Newspaper Page Text
j. L. Dennis, Proprietor.
December 1,.................. 1887
a. Columbus . er> >-« to d, E vO cC
Leave Hamilton . ^-vO m tn a. £ OO a COOL* rt E
A rrive Greenville, M in d 6 O' OU»Ul C3 E
Leave “ t^OO 808 a 6 O ri
Leave Hamilton . « 6 h CL E
Arrive Columbia. H O « E fi CX
Local Page.
Notice This!
A little more money needed. If you have
not settled >our aeet unt you are in
divvdually and personally re¬
quested t<> call at the Drug
Store and d<» 8« at once.
Very K* Respectfully,
Teaching School.
Miss Cornelia Floyd has accepted a
school at Mount Pleasant, Troup county,
and is teaching it with much success.
The community is to be congratulated
that secures her services.
The South Georgia Conference.
Tbe South Georgia conference is in
session at Sandersville this week, Bishop
M Tyeire presiding. The appointments
will appear in tne Georgia dailies early
next week and the suspense of theohurch
en will be over. The pastor appointed to
tbe Hamilton circuit may not be equally
acceptable to all the members of the va¬
rious ehurcbovS, but each should resolve
to receive him in a Christian spirit as
God’s chosen messenger to us. The man¬
tle of Christiau love should be large
enough to enfold him, whoever be may
Robbery at Midlaud.
One of tbe boldest robberies of recent
date was perpetrated Wednesday night at
Midland, a station ou tbe Georgia Mid¬
land, five or six miles from Columbus.
Two men were sleeping in tbe rooms
back of the store, and after securing the
door to prevent their exit the robbers
blew open the iron safe and carried off
all the money, with other articles of val
uo they found in the store. It
is probable they are the same thieves
who attempted to blow open the iron safe
at Hudson & Johnston’s warehouse last
Thursday night.
Christ’* Natal Ray.
Christmas is near at hand. It is de*
signed to celebrate this day as tbe great¬
est event in the world’s history, bat some
persons have peculiar ideas about tbe
manner in which Christ’s natal day should
be celebrated. They think that to make
tbe day joyous they mnst pour liquid fire
down their throats that steals away their
brains. Physical suffering and remorse
foHow while nothing is gained. We hope
the men of Harris county will
take a mental pledge not to tonoh intoxi¬
cating drinks dnring the holidays, and
then they will begin the sew year with
clear heads and good oonscienoes.
Local and Personal.
Mr B C Kimbrough spent Wednesday
in Columbus.,
Mr M Orr, of Atlanta, stopped over at
tbe hotel Sunday.
Mr Jno W Cox, of Atlanta, was a guest
at the hotel yesterday.
Rev VV A Farley and daughter visited
Columbus yesterday.
Mr L Meyer, of Columbus, was regie
tered at the hotel Monday.
Mr O G Johnson, of Columbus, spent
two or three days here this we«k.
Home social amusements are talked of
to enliven tbe approaching holidays.
Mrs Hnnley went to West Point Mon¬
day to visit her daughter, Mrs Lovelace.
There will be preaching at ‘he Baptist
church to-morrow and Sunday by the
Mr T D McEnry, of New Orleans, was
on the streets Saturday trying to sell bur
glar proof safes.
Messrs B F McLaughlin, F J Williams
and T A A'kinson, of Greenville, were in
town last Friday.
Mr and Mrs C H Cook went down to
Columbus yesterday to spend a day or
two with relatives in that city.
The rains of the past week have been
very beneficial to small grain. The oat
patches around town are growing finely.
Columbus Euquirer: Miss Mattie Had¬
ley, a charming young lady of Blue
Springs, Ga., is visiting friends in the
Mr R M Kirven, of the popular firm of
J Albert Kirven & Co., Columbus, was in
the city two or three days this week. He
returned yesterday afternoon.
Mr J A Kimbrough,of Centre Hill,Fla,,
who has been attending school here for
two years, and Willie Lasseter, of Blake¬
ly, left for their homes last Friday.
Two 01 three houses around town will
soon be left vacant by removals, but if
are to be cred ted other families
will soon move in aud occupy them.
The smaller children are counting the
days that intervene between this and
old Hants Clans’ visit, and tbe older ones
are looking forward to it as some joyous
event in tbe near future.
The excitement caused by the visit of
tbe burglars has shout subsided, but our
citizens are more on the alert, and ip. fu¬
ture these ‘‘knights of the road’’ will find
them prepared to defend their property.
Mr W H West will shortly move to Co
Iambus. His property interest is nearly
all in Harris county, but he has a home
in Wynnton and considers it his interest
to move there. He is one of the best
and most substantial men in tbe commu¬
nity and his removal is a cause of univer¬
sal regret. He leaves many warm friends
here who will ever be ready to welcome
his return.
C. J. Edge, the leading boot and shoe
dealer of Columbus has reduced prices
on boots and shoes to meet your lessened
income by short crops.
Their Business Booming:.
Probably no one thing has caused such a
general revival of trade at Cook Bios, as
their giving away to their customers of so
many tree trial bottles of Dr. Kings New
Disoovery for Consumption. Their trade
is simp'y enormous m this valuable article
from The fact that it always cures and nev
er disappoints. Coughs, colds, Asthma,
BroodiitM. croup, and all throat and lung
diseases buying'by quickiV cured. getting XOU can trial test bottle it
before a
free,large size $1. Every bottle warranted.
A Crumb o/ Comfort.
A good suit of clothes that yon
are stylish, that fit well and wear
furnish more than a crumb of
every time yon think of them
clothing you can always get of G
a«.the clothier,next to the Rankin House,
Colnmbns, Ga. He has had long
etce i n ihe business and has skill
taste as —e’l as judgment. He can
fit yon in the boot goods to be had
bis reputation for low prices is world
wide. It w.ll pay you to cad on him and
buy what you want. You will find
stock full of many bargains just now and
if you fail to call on him when you go
down to the city you will stand very
much in your own light.
Headquarters for St. Kick.
Just now the place to buy Christmas
presents is the thought uppermost in the
minds of tbe average citizen. W ell, one
of the very best places is the crockery
store of I L Pollard & Go. The New
Crockery Store we ought to put it. It is
on the west side of Broad Street, just be
low the Bell Tower. It is as full of suit¬
able holidav gift** as a house can well be,
and this yon will say if you call and ex.,
amine it. There is an endless array of
toys, dolls and little tricks for the little
ones, and china, glassware, crockery and
willow-ware in all sorts of pretty and
useful things for the old folks. Mr R W
Williamson is in charge and he will take
great pleasure in serving yon He will
give the very lowest prices and his taste
is faultless. You enn find no better place
to trade.
-- AND -
X ’$
¥ f I
^ Mfi£» M 1
ML r w
* tA
r «
Th© sweet gum, as gathered from a tree of the
the ct5ld whoopihk^ough. to off the false membrane ’SSluSn In croup
presents in tayxoks
Pr&S&^Mai^oo^ and consmmption; and so pala
u' 4 y °'*
. Waltcb A.TAYLOB.Aaauta.thi.
Operating Surgeon and Physician, JJ
Broad St., Columbus? k
Harris County Sheriff's Sales
Will he sold bef-.n- the court house doo
in the town of Hamilton, Harris count
Ga , within the legal boors of sa ! e. to tl
highest bidder, for cash, on * Vie first i u<
day in Jan 1888, the following
property, viz:
Forty acres of land, more or less, situated in t’ ,
17th district of Harris county, with all the improv J
ments E thereon, bounded on the north by lands McCullo| ow I
south Appier, trustee, east by lands of W H «
the by J H Byrd, and west by J H Byrd. Levie,
on as propety of W H McCullohs to satisfy a fi f
issued from Harris Superior Court in favor of T I f
Pearce vs W H McCull hs. .
Also, at the same time and place, two bales of li?
cottnn, 3,000 pounds of seed cotton, more or less, U |
pounds gathered in field, 35 bushels of cotton seed and —*
of seed cotton. Levied upon as the proper
ty of C O and C H Trammell and found in their pr
session, the same being the property described
and levied upon to satisfy a mortgage fi fa issue
from Harris Superior Court in favor of John M D<
Lacy vs C H Trammell and C O Trammell.
Also, at the same time and place, 3,000 pounds 0
seed cotton, more or less, 20 bushels of corn, mo
or less, and 500 pounds of fodder, more or le^^
Levied upon as the property of Charles Johnston’m
Court satisfy in a mortgage favor fi. fa. issued from Harris Superb
of James A. & A. W. Grant v?
Charles Johnston. .
Also, at the same time and place, 2,500 pounds (
seed cotton, more or less, 40 bushels of com, me
or less, and 1,500 pounds of fodder, more or le.
l evied upon as the property of Charles 'Waterst
satisfy a mortgage favor fi. fa. issued from Harris Superio
Court in of James A. & A. W. Grant vs
Charles Waters.
seed Also, cotton, at the same time less, and bushels place, 3,000 pounds cj
more or 20 of corn, mor*
or less; 500 pounds of fodder, more or less, one tw
horse wagon and one cow and calf. Levied upon r
the property of Bob Benning to satisfy a mortgar
fi. la. issued from Harris Superior Court in favor <
James A. & A. W. Grant vs Bob Benning. Sherii"
/1 eorgia, Harris count!
VT as, Mrs E A McCalla having appliefl
for n twelve month’s support out of
estate of J L MeCalla, rieceefeed, and thjl
appraisers having made tf e4r return
this office as tbe Isw r- quirJe 3 1
Tnerefore all persons Concerned
hereby notified to show cam s c, if
have, Dext, why by tbe said first return Monday should \fn /not J a * ^
lowed and judgn>4»t h e j
stand the Qf
Given under my hand and offici*’ *
Nov 25th, 1887 Sfai 0 .
J F C Williams, Ora nar
„ y
It C\ EORGIA— 122 COUNTY.—l"*!
3 -C , executorscf
the last will and Testament of Thomas
Hall, late of said county, deceased, make
application for letters of dismission.
AH persons concerned are hereby r#
tified first to show Monday cause, March if any they have^ tl
tbe in next, why lef
said ters of applicants. dismission should not be grantJ 1
Given under my hand and official ail
nature Nov 25th, 1887. |
J F C Williams, Ordinary
A Hie Hansford : Libel for Divorce
V* Harris %
Wm Hansford. Superior Court.
It appearing to tbe court that the dll
fondant Wm Hansford has not been serf?
ed, It is ordered and adjudged by tH
court vice that said case be continued auc se]||
be perfected by publication in t ; g
Hamilton Journal, a newspaper R pubhsif
ed in said county. A Russell, E
The above and foregoing is a true
Oct. tract term, from minutes 1887. H.arris Superior Coif^ Iso
A F Tbuett, C S
i^SH0PPil6S sis. Inkstands. Portfolios. ^Peaeh Blow Glass, Bro ;taw K 4a
Mirrors, Statione^ Chri stmas ^ r w p A ■
logue free. Goods' delivered fra g
FREE by mail or express.
UIDDEN & BATES 8o s?5ah" aSK 8SSC e!
—............—— ■ — - ■■ ........... hi ———a——
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