Newspaper Page Text
Court convenes, spring term, third
Monday in March; fall term, third
Monday in October.
Judge Superior Court—C. L. Bart
Solicitor General—W. H. Fel
ton, Jr.
Clerk Superior Court—J. W. Jack.
Ordinary—J. N. Mathews.
Tax Collector—W. J. Brown.
Tax Receiver—M. C. Hatcher.
Sheriff—John C. Culverhouse.
Treasurer—M. F. Perry.
CountyJSurveyor—J. L. Parsons.
Coroner—J. H. Jones.
Couuty Commissioners — B. F.
Walker, W. E. Champion and L. C.
County School Commissioner—H.
F Sanders.
Tk« Happenings of the Week Rut
in Short, Pointed Paragraphs —
What Has Happened and Is Qo
ing to Happen—Points Political,
Personal and Social—Men and
and friendless, how sad
T ’twould be in this drear world
God alone can know,
Were it not that tvvixt the thorns
and thistles,
Sweetest flowers will spring and
Hs a phantom surely destined to de¬
coy, for titan
If here we long more mo¬
mentary joy. longings in vain,
All our earthly are
For what lilies the heart to-day
with gladness,
To-morrow brings it stinging pain.
And the soul at morn elate with
the sweetest fondest hopes,
At eve is mourning in the deepest
grief and sadness.
As with bended head and spirit
broken, through thick and sun¬
less clouds it gropes.
Scarce life bark is launched upon its
fitiifiul wave.
’Till some unkind wind sinks it in
the silent gravo.
young and tender bud scarce un
folds its beauty to the light,
’Till _ night comes on and brings the
withering blight.
the objects of departed love,
scarce time have we to weep,
’Till ourselves are laid beneath the
■ sod in death’s cold sleep.
So number then thy days, that when
.God’s they’ve run the measure,
boundless love is giveu thee,
as thy perpetual treasure.
Capt. Win. Rutherford of Cul
loden, was in Roberta yesterday.
Hon. W. A. Worsham and two
sons, of Strouds, Ga , is down on
a visit.
It was our pleasure yesterday
to meet Dr. J. W. Mitchell. Dr.
Mitchell is a recent and valuable
addition to the enterprising liltle
city of Fort Valley. His genial
and pleasant disposition, together
with his skill as a physician is
sure to recommend him to the
people of his'new home.
We xra- prepared to make loan* on
Improved real-estate at reasonable
rates. Mathews A Blasingame.
Ho, For th« Picnic! - At Roberta Park, May
Everybody come. Those in the
town, and those out the town,
are most cordially invited to be
present and participate in the
festivities of the occasion and
share the luxuries of the dinner
table. The following ladies com¬
pose the basket committee. Mrs
J. W. Mathews, Mrs. A. J. Dan¬
ielly, Mrs. W. H. Dent, Mrs, Nath
Hollemon and Miss Mollie Jordan
Following gentlemen compose the
committee of arrangements. E.
W. Cook, W. W. Jordan, J. L.
Dent and J. M. Richardson.
* Mr. M. B. Walker went to
Thomaston this week to see his
brother, who is sick.
Mr. M J. Hollemon was in Ro¬
Wednesday attending to
Mr. Frank Hardeman and fam.
of Mason, have moved out to
which they will make
their home. We extend them a
welcome and hope that
move will prove a pleasant
and happy one.
Mr. J. S. Sandefur, who is over¬
a large number of hands on
farm of B. H. Ray, is said to
a man of extraordinary energy
one of the very best overseers
the state of Georgia.
We regret to announce [the
of Mrs. Gaultney, which oc¬
last Monday night. Mr.
and his little children
the sympathies of the com¬
in the deep sadness which
has brought to their
Mr. J. I. Champion was in Ro¬
berta Thursday. He is one of the
most public spirited and enter¬
prising men of Crawford county.
Like many of our people he suf¬
fered the devastation of the
war, but with push and enterprise
has retrieved his lost fortunes and
gathered about him a happy and
prosperous home and enjoys be¬
ing in the land of the living.
Mr. B. H. Ray, of Macon, is out
business. Look out for him
to-morrow. He is going to cut a
in a Chicago World’s Fair
suit of clothes and a monu¬
GEORGIA, Crawford County : -
B. H. Ray Crawford Superior |Term
vs Court March
B. Wilson. ) 1893 foreeloso and Bute c Ni Bi
to Mortgage.
It appearing to the court by the
of B. H. Ray that Jaa. B.
Wilson on the 17th day of Dec. 1892,
and delivered to B. H. Ray
mortgage on a house and lot in the
of Roberta Crawford County
containing two and one
(2 1-2; acres and situated on the
side of the A. & F. R. R. and on
south 9ide of the public road
from depot of A. & F. R. R in
town of Roberta, to old Agency,
on one vacant lot No. 3, in Block
fronting on Wright St. 23 1-2 feet
extending back east same width
front, 125 feet to a 20 foot Alley.
lots 1 and 2 in Block N, situated
the N. E. corner of Crussel street
Duggar Avenue and fronting to¬
200 feet on east side of Dug
street and extending back same
as front to the right of way of
A. & F. R. K. being 163 feet on the
line and 153 feet on the south
on Crussel street for the purpose
securing the payment of five cer
promissory notes made by the
J. B. Wilson to B. II. Ray and
to save the said B. H. Ray harmless
by reason C. Elliott, of his endorsement amounting on note the
C. to
of twelve hundred and sixty
nine dollars and seventeen cents
($1269.17?) besiaes eight (8) % interest
10 % att’ys fees which said notes
the said Jas B. Wilson refused to
pay therefore ordered thatthe’said
It is
B. Wilson pay into this court, on
before the first day of the next
thereof the principal interest
atty’s feet* due on said notes and
costs of this suit or in default
thereof, the court will proceed as to
shall appertain. And it is
that this rule be published in
Crawford County Correspon¬
a newspaper published in the
of Crawford, once a month for
(4) months previous to the next
of this court.
O. L. Bartlett, J. B. C.
R. V. Hardeman & Son, Ptrs Atty’s.
Clerk’s Office, Crawford Su¬
Court.— I, J. W. Jack, Clerk
said court, do certify that the
and forgoing rule is a true Wit¬ copy
the minutes of said court.
my official signature with seal
court attached. This March 27,
J. W. Jack, Clerk 8. C.
of Ointment* for Catarrh that Con¬
tain Mercury,
mercury will surely destroy the
of sm*ll and completely de¬
the whole system when enter¬
it through the mucous surface.
articles should nevar be used
ou prescriptions from reput¬
physicians, fold as the damage they
do is ten to the good you can
derive from them. Hal’s
Cure manufactured by F, .1.
Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no
mercury, and is taken internally, act¬
ing directly upon the blood and muc¬
ous surfaces or the System. In buy¬
ing Hall’s Catarrh Cure be sure you
get the genuine. It is taken intern¬
ally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F.
J. Cheney & Co. Testimonial tree.
£»TBold by Druggists, price 75c. pei
Free Trip to Chicago.
Separate W-O-R-L-D-S F-A-I-R
and use the letters to spell as many
words as you can by using the letters
many times as you wish, either
backwards or forwards, but not use
the same letter in making any one
word more times than it appears in
‘‘Worlds Fair.”
It is said seventy-five small Eng¬
lish words can bo spelled correctly
^rom the ten letters contained in
“World’s Fair.’' Fxample:—Wad,
soar, idol, etc. If you are good
at word-making you can secure a
FREE trip to the World’s Fair and
return, as The 8eott Seed Comp; ny
will pay all expeuses, including R R
hotel bills, admission to the
Exposition, and $50.00 in
cash for incidental expenses, to the
first person able to make seventy
words from the letters contained in
"World’s Fair,” as above, They to~ will
give a FREE TRIP the
World’s Fair and return with $25,00
for incidental expenses, to the first
person sending sixty words as above.
will also give a FREE TRIP to
the W orlds’s Fair and return (with¬
out cash for incidental expenses) to
the first person sending fifty-five
To the first person sending fifty
words will be given $50,00 in cash
towards paying expenses to the
Worlds Fair, to the first person send¬
ing forty words will be given $25.00
in cash towards [laying ^expenses to
the World’s Fair, to each of the first
five persons sending thirty-five
words will Vie given $ 10.00 in cash and
to each of the first ten sending thirty
words will be given £2.00'in cash.
Only one prize will be awarded to
the same person. Write your name
on list of words (numbered) and en¬
close th® same postpaid with fifteen
U. 8. twc-eent stamps for a large
package of our Choice English Cot¬
tage Garden Flower Heeds.
.This combination includes the lat¬
est and most popular English flowers
of endless varieties (same as will be
contained in the elaborate exhibit of
English flowers at the World’s Fair.)
This “W r orld’s Fair’’ Contest will
be carefully and conscientiously con¬
ducted solely for the purppse of in¬
troducing our business in the U. S.
You will receive the Biggest value in
flower seeds ever offered, and if you
are able to make a good list of words
and answer promptly you will have a
first-class opportunity to secure a
free trip from your home to Chicago
and return.
We are spending a large amount of
money to start our trade in the U. S.
and want your trial oi dor. You wili
be more than gratified with the re¬
sult. Send to-day, and address THE
(1EORGIA, Crawford County :—
Will be sold before the court house
door, in the town of Knoxville, on
the first Tuesday iu June next, the
following property to-wit: Lot of
land No. 160 in the 2nd District o(
said county. Bounded on the north
by lands of C. H. Smith, east and
west by lands of V. B. Horn, south
by lands of j. M. Sharpe. Levied on
as the property of Jno. M. Sharpe to
satisfy an execution issued from the
Superior the court of said county in fa¬
vor of American Freehold Land
Mortgage Co vs J. M. Sharpe. Ten¬
ant in possession notified.
Also at the same time and place,
sixty seven (67) acres of south part of
lot No. 126, in the 7th Dist. of said
county. Bounded on the north by
lands of Jones h LeSueur, east by
lands of T. F. Mathews, south by
lands of A . J. Danielly and west In¬
lands of M. C. Mathews. Levied OIJ
to satisfy a fi-fa issued from the Su¬
perior court of said county in f ivbr
of Elizabeth R. Comny vs Jaooo G.
Braswell. Tenant in possession
Also at the same time anil place
one house and lot in the town of
Knoxille Ga., being one acre, name
or less i n l bounded on the north by
public road lea ling fr m Knoxville
B. H. Ray and on'tlre west by public
square. Levied on as the property
Wright & Steml ridge Jto satisfy aw
execution issued by J. M. Sanders
Tax Collector of said c#unty for their
3tate and county taxes for the year
1892. Tenant in possession notifh d.
Also at the same time and place,
lot of land No. 28 in the 3rd District
of said countv. Levied on as the
property of E. J. Hancock to satisfy
an execution issued by J. M. Handers
Tax Collector of said county for his
state and county taxes for the year
1892. Tenant in possession notified.
Also at the same time atid place
67 acres of land of south part of lot
No. 126 in ti e 7th Dist. of said coun¬
ty. Bounded on the north by lands
of Jones & LeSueur, east by lands
of T. F. Mathews, south by lands of
A. J. Danielly and west by lauds of
M. C. Mathews. Levied on as the
property of J. G. Braswell to satisfy
an execution issued by J. M. Sanders
Tax Colleetor of said county, for his
state and county taxes for the year
1892. Tenant in possession notified
||Also Farquhar at the same Boiler, time and place
one power not
known. Said boiler being at Rober¬
ta and in possession of B. H. Bay.
Levied on to satisfy an execution is¬
sued by J. M. Sanders Ta^ Collector
of aid county, to satisfy his state
and county taxes for the year 1892,
Property pointed out by .T. M. San¬
ders T. C.
Also at the same time and place 425
acres, more of less of land, being lots
and parts of lots Nos 181, 182 and 183,
in the 1st Dist of said county. Levied
on as the property of Mrs. Nancy M.
Smith to satisfy an execution issued
against, her for state and eouuty tax¬
es lor the year of 1892.
J. C. Culverhouse Sheriff C.C.
Also at the same time and place
the following land to-wit:—Lots No.
2 in block A No. 4 in block I No. 3
in block 1 No. 2 in block J. Adver¬
tised and sold on 1st Tuesday in
April 1893, as the property of the
Georgia Improvement Co. and bid olf
by J. R. Kinney and readvertised
and sold at the risk of J. R. Kinnev.
All of said lots lying and being in the
town of Roberta G t. Terms cash.
J. C. Culverhouse, Sheriff.
Also at the same time and place the
following land to-wit:—Lots No. 1 in
block J, No 4 in black K, No 3 in
block K, in town of Rot erta. Adver¬
tised and cold on 1st Tuesday in.
April 1398 as the property of the
Georgia Improvement Co, and Lid
by W H Dent and readvertised
and sold at risk ofjW H Dent. Ten S
J. C. Culverhouse, Bireriff.
the first Tuesday in May
I will sell before the court
house door in the town of Knoxville,
county within the legal hours
sale, the following described
acres, more or less, of 1 ?^k 1 being
and parts of lots as folium*: 241
the 2nd District and 91 and 123 in
th# 7th District, all in said county.
Levied on and sold as the property
R. A. William*, to satisfy an exe¬
issued against heir for taxes,
State and county for the yoar 1S92:
Also at the same time and place
405 acres more or ess, ofland No,
the first district, and No 71 iu
theseventh district, said county:
Levied on to satisfy an execu on is
sued gainst Mrs W O Tuggle Extrx
of W O Tuggle deceased, for state
and county taxes for the year 1892:
Also at the same time and place
100 acres **f lot of land No 2 in the
in the seventh district of said coun¬
ty Levied on as the property o Es¬
tate B L Jones to satisfy an execu¬
tion issued against it for state and
county tax for 1892.
Also at Gie same time and placs
1012 1-2 acres, more or less of land,
lots Nos 164, 165, 173,174 and 181 iu
the 7th district of said county. Lev¬
ied on as the?property eX of John issued How¬
ard to satisfy an eeut '°n
against hit* for state and county
t»X ea for 1892.
A Is* at the same time and place,
lowing described property to-wit: —
Whole lot* of land Nos, 78, 74, 105. 51
55, east half of lot No 83 and
acre* in the north east corner of lot
79, makiug in the aggregate
11S0'4 stores, more or less, in the 7th
District of said county. Levied on
as property defendant in fi fa, under
au execution in favor of H E Cook
Admtr, v* L T Lee issued from the
court of said county. Sale
will he made *ubject to mortgage,
held dy Equitable Mortgage
avainst said property and
claim in ’avor of Georgia Losn
fHs» Y
*#• WMB4 DUBOIS, Patent ittomejs.
Inventive Age Building,
Washington, d. c.
Book Ft**. Mention this paper.
YQL. 1. NO. 39
and Trust Company against same,
Terms cash. Witness my hand
officially tins February 8th 1893.
Jno C, Culverhouse, Sheriff.
GEORGIA, Crawford County :—
Will be sold before the court house
door in the town of Knoxville said
county, within the legal hours or
sale, on the first Tuesday in May
1893, to the highest bidder for cash
the following property to-wit: 85
acres, more or less of land, in the
north-west corner of lot No. 50in the
7th Dist. of said county. Levied on
as the property of E. 8. Lee under an
execution issued from Justices court
528th District G. M. Houston county
Ga.,in favor of Russell Creyo A 8on t
vs E. g. Lee. Levy made by J. E,
Bryce Constable of 529 Dist G. M., o*
said county of Crawford and return
ed to me for advertisement and sale
under same.
Also at the same time and place
830 acres of land, more or less, in the
3rd District of said county. North
half of lot No. 1 1011-4, south half of
lot No. 2, 1011-4 acres, 150 acres of the
south and noth-east part of lot No. 3ft
east half of lot No. 39, 101 1-4 acres,
58 acres in the south-east part of lot
No, 59 136 1-4 acres, more or less,
north half of lot No. 1 and 35 acres of
the south part of lot No. 2 in the 6th
District of said county. Also 171
acres, of lot more less, 70 acres of west part,
No.234 and the west half of lot
No;233 in the 2nd Dist of said county.
Same levied upon as property of dc
fendent in fi fa, by virtue of an exe¬
cution iBsuedfrom tire Superior court
of said county in favor of JonathuD
C. Randoll vs, Erastus J. Hancock.
Also at the same time and place,
one store house and lot upon which
same is located in the town of Knox¬
ville said county. Lot measuring 40
x60 feet, house tronting on public
square and on the south side thereof.
Bounded on east and south by land
of Mrs. J. W. Blasingame and west
by land of J. H. Nolan. Levied on
as property of J. W. Blasingame bv
virtue of three fi-fns issued front
Justices court 673rd Dist G. M„ said
county. Two in favor of Atlanta
Wagon Co., and one in favor of At¬
lanta Paper Co. All against said J
W Blasingame. Terms cash. Wit¬
ness my hand officially, Feb, 28 1893.
Jno C. Culverhouse, Sheriff CC.
Also at the same time and place,
405 acres more or less, of land, in th*
Seventh District of said county, lota
Nos. 129 and 130. Levied on and sold
as the property of B H Ray to satis¬
fy an execution issuod aaainst him
for taxes, 8tato ana county, for tha
year, 1892:
Also at the same tiaae and place,
302 acres, more or less, of land, in th*
7th District of said county, lots and
parts of lots Nos. 47, 136 and 187.
Levied on and sold us the property
of Robert Coleman to satisfy an exe¬
cution issued against him for taxes
due the State and county for the
year 1893: Witness my hand official¬
ly, February 4th, 1893.
J. C. CufivuRHouse, Sheriff.
Georgia., Crawford County:-—
To all whom it may concern A J and
R B Scofill executors of the last will
and testament of Philip Scofill de¬
ceased, have applied to me for dis¬
mission from said trust. This is
to cite all persous at interest to show
cause before me on or before the first
Monday in June next, if any they
have. be granted Why {such discharge should
not or letters of dismissory
will be granted applicants n» applied
for Wittness my hand officially
this March 6th 1893.
,.T N. Mathews, Ordinary.
Ordinary’s Office, Crawford
County Georgia:—, John A Miller
and F A Adams administrators of
Howell Adams deceased have filed
with me their petition asking for
dismission from the administration
of estate of said decreased. This is to
notify nil persons *t interest that
they will he discharged from said
trust on lire first Monday in June
next and letters of dismissory grant¬
ed thorn unless good objections
thereto are filed on or before that
date. this March Witness tUh 1893, ray hand officially
J. N. Mathews, Ordinary.
Ordinary's Office, Crawford
County Georgia:—W J Dent, ad¬
ministrator of John WDent,deceas¬
ed, ha* filed with me his petition ask¬
ing for dismission from tire adminis¬
tration on estate of *aid deceased :
Thi* is to notify all persons at inter¬
est that he will he discharged from
said trust ou the first. Monday in May
next and letters of dismissory grant¬
ed him, unless good objections there¬
to are tiled on or before that date.
Witness my hand officially this Feb¬
ruary 7th 1893.
J. N. Matiiews, Ordinary.
GEORG 1A, Cr vwford County:—
Jno hi. Sharp has filed his petition t*
auiemi bis r'nplication for - homeitead
a id exemption, and l will pats upon
t po same at mv office in Knoxville
tin* Mr»t Monday in May next, at
o cloek o, m, Witness my hand
o.licit*liy An il 3rd 1893,
Juki. N . M a tm kws, Ordinary.