Newspaper Page Text
The Senate Committee Report it F«
k v vorably- Some Reasons Why
ill It Should Pass.
“ Washington, Dec. The Blair
senate to-day, received the unani
mous endorsement of the committee
on education, and contains but one
slight change from the bill as it
passed the senate last session. It
piovules for a total appropriation
$79,000,000 .0 be emended in eight
years. The report accompanying
i 1 “Although the committee believe
\ th t no measure of greater, if there
be one of equal importance, will eu
gage the attention of the senate,
they have not thought it necessary
to enter upon a general discussion of
the bill, or to enlarge upon the seri¬
ous nature of public emergency,
f ' fch requires i its enactment. The
Asure was demised and has been
.essed to secure a removal of the
clamoring and increasing illiteracy,
and its baneful consequences, and
not as a means of expending the
surplus revenues, although their ex
I istence removes all excuse for a fail
ure to pass it. The bill was pro
posed before the large surplus exist
ed. It should become a law, even if
additional taxation were necessary.
Illiteracy grows with the country and
• keeps lull pace with its increase in
Ipopulation. The increase of popu
Ilation adds continually to the number
iwho require attention, while the
neans of education are not, and can
‘w )t and, therefore, will not, be pro
s , 7
ided without temporary assistance
/om the funds of the nation. The
temporary aid proposed in the bill
should have been given at once
upon the c ose of the war. So the
best of it now is but to provide a
long deferred obligation, the neglect
of which has already greatly enhan
ced the grave perils to the nation.
Who,” it asks, “shall estimate the
evil consequences which will befall
us from a continuance of that low
and unfortunate motherhood which,
under the influence of illiteracy and
ignorance, is now bearing one-fourth
of the children of the republic?
there can be no sentiment of patriot¬
ism which can stir us to action, the
instinct of self-preservation, which
confers a certain degree of wisdom
upon even brutes, ought not longer
to be outraged by our suicidal delay.”
The success of some cf tbe agents em¬
ployed by BE Johnson & Co Richmond va
js truly marvailons It is not an unnsnal 'hi
l Bg for their ageDts to m <ke as high a- $20
and $30 a day,and sometime* th«ir pn.fiis
run up as high as $40 and $50—even
more But But we we hesitate hesitate to to tell tell j j on on the
whole troth, or yon will scarcely believe
we are in earnest, Write ihem and see
for yourself what they wilt do for you.
m " "*Kr
like a thief at night it steals
",rrjrj; J “s,
„ 1 ^ ‘' y M da« *
?"* , , 1
’T “
° ad \ t ,
eXrt^about the teeth? The
. . rru There ■
?PP? tat ° “ poor. is a
xeelmg like a heavy load on the
S one «““*?“ at the pit of the
st “ h ^ food
The e yes are sttoken
^ hands , and feet become cold
and clammy. Aftei a w tea
cougii ° sets m, at nrst ary, out
alter £ . tew £ moilt . i It -A- IS aixenci”
a iis
eCl i Wltll *4-1 a greenlbh-COlOl /^-rvicvlv s»s\l/vtuxrl Cd £»v ex
° Tin Uo
pectoration. , ine rvofmnf patieni Iteib
f* Urea J ail 0 11 tne wmie, «nil ana bleep
does rv.vf not seem coon, to an jvPFnwl ora an) «m 7
lest. Alter Affpr a fimp time lie e becomes .
npromtQ nervous, irritahlp 11 mao e and a fo ^loomv
and has evil foie odmgs. of whirl- tie
is a giddiness, a the sort head when
ing sensation in
rising up suddenly. The hovy
els become costive; the skill IS
i d r y all( l hot at times, t > ooc
; becomes thick an s agnail ;
* the whites of the eyes ecome
^nged with yellow; the urine
IS scanty and high colored de
positing a sediment after stand
Hlg. There is frequently a
spitting up of the food, some¬
times with a sour taste and
sometimes with a sweetish
taste; this is frequently of the a -
tended with palpitation im¬
heart; the vision becomes
paired, with spots before the
eyes; there is a feeling of great
prostration and weakness. All
of these symptoms are in turn
present. It is thought that
nearly one-third of our popu¬
lation has this disease in some
of its varied forms.
It has been found that phy¬
sicians have mistaken the cause
of this disease, Some have
treated it for a liver complaint,
others for kidney disease, etc.,
etc., but none of these kinds of
treatment have been attended
with success; for it is really
constipation and dyapeps i—^ • a. It
is also found that Shaker Ex¬
tract of Roots, or Mother Sei
gel’s Curative Syrup, when
properly prepared will remove
this disease in all its stages.
Care must be taken, however,
to secure the genuine article.
Mr. John C. Hemptinstall,
of Ohulafirmee, Cleburn Co..
& rS*-M X
ihe medicine - It has done her
more srood than the doctors and
all other medicines put toother.
I would ride twenty miles to
f.VJdhe ieiei II 116 <\i!l get cet'd it ffl 111 noouiCT no other
j be]ieve it will soon sell in
^ State bt!tte r than cotton.
Ml . g> g ^ Barton, of Varner,
Ripley ^ Co., Mo., writes that
been long afflicted with
d ia and disease of the
ul .; nai .y organs and was cured
, by qiu hiUlkCl 0) . Extract nf OI Prvtta XiOOlS.
T> X»eV. att O. T *J T xVICvlUllt', MnO-iili’t! r»i*.»i*/*linllt I11CI t b,
0t r xl tne Hame H ,. tn p P Tilm'P late > wlio WUOSU1U flf)l(l
-nr Mrs. 'D -Dauon ft1 .f nn flip T-lie mpdirinp nieuiunc, fl«V8
1 06 1 UfiS SOlll I] 1L -4. X IOI .. JUUl f onr vear8
j npvpl . knew it to fail *
; _ J low , With • , dyspep- |
was SO
s * la there was not a pby- kfd
be found who c
do ‘\ thi °f with me> 1 had
flutte > the heart an d
gwim of ^ heftd _ One
day I read your pamphlet called
r ? y g Among the Shakers”
described my disease
tLan j ^j d / lt l
^ ^ g haker E tra< , t of
d kept on with it unt il
^ j • a good health .
Mrs. M. E. Ti c sley, Bevier,
Muhlenburg Co., Ky.
For sale by proprietor, all Druggists ,or J.
address the A.
White, Limited, 54 Warren
St., New York.
Wanted For Till* Week
15,000 able bodied ensb morn to buy
Boot a and Shoes at WR Bedell’«, and to
induce yon to come I will miike you the
followin'? libera! offer : Whole stock kip
boots, double sole, long legs and solid,
$2 25, find a good boot solid $1 75. Dou¬
ble sole brogans tl 25 and a good one *
whole stock at $1 00. A woman’s calf
hoo for $1 50, and a good one for 25
u ani nd fit T I ■ 00
We would call especial attention to onr
Gviit’-r calf, mlesi C«J0greS8 Slid PhI
mor.'« al *2 99 -nd m>- Udi.'. K«»roo
button Ht *2 41) nnd ®2 00. Tbene ►boee
are warranied and every pair ia u>ftoe ro
nrd*>r ordt r »nd ana for ror retail rerun trade. irnu . My J Htock of
ahoeH is larger lhat* *ver and 1 wonio
Dt!Ci * l!y invi»e E r rj -nd< and ibe pnblic
to a Q it.
W. R. Bedill,
1130 Bio&d Street,
Columbus, Oj.
Bucklen’s Arnica Salve,
U i L b«‘ best Ualoo oulve in in tne woria world IOI foi cn*K .
braises fibres, ulcers, sslt rbeum, f ever
g^res, fetter, chapped bands, cbilbleir.s,
corn., and .11.kin ernptK.n..nd„ 0 ,F
tively cores piles, or no p»y required It
ia top., parfeo.^.i. fact ion,
or zoonty refunded. Pnce 25c pet box.
I*rin (i n U . L i( h oy raph i n a . K j < g ra -
31 a 11 nfactnri at/.
The Largest Com of the kind in the South
tioroiigbly tqeJ'pped m*ft ooun
u. i-r* st na in< is nrui sbo
meat skillful wo ko eu.
Corporations, Banks Manufacturcrs. County
and Bankers, Merchants. Mechanics. Officers;
Earmers, Men Generally
And Business
uhont pl. oif-K wr dtTK f»>r anywiin# in the
kH< vp lineH. from a visinc^ card to n
omminoth poster. o f frf'm a noMnoTHudoco
book to n maimootti «rtt rfqot'Ktefl
to give this h« u^e h trist.
J.H. ESTILL, Prop.,
3 Whitaker St., Savannah, Ga.
teorgia-harris 0ldilMn December county.-courtof Term. 1887 Charles H.
Trammell ami Otis V. Fuller, as executors of F.ljah
Brakefiek 1 Elijah deceased, having fih will d their petition for
probate ^ of Br.tkefield s in sol* mn to m,
nd it appeanng that cijiti- n should is no tto
»ervc<t personally and rda.F.ffie, on J- sse Homer Braku nd eld, John of C Biake- oweu
county, field Surah on E„ J- seph and Elij.l. Biakefidd,
Phillips, said form-. rl Brakctu Id, and Eula Brak -
bed, of county. t is ordered lhat the u -ual ci
tution issue of to this be »em^d on be them hcldonthefir.t ten daysbef re Mon- the
nextnrn, court, to
d ly in January, 1888 , and that Martha hunderburk
and Alima Fm.derburk (formerly Brakel eld)Arn n
brookS (farmer* Brak^fieid),who re ideout.fthe ! .
,h ' "° n
the town of
■mw ** **********
Notice to Debtors & Creditors.
indebted to the estate of Seaborn Meadows, de
cea'-ed, late >.f said county, arc hereby rvqu red to
m ike immediate p lymcnt, and all persons hav ng
claims again t said es ate will present them with n
the terms of ibe law. Dec. 16 h, 1887.
Allie Wm Har-nford. Hansford. v« i liihp.l Superior for HftrriK Divnr Court or m
It irppesmit? *0 th« 0'Hir» that »h^ dr
fendrti.i Wiu Hnuftford h « not hoin wiv
©rt. It is ordered «nd judged by ih«
©Hurt fb«t said ease be eoutii a* d auf serv
vicp I e pprfi-clfd by publication in il «
UMQiilroD Journal, h i!t j «K|.»p^r puMiKi
ed *n hsid county. It A Kt7F*-M l,
P' ff’s AHornov
Ibe wbove snd f* regoing i<« a true »x
tract from n>»» ntna H«rrih Enperior Coort
Oct. term, 1887.
A F Truitt, 0 8 0
% Ail P
Kj, j- Jf* gyUgJ jl VtlK ffi eiptrience After Forty in years* the
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