Newspaper Page Text
dourt convenes, spring term, third
Monday in March; fall term, third
Monday in October.
Judge Superior Court—C. L. Bart
Solicitor General—W. H. Fel
ton, Jr.
Clerk Superior Court—-J. W. Jack.
Ordinary—J. N. Mathews.
Tax-Collector—W. J. Brown.
Tax Receiver—M. C. Hatcher.
Sheriff—John C. Culverhouse.
Treasurer-jrM. F. Perry.*
County'Surveyor—J. L. Parsons.
Coroner—J. H. Jones.
County Commissioners — B. F.
Walker, W. E. Champion and L. C.
County School Commissioner—H.
F Sanders.
Tht Happenings of the Week Put
in Short , Pointed Paragraphs -
What Has Happened and Is Go¬
ing to Happen—Points Political ,
Personal and Social—Men and
Some criticize Sheriff Culver¬
house on account of a mistake
made in not making entries upon
all the fifas issued in sheiffs sales.
The mistake does no more than
necessitates readvertising and
sale of lots. This is comparative¬
ly a very ’nsignificant one. The
sheriff acted in good faith to the
interest of Roberta and the com¬
munity in selling the lots singly
as he did, and we indorse him in¬
stead of criticising him.
Mr. E. W. Cook is in Reynolds.
Mrs. McGee and son, Lee, have
gone to Macon.
Mr. Lucus. of Taylor was in
Roberta Thursdcuy.
Mrs. Carnes visited the Gate
City this week on business.
Mr. Aaron Clark is erecting a
dwelling next to Dr. Kinney’s
Mr. T. J. Cochran, of Roblev,
was in Roberta Thursday.
Capt. W. H. Dent went to Ma¬
con this week on important busi
Mr. Oliver, of Reynolds, is in
Mr. Cook’s place in W. 1. Pow¬
for a few days.
Come to the picnic and bring
your basket.
Mr. M. B. Walker is the only
man who bid off lots at sheriff's
sales and has paid for them. Says
he thinks titles are as good as any
titles he has. All lawyers to the
contrary notwithstanding.
The probability is, that before
another issue of this paper, the
murderer, Nath Smith, will be
The new school house will be
the prettiest buildtng in Crawf¬
ord county. In fact, it is better
than anything on the A. & F. R.
R. The outside carpentary is
nearly finished. It adds much to
the grace of Roberta and when
the bell is placed, you will hear it
from one end of Crawford county
to the other.
Sheriff J. C, Culverhouse has
been to Macon on business this
week, lie brought back with him
a gallows lever and is in trim to
do the neck-tie hct. The scaffold
has been placed.
Editing a newspaper is a pleas¬
ant business—if you can stand it.
It is criticized mostly by those
who are too doggedly stingy to
spare it a dollar a year subscip
tion. J^enwilJ preach and teach,
and hold political positions, and
runs stores and tarm, and practice
law and act as insurance agents,
and such like. Those things work
very harmoniously. But O, the
incongruity of a man who runs a
newspaper and has anything to
do with something else.
If we attend church regularly,
they say we go for effect. If we
remain away from church they
say we are too heathenish to pose
as the representatives of civiliza¬
We are prepared to make loans on
Improved real-estate at reasonable
rates. Mathews & Blasingame.
Dr. Kinney received a note [one
day this week from Mr. George
Bray, the gentleman who has been
adjudged insane. It read thus:
Dr. Kinney—In accordance with
request you might come down to
night. Don’t forget to bring three
or four quarts of “Peach.” If
one who is not intimately ac¬
quainted with Dr. Kinney were
to accidentally pick up this note
some where and read it, lie would
conclude that Mr. Bray and Doc
were accustomed to getting on
“breezes” together.
Parties who purchased lots at
last months sheriff’s sales are re¬
fusing to pay for same. Claiming
that the titles are not clear. It
is expected that an effort will be
made by those who had an inter
estin the lots as court cost, to
have the sheriff collect the moil
ey. This will bring about some
lively times and interesting de¬
velopments are looked for. Of
course a man will fight before he
will pay for a thing that could be
taken away from him as soon as
paid for. We would.
Ho, For the Picnic! At Roberta Park, May
Come one, come all. Old and
young. Male, and females espec¬
ially. Blooming maidens and
dashing youths, an lei us have a
big jollification. A day 'of pure
unadulterated happiness. No
politics in this, and hope vou
wont find any other sort of ticks,
or red bugs or jiggers. Lay aside
your household affairs and bring
along a basket of anything you
want to put with others and make
a great and good dinner. If you
don’t know where the park is, ask
and any body can tell you. It is
between Roberta and Hammock
ville and at the entrance of the
There will be committees ap¬
pointed to arrange things so as
to render the day one of comfort
and pleasure. Everybody from
all quarters of the globe, invited
to come and join in the festivities
of the day. More about it in next
Warrior Nows.
Mr George Tidwell has a very
sick child.
The sheriff of Biob county, Mr,
Wescott, says that he is going to
Crawford Co., on the 28th to see
if Sheriff Culverhouse can hang
that negro.
Mr. Guss Tidwell and wife, of
Macon, spent Sunday in the War¬
Miss Eva Breese, of Lizella, is
visiting friends and relatives in
Florida. *
Mrs. Curbo died last Sunday
night. The burial service^ were
conducted last Monday.
Mrs. Wilder, who has been sick
for some time, died last Tuesday
night. No more on earth can her
loved ones greet her return nor
her many friends welcome her to
their embrace, but her words and
deeds will still live in the minds
of the family. Our heartfelt sym¬
pathy is extended to the berieved
Hammock Dots.
Kind Editor.—As I have not
seen any news from old Ham¬
mocks in a long tii&e, I conclud¬
ed to send in a few dots.
We are needing rain very bad
on the oat crop and the cotton
seed that have recently been put
in the ground.
The farmers have been {[blessed
with a good stand of corn and are
looking forivard for a good stand
of cotton .
Messrs Wade Mathews Charlie
Graddiek and others went down
on the River last week on a fish
frv. but it happened that they
fried a piece of bacon.
Elder W. O. Cleveland filledjhis
regular appointment at Mt. Car
Riel last Sunday.
Chas. Felts was seen driving a
very pretty little pony, last Suu
day. Look out girls, that is a sure
sign that he means business.
Mr. A. A Mathews continues to
drive beef cattle to market. If
they are hard to] drive, he gen¬
erally hitches them all to a wagon
and drives them.
It is likely that we will have a
large fruit crop this year.,
Free Trip to Chicago.
Separate W-O-R-L-D-S F-A-I-R
and use the letters to spell as many
words as you can by using the letters
as many times as you wish, either
backwards or forwards, but not use
the same letter in making any one
word more times than it appears in
‘‘Worlds Fair.”
It is said seventy-five small Eng¬
lish words can be spelled correctly
from the ten letters contained in
“World’s Fair,” Example:—Wad,
waif, soar, idol, etc. If you are good
at word-malting you can secure a
FREE trip to the World’s Fair and
return, as The Scott Seed Company
will pay all expenses, including R R
fare, hotel bills, admission to the
Columbian Exposition, and $50,00 in
cash for incidental expenses, to the
first person able to make seventy
words from the letters contained in
“World’s Fair,” as above. They will
also give a FREE TRIP to the
World’s Fair and return with $25,00
for incidental expenses, to the first
person sending sixty words as above.
They will also give a FREE TRIP to
tiie VVorlcls’s Fair and return (with¬
out cash for incidental expenses) to
the first person sending fifty-five
To the first person sending fifty
words will be given $50,00 in cash
towards paying expenses to the
Worlds Fair, to the first person send
iug forty words will be given $25.00
in cash towards paying Jexpenses to
the World’s Fair, to each of the first
live persons sending thirty-five
words will be given $10.00 in casii and
to each of the first ten sending thirty
words will be given $2.00 in cash.
Only one prize wiil be awarded to
the same person. Write your name
on list of words (numbered) and en¬
close the same postpaid with fifteen
U. 8. two-eeut stamps for a large
package of our Choice English Cot¬
tage Garden Flower Seeds.
This combination includes the lat¬
est and most popular English flowers
of endless varieties (same as will be
contained in tiie elaborate exhibit of
English flowers at the World’s Fair.)
This “World’s Fair’’ Contest will
be carefully and conscientiously con¬
ducted solely for the purpose of in¬
troducing our business in tho U. 8.
You will receive the offered, Biggest value in
flower seeds ever and if you
are able to make a good list of words
and answer promptly you will
first-class opportunity to secure a
free trip from your home to
and return.
We are spendiug a large amount of
money to start our trade in the U. 8.
and want your trial older. You
be more than gratified with tho re¬
sult. 8end to-day, and address THE
B aware of Ointments for Catarrh that Con¬
tain Mercury,
as mercury will surely destroy the
sense of smell and completely de¬
range the whole system when enter¬
ing it through the mucous surface.
Such articles should never be used
except able physicians, on prescriptions from reput¬
as the damage they
will do is ten fold to the good you can
possibly derive from them. Hall’s
Catarrh Cure manufactured by F. J.
Cheney & Co., Toledo, O,, contains no
mercury, and is.taken internally, act¬
ing directly upon the blood and muc¬
ous surfaces or tlie system. In buy¬
ing Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you
get the genuine. It is taken intern¬
ally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F.
J. CneneyA Co. Testimonial tree.
j£Sy“Sold by Druggists, price 75c, per
GEORGIA, Ctawfod County : -
On the first Tuesday in May
next, I will sell before the court
house door in the town of Knoxville,
said county within the legal iiours
of sale, the following described
property, to-wit.
395 acres, more or less, of land being
lots and parts of lots asfolllows: 241
in the 2nd District and 91 aud 128 in
the 7th District, all in said county.
Levied on and sold as the property
of R. A, Williams, to satisfy an exe¬
cution issued against heir for taxes,
State aud county for the year 1892:
Also at the same time and place
405 acres more or ess, ofland No,
206in the first district, and No 71 in
theseveuth district, said county:
Levied on to satisfy an exeeu on is¬
sued gainst Mrs W O Tuggle Extrx
of W O Tuggle deceased, for state
and county taxes for the year 1892:
Also at the same time and place
100 acres *f lot of land No 2 in the
in the seventh district of said coun¬
ty Levied on as the property o : Es¬
tate B L Jones to satisfy an execu¬
tion issued against it for state and
county tax for 1892.
Also at *he same time and place
1012 1-2 acres, more or less of land,
lots Nos 164, 165, 173, 174 and 181 in
the 7th district of said county. Lev¬
ied on as the property of John How¬
ard to satisfy an execution ih»ued
against him for state and county
taXes for 1892.
Alse at the same time and place,
lowing described property to-wit: —
Whole lots of land Nos. 78, 74,105. 51
and 55, east half of lot No cornef 83 ami btlj*
acres in the north east of lot
No. 79, making in the aggregate
llSOt, acres, more or less, in the 7th
District of said county. Levied on
as property defendant in flfa, under
an execution in favor of H E Cook
Adnur, vs L T Lee issued from the
Superior court of said county. Sale
wiil be made subject to mortgage,
Claims held dy Equitable Mortgage
Company against said property aud
also a claim in favor of Georgia Loan
spi ^#1
jgt A pamphlet of information sx Ut>- ,‘V — i
p®, street o? the ! a we. Showing Uew Trede/fll-j io/A
'V\Ot'tAln Peteate, Cereals, Prtt.A
%»k Mures, AAi-sss Copyr' fttuh* this, a *#nf ca. Jk
4&v361 Broadway, York. Ajg
Write DUBOIS & DUBOIS, Patent Attorneys.
Inventive Age Building,
Book Free. Mention this paper.
sutcTmc mtaauin, me** Wed*
. Btaktoebe etawsljr oared to St# rtinatee. howl
jkatooeatonrb, Onto Perfect hay electric torar. oqrseaU aatfcna, eoitl Aseato to earll
^ tbammadm. Bond H ooato for smpk
mmrnrSm Write Ser
VOL. L NO. 38
and Trust Company against same.
Terms cash. Witness my hand
officially th.s February 8th 1893.
3so C, Culverhouse, Sheriff.
GEORGIA, Crawford County;—
Will be sold before the court house
door in the town of Knoxville said
county, within the legal hours of
sale, on the first Tuesday in May
1893, to the highest bidder for cs sh
the following property to-wit: 35
acres, more or Jess of land, in the
north-west corner of lot No. 50 in the
7th Dist. of said county. Levied on
as the property of E. 8. Lee under an
execution issued from Justices court
528th District G. M. Houston county
Ga.,in favor of Russell Creyo <fc Son.
vs E. S. Lee. Levy made by J. E.
Bryce Constable of 529 Dist G. M., of
said county of Crawford and return¬
ed to me for advertisement and sale
under same.
Also at the sam» time and place,
530 acres of land, more or less, in the
3rd District of said county. North
half of lot No. 1 1011-4, south half^jf
lot No. 2, 1011-4 acres, 150 acres of the
south and noth-east part of 16t No. 38
east half of lot No. 39, 1011-4 acres,
58 acres in the south-east part of lot
No, 59 136 1-4 acres, more or less,
north half of lot No. 1 and 35 acres of
the south part of lot No. 2 in the 6th
District of said county. Also 171
of acres, lot No. more less, 70 acres of west part
234 and the west half of lot
No>233 in the 2nd Dist of said county.
Same levied upon as property of de
fendent in fi fa, by virtue of an exe¬
cution issued from the Superior court
of said county in favor of Jonathan
C. Randoll vs, Erastus J. Hancock.
Also at the same time and place,
one store house and lot upon which
same is located in the town of Knox¬
ville said county. Lot measuring 40
xGO teet, house tronting on public
and on the south side thereof.
Bounded on east and south by land'
of Mrs. .
J. W. Blasingame and west
by land of J. PI. Nolan. Levied on
property of J, W, Blasingame by
of three fi-fas issued from
court 573rd Dist G. M., said
Two in favor of Atlanta
Wagon Co., and one in favor of At¬
Paper Co. All against said J
Blasingame. Terms cash. Wit¬
my hand officially, Feb, 28 1893.
C. Culverhouse, Sheriff CC.
Also at the same time and place,
405 acres more or less, of laud, in the
Seventh District of said county, lots
Nos. 129 and 130. Levied on and sold
as the property of B H Ray to satis¬
fy an execution issued against him
for taxes. State and county, for the
year, 1892:
Also at the same time and place,
362 acres, more or less, of land, in the
7th District of said county, lute and
parts of lots Nos. 47, 136 and 137.
Levisd on and sold as the property
of Robert Coleman to satisfy an exe¬
cution issued against him for taxes
due the State and county for the
year 1893: Witness my hand official¬
ly, February 4th, 1893.
J. C. CuLVEKirouse, Sheriff.
Georgia, Crawford County:—
To all whom it may coneeru A J and
R B Seofill executors ot the last will
and testament of Philip Scofill de¬
ceased, have applied to me for dis¬
mission from said trust. This is
to cite all persons at interest to show
cause before me on or before the first
Monday in June next, if any they
have. Why {such discharge should
not be granted or letters of dismissory
will be granted applicants as applied
for Wittness my hand officially
this March 6th 1893.
.J N. Mathew’s, Ordinary.
Ordinary’s Office, Crawford
County Georgia:— John A Miller
and F A Adams administrators of
Howell Adams deceased have filed
with me their petition asking for
dismission from the administration
of estate of said deceased. This is to
notify all persons at interest that
they will be discharged from said
trust on the first Mouduy in June
next and letters of distnissory grant¬
ed them unless good objections
thereto are filed on or before that
date. this March Witness 6th 1893. my hand officiaily
J. N. Mathews, Ordinary.
Ordinary’s Office, Crawford
County Georgia:—W J Dent, ad¬
ministrator of John W Dent, deceas¬
ed, has filed with me his petition ask¬
ing for dismission from the adminis¬
tration on estate of said deceased:
This is to notify ail persons at inter¬
est that he will be discnarged from
said truston the first Monday in May
next and letters of dismissory grant¬
ed him, unless good objections there¬
to are filed on or before that date.
Witness my hand officially this Feb¬
ruary 7th 1893.
J. N. Mathews, Ordinary.
GEORGIA, Crawford County:_
Jno M. Sharp has filed his petition ta
amend his application for homestead
and exemption, and I will pass upon same at my office in Knoxville
on the first Monday in May next, at
10 o’clock a. m, Witness my hand
officially April 3rd 1893,
Join, N. Mathews, Ordinary.