Newspaper Page Text
THE CORRESPON * '* V wim :< ENT ■■
\ ’ * '>• *
Court convenes, spring term, third
j^onday in March; fall term, third
Monday iw October.
Judge Buperio^Court—A. L. Mil
l61’« General—W.
Solicitor H. Fel
ton, Jr.
Clerk Superior Court—H. M. Bur¬
nett. . /
Ordinary—O. P. Wright.
‘ Tax Collector—John M. Sanders.
Tax Receiver—R. H. Knight.
Sheriff—John C. Culverhouse.
Treasurer—M. F. Perry.
County Surveyor — .George
Coroner—T. J. Hollonyin.
County 'tJomnfi^loffets
Dent, W. E. Champion and W. B.
yoanty School
l San era. .
Mayor—A; J. Danielly.
Aldermen—J. W. Mathews, M. H.
Carnes, J. A. Miller and J. IV. Aal
pass. Danielly.
Treasurer—J. B. WTlson.
Marshal—E. E. ient.
The Happenings of the Week Put
in Short , Pointed Paragraphs—
What Has Happened and Is Go¬
ing to Happen—Points Political ,
Personal and Social—Men and
Mr. John McGee, of Knoxville,
has been very ill during the past
Mrs. J. J. Worshamf relict of the
late J; J, Worsham, has been
quite^fjck at%yr home near. Rob
Mr. J. S. Sandefur has started a
a stock farm. He has several fine
young mule# and horses that will
compare favorably with any that
can be Imported. Georgia raised
khorses are best for Georgia. Buy
|rour, horses from him.
John Haines, who is one of the
most skilled carpenters aud con
tractors who ever had anything
to do with the building of a
liouse, says he can have the new
school building ready tor use in
five days, whenever we say go
ahead. Mr. Haines will probably
finish the building next w T eek.
To Agents and Conductors.—
The Station on this road hereto¬
fore known as. as Blalocks, will in
the future be known as Ken¬
wood. P. O. Department having so
named their office at that point.
This change is made to have
the Station conform to name of
Post Office.
Mr. Tom Gochron, of Robley,
' Tuesday busi¬
♦was in Roberta on
I am handleing high grade guanos
and acids both at Roberta and Mu¬
sella. The farmers will profit by see¬
ing my goods and getting prices be¬
fore buying elsewhere. Give me a
call E B Tranunell
Mr. Ben Walker, the handsome
and clever young book-keeper for
Holmes & Co., of Macon, spent
{Tuesday aud Wednesday with
friends in Robeta.
Col. Hardeman and Mr. J. C.
Williams, of Macon, were out
this week on business and also to
sport a little. Col. Hardeman lu.s
a fine pointer pup ancl while here
went out find killed a lot of quil
I I *•/, pi r,
At a meeting of the patrons
the Roberta school, Messrs Wil
i bourn, Bond t> j J. r t I. m Champion • And j S c
A. Long ; Messrs Edgar Jordan
and H. D. McCrary, of Roberta, feel
were elected trustees. We
.. , ,, an , prosper -i. j?
success 1 y o
the school under the direction ot
these gentlemen is assured.
By W. J. North en s Governor of
said State. Whereas, Qfficial in
formation has been received at
this Department that, on jjhe 1st
FebtfaXy lM, in the county of
Crawford, Dow Walker and Ran
Bell were murdered by some per
^ or _ person? unknwn .
I have thought proper, therfore,
to issue this my Proclamation,
hereby offering a reward of One
Hundred and Fifty dollars each
for aprrehension and delivery of
said nnknown murderer or mur
derers with evidence sufficient to
'convict,Ho . the Sheriff of said
county and State.
And I do moreove charge and
require all Officers in this State,
Civil and Military, to be vigilant
in endeavoring to apprehend the
said unknown murderer or mur
derers, in Order that Ke or they
may he brought on trial for the
offence with which he or the y
stand charged.
Given under my hand and Seal
of the State, this the 13th day of
February 1893.
W. J. Northen, Governor.
By the Governor.
Philip Cook, Secertary of State.
Musella Items.
Nothing new has transpired in
oiir 'community since my last
letter to your paper.
Very little farm work has been
done yet on accounirpf the con¬
tinued bad weather. This is put¬
ting the farmers far behind with
their work.
The grain crop is found . to be
injured but very little thrqugh
this section, by the heavy 8now
and cold spells we had during
January, and from the present
outlook now, ther will be a fine
crop yet.
Several of the farmers made a
business trip to Macon last week
and report times very dull in that
JVLr. R. L. Dickey left a few
weeks ago for Atlanta, where he
will attend a business College.
Mr. Dickey has secured the serv¬
ice of Mr. Joe Jackson to fill his
place in the store.
Most of the farmers have order¬
ed their guano together in car
loads. By doing this they get it
a little cheaper and more con¬
Cotton seed is now selling he e
at thirty one cts. per bushel, and
most of the farmers are selling’ajl
they will have to spare, they are
realizing that it will pay them
better to sell them than to use
them for fertilizers.
Within the past year, interest
in educational affairs, here in tins
community have cosiderably re¬
vived and it is easy to see that
many of our best citizens are re¬
alizing the fact that good schools
are the life ot a community.
Uly Valent ine.
1 love my-valentine, sweat val
••if’n », not lwo'd^o she N v .
tme, because my Yatestwe >,«S
ov f Va '<!%, S f- 1 "',
^lentme, . for her eonl s. so hind
and tender, and thrqugn her
sparkling *■ e re fl^ such, trans,
Ce ? , s P y ien . , T 'f'± A , v
lent sweet ^lentinh , , t tor
™ ‘V
the natural glow that s on her
c } iee ^ an( j w isdo m .of her lips
that teacheg jUst ho ^ aild w hat to
speak . j love my va i e nti,.e, srreet
valentine, with modest mien
spirit sb soft, so calm, serene. I
love my valentine! because file’s,
more than that to me. She lias
my-heart, I have hers; and she’s
^ • ee „ »•
Of pEORGIA; Will be sold Crawford before County;— the
house within door the legal in Knoxville, hours of skid sale county the
first Tuesday described m March neXt, the fol¬
lowing lots land property Nos, i to-wit
Whole of 78,74,105, 51
and 55, east half of lot No 83 aud 66 %
acres in trie north east corner of lot
No. 79, making in the aggregate
1180% acres, of more or less, in tiie 7th
District * 3 id county. Levied on
as property Uefeifdautin fifa, under
an execution in favor of H- E Cook
Admtr, vs L T Lee issued from the
Superior court of said county. Sale
will be maue subject to mortgage,
Claims held dy Eqvrftable Mortgage
Company also against said property LoaD and
a claim in favor of Georgia
and Trust Company Witness against same.
Terms cash. my hand
officially th s February 8 th 1893.
Jno (3, Culverhouse, .Slierlff;
a , i N.. j p
Ordinary’s Office, Crawford
County Georgia :r-W J Den’t, ad¬
ministrator of John WDeiit,deceasT
ed, has filed with me his petition ask¬
ing for dismission front the adminis
tration is on notify estate of sa|d' deceased: Id-inter¬
to all persons
est that lie will be dGOrmrijed in from
said tr and ust letters on the firs;, dismissory Mpfcdav May
next of grant¬
ed him, unless good objections there¬
to are filed on or before that date.
Witness my hand officially this Feb-;
ruary 7th 1893. -
J. N. Mathews, Ordinary,. :
Jfotlee to Creditors and Debtor^.
An parties having claims against
tiie estate of John T. Andrews, late
of Crawford county, are hereby noti¬
fied to present the same at once, and
all persons indebted to said estate
will make payment to the under¬
W. A. Andrews.
Anniji^Y. Andrews.
Money To Lend!!!
I will lend ybu money ou five
years time in sums from $500 up- J
ward , on improved . ... farm lands, ,
In the method ot making pay
ments . ot principal . . , and . interest . .
you can save yourself almost a
sufficient ^ amount to pay all ex
pences in commissions and other
incidental expenses, a.
Your patronage salicited.
n P * Wrtoiit *"
■ ■ “<
Washing Otit the Stomach.
Some ~ physicians , . . in tilting , ,.
Bummer dren complaint the m young chii- of
resort to . operawin
washing out the stomach. ' Par
ents generally protest little against it/
fearing that the ones are
likely to be injured thereby. It is
a very harmless procedure, and
occasions much less discomfort
than the observer would suppose/
Doubtless there are many cases
where this operation promises bet¬
ter than any other, or the use of
medicines. In no case' can it dc
injury. It in this .
is usually done way:
A soft rubber tube is used* on one
end of which there is a glass tube
five or six inches long. The other
end is slowly passed over the
tongue, and down the throat into
the stomach. When in place,
water is poured into the tube by
one of the various moans. After
the stomach is filled, the current
of water is shut off and tho outer
end of tiie tube lowered, so that
the contents of tho stomach may
)>■> q.-.O-. vr.Vl 'V'ts T us f * • % 5 it!
^vBtue of order from
Bearn oteSdneatfos yf Crawford uo
36 thp arid foiling 52 of extracts thd; Common from sections fcjeiiool
Laws are printed in the Correspox
Section. 36. ‘'‘That admission to
all esfinmqn sch90ls ot u , is state
sh^ll ^gratuitous to allchildreh be
tween the age of six and eighteen
residinginthe sub-districts in
Whteh;«h.^be.I .CkhbeV is located.-- eLm,Vd
as to prevent any -common school
scholar fppm entering said school as
P u Pib if the parent or guardian of
said P u Pil shall elect to enter him or
her for the period of the public terra,
^,nd upon, th^meritjfccommon.
seho ol fund ogly. , » •.
The St'al^Schooi omniissioner
has ruled pupil.w&>does tHa$ refit or guardian
of a not expect to
pay what anythin^more they rigjfive. from to a teacher thfe public than
fund beginpihj? shall ratify the teacher at the
tened.toent^r.||he df#he school that they iu
pupils upon the
merits of till common school fund
Onlyvf L~. , ; * *• ■
H. F. Sanders, C. S. C.
'.rtv AW FOD t 0 U ^ T E 5 :
6 1 i 1J • March
T f 1 be±or ® fi ?
c ?«
hou^e door m the k * town of Knoxville,
S d !,’i OUn I W U , i l tn e 'hours
ot f sale, a the ioliowmg f i - described
property, i^iVniwn to-w^i. ^ 1 < One. store liouse 11 !
the said town of^Knoxville. s fT Said lot
T-fit Su!!'!*'’. 31 !! bJdntA ^ e6t U n 11 d f ro ! ltin ^,°^
nf l“ : bout
> by
b J - ?■
, ° n and 8 .°. ld u n ’
deiandby virtfie ot > an e'-eoutiouis .
lfo 1 wh^ U S>a s t ^» m C ^ lU t °f Vi!* E.
'vc.’- im . r as t ie
^ X ?v d«iri■»' w Blasmgame,.
'v tv
r ^f .next /hefcre the court house *»:
door within in .the, the ;tp^*of_KnoxyiUe JegaHHiou^ of sale, Ga.,
folio ■-,
Lot in Block A.
Lots 1 and 2 , B.
Lots 1 and 2 - C.
Lots 1 and 2 , B.
Lots iand2 , - E.
Lots 3 and 4 , - I<\
, 3 and 4 , S G. .
3 and 4 , - H.
3 and 4 , = . 1 .
1 and 2 , “ j
3 and 4 , - K
3-4-7-S , - L
► 1-2-5-6 , M.
v . 3-4-7-S , X j
1-2-o-C o
ah of lots not sold“ in Block P, afid
all of lots not sold in Block Q, un
der and by virtue of 36 executions is
sued from th& superior court of said
county in favor of officers of.e*Hir.
vs Cfeorgia Improviftment Coinpativ
All of.sajd Roberta property said being in. the
town of county, and
known m the plan of said, town, In¬
lots and blocks as above stated in
the original survey of said town
T ^ rms cash -;.
GEORGIA,Crawford County:—
Trt ttie highest bidder for cash-, I will,
sell liefore the cdnrt house door, in the of legal lyiioxville, I’.ours said
within of sale, on the
Tuesday in March next, the fol
lowing property to-wit:—
; Roberta, One- house Said amj lot in the Crawford, town of
cotmty of
onfe half acre,’miore or less. Levied
axeefition issued by Jno M^Handers
t c r>gains - t s;ii d Mattie C. Malpass
f or etate and county ' taxes for the
year 1892: V. 1 ’ "
Also at the same liouse time and place,
one iron ware and lot on which
same is located, in the town of Ro¬
berta, Ga Leficd Mil on & and Blasinganie sold as the
property of pass
for taxes for tile year, 1892:
Also at the same time and place
one store house and lot in Roberta,
Ga. Levied of M/tlpass j»n and & Bussey, sold as the
property under
a tax execution issued against them
for State and touuty taxes for tiie
year, 1892 :J j
Also at thejs lahd, ,me time and less, place, being
390 acres of more or
and parts of lots Nos. 12 s urn! 144
iu the Seventh and 2nd District of
said county. ■ Levied on and to be
sold as the pip per ty of Mrs. Can-jo !.
Rav to satisfy a tax execution issued
VOL. 1. NO. 29
ipT . Also at the same time ajad place*
2 M acres, more or less, of land,
214, being lots Xos. 18C, 199, 201, 202 and
in the Seventh District of said
county. Levied on and sold as the
property of Hall & Jones und»er an
execution issued against them for
taxes for the year, 1892:
Also at the same time and place,
lots acres, and more or less, of land being
parts of lots as follloivs: 241
in the 2 nd District and 91 and 128 in
the 7th District, all in said county.
Levied on and sold as the property
of R. A. Williams, to satisfy am exe¬
cution issued against heir for taxes,
State and county for the year 1S92:
Also at the same time and place,
185 acres, more or less, of land, in the
2 nd Distrtct of said conun ty, lots and
parts of lots Nos. 25, 26 and .27. Lev
ied-on'and sold as the property of
Cicero'T. Blasinganie to satisfy an
execution- issued against him ior
State a^d county taxes for the year
Also at the same time and place
405 acres more or ess, ofland No,
206in the first district, and No 71 in
theseveuth district, said county:
Levied on to satisfy an execu'on is¬
sued gainst Mrs W O Tuggle Extrx
of W O Tuggle deceased, for state
and county taxes for the year 1892:
Also at'the same time and place 425
acres, more or less, ofland, being lots
and parts of lots Nos 181, 182 and 183
in tiie first district of said county:
Levied on as the property of Mrs
Nancy M .Smith to satisfy an execu¬
tion issuedagainst her for state and
county taxes for the year of i892;
, Also,at the same time and place
one house and lot in the town of Ro
berta-tlay- Same adjoining lots of
E H McGee and others; Levied on
as ttie pitiperty ox L F Collier to sat
jgfy a tax execution issued .against
hi m fo r state and county taxes for
the year of 1892
Also at the,same time and
one hnuSe ancl lot in Knoxville Ga,
containing fourteen acres, more ’or
less, Nettie adjoining lands of R D Smith,
Mfs Goodin et al, and now oc
S pi S K
«S y CB RiXeVoThSte
and dounty taxes for the year 1892;
Also at the same time and place
100 acres «f lot of laud No 2 in the
i n the seventh district of said coun
ty Levied on as the property ot Es
tate B L Jones to satisfy an ex'ecu
“S? SSSg ,t,or state - and
d 227 S'nS"N?“, making in the m tfUSs 1215
an aggregate
herds;'more or less.’ All in the 7tJi
district of said county; Levied on
satisfy an execution issued against
for state and county taxes for
the year 1S92,
Also at the same time and place
202 1-2 acres, more or less, ot land,
lot No 89 in the 7th district
of said county, Levied on as the
property of Francis Taylor to satisfy
an execution issued against her for
state aud county taxes for 1692
Also at *lie same time and place
1012 1-2 acres, more or less of laud r
bus Nos 164, 165, 173, 174 and 181 in
the 7th district of said epunty. Lev
ifed on as the property of John How
to satisfy an execution issued
against hit- for state and couutv
tales for 1892.
Also at the same time and place*
0119 . undivided «ne half interest *i 11
oiie town lot. Same being south of
old Agency road iu* jjhe town of Ro¬
berta, Ga., between iron Warehouse
and drug-store in said towu. Levied
on and sold 1 ’as the property of de¬
fendants in fi-fa, under aii execution
issued fiom Justices court 573rd Dist.
G, M, said county, in favor of Tid¬
well & Pope vs, Mai pass & Bussov
and W M Miller. Levy made by D
C Hicks, Constable, aud execution
turned over to me for advertisment
and sale of property: (
Also at the same time and place,
405 acres more or less, of land, in the
Seventh District of said county, lots
JsTqs. 129 apd 130. Levied on and sold
as the propsrty of B H Ray to satis¬
fy an execution issued against him
for taxes, State and county, for the
year, 1892:
Also at the same time and place,
362 acres, more or less, of laud, in the
■7th District of said countv, lots and
parts of lots Nos. 47, 136 and 137.
Levied on and sold as the property
of Robert Coleman to satisfy an exe¬
cution issued against him for taxes
due the. State and county for the
year, 1892:
Witness my hand officially
Jno G. Culverhouse,
Fet. 4 h 193. . ,
......... A
GEORGIA, Crawford County:—
All persons having demands against
Elisha deceased,' Mathews, late of said countv,
now and are hereby notified
properly required attested, to present the such claims,
to undersigned,
within the time designated by law.
AH persons indebted to said deceas¬
ed are hereby required to make im¬
mediate payment thereof to us, the
undersigned' This Jan, 2t6h 1893.
Jeff D Mathews, I Extr.