorire cuili’reu
are ili-tial kftu<nnl ied with ihani,
an. of IdigHtl'.c for retdliig, I i«dtt* and firaiktrot, a
guide to v end r «» I giv teg the 1 ufe* ef
tnoiiein erltineite tut all t>eraal"»i»
II. I'oi-tnl kne«lrdg| f>«r ftte ’'dllllon, i» b-ndy
book »f ti.afUi liih in etlmi for all, iq»m Him y end thiioua
*l|l>l»Ct«. *
Sf. '1’he Ilt>ne (> 1)1 Brioli end Fnn>lly l*l> r al*
Olnu, hint, eoiiit.ii.lit, lailldltde o' e*.- I!> ot t |M»( In* ri > l*» h ». ♦(
to ho«reket {>*r», i!«e telliug boa M> CUIV Hu W IkrlAU lV
ailment,. !•> *>n.|w l •.! * ren.odfi',
Id, lliihiterluU Curtuuild 1 ar Away I r.nda.a
very Inieie.tln* and Inatructlre Iwuik of travcla. dt.-enhiue
the peculiar life, hat.lta, mai nera and cuatouis of the |
• f foiel/u oountrlea,
V 14. oide H? of all Popular the o d ai Itulirida. U new Bama alt* as ahect attMiv.
§• , **.
IA. d'allt-d lltul. A hovtl By IP'gh Conway.
W At Ike V( orld'a Mmy, A Xurrl, By Florence
V. aidcn. author ot " ’The |lou»e on the Marsh,*’ etc.
T7. Mildred TrevntiloR. A Novel. By"Th* Paeh
•*».” author of " Matty liawu."ste.
18 Park Huy a. A hotel. By the author ot ”Cah< t
Book." •
3d. Filed,tev* on th.. knetr. A Morel. By B. L. Far
Won. author of " Bread and-Cbtraatt-and-bleace," stc
Id. l.rolifie. A ho'ei By Mary Cecil Bay, author of
“ Brenda Vi.tit*.'*
31. (enbrlfl’s Vnrrimgr. A Noref By Wilkie ColHne,
author of '• ho Naine," etr, S3- Itrit)>lni( Far (Ire of VV hlrlwlfid. Money," A Norel. By Mary
Day, am "Ole Middleton's stc.
>3. lltidlry Carlror. A Noesl. By Mias M. K. Brad
don, an.noi • f "l ad. knolsy's Beeret,*' ate.
34. A Cioldtn lle«a. A Noeel. By tha aotior ef
'•Ucrs Thorns.*' »t«.
36 . Valrrl-'’t fate. A Noeel.>
Uior of “ 1 he W ootnf U't," tie.
Ml Plater Hoar. A Fotal By Wilkie Cellioa. author
ot II.e Women In FMii," ata
37. Anne. A hor»l. By Mr*. Hanry Weed, author ef
*• » eat I j in. a."
38 The I.nitre! Rash. A Need By Mias Muleefe,
sumer of "Jehu f,e!itm . t.antlemaa,' tie.
>9 ffohfa inn f'rBtoe. A ihriiHr,* narrative by Penial
Fir For, '1 ten dun i»» aorenttnaoui a uiutaway Id the Homtb
PaciQr ii-rtu
Ah. Ii«iw t Itnke Poultry Pay. A practifa! and
Inruueute nariaa ot artlrlr* by Mr I*, ii Aaeoha, Bunltry
Kdiu.r nt ■The Farui and Garde*.’’ I’i k*.; IHe*frated.
41. BarlarMagle Mil » bniilral Fiyrrlminta,*
book wliirb bfll* bo* to perfoim hnudred.t ol amusing trick#
iu marie and Inctruotil* riiterimaotA wrvh "fmple ageute.
47 . gieistu of the I’ei f A. eon*aliifn#‘charn
tlone from Tenn-aou, I,onc't lo w, Wh.ttler, Cyreu. feheliey .
U »>>r*, hr stit, ni,d ‘ovur uthtn-t. * *
A*. Jiuiltlli.pc Pinna for PrasMrn), lerr-mt
llnrara. A f/ ’ •' *»rtutu.n ffeai ?•: ; * 'ai.a of Bight motHra
hou-ee. ran tic* in pri a Irotu to f*500. Illustrated.
41. Anecdote* of Pobtle Men - Warhlngn u. Frank
lit. Wciivter, t ley. Tiitkru, LtreuiQ ^ertt. Grant, Car held.
Miedatene. Butler, flaneeek, e».| ai! the leasllng meu
ef the cmtr.ry
Cbildu 45. JRm op‘a Fehfre. The work nt a>. ancient genius.
n Here rtr,. m..m kit crsiuint, -ail jtuan people
foetc them erwy
or it uxtQrAi.Ki) nwvEn.
W* itav%itrf-ivnged wi;>» tii« vtbobe pahltBli^r*of forty-five
th‘’»ry books to Uruisii the
with one t » o>ir p tper
for only fl.7o; or we vv ill « r.i*. nit y five forS
cts.. or the who|»* fortv-flv#» for f'.’iP. Act
dr all orders to p«L*i«L**r »»»
“THE JOVRJk ML. ’ l. A*